Rename It!

Sketch plugin to rename layers like a boss.

Rodrigo Soares
1 min readJan 26, 2014

Rename It is a Sketch plugin to rename layers like a boss. It’s a port of the awesome photoshop plugin called Renamy

Demo Video


  • Add Name: Type “+” and the text to add at the end of the layer name (e.g., + button).
  • Sequence: Type “%N” to name layer in sequence. You can also use “%n” for reverse order. The more Ns you add the more digits it will add (e.g. , Item %NN).
  • Move Original Text: Type “*” to keep the original anywhere in the new name (e.g., Option * icon).
  • Add Width and Height: Type “%w” or “%h” to add the width or height of the layer (e.g., Icon %w x %h). Great addition by @GU5TAF


Just download the latest release, and double click Rename It.sketchplugin to have Sketch install it for you.

Get sketching!



Rodrigo Soares
Rodrigo Soares

Written by Rodrigo Soares

Designing, coding and in love. Life is good!

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