It is important to register the fact that when Dershowitz cried out against the Hampshire College divestment resolution, he did so by calling on donors to withdraw contributions from Hampshire. This is an old story. When Walt and Mearsheimer published…
Yesterday the Hampshire College administration was trying to distance itself from the monumental action the school’s Board of Trustees took in divesting from the Israeli occupation. Today Hampshire students have responded. From the SJP statement: Divestment from Apartheid South Africa…
Yesterday the story leaked that Alan Dershowitz was calling members of Hampshire Students for Justice in Palestine and threatening to organize an international boycott of the school following its decision to divest from the Israeli occupation. Dershowitz has clarified his…
From the Hampshire SJP blog: This is a monumental and historic step in the struggle for Palestinian equality, self-determination and peace in the Holy Land by non violent means. I see what these students have accomplished as a replica of…
Notice the namecalling and sophomoric goofiness in this post: Palestine is an addiction for Europe. Manchester University has once again announced a boycott of Israel. Very important university. Oy vey: in continuous decline since Chaim Weizman (later first president of…
The Jerusalem Post has picked up on the Hampshire divestment movement and reports that: A pro-Palestinian student group at Hampshire College in western Massachusetts irked the college administration by disseminating a message on-line Thursday congratulating the school for becoming the…
More news from the student actions that are still expanding across UK universities. What started on January 13th as a a 24-hour occupation at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London has now spread to the London School…
Alan Dershowitz certainly doesn’t waste any time in trying to shut down academic freedom. Hampshire SJP is reporting that Dershowitz has already contacted them with a threat. From the Hampshire SJP blog: Allen Dershowitz has just called SJP members and…
Students at Hampshire College have reason to celebrate. Hampshire has become the first college in the US to divest from the Israeli occupation. As the Students for Justice in Palestine press release points out, Hampshire was also the first college…