MTMD History
Structurally, MTMD is an organization composed of corporate bodies and stems from the bodily constitution of the Turkish Installation Engineers Association. During the Workshop of the Turkish Mechanical Engineers Association held in Abant in November 2006 entitled "The Current and Future of Mechanical Engineering", the "TTMD Istanbul Contractors' Association" was entrusted with the task of establishing an association that would bring together installation contractors with the aim of troubleshooting and ensuring the healthy and sustainable development of the profession concerned with undertaking of mechanical installations.
The commission worked on the formation of an establishment that would gather legal entities involved in mechanical installation commitments under the same roof, prepared the regulations of the association, designated the Interim Administrative Council on April 12, 2007 and started its endeavors following the task distribution. The association legalized its status on June 12, 2007 with the participation of 17 founder companies. The Mechanical Contractors' Association (MTMD) held its 1st Ordinary General Meeting on December 1, 2007 at ITU (Istanbul Technical University) Social Facilities in Macka. The representatives of 22 companies were present at the meeting.
The first term Administrative Board of the Association at the 1st Ordinary General Meeting was composed of Ersin G�kbudak (Chairman), ismet Mura (Assistant Chairman), Mur�it �elikkol (General Secretary), Recep Y�ld�z (Accountant), H�seyin Erdem (Member), Mustafa Bilge (Member), and Tahir Y�lmaz (Member). The alternate members of the Administrative Board were Tuncay Ayhan, Selim Evyapan, Faruk �zger, Hakan Bulgun and Cihan Akbulut. The full members of the Supervisory Board were Olgun Sonmez, Mustafa Arslancan, and �rfan �elimli, with alternate members being Metin Kaya, �smail Hakk� G�rler and Mehmet G�rhan.
The 2nd Ordinary General Meeting was held on May 30, 2009 and the members of the new Administrative and Supervisory Boards were elected. The committees designated by elections in which representatives of 33 companies took part were expected to serve their terms until 2011. The second term Administrative Board of the Association at the 2nd Ordinary General Meeting was composed of �smet Mura (Chairman), Recep Y�ld�z (Assistant Chairman), Mur�it �elikkol (General Secretary), Mustafa Aslancan (Accountant), Ersin G�kbudak (Member), Mustafa Bilge (Member), and Huseyin Erdem (Member). The alternate members of the Administrative Board were Cihan Akbulut, �rfan �elimli, Faruk �zger, Se�kin Ceran and Osman Ar�.The full members of the Supervisory Board were Tahir Y�lmaz, Tuncay Ayhan, Metin Kaya with alternate members being Selim Evyapan, �nder Boyal�kl� and Muammer Aslan.
The Mechanical Contractors' Association (MTMD) held its 3rd Ordinary General Meeting on May 28, 2011 at ITU (Istanbul Technical University) Social Facilities in Macka. The third term Administrative Board of the Association at the 3rd Ordinary General Meeting was composed of Recep Y�ld�z (Chairman), M�r�it �elikkol (Assistant Chairman), Mustafa Bilge (General Secretary), �rfan �elimli (Accountant), �smet Mura (Member), H�seyin Erdem (Member), and Osman Ar� (Member). The alternate members of the Administrative Board were Cihan Akbulut, Faruk �zger, F. Tuncay Ayhan, Aykut Aslan, Hakan Bulgun. The full members of the Supervisory Board were Tahir Y�lmaz, Metin Kaya, �nder Boyal�kl� with alternate members being Muammer Aslan and Mehmet R�za Gen�el.
The Mechanical Contractors' Association (MTMD) held its 4th Ordinary General Meeting on May 25, 2013 at Y�ld�z Hisar Facilities in Rumelihisar�. The fourth term Administrative Board of the Association at the 4th Ordinary General Meeting was composed of M�r�it �elikkol (Chairman), Mustafa Bilge (Assistant Chairman), �rfan �elimli (General Secretary), Faruk �zger (Accountant had been made between 25 May 2013 and 12 November 2013, �brahim Biner was selected as accountat after that time by Management Board because of Faruk �zger had resigned), Recep Y�ld�z (Member), Mehmet Uzel (Member), and �brahim Biner (Member until 12 November 2013 then accountant). The alternate members of the Administrative Board were Cihan Akbulut (until 12 Nowember 2013 then Member of Administrative Board), Osman Ar�, Aykut Aslan, �etin Y�ld�r�m, Ersin Karahan. The full members of the Supervisory Board were Tahir Y�lmaz, Mehmet Ali Bozyel, �nder Boyal�kl� with alternate members being Muammer Aslan, Metin Kaya, Tufan Tun� (valued elder who died June 16, 2014 we will celebrate with always longing and respect, we always felt the lack of him).