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Mopatop's Shop
Written by Paul Larson
Director Tom Poole

Mopatop opens the episode by offering a snail that can jump, a thing that goes bump, or a two-headed Fuzzle Gump.

Puppyduck is trying to catch a Peekaboo that has escaped from the strange creature department. Mopatop tells Puppyduck that she should ask the Fuzzle Gump how to catch the Peekaboo. One head of the Fuzzle Gump says to leave out some food so that the Peekaboo eats it and will fall asleep. The other head says the food has to be very hot and very cold at the same time. Mopatop suggests Puppyduck leave out a hot food and a cold food so the Peekaboo can decide what to eat. Puppyduck leaves out a bowl of hot soup and a bowl of cold Ice cream. The Peekaboo sniffs the food, but doesn’t eat them. Moosey Mouse sees the bowl of ice cream and eats it. After eating the ice cream, Moosey is still hungry and wants a sizzling hot frozen donut.

At that moment, a customer enters the shop and says it has the jiggles. Puppyduck says that she had it once and explain that you move up and down when someone says the word, “jiggles.” The Fuzzle Gump says that the only cure for the jiggles is to stay completely still and move around as fast as you can. Mopatop understands the Fuzzle Gump and says that he will carry the customer while he moves around at the same time. After Mopatop moves around the store with the customer in his hand, Puppyduck says the word "jiggle" and the customer does not move around. The customer is happy and thinks the Fuzzle Gump will be great to have at her house. The customer leaves the store with the Fuzzle Gump following after her.

Just then, Puppyduck realizes that the food that is hot and cold at the same time is a sizzling hot frozen donut. She goes to the exotic food department to get the donut and sets it on the counter. The Peekaboo pops up and begins to eat the donut. The Peekaboo starts to fall asleep and Puppyduck takes it back to the strange creature department. Moosey sees part of the donut on the plate and happily eats it before the clock rings for the store to be closed.



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Episode 408: A Short Knight Episode 410: The Interrupting Cow