
Easily display interactive 3D models on the web & in AR

Quick Start

Min Zip Latest Release NPM Package
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Getting Started

  1. FAQ: Introduction & much more

  2. Editor: Test your 3D models and download a starter website


  1. Examples: Advanced usage

  2. API Reference



    Min Zip Latest Release
  1. Examples

  2. API Reference

Browser Support

<model-viewer> is supported on the last two major versions of all evergreen desktop and mobile browsers, plus the last two versions of Safari (on MacOS and iOS).

These browser features are only needed if you wish to use webxr in ar-modes:

Feature Chrome Canary Safari Firefox Edge Samsung Internet
WebXR Device API icon-check icon-check icon-na icon-na icon-check icon-check
WebXR HitTest API icon-check icon-check icon-na icon-na icon-check icon-check
WebXR DOM Overlay API icon-check icon-check icon-na icon-na icon-check icon-check
Natively supported
Available with polyfill
Behind a flag, unstable
Not available