(* Content-type: application/vnd.wolfram.mathematica *) (*** Wolfram Notebook File ***) (* http://www.wolfram.com/nb *) (* CreatedBy='Mathematica 11.1' *) (*CacheID: 234*) (* Internal cache information: NotebookFileLineBreakTest NotebookFileLineBreakTest NotebookDataPosition[ 158, 7] NotebookDataLength[ 204176, 10704] NotebookOptionsPosition[ 198694, 10561] NotebookOutlinePosition[ 199076, 10578] CellTagsIndexPosition[ 199033, 10575] WindowFrame->Normal*) (* Beginning of Notebook Content *) Notebook[{ Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Hypocycloid Pedal Curve", "Title",ExpressionUUID->"cd222419-e198-4a5b-93b0-2b056b71735d"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Author", "Subsection",ExpressionUUID->"07b58ddf-1674-429f-9a8c-d94eef31ea7b"], Cell["\<\ Eric W. 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RowBox[{"GraphicsArray", "[", RowBox[{"Partition", "[", "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Block", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"$DisplayFunction", "=", "Identity"}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"Table", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"PedalCurvePlot", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Hypocycloid", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"n", ",", "1"}], "}"}], ",", "t"}], "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"0", ",", "0"}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"t", ",", "0", ",", RowBox[{"2", "Pi"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"0", ",", RowBox[{"2", RowBox[{"Pi", "/", "n"}]}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Pi", "/", "n"}], "/", "5"}]}], "}"}]}], "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"n", ",", "3", ",", "8"}], "}"}]}], "]"}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", "]"}], ",", "3"}], "]"}], "]"}], "]"}]], "Input",\ ExpressionUUID->"667da383-3882-4595-9233-031d220250f1"], Cell[GraphicsData["PostScript", "\<\ %! %%Creator: Mathematica %%AspectRatio: .75777 MathPictureStart /Mabs { Mgmatrix idtransform Mtmatrix dtransform } bind def /Mabsadd { Mabs 3 -1 roll add 3 1 roll add exch } bind def %% Graphics %%IncludeResource: font Courier %%IncludeFont: Courier /Courier findfont 10 scalefont setfont % Scaling calculations 0.0238095 0.31746 0.0180422 0.31746 [ [ 0 0 0 0 ] [ 1 .75777 0 0 ] ] MathScale % Start of Graphics 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin newpath 0 0 m 1 0 L 1 .75777 L 0 .75777 L closepath clip newpath % Start of sub-graphic p 0.0238095 0.0180422 0.321429 0.361703 MathSubStart %% Graphics %%IncludeResource: font Courier %%IncludeFont: Courier /Courier findfont 10 scalefont setfont % Scaling calculations 0.499998 0.0793654 0.433014 0.0793654 [ [ 0 0 0 0 ] [ 1 .86603 0 0 ] ] MathScale % Start of Graphics 