December Adventure, what is it?

And if you can believe's an ADVENTURE! ✶ in the domain of coding. The idea is to write some code every day during the upcoming month. Low key, just a little..

My thing will be learning about machines like Turing or Boltzmann ones (not sure that I'll be able to grasp the second one though), and prototyping my interpretations of how they work via code snippets. Probably in Python, to keep things simple?

Day 3 - Demonstration of internals

matplotlib? Graphviz? Just print..

visualisation of the internal state (variables) of the turing machine implementation from the prev day
Click (better don't)

def visualizer(logs):
           ✶ the MACHINE state
  for i, log in enumerate(logs):
    ] = log

    timer_value = 0.1 if awareness != condition else .7
    timer_value2 = 0.1 if awareness != condition else .5

    thing = f"""    ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────
    │    match?: {awareness == condition}   
    │    condition: {condition}               
    │    awareness: {awareness}   
    │    state: {state}                   
    │    action: {action}             
    │    value: {value}             
    │    move_to: {move_to}         
    │    next_state: {next_state}   
    │    tape: {tape}   
    if i != (len(logs) - 1):
      print(f"""                    ↓         """)



Day 2 - The "Regular" Turing Machine

"Universal" is cool, but I feel an urge to read something about interpreters first before trying to write one on my own. Meanwhile I've implemented a chill version

Shiny symbols

from typing import List, Union, Literal, TypedDict, Dict

def machine(tape: List) -> List:
    # "The symbol on the scanned square may be called the 'scanned symbol'
    # The 'scanned symbol' is the only one of which the machine is,
    # so to speak, 'directly aware'."
    awareness = 0

    state: Union[int, Literal["HALT"]] = 0

    class Action(TypedDict):
        move: List
        action: Literal["WRITE", "ERASE", "NONE"]
        value: Union[int, str, None]

    class Instruction(TypedDict):
        cond: Union[int, str, None]
        do: Action
        next_state: Union[int, Literal["HALT"]]

    instructions: Dict[int, List[Instruction]] = {
        0: [ {"cond": 0, "do": {"move": ["r", 0], "action": "NONE", "value": None}, "next_state": 2},
              {"cond": 1, "do": {"move": ["r", 0], "action": "ERASE", "value": None}, "next_state": 1} ],
        1: [ {"cond": None, "do": {"move": ["r", 0], "action": "WRITE", "value": "f"}, "next_state": 1},
              {"cond": "f", "do": {"move": ["r", 1], "action": "WRITE", "value": "l"}, "next_state": 1},
              {"cond": "l", "do": {"move": ["r", 1], "action": "WRITE", "value": "o"}, "next_state": 1},
              {"cond": "o", "do": {"move": ["r", 1], "action": "WRITE", "value": "w"}, "next_state": 1},
              {"cond": "w", "do": {"move": ["r", 1], "action": "WRITE", "value": "e"}, "next_state": 1},
              {"cond": "e", "do": {"move": ["r", 1], "action": "WRITE", "value": "r"}, "next_state": 1},
              {"cond": "r", "do": {"move": ["r", 1], "action": "NONE", "value": None}, "next_state": "HALT"} ],
        2: [ {"cond": 0, "do": {"move": ["r", 0], "action": "NONE", "value": None}, "next_state": "HALT"} ]

    while state != "HALT":
        current_instructions = instructions[state]
        for instruction in current_instructions:
            condition = instruction["cond"]
            thing_to_do = instruction["do"]
            action = thing_to_do["action"]
            value = thing_to_do["value"]
            next_state = instruction["next_state"]
            move_to = thing_to_do["move"]

            if tape[awareness] != condition:

            [direction, step] = move_to
            if direction == "r":
                next_awareness = awareness + step
                next_awareness = awareness - step

            awareness = next_awareness

            if action == "WRITE":
                tape[awareness] = value
            elif action == "ERASE":
                tape[awareness] = None

            state = next_state
            break  # Exit the for-loop after executing the instruction

    return tape

# I don't want to implement self-expanding data structure, since it's 
# feels less closer to the real machine, so Noneonneoneoe 
the_tape = [1, None, None, None, None, None]



It doesn't do anything fancy, and it's not even binary-encoded. It just does stuff (erases the first symbol and writes "flower" into the tape) if tape starts with 1, and does nothing if it starts from 0. Super simple, but it encapsulates(?) the whole concept of Turing Machine. Key components:

Day 1 - Intro to Turing machines

You step onto the road, keep your feet.

There are two types of Turing machines, "Regular" and "Universal". At first I thought about them as "just a function" and "high-order function which executes other functions". Well, not exactly right on an abstraction level. A closer analogy would be "hardcoded function" vs "programming language interpreter".

The main difference between these two machines is that "Regular" one contains instructions for a specific task AND those instructions are considered as part of the machine itself. "Universal" one does not contain instructions for a specific task, it reads them from the data itself.

Code is here

def regular(data):
    # Fixed set of instructions (part of the machine itself)
    instructions = {"reverse": lambda x: x[::-1]}

    result = instructions["reverse"](data)
    return result

def universal(data):
    for thing in data:
        [instruction, variable] = thing


"Universal" is a chef in a restaurant (any recipe - any dish), "Regular" is a person who is trained to do french fries only (one recipe one french fry, forever, french fries universe)

Original paper by Alan Turing
Nice little video about subject