Transmission Lost

~ Release by Sjellos (see all versions of this release, 1 available)

German Sjellos explores dusty old space ship corridors, where alien technology seem to playfully vibrate in harmony with the deep warp space drives that churn endlessly while propelling this huge metal beast through the dark vacuum of space. Sjellos takes us deep down into the forgotten temples on desolate planets long forgotten, both into outer and inner space.<\/p>\n","id":545273},"collapse":true,"entity":{"entityType":"release","gid":"6ec0c339-bf93-40a0-bebf-2fa5524b1c26","latest_annotation":{"creation_date":"2013-06-14T11:38:10Z","text":"German Sjellos explores dusty old space ship corridors, where alien technology seem to playfully vibrate in harmony with the deep warp space drives that churn endlessly while propelling this huge metal beast through the dark vacuum of space. Sjellos takes us deep down into the forgotten temples on desolate planets long forgotten, both into outer and inner space.","parent":null,"changelog":null,"editor":{"avatar":"","deleted":true,"entityType":"editor","id":787274,"name":"Deleted Editor #787274","privileges":0},"editsPending":false,"html":"

German Sjellos explores dusty old space ship corridors, where alien technology seem to playfully vibrate in harmony with the deep warp space drives that churn endlessly while propelling this huge metal beast through the dark vacuum of space. Sjellos takes us deep down into the forgotten temples on desolate planets long forgotten, both into outer and inner space.<\/p>\n","id":545273}},"numberOfRevisions":1}


German Sjellos explores dusty old space ship corridors, where alien technology seem to playfully vibrate in harmony with the deep warp space drives that churn endlessly while propelling this huge metal beast through the dark vacuum of space. Sjellos takes us deep down into the forgotten temples on desolate planets long forgotten, both into outer and inner space.

Annotation last modified on 2013-06-14 11:38 UTC.