Why are New York Times reporters committed to parroting Israeli propaganda re the cherry tomato when the newspaper can’t cover the “extrajudicial execution” by the country of an 18-year-old Palestinian woman at a checkpoint?
Avram Meitner writes the slaughter of Eitan and Naama Henkin, two settlers killed yesterday while traveling between the settlements of Itamar and Elon Moreh, is terrorism in the same way that the slaughter of hundreds of innocent men, women and children in Gaza is terrorism. Either oppose both equally, or accept that you are led by primitive tribalism rather than principles.
Thousands of Palestinians in the West Bank city of Ramallah gathered outdoors Thursday evening to watch a simulcast of President Mahmoud Abbas address the United Nations General Assembly, and celebrate the raising of the Palestinian flag at UN headquarters. Despite the excitement at the event, many of the onlookers were skeptical of the achievement and voiced criticisms of Abbas’s announcement that the Palestinian Authority is no longer bound by the Oslo Accords.
Netanyahu sneered at the world for 44 seconds of canned silence at the UN General Assembly today, assailing the silence over Iranian threats . . . and the world laughed.
Yesterday was a big day for Palestine in New York, as its flag was ceremoniously raised to a packed crowd in the U.N.’s Rose Garden in New York City. And Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said he was dumping his obligations to coordinate security with Israel for the occupation, as laid out in the Oslo accords.
Hadil al-Hashlamoun was shot to death at a Hebron checkpoint by Israeli soldiers on September 22. Al-Hashlamoun’s family, a witness who has since fled to his native Brazil, and the human rights group Amnesty International all insist Hadil posed no threat to the firing soldiers. Yet the Israeli military has said Hadil was carrying a weapon, a claim that is disputed by the sole eyewitness present for the full encounter. Al-Hashlamoun’s parents now assert that the Israeli military planted a weapon near her body more than 30 minutes after she was struck with live-fire.