Partnerships 4 Empowerment & Networking in Kenya (PEN)
PEN Kenya is a registered NGO with the NGO Coordination Board of Kenya. It was founded to strengthen not-for-profit groups and organizations across the entire field of civil culture throughout East Africa. Issues addressed include internal capacity to deliver, account for resources, demonstrate tangible results, governance, leadership.
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Enhancing Civil Society Capacity and Enabling Environment for the Achievement of SDGs in Kenya
PEN Kenya in addressing the shrinking civic and democratic space that has become a major governance issue for the civil society and other independent voices and actors, at all levels in the society, sought our video production expertise to help document the project results for the UNDP Amkeni Wakenya funded project. The main objective of this project was to enhance the capacity of CSOs to advocate for civic space and other governance issues that are pertinent to realization of an enabling operating environment.
The project was implemented nationally and in for counties, that is, Turkana, Kwale, Kilifi and Kitui. It targeted CSOs; Policy makers; civil society regulatory authorities; County Governments; and, organizations representing the youth, Persons with Disability, and the marginalized and minority groups.