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin newpath 0 g .25 Mabswid [ ] 0 setdash 0 .43301 m 1 .43301 L s .5 0 m .5 .86603 L s 0 0 m 1 0 L 1 .86603 L 0 .86603 L closepath clip newpath 0 0 1 r .5 Mabswid .5 .43301 m 0 0 rlineto s .97619 .43301 m 0 0 rlineto s .5 .43301 m .52039 .52897 L .96338 .43481 L s .5 .43301 m .5759 .60348 L .92784 .44679 L s .5 .43301 m .65096 .64079 L .8774 .47627 L s .5 .43301 m .72437 .63504 L .82283 .52569 L s .5 .43301 m .77493 .59174 L .77493 .59174 L s .5 .43301 m .78714 .52631 L .74167 .66626 L s .5 .43301 m .75542 .45986 L .72617 .73823 L s .5 .43301 m .68558 .41351 L .72584 .79665 L s .5 .43301 m .5933 .4027 L .73325 .83342 L s .5 .43301 m 0 0 rlineto s .73809 .84541 m 0 0 rlineto s 1 0 0 r .5 .43301 m .50011 .4404 L .50042 .44711 L .501 .45484 L .50178 .46212 L .50373 .47496 L .50663 .48872 L .51075 .50357 L .51615 .51888 L .52836 .54494 L .54408 .56947 L .5613 .58982 L .58247 .60878 L .60725 .62485 L .62067 .6313 L .63332 .63609 L .64732 .64001 L .65514 .64158 L .65859 .64213 L .66221 .64262 L .66542 .64298 L .66894 .64328 L .67508 .64359 L .67851 .64364 L .68217 .6436 L .68561 .64346 L .68871 .64326 L .69467 .64267 L .69799 .64221 L .70104 .64171 L .70651 .64061 L .71229 .63915 L .72247 .63579 L .73156 .63183 L .7417 .62616 L .75028 .6201 L .76557 .6052 L .77191 .59664 L .77772 .58656 L .78195 .5768 L .78375 .57148 L .78533 .56572 L .78644 .56059 L .78691 .55784 L .78734 .55486 L .78789 .54959 L .78816 .54461 L .78819 .53942 L .78793 .53372 L .78741 .52832 L Mistroke .78668 .52331 L .78573 .51833 L .78467 .51384 L .78163 .50382 L .77686 .4922 L .77136 .48179 L .76429 .47095 L .75521 .45962 L .73693 .44218 L .71401 .42656 L .70175 .42021 L .68767 .41428 L .67373 .40966 L .66038 .40629 L .64803 .40401 L .64088 .40304 L .63411 .40235 L .62694 .40186 L .62033 .40161 L .61303 .40158 L .60531 .40181 L .59733 .40233 L .59007 .40305 L .58169 .40418 L .5738 .40553 L .55982 .40863 L .54485 .41298 L .52862 .41896 L .51194 .42657 L .48367 .44335 L .45941 .46257 L .43981 .4826 L .42065 .50811 L .40627 .53407 L .40112 .54606 L .39652 .55898 L .3933 .57024 L .3906 .58241 L .38946 .58919 L .38863 .5954 L .38804 .60131 L .38762 .60751 L .38741 .61428 L .38745 .62053 L .38775 .62732 L .38803 .63108 L .38836 .63448 L .38915 .64069 L .39009 .64642 L .39296 .65912 L Mistroke .3967 .67098 L .40172 .68307 L .40724 .69359 L .41321 .70292 L .42615 .71846 L .4344 .72606 L .4438 .7331 L .45237 .73826 L .46201 .74286 L .4681 .74515 L .47379 .74691 L .47929 .74826 L .48211 .74883 L .48515 .74934 L .49045 .75001 L .49541 .75037 L .49844 .75046 L .50132 .75047 L .5067 .75024 L .51147 .7498 L .51658 .74906 L .52137 .74811 L .52573 .74704 L .53569 .74377 L .54585 .7392 L .55537 .73364 L .5638 .72753 L .57301 .7193 L .58101 .71051 L .58729 .70219 L .59342 .69245 L .60225 .67378 L .60612 .66238 L .60787 .65592 L .60926 .64976 L .61034 .64396 L .61114 .6386 L .61183 .63255 L .61232 .62598 L .61257 .61903 L .61255 .61242 L .61232 .60644 L .61184 .59994 L .61105 .59279 L .6099 .58523 L .60706 .57167 L .60352 .55912 L .59944 .54751 L .58747 .52173 L .57021 .49499 L Mistroke .55103 .47264 L .52529 .44986 L .498 .43187 L .47199 .41921 L .45663 .41347 L .44196 .4091 L .43398 .40715 L .42635 .40556 L .4194 .40435 L .41198 .4033 L .40395 .40244 L .3965 .4019 L .39195 .4017 L .38767 .40159 L .3797 .40161 L .3733 .40184 L .36632 .40231 L .35909 .40304 L .3524 .40394 L .34062 .40607 L .3283 .40908 L .31435 .41353 L .30168 .41864 L .27963 .43036 L .2601 .44464 L .24198 .46288 L .23437 .47284 L .22734 .48404 L .2223 .49403 L .21789 .5052 L .21629 .5103 L .21484 .51578 L .21382 .52053 L .21294 .52568 L .21254 .52871 L .21225 .5315 L .21188 .53698 L .21179 .54194 L .21194 .54716 L .21228 .55163 L .21286 .5564 L .21361 .56085 L .21446 .56487 L .21722 .57448 L .2207 .58325 L .22574 .59289 L .23143 .6014 L .24438 .6156 L .25287 .62248 L .26136 .62803 L Mistroke .27138 .63322 L .28267 .63762 L .2922 .64031 L .29769 .64148 L .30279 .64233 L .3076 .64293 L .3129 .64338 L .31796 .6436 L .32268 .64363 L .3282 .64346 L .33341 .64308 L .33915 .64245 L .34537 .64149 L .35156 .64026 L .35808 .63867 L .36969 .63506 L .38224 .63003 L .39387 .62424 L .41486 .6108 L .43586 .5927 L .45606 .56928 L .4711 .54591 L .47813 .53217 L .48388 .5188 L .49199 .49415 L .49517 .48066 L .49771 .46594 L .49864 .4584 L .49907 .45403 L .49939 .45002 L .49965 .4458 L .49986 .44124 L .5 .43297 L .49989 .42585 L .49953 .41805 L .49888 .40994 L .49802 .40241 L .49669 .39351 L .49513 .38516 L .49141 .36976 L .48627 .3536 L .47943 .33667 L .46487 .30962 L .44592 .2841 L .42732 .26533 L .40484 .2483 L .39321 .24143 L .3802 .2351 L .36856 .23057 L .36212 .2285 L Mistroke .35605 .22683 L .35009 .22545 L .34365 .22425 L .33782 .22341 L .33249 .22286 L .32747 .22254 L .32201 .22239 L .31636 .22248 L .31114 .22278 L .3051 .22339 L .30174 .22386 L .29865 .22437 L .29318 .22549 L .28726 .227 L .27736 .2303 L .26739 .23472 L .25729 .24051 L .24734 .24786 L .23949 .25516 L .23208 .26377 L .22596 .27278 L .22129 .2815 L .21751 .29072 L .2148 .29977 L .21364 .30503 L .21312 .30794 L .21272 .31068 L .21218 .31557 L .21185 .321 L .21179 .32405 L .21181 .32695 L .21207 .33242 L .21234 .33549 L .21267 .33834 L .21368 .34479 L .21493 .35062 L .21663 .3569 L .22064 .36816 L .22567 .37891 L .23126 .38853 L .24728 .40914 L .25698 .41866 L .26878 .42828 L .27989 .43583 L .29283 .44316 L .30494 .44881 L .31842 .45391 L .33103 .45768 L .3379 .45936 L .3454 .46091 L Mistroke .35237 .46208 L .35881 .46295 L .36536 .46363 L .37163 .46409 L .3795 .46441 L .38669 .46445 L .39069 .46437 L .39503 .4642 L .40292 .46368 L .41034 .46293 L .41818 .46187 L .43219 .45928 L .44839 .45514 L .46329 .45022 L .49589 .43533 L .5223 .41841 L .54811 .39633 L .56908 .37252 L .58513 .34846 L .59654 .32566 L .60171 .31233 L .60566 .29968 L .60886 .28635 L .61003 .28001 L .61093 .27412 L .61168 .26774 L .61225 .26079 L .61254 .25406 L .61257 .24692 L .61234 .24031 L .6121 .23659 L .61179 .23312 L .61097 .22622 L .60978 .21892 L .60682 .2061 L .60323 .19487 L .59807 .1825 L .59127 .16994 L .58374 .15895 L .57611 .14992 L .55913 .13497 L .54891 .12847 L .53881 .12352 L .5291 .11997 L .51998 .11761 L .51514 .11673 L .50981 .11605 L .50711 .11581 L .50421 .11564 L .49899 .11556 L Mistroke .49387 .11574 L .49097 .11597 L .48825 .11626 L .4828 .11708 L .47697 .1183 L .47189 .11966 L .46661 .1214 L .45737 .12523 L .44696 .1309 L .43776 .13727 L .42772 .146 L .41906 .15543 L .41221 .16455 L .40562 .1753 L .40084 .18486 L .39636 .19598 L .39249 .20866 L .39082 .21584 L .38956 .2227 L .38863 .22921 L .38801 .23525 L .38776 .23862 L .38756 .24231 L .3874 .24908 L .38743 .25262 L .38753 .25637 L .38791 .26311 L .3886 .27041 L .38913 .27456 L .38971 .27844 L .39236 .29193 L .3963 .30633 L .40122 .32022 L .40684 .33316 L .41982 .35664 L .43888 .38236 L .45982 .40382 L .48597 .42425 L .50136 .43379 L .51662 .44175 L .53011 .44767 L .54517 .45315 L .55927 .45725 L .57218 .46018 L .57959 .46152 L .58762 .46268 L .59204 .4632 L .5961 .46359 L .60409 .46416 L .61093 .46441 L Mistroke .61841 .46445 L .62618 .46421 L .63337 .46374 L .64008 .46308 L .64731 .46213 L .66023 .45977 L .67248 .45673 L .68348 .45326 L .70701 .44324 L .71804 .4371 L .72945 .42957 L .7489 .41309 L .75802 .40314 L .7655 .39339 L .77622 .37516 L .78054 .36516 L .78411 .35431 L .78563 .34816 L .78672 .34248 L .78721 .33926 L .78757 .33625 L .78787 .33312 L .78809 .32968 L .78819 .32669 L .78821 .32386 L .78804 .31858 L .78756 .31295 L .78716 .3098 L .7867 .3069 L .78561 .30148 L .78432 .29647 L .78123 .28736 L .77695 .27797 L .77125 .26841 L .76524 .26043 L .75791 .25257 L .74254 .2404 L .73193 .23438 L .72115 .22974 L .71094 .22651 L .70497 .22508 L .69935 .22403 L .6938 .22325 L .68773 .22269 L .68192 .22243 L .67654 .22241 L .67052 .22264 L .66709 .2229 L .66389 .22321 L .65739 .22408 L Mistroke .65043 .22534 L .64352 .22694 L .63604 .22906 L .62256 .23393 L .59797 .24653 L .57817 .26066 L .561 .27651 L .54404 .2966 L .52846 .32091 L .52179 .33401 L .51547 .34888 L .51075 .36243 L .50665 .37722 L .50378 .39075 L .50251 .39855 L .50154 .40593 L .50087 .4127 L .50042 .41893 L .50011 .42578 L .5 .43301 L Mfstroke 0 g .97619 .43301 m .97612 .43301 L .97593 .43302 L .97556 .43303 L .97507 .43306 L .97386 .43315 L .97204 .43334 L .96946 .43369 L .96606 .43427 L .95835 .43599 L .94835 .43888 L .9373 .44283 L .90718 .45716 L .87184 .48041 L .83827 .50955 L .80144 .55166 L .77131 .59815 L .75004 .64308 L .74095 .66853 L .73449 .69132 L .72997 .71212 L .72805 .72349 L .72667 .7337 L .72575 .74241 L .72504 .75169 L .72479 .75625 L .72461 .76104 L .72451 .76547 L .72448 .76942 L .72451 .77374 L .72459 .7777 L .72475 .78193 L .72499 .78636 L .72529 .79062 L .72567 .79495 L .72651 .80228 L .72838 .81406 L .73078 .82486 L .73344 .83401 L .73594 .8408 L .73748 .84423 L .73795 .84514 L .73806 .84535 L .73809 .84541 L .73805 .84533 L .73791 .84511 L .73728 .84414 L .73493 .84092 L .72283 .8277 L .70195 .81039 L Mistroke .67314 .79229 L .63694 .77552 L .61371 .76741 L .59115 .7612 L .56892 .75654 L .55603 .75447 L .54401 .75293 L .53334 .75188 L .52718 .75141 L .52155 .75106 L .51558 .75078 L .50918 .75058 L .50323 .75049 L .49761 .75048 L .49162 .75056 L .48518 .75075 L .47911 .75103 L .47357 .75136 L .46076 .75242 L .44744 .75398 L .43461 .75593 L .42289 .7581 L .39726 .7642 L .37621 .7707 L .35836 .77739 L .32337 .79422 L .29502 .81262 L .27698 .82788 L .26522 .84073 L .26268 .84419 L .26214 .84501 L .26199 .84527 L .26191 .8454 L .26191 .84539 L .262 .84524 L .26232 .84462 L .26355 .84198 L .26799 .82937 L .27062 .81894 L .27191 .81243 L .27314 .80484 L .27405 .79756 L .27446 .79348 L .27483 .78896 L .27511 .78464 L .2753 .7806 L .27544 .77643 L .27551 .77238 L .27551 .76814 L .27545 .76347 L Mistroke .27532 .75896 L .27513 .75476 L .27483 .74976 L .2744 .74419 L .27333 .73378 L .2718 .72259 L .26969 .71034 L .26457 .68762 L .25764 .66416 L .24947 .64187 L .23011 .60074 L .20294 .5576 L .1696 .51753 L .13922 .48919 L .1062 .46514 L .07443 .44781 L .05066 .43856 L .04035 .43566 L .03584 .43465 L .0318 .43389 L .02893 .43346 L .02766 .43331 L .02649 .43318 L .0256 .43311 L .02494 .43306 L .02445 .43303 L .02408 .43302 L .02387 .43301 L .02381 .43301 L .02381 .43301 L .02391 .43301 L .02418 .433 L .02456 .43299 L .02502 .43296 L .02651 .43284 L .02875 .43259 L .03138 .4322 L .0392 .43064 L .04787 .42832 L .0592 .42453 L .08405 .41355 L .11763 .39329 L .15 .36753 L .18658 .32948 L .2174 .287 L .24177 .24203 L .25163 .21867 L .26044 .19304 L .26631 .17143 L .26888 .15977 L Mistroke .27091 .14896 L .27244 .13911 L .27374 .12869 L .27419 .12419 L .27459 .1195 L .2749 .11519 L .27513 .11126 L .27534 .10653 L .27547 .10148 L .27552 .09712 L .27549 .09258 L .2754 .08824 L .27525 .08425 L .27508 .08075 L .27483 .07707 L .27411 .06898 L .27312 .06105 L .27093 .04853 L .26863 .03893 L .26648 .03179 L .26268 .02215 L .26218 .02113 L .26192 .02064 L .2619 .02062 L .26191 .02063 L .26195 .0207 L .26202 .02081 L .26251 .02158 L .26853 .02931 L .28194 .04273 L .30156 .05814 L .33152 .07623 L .36667 .09189 L .38961 .09963 L .4119 .10555 L .42474 .1083 L .43898 .11081 L .45269 .11271 L .45925 .11345 L .46551 .11405 L .47155 .11453 L .47817 .11495 L .48421 .11524 L .48982 .11542 L .49649 .11554 L .50254 .11554 L .50589 .11551 L .50952 .11544 L .51608 .11523 L .52179 .11495 L Mistroke .52805 .11456 