Terminal Minesweeper

Some people think terminals are not designed for real time gaming. They are wrong.
game intro
Works on Windows, Linux, macOS, Android*, and iOS*.
* through Terminus using no emoji mode. Stable Internet connection required.

Try online

ssh [email protected]
Password: mines
Please check the terminal compatibility list first

Features Overview

game overview

Cursor support

game intro
On compatible terminals only

Keyboard support

game intro
Including Vim keybindings

Chord support

game intro
By middle-clicking or pressing [space]

Built-in help page

game intro
Toggle with [i] (why? because [h] is reserved for vim)


Terminal Compatibilities

Fully compatible Partially compatible Incompatible
Kitty macOS Terminal [4] cmd.exe
Terminator iTerm2 [1] powershell.exe
Konsole Windows Terminal (Powershell) [3][8] Cygwin
GNOME Terminal Terminus [2][3]
Windows Terminal (WSL2) JetBrains IDE [1][2]
tmux [5] GNU Screen [5][6]
VSCode Integrated Terminal[1][9] Windows Terminal (SSH) [1][3][7]
[1] Right click is not passed to the game by default (you can use [F] instead) [2] Can only be played under no-emoji mode (toggle with [T] or launch with --no-emoji) [3] Mouse hover is not passed to the game [4] On trackpad, you have to double-click to get the game to recognize it [5] Compatibility also depends on the underlying terminal [6] Background color does not render when used inside Kitty [7] Mouse clicks do not work [8] Startup animation is painfully slow (launch with -q to bypass it) [9] Right click can be passed to the game by changing terminal.integrated.rightClickBehavior to nothing in settings

Support Me

If you would like to support me, please give this project a star on GitHub. This will keep me motivated to make future projects like this. You can also help by providing additional servers to this game. If you would like to do that, please contact me.


usage: minesweeper [-e | -i | -h | -c WIDTH HEIGHT MINES] [-d] [-f FRAMERATE]
                   [--silent-checks] [--no-animation] [-q] [--ignore-failures]
                   [--no-emoji] [--debug] [--help]

  -e, --easy            Set the game difficulty to easy (9x9 board with 10
                        mines). This is the default
  -i, --intermediate    Set the game difficulty to intermediate (16x16 board
                        with 40 mines).
  -h, --hard            Set the game difficulty to hard (16x30 board with 99
                        Set a custom game difficulty.
  -d, --dark-mode       Enable dark mode.
  -f FRAMERATE, --framerate FRAMERATE
                        Cap the framerate. Set to 0 to disable, which is the
                        default. If MINESWEEPER_FORCE_FPS env is set, this
                        option will be ignored.
  --silent-checks       Performs the initial system checks quickly and
  --no-animation        Skip the startup and closing animations. May cause a
                        significant screen flicker when the program starts.
  -q, --quick           A shortcut argument that is the equivalent of
                        supplying both --silent-checks and --no-animation.
  --ignore-failures     Ignore all failures in the initial system checks. Not
  --no-emoji            Use unicode characters to replace all the emojis. Note
                        that all emojis used by this program are from Emoji
                        v1.0 released in 2015.
  --debug               Enable debug mode.
  --help                Show this help message and exit.
Copyright © 2020-2022 Mia Celeste