By Trina Machacek

There is a myth, yes, it’s a myth, that there are left brained and right brained people. Of course those are the myth-misfits that say it’s a myth. Neurologically there is a difference between the right brain that is all smart and cerebral and analytical. As compared to the left brain that is more yippee and seat of the pants living. Or is it the other way around?  But! Yes, a two sided “but.” Our brains do have two ways to deal with and survive life. I looked it all up. You know, to save you the time.

Trina Machacek

The left side is listed as fact based and learned. Bigger words are used; however I am a righty soul, so I just say the right side is where our smarts are located. Oh, the right side. The party side as I now call it. It is where all the party hats and non-verbal winks and nods are happening. To be fair, we need them both. “HA,” thinks my right brain. As it calls my left brain a “party pooper.”

I recently had a brain MRI and can tell you I was shocked as anyone to see the pictures afterwards. I actually do have a brain—and there are two sides! Who knew?  Which brings me to what I have noticed a few times.

Do we all fall into the pattern of left and right. Oh, not the smarts verse the party. The first thing I noticed is that every time I put on my shoe, I put on the left one first. Without even thinking about it or planning it. Left then right. Yesterday I tried putting on my right shoe first. Nothing happened. But I did feel a little awkward. Might it have been that my left shoe was on my right foot? After I fixed the shoe kerfuffle, I still felt a bit off. So today I put on lefty then righty and so far, all is right with the world. Well except it is only 42 degrees outside right now. But one must make adjustments in one’s life. Oh my. That is definitely my left brain speaking all snooty.

After the shoe left/right discovery, next came my toothbrush. I am that one person that takes great pleasure in squeezing the toothpaste tube in the middle. It comes, I think, from my right-brain side of being a rebel. Even is the paste inside is supposed to come out with stripes of blue mouth wash stuff and a white center. By the end of my tube it’s all mixed and bluey-gooey. That of course is also not where I am headed. I found that I always pick up my toothbrush with my left hand and the paste in my right hand. Then brush with abandon with my left hand. Day after day. Meal after meal. Pre-dentist visit and after post-dentist visit. My right hand has no idea how to brush my teeth. However, my left hand cannot run a pair of scissors, but my right hand can cut my bangs. Almost perfectly. But never, never I say cut your bangs when you are mad! Voice of experience on that one!

Yes, our lefts and rights are different. That doesn’t mean we don’t treat them both with the same respect and love we have. I saw this experiment a long time ago. I have never been able to duplicate it though. It’s probably a good thing as it was pretty weird. It did though show the definite and unmistakenly soul shaking difference between our lefts and rights. This guy took a full view face picture of several people. Then somehow, he was able to make two lefts and two rights and put those together. One side looked joyful and somewhat happy. Oh the other? It looked very serious. More than that it looked demonic and angry and like a serial killer. It was the weirdest thing. From that memory alone I truly believe there is a left brain and a right brain. Like Glenda The Good Witch and The Wicked Witch of The West were both alive inside the person. Happily I remember looking at the pictures I noticed, even though the picture was of one face, the Glenda side looked bigger and in more control. Was that my imaginations? I prefer to think not.

I hope your right side is bigger than your left side. Well on your insides I mean. I will enjoy putting on my left shoe first and brushing my teeth with my left hand. Most of all, let’s all, in the morning, get in there and squeeze the toothpaste tube in the middle with right-side joyfulness. Okay. And maybe a titch of left-side gusto.

Trina lives in Diamond Valley north of Eureka, Nevada. She loves to hear from readers. Email her at [email protected]