A downloadable Program for Windows

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This is Command Prompt Mini v4.0 . These are all the commands this program includes:

>say [Text]

Prints the [Text].

>solve [Equation]

Solves the mathematical equation [Equation].


Clears the terminal.


Exits the program.


Does the same thing as exit but it's way cooler.

>file new [Directory]

Creates a new file at [Directory].

>folder new [Directory]

Creates a new folder at [Directory].

>file delete [Directoty]

Deletes the specified file/folder.Most of the time it gives the error " [WinError 5] Access is denied: [Directory]"

>run [Program]

Runs the [Program]. Opens only hard-coded programs such as mspaint or notepad.


Lists all the possible commands.

>binarize [Text]

Turns the [Text] into binary code.

>unbinarize [Binary_Code]

Turns the [Binary_Code] into ASCII text.

>locate [IP_Adress]

Locates the [IP_Adress] if it's public.


Shuts down the computer.


Restarts the computer.

>remove testsign

Removes testsigning after a restart.

>add testsign

Adds the testsign after a restart.


Prints the date.


Prints the time.

>randint [max]

Prints a random integer from 0 to [max]


Picks between 0 and 1 randomly.

>playsound [sound]

Plays the sound in the directory "sounds/". Supports only *.mp3 files. It has the sample sounds "cha_ching","collect_coin" and "twinkle_twinkle_little_star".

>addsound [directory]

Moves the sound file in the specified directory to sounds/"/

>press [key]

Presses the specified key.


Writes the lorem ipsum placeholder paragraph.


Lists the sound files in the directory "sounds/"

>search [search_query]

Search for the [search_query]

>url [url]

Opens the [url] on a web browser.


Shows the desktop(on windows)


Same as desktop,but for MacOS

>timer [time]

Waits [time] seconds and plays a sound then

>cmd [command]

Runs [command] on the real built-in Command Prompt then prints the result

>password [length]

Generates a password based on the [lenght]


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Version 4.0.zip 41 MB
Version 3.0.zip 7 MB

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