Tonight I was driving home from a friend’s in Dutchess County, near Bruce Kovner’s vast country estate, when a black cat ran across Route 82 right in front of me. I hit the brakes, missed the cat. Still, I wondered…
Last fall at the behest of black-shirted Marty Peretz, who promised a “frightening” evening, Yivo, the Yiddish Institute in New York, held a panel on the book The Israel Lobby, called Walt and Mearsheimer: A Critical Response. For nearly two…
Joe Klein is getting an army. Here is Daniel Levy of the Century Foundation and J Street, writing in Huffpo, to say it’s time for a soul-searching over the Jewish community’s giving of haven to Feith and the other neocons:…
We can’t reform U.S. policy in the Middle East without reforming Jewish identity–because Jews are simply too important in American society, that’s why. And reforming Jewish identity means challenging 1, Jewish parochialism–Is it good for the Jews?–and 2, Jewish exceptionalism–“We…
I turned to J Street this morning to see where they are on Netanyahu’s push for an election in Israel. No comment. AIPAC also is concerned with Iran. Isn’t there a strong American interest in heading off Netanyahu and Shaul…
I think I’m missing the point. Joe Klein is on fire, as they say. Here he is letting it rip again on the neocons and apologizing for supporting the Iraq war. Here are Josh Marshall and Jed Lewison standing up…
This weekend I took a truckload of my mother’s junk to the Falmouth town dump. Inside the gate is a Quonset hut with a sign saying “Pick of the Litter.” You can leave stuff that has a second life there….
Great scandal produces great characters. Lucianne Goldberg… Matt Drudge… Gordon Liddy… Ollie North… In spite of his best efforts to rehabilitate himself in print, Douglas Feith is emerging as the neocon fool, par excellence. In the interview I just blogged…
Jeffrey Goldberg has a great interview with Joe Klein on his blog, remarkable for a few things. First you see Klein unbound. He’s really smart. He stands by his criticism of Jewish neocons as having dual loyalties and then sounds…