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Gruppi utenti

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
This page is a translated version of the page User groups and the translation is 27% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
This page is about user groups and rights on MediaWiki, for the simple and flexible affiliation structure please see Wikimedia User Groups

La siquenti è na lista dê classi utenti prisenti ntê pruggetti Wikimedia Foundation. È organizzata nta n'òrdini dicriscenti apprussimativu di pirmissi. Di nutari ca l'òrdini nun è direttamenti currilatu cô "putiri" ntô veru senzu dâ palora, ma chiuttostu s'arrifirisci ê liveddi d'accessu ô nternu dô software MediaWiki. Sibbeni l'abbilità tècnichi sunnu li stissi nta tutti li pruggetti Wikimedia, arcuni difinizzioni di classi e roli diffirìscinu di wiki a wiki.

Gruppi lucali

On Meta

Without global effects

With global effects

On some other wikis

On one other wiki


Gruppi glubbali

Talìa macari Global groups e Global rights .

Abuse filter helper

The abuse filter helpers global group was created to allow its users global access to view the contents of abuse filters marked as private and their corresponding abuse log entries.

Abuse filter maintainer

Abuse filter maintainer is a global user group assigned by stewards that permits trusted users access to view, and where appropriate, edit abuse filters. This permission is enabled on every public Wikimedia wiki that shares access via CentralAuth and SUL, and is only to be used for non-controversial maintenance, or by request of the local community. Since users in this group can seriously disrupt Wikimedia wikis if used incorrectly, the abuse filter maintainer permission is only assigned to users who have a strong track record in maintaining abuse filters.

API high limit requestor

Voce principale: API high limit requestors

Users within the API high limit requestors global user group could have a higher API query limit.

This group offers the apihighlimits user right, and enables a maximum 5000 results when querying via API. Normally, bots and sysops automatically have this right.

CAPTCHA exemptions

Voce principale: CAPTCHA exemptions

Users within the CAPTCHA exemptions global user group won't be prompted to enter CAPTCHAs by Extension:ConfirmEdit, for example when saving a page with new external links in it. This permission is only assigned to users that have demonstrated a need for it. Users may request access to captcha-exempt at Steward requests/Global permissions.

Accepted rationales for granting this right:

Bot glubbali

Li bot glubbali hannu lu liveddu d'accessu di bot nta tutti li wiki ntê quali li bot glubbali sunnu abbilitati (l'abbilitazzioni a stu flag havi a èssiri pirmisa esplicitamenti dê policy lucali, qui è pussìbbili vìdiri na lista dê wiki ntê quali li bot glubbali sunnu pirmisi). Li bot glubbali sunnu suggetti a li stissi policy dê bot ca lìmitanu sti bot a còmpiti spicìfici.

Global deleters

Voce principale: Global deleters

Global deleters help users transition to global user pages or manage their user pages crosswiki via the Synchbot service. The group lets members delete and undelete pages on all wikis, and complements the interface editor group.

Interface editors

Interface editors is a global group that allows its members to modify interface pages and protected templates on all Wikimedia projects. A user may be given this permission if they are a highly experienced js/css/template coder. It should be used only to perform non-controversial tasks. As a rule this permission is assigned for a finite duration—up to a year.

Global IP block exempt

The global IP block exemption is a global group that allows users to bypass global IP blocks and rangeblocks.

Rollback glubbali

L'utenti chê dritti di rollback glubbali ponnu annullari na serii di canciamenti effittuati di n'utenti cu un sulu click nta qualsìasi wiki, suprattuttu p'eliminari li vannalismi e nzirimenti senza senzu. L'utenti ca vonno usufruiri di stu drittu hannu a addimustrari d'èssiri attivi ntâ lotta ê vannalismi cross-wiki.


Amministratura glubbali

L'amministratura glubbali sunnu utenti cu l'accessu di amministraturi nta tanti wiki nichi, suprattuttu cu l'obbiettivu di cummàttiri e cuntrastari li vànnali n assenza d'amministratura lucali. Ottèninu lu flag doppu na discussioni priliminari effittuata nta Steward requests/Global permissions.


New wikis importers

New wikis importers are users who regularly deal with the import of pages to the new wikis created per the language proposal policy, from their respective test wikis (Incubator, BetaWikiversity or OldWikisource). This is a merely technical routine task that should be done by experienced importers (see the log of past imports).

Two-factor authentication tester

The two-factor authentication tester group allows users to enable two-factor authentication even if they don't belong to any of the groups that are normally allowed to enable it.


Li steward hannu n'accessu cumpletu â ntirfaccia wiki e sunnu ncarricati di l'applicazzioni, dô puntu di vista pràtticu, dô cunzenzu cumunitariu, d'occupàrisi di situazzioni d'emirgenza e di ntirvèniri contra li vannalismi cross-wiki.

Talìa midemma:

VRT permissions agents

VRT permissions agents are users who have access to the permissions queues of the Wikimedia VRTS. The global group is used primarily for identification purposes, and the only user right it contains is the ability to activate two factor authentication.

Talìa puru