Go packages
1 min readJul 13, 2014
Similar to any other large communities it becomes increasingly hard to find quality packages for any given task, so this is simply a list of ones that I’ve needed and found to be useful for my projects.
Go’s standard library is pretty fantastic so this list is short for now, I’ll try and remember to update it as I Go!
- dustin/go-humanize — format times, numbers, bytesizes, relative dates
- visionmedia/go-debug — conditional logging via pattern matched env var
- docopt/docopt.go — awesome declarative option parser
- jessevdk/go-flags — parses flags and coerces via struct tags
- davecheney/profile — pprof helper utility
- tboltdb/raw — internal byte representation of go values
- 2tvenom/cbor — CBOR serialization
- garyburd/redigo — favorite redis client so far
- mattrobenolt/semaphore — semaphore lib for limiting concurrency
- jmoiron/sqlx— database/sql extensions to suck less
- flosch/pongo2 — django inspired template engine
- tiborvass/uniline — readline library that actually works
- grsmv/inflect — nice inflection lib