How to set a new OneNote screenshot shortcut in Windows 8.1

Image representing Microsoft as depicted in Cr...


Since in Windows 8.1, the Window+S key is used for search, it overrides OneNote screenshot shortcut. For now, you can manually set a shortcut key to Windows + A for OneNote screenshot. You’ll have to change the shortcut key through your registry. (Note: Unintended changes in your registry can cause problems, so make sure you follow these instructions exactly.)


1. Use Windows + R to pull up this dialog, and type regedit.




2. Now in the folders on the left, navigate down this path:




Note: The path requires the specific version of Office. In the path above, 15.0 refers to Office 2013. If you’re using Office 2010, type 14.0 in place of 15.0 at the end of the path.  Replace 15.0 with 12.0 if you’re using Office 2007.


3. In the folder named Other, right-click the white space underneath the files in that folder and select New, then select DWORD (32-bit) Value.


DWORD dialog


4. In the text entry field that pops up, type ScreenClippingShortcutKey. You just created a new DWORD. (If you are in Office 12.0, this DWORD will already exist.)


5. Right click this DWORD and select Modify, then in the Value field, type 41.


Your new shortcut key has been assigned to Windows + A. Now log off and log on again and you should be all set!


Windows 8.1 to launch in October

Microsoft today confirmed what had been widely rumored for the past week: Windows 8.1 will bereleased to the general public in October. Specifically, “starting at 12:00am on October 18th in New Zealand (that’s 4:00am October 17th in Redmond), Windows 8.1 will begin rolling out worldwide as a free update for consumers on Windows 8 through the Windows Store.”

Today’s announcement indirectly confirms what my sources have also told me, which is that Windows 8.1 has been officially is in escrow, awaiting the final, formal designation that it’s been released to manufacturing.

Update: A Microsoft spokesperson says Windows 8.1 has not yet been released to manufacturing. “Development of Windows 8.1 continues to be on track, and we expect to reach the RTM milestone and release Windows to our OEM partners in late August.”

In Microsoft’s partner-driven world, that’s an important milestone. It means the code is on its way to OEMs, who in turn can incorporate it into new hardware designs for shipment this fall. After a year of generally miserable Windows 8 sales, those OEMs could use some good news to drive holiday sales.

The most visible change in Windows 8.1 is the addition of a “boot to desktop” option, as well as significant changes to the Start screen and support for smaller form factors. (For A full list of changes, see “Windows 8.1 unveiled: will it change your mind about Windows 8?”)

Customers, though, are going to have to wait.

Why the lengthy delay (more than two months) between this milestone and General Availability? I’ve heard some conspiracy theories suggesting that this isn’t the realrelease and that Microsoft is still furiously swatting bugs between now and an October public release.

The actual reasons, I suspect, are more mundane:

First, hardware makers need time to tweak drivers and utilities for existing devices so that the upgrade process goes more smoothly. That’s crucial for devices that require firmware upgrades to work properly with the new code. On the Windows 8.1 Preview forums, I’ve read page after page of reports from frustrated Preview users who had either failed upgrades or problems with incompatible devices. OEMs can’t afford widespread issues for customers getting released code.

Second, Microsoft still has work to do on its first-party Windows 8 apps, especially the unified Windows communication suite that incorporates the Mail, People, and Calendar apps.

And finally, those few extra months allow time for some high-profile third-party developers to get on board with Windows 8 apps. Facebook, for example, is still missing in action on the platform.

There will also, of course, be fixes for the official Windows 8.1 code between now and October, released via Windows Update. But the update itself is locked down.

There’s no indication in today’s consumer announcement of when the Windows 8.1 code will be available for developers on MSDN, nor when the Enterprise edition will be available for general release. I’ve asked Microsoft for comment and will update this post when I hear back. Update: Microsoft declined to comment on either of these questions.


Add a Shutdown menu to the Windows 8 desktop

As you know, the Start menu in Windows not only provided you with a way to launch your application but also a way to shut down your computer. For example, in Windows 7 there is a Shut down as well as a pop-up menu that displays six other related options: Switch user, Log off, Lock, Restart, Sleep, and Hibernate.

