More US terrorist attacks visited on Iraqi children, ambulances & Buddhist statues

After their successful terrorist attack on a Somali residential neighborhood last week, the US has once again turned to terrorist attacks on Iraq and Afghanistan, where the ancient Buddhist statues partially destroyed by the Taliban were in turn pummeled again by the evil empire of the Pentagon. In Iraq, CNN reports 3 boys killed in Iraq airstrike, companion says. In other US terrorist strikes, the US destroyed ambulances and part of an Iraqi hospital.

Tibetans riot in China

Tibetans inhabit the poorest province of China, and the average income is only about $400 per year. The Tibetans are an oppressed minority in a capitalist China run by a single party, the very much corrupted Chinese Communist Party, and they occupy a terrain that is a gigantic part of China yet that is very sparsely populated. That makes them a perfect target for US and European manipulation, in the West’s war to marginalize China away from their own control of world power.

Many Western intellectual types are fond of Buddhism, which they see as a peaceful and nonviolent alternative to the dominant religion of their own countries, which is Christianity. They associate Tibet with Buddhism. They love the Dalai Lama, the leader of the Tibetan aristocracy in exile, who is also considered a spiritual Buddhist leader. These Western intellectuals think that all that is Tibetan relates somehow to their beliefs that non-violence is the only method to bring about change in the world, or to achieve inner peace.
However, the rioters in Tibet do not support much anything at all to do with that philosophy. These Buddhist monks and their supporters attacked stores, and burned cars in the streets. They rioted.

see… Dozens killed in Tibetan protests

This event had more in common with the LA riots than with any peaceful, supposedly non-violent religion. This was the action of not only an outraged ethnic grouping, but also a relgious grouping that thinks it is getting a raw deal from the dominant ethnic group. They probably are, but the Western governments are no more concerned about Tibetan welfare than they are about Albanian welfare.

Still, the US and European government see Tibet as a grand opportunity to manipulate Western opinion against Chinese nationalism, in favor of their own nationalisms. That is simply a fact.

See video of riots…. Cars burn in Tibet riots Hardly just ‘non-violence’ in action.

The Golden Rule in world religions

What kind of christianity is it we’re practicing with our tortures and war?

622 AD
No one of you is a believer until he desires
for his brother that which he desires for himself.

27 AD
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
      Luke 6:31
200 BC
Regard your neighbor’s gain as your gain,
and your neighbor’s loss as your own loss.

      Tai Shang Kan Yin P’ien
500 BC
Do not do to others what you would not like
yourself. Then there will be no resentment
against you, either in the family or in the state.

      Analects 12:2
600 BC
That nature alone is good which refrains from doing
another whatsoever is not good for itself.

      Dadisten-I-dinik, 94,5
600 BC
Hurt not others in ways that you yourself
would find hurtful.

      Udana-Varga 5,1
1300 BC
What is hateful to you, do not do to your fellowman.
This is the entire Law; all the rest is commentary.

      Talmud, Shabbat 3id
1500 BC
This is the sum of duty; do naught onto others
what you would not have them do unto you.

      Mahabharata 5,1517

From ChristopherNewsletter through TeachingValues through ThomasMC.

In defense of fundamentalism

Mankind is going in circles.

When you look at the Greek histories you can see periods of democracy and liberty lead to corruption and oppression, until the next democracy emerges centuries later.

From the dark ages emerged the Renaissance whose sun is still shining on our times, if perhaps just our subconscience by twilight. For we are descending again into darkness, this time a secular dark age.

The common man’s adventures in self fulfillment are going off cycle.

Advances in medicine and science, our understanding of the natural world, make us think that humanity is progressing. But this is not progress. this is merely complication. Who’s to say that a scientist has any better grasp of the workings of the universe than does a shaman? Because you can read a book doesn’t mean you can throw it further.

In philosophy as well as science, there is a sense that through time, each successive thought builds upon our past. Yet you’d be hard pressed to find a scholar who could say that any philosopher or scientist has surpassed yet Aristotle. As Eisenstein was to be with film, so Aristotle was to rational man: medium fully explored.

From an Eastern perspective, Buddhism has for quite a long time been trying to raise the world’s consciousness. An admirable goal, but has it succeeded from one generation to the next?

Man’s personal development certainly goes in circles. Development leads to entropy and decay. Vitality flourishes then becomes decadence. By the time you have a culture preoccupied with its sex life, you’ve got a people with a spirituality going nowhere.

You can look around today and see signs of this decay everywhere. Look at the ultra-violent video games or at a mass media obsessed with sex: a sexuality absolutely removed from procreation.

While it’s hard to explain why any of these preoccupations are vices per se, they are traditional signs of end times. They accompany the death of culture, as the decline of the Roman Empire, as before them the Greeks. They signal biblical end times like Babel, Sodom and so on.

To champion personal freedoms may feel righteous. What feels more natural than the motivation to explore and indulge our personal proclivities? But perhaps this is only hastening the end of our cycle.

Why not instead try to transcend this downward curve?

Fundamentalist religions do this. They deny human nature because they want to transcend it. They see mankind’s weakness to succumb to idolatry and self destruction and they think maybe this time they can avert it.

That’s my guess as to what they think they are doing.