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Muppet Wiki
DEBUT 1984
DESIGN Michael K. Frith

Fraggle Rock characters Wander McMooch and Brool in The Muppet Christmas Carol

Wander McMooch is a toad-like villain on Fraggle Rock, who lives in the realm of the Gorgs. He debuted in the second season episode "Junior Sells the Farm." A greedy real estate developer, McMooch cons Junior Gorg into selling the Gorgs' Castle and surrounding lands. Junior signs over the property in exchange for what McMooch claims are the mythical Peas of Power. Mokey and Red aid Junior in outwitting the con man. The plan only succeeds when McMooch discovers that Fraggles are on the property, as he lives in fear of the "cute" creatures.

McMooch returned the following season in "Home is Where the Trash Is." It's revealed that Wander McMooch is an old nemesis of Marjory the Trash Heap, and resides in a swamp outside of Fraggle Rock. When Philo and Gunge wander off to find their home, they are captured by McMooch and used as work animals. McMooch sings of his nastiness in the song "Manic McMooch." Once again, the Fraggles prove to be his undoing.

McMooch is a unique Fraggle Rock character in that he is totally evil with no redeeming features. Conflicts involving McMooch stem not from differences in perspective (as was usual for the series) but from his own inherent badness.

McMooch was described in design sketches as "a sort of lizardy-thing- to really get away from either Gorgs or Fraggles. Kind of a sleazy Mr. Toad." His costume reflected "Faded 'elegance'- torn coat, unraveling 'lamb' collar, greasy stock- etc. (ratty fringed belt...)"[1]

Like other Fraggle Rock bit players, Wander McMooch was later recycled as a utility puppet in other productions, notably as one of Fred's guests in The Muppet Christmas Carol (where he was played by David Rudman). McMooch also makes a cameo in Muppet Treasure Island as one of the pirates that attacks The Admiral Benbow Inn.

McMooch made a cameo in Mopatop's Shop.


In the episode "Junior Sells the Farm," the McMooch puppet is to scale with the Gorgs and the miniature Fraggles. But in "Home Is Where the Trash Is," McMooch is to scale with the full-sized Fraggle puppets.



  1. Michael Frith sketches, packaged with Fraggle Rock: Complete Third Season