In Windows 8, these options are spread out between the Power Charm and the context menu associated with your user picture on the Start screen, as shown in Figure A. Unfortunately, this new arrangement isn’t convenient for everyone. I’ve heard numerous complaints about this as well as requests for the ability to shut down or restart the system to be put back on the desktop.

Figure A

This composite image shows the power options on the Power Charm and the context menu associated with your user picture.

I began investigating this possibility and have found a technique that will allow you to recreate a reasonable facsimile of the Shut down pop-up menu on Windows 8’s desktop. The technique involves creating a series of shortcuts using special commands, saving them to a folder, and then specifying that folder as a taskbar toolbar. Let take a closer look.

The special commands

As you may know, Windows comes with a command line utility called Shutdown.exe that, along with special parameters, can be used to create the majority of the options for our Shut down menu. To create the other options we’ll use two other command line utilities: Rundll32.exe and Tsdiscon.exe. These commands and their parameters are shown in Table A.

Table A

Menu option


Shut down shutdown.exe /s /t 00
Restart shutdown.exe /r /t 00
Log off shutdown.exe /l
Sleep or Hibernate rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState
Lock rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation
Switch user tsdiscon.exe

Sleep vs. Hibernate

The differences between activating Sleep and Hibernate from the command line in Windows 8 can be tricky, so be aware.

As you can see the same command line is used to initiate Sleep and Hibernate. If you have the Hibernate feature enabled, then this command line will put the system into Hibernation mode. If you have the Hibernate feature disabled, then this command line will put the system into Sleep mode.

Keep in mind that if the Hibernate feature is disabled, then the only power saving option you will have available is Sleep mode. If the Hibernate feature is enabled, then both power saving options, Hibernate and Sleep, will be available – just not both from the command line.

If you leave the Hibernate feature enabled, then you can use a shortcut to activate the Hibernation mode and can then activate Sleep mode from the Power Charm or by configuring the power button on the computer to activate Sleep mode. As such, I chose to leave the Hibernate feature enabled.

Now, if you want to disable or enable the Hibernate feature, you will press [Windows]+X to bring up the Tools menu and then select Command Prompt (Admin). Then, you will use one of the following commands:

powercfg -hibernate off
powercfg  -hibernate on

Creating the shortcuts

In order to use the taskbar toolbar, you’ll need to create all your shortcuts in a single folder. To make it simple, I created a folder called Shut down and then used Create Shortcut wizard to create my shortcuts in that folder. To do so, just right click on the background and choose the New | Shortcut command. When you see the first screen in the Create Shortcut wizard, type the first command from Table A in the text box, as shown in Figure B.

Figure B

Type the first command from Table A in the text box.

In this command, the /s is the shut down parameter and the /t 00 is the timer parameter which instructs the shut down command to shut down the system in 00 seconds or immediately. Once you type the command, you can click Next. When you see the second screen in the Create Shortcut wizard, type Shut down as shown in Figure C. To complete the wizard, just click Finish.

Figure C

Name this shortcut Shut down.

Once you create the Shutdown shortcut, you’ll create the Restart shortcut, as shown in Figure D. In this command, the /r is the restart parameter and the /t 00 is the timer parameter which instructs the shut down command to restart the system immediately.

Figure D

The /r parameter instructs the shutdown command to restart the computer.

You can then create the Log off shortcut as shown in Figure E. In this command, the /l is the log off parameter.

Figure E

The /l parameter instructs the shutdown command to Log off the computer.

You’ll then create the Hibernate shortcut as shown in Figure F. In this command line, rundll32.exe activates the Power Profile (powerprof.dll) and then launches the default power saving mode (SetSuspendState). Keep in mind that case is important in this last command – you must use both upper and lower case letters.

Figure F

You must use both upper and lower case letters in last part of the Hibernate command.

You can now create the Lock shortcut as shown in Figure G. In this command line, rundll32.exe accesses the currently logged on user’s session (user32.dll) and locks the session (LockWorkStation). Again, case is important in the last command.

Figure G

The last part of the Lock command must use both upper and lower case letters.

The Switch user shortcut is quite simple, as you can see in Figure H. There is only the tsdiscon.exe command – no parameters.

Figure H

The Switch user shortcut has a simple command.

