Hi, I’m Michelle

I make websites.

Michelle Barker profile picture

About me

My name is Michelle Barker and I’m a CSS nerd 👋 I’m currently a Senior Front End Developer at Ada Mode, where I work on Windscope, web-based data visualisation and exploration software for wind farm operators.

I like building fun, creative websites and side projects that are also performant and accessible. I also love playing the drums. My happy place is where creativity and code intersect ☺️

You can also find me writing and speaking about CSS and digital sustainability on the web and around the world 🌍


I regularly write about front end topics on my popular blog, CSS { In Real Life }. I also write for other reputable publications, including:


I sometimes speak about front end development at web conferences and meetups. Past topics include CSS layout and digital sustainability. Some of the events I’ve spoken at:

See some of my past presentations

Get in touch

Find me in these places:

Or email me at [email protected]