
February 2009


This is from the University of Plymouth student blog in England. They say there are 30+ “occupied universities” in the UK. AFter 4 days of occupation, Plymouth students say the university has agreed on Palestinian scholarship, aid to Gaza, and…

Just saw “Slumdog Millionaire.” Loved it. Very Dickensian. One comment: It interests me that the movie’s hero, Jamal Malik, is a Muslim. And so the world and the Motion Picture academy are celebrating a Muslim Oliver Twist. That’s helpful. And…

The battle is joined. The other side is gearing up. Here is a fabulous post by MJ Rosenberg saying that the Weekly Standard and other usual suspects want to hold McCarthy-like hearings about Chas Freeman. Meantime, something I somewhat-apprehended last…

Here’s why I believe in the Israel lobby theory of American Middle East policy. Here is Anne Bayefsky in Forbes the other day urging the Obama administration not to “sacrifice” Israel to the U.N.’s Durban conference. (Advice taken.) Bayefsky is…