Once you have created your shortcuts, you can assign each one a unique icon if you wish. To do so, right click on the shortcut icon and select the Properties command. When you see the Properties dialog box, click the Change Icon button to open the Change Icon dialog box. Then, click the Browse button. You can find a host of icons in the Shell32.dll file, as shown in Figure I.

Figure I

The Shell32.dll file contains a host of icons.

Creating the toolbar

Now that you have your shortcuts created in the Shut down folder, you can create the toolbar. Right-click on the taskbar and then select the Toolbars | New toolbar command, as shown in Figure J.

Figure J

Select the New toolbar command.

When you do, you’ll see the New Toolbar – Choose a folder dialog box and will need to locate and select the Shutdown folder, as shown in Figure K.

Figure K

In the New Toolbar – Choose a folder dialog box, just select the Shutdown folder.

Your new Shut down menu will now appear on the right edge of the taskbar, as shown in Figure L. You can leave it there or you can move it to the far left if you want. For me it works best on the right side of the taskbar. Regardless of where you place it, you can now quickly and easily Shut down, Restart, Lock, Log off, Hibernate, or Switch user right from the Windows 8 desktop.

Figure L

The Shut down menu may work best on the right side of the taskbar.

Allowing Oracle ports in Windows Firewall

If you plan to install Oracle Database XE onto a computer running Windows Firewall, which was first introduced in Windows XP Service Pack 2 and Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1, and then connect to it from another computer, check that the firewall has not been configured to block communication from the following incoming ports. These ports are the default ports that Oracle Database XE users.

  • 1521: Oracle Database Listener
  • 2030: Oracle Services for Microsoft Transaction Server
  • 8080: Oracle HTTP Transaction Server

To allow these ports follow the instructions defined here.

After that port will now be opened and ready to be used.

Windows 8 Consumer Preview

Windows 8 Consumer Preview is now available for download.You can either use a setup or an ISO file to download and install.

Setup file can be downloaded from:

and ISO can be downloaded from:

I’ll try to install it on my virtual machine and will post comments about how was the experience. So stay tuned for more updates.

Map Windows Live SkyDrive to access via Windows Explorer

Windows Live SkyDrive provides 25GB of space which you can use to backup your stuff. But using Browser is sometimes not desirable. But you can access your Windows Live SkyDrive storage in Windows Explorer.

1. Visit SkyDrive ( and login with your Live ID.

2. If you have not used SkyDrive before click on the My Documents folder.

My Documents in Windows Live Skydrive

3. Now look at the address bar. You should find your unique ID there in the URL ( – see the screenshot below; it’s in the greyed out area and is unique to you). Copy this ID to the clipboard, as we’ll need it shortly. Use the back button in IE if you don’t see the ID right away.
Unique ID in address bar

4. Now, open your Computer in Windows Explorer (either go Start menu / Computer, or just press WindowsKey +Eto go straight there), and you’ll see “Map Network Drive in the menu. Click that.

Which Network woudl you like to map?

5. In the new dialog box that choose your drive letter using the dropdown. I will be choosing S: for mine (Sky Drive). Now in the Folder field (just below the Drive dropdown) type, \\\your_skydrive_id\^2Documents (replacing “your_skydrive_id” with the ID you copied in Step 1). Press Finish  and wait a little while, and you’ll get a logon box… enter your Windows Live ID and press OK.

Connect to

6. You’ll now have mapped your Network Drive, and might notice that you have your Unique ID included in the name. So for security, just right mouse click on the name within Windows Explorer, choose rename from the drop down and call it anything you want.

That’s it! You can now use your Windows Live Skydrive just as your local drive :)

Windows 8 installation error: HAL_INITIALIZATION_FAILED

I downloaded the Windows 8 Developer Preview from and tried to install on Virtual PC, but got the following error.

Your PC ran in to a problem that it couldn’t handle,and now it needs to restart.

You can search for the error online: HAL_INITIALIZATION_FAILED

I also tried VMWare Player, but to no avail.

To fix this problem you need to use VirtualBox or VMWare Workstation 8.

Try these and you will be up and running Windows 8 Developer Preview :)

[Note: This post is about Windows Developer Preview. Microsoft has now launched Windows 8 Consumer Preview. You can see my post on it at]