L .54059 .11347 L .55209 .11211 L .56269 .11055 L .58833 .1055 L .61054 .09958 L .6332 .09194 L .65518 .08275 L .68866 .06463 L .71179 .04807 L .72815 .03297 L .73682 .02256 L .73801 .02076 L .73809 .02063 L .73808 .02064 L .73798 .02082 L .73781 .02115 L .73478 .0282 L .73201 .03664 L .72929 .0475 L .72709 .05958 L .72607 .06731 L .72566 .0712 L .72532 .07501 L .72504 .07884 L .72479 .08314 L .72463 .08716 L .72453 .09098 L .72448 .09519 L .7245 .09995 L .72454 .10239 L .72461 .10506 L .7248 .10996 L .72504 .11435 L .72538 .11924 L .72633 .12935 L .72754 .13901 L .72896 .14822 L .73381 .17194 L .7399 .19417 L .7484 .21875 L .75949 .24475 L .78466 .29026 L .81264 .32854 L .84595 .36383 L .88357 .39412 L .91636 .41377 L .94196 .42496 L .95353 .42873 L .95878 .43015 L Mistroke .96367 .43128 L .96765 .43204 L .97062 .4325 L .97298 .43279 L .97462 .43294 L .97531 .43298 L .97561 .433 L .97583 .43301 L .97609 .43301 L .97616 .43301 L .97619 .43301 L Mfstroke .05 w .5 .43301 Mdot MathSubEnd P % End of sub-graphic % Start of sub-graphic p 0.35119 0.0180422 0.64881 0.361703 MathSubStart %% Graphics %%IncludeResource: font Courier %%IncludeFont: Courier /Courier findfont 10 scalefont setfont % Scaling calculations 0.475191 0.0715713 0.512851 0.0715713 [ [ 0 0 0 0 ] [ 1 1.02569 0 0 ] ] MathScale % Start of Graphics 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin newpath 0 g .25 Mabswid [ ] 0 setdash 0 .51285 m 1 .51285 L s .47519 0 m .47519 1.02569 L s 0 0 m 1 0 L 1 1.02569 L 0 1.02569 L closepath clip newpath 0 0 1 r .5 Mabswid .47519 .51285 m 0 0 rlineto s .97619 .51285 m 0 0 rlineto s .47519 .51285 m .4998 .62066 L .96433 .51464 L s .47519 .51285 m .56646 .70236 L .93163 .5265 L s .47519 .51285 m .6557 .7392 L .88593 .5556 L s .47519 .51285 m .74128 .72505 L .83781 .60401 L s .47519 .51285 m .79761 .66812 L .79761 .66812 L s .47519 .51285 m .807 .58858 L .77255 .73952 L s .47519 .51285 m .7647 .51285 L .7647 .80733 L s .47519 .51285 m .68026 .46605 L .77045 .8612 L s .47519 .51285 m .57482 .46487 L .78156 .89416 L s .47519 .51285 m .51066 .4892 L .78756 .90455 L s 1 0 0 r .47519 .51285 m .47538 .52256 L .47588 .53138 L .47684 .54153 L .47813 .55106 L .48131 .56784 L .48605 .58569 L .49277 .60476 L .50153 .62415 L .52115 .65624 L .54602 .6849 L .57274 .70689 L .58918 .71715 L .60476 .72495 L .61352 .72858 L .62318 .732 L .6324 .73471 L .64092 .73674 L .65022 .73845 L .65511 .73913 L .66026 .73969 L .66888 .74027 L .67375 .74039 L .67827 .74037 L .68664 .73999 L .69417 .73925 L .69829 .73869 L .70273 .73795 L .71067 .73628 L .71894 .73403 L .72781 .731 L .74479 .7232 L .75917 .71407 L .7713 .70399 L .78144 .69322 L .79057 .68075 L .79704 .66928 L .80265 .65603 L .80511 .64824 L .8069 .64102 L .8077 .63697 L .80842 .63254 L .80895 .62833 L .80931 .62442 L .80966 .61739 L .80958 .6096 L .80936 .60567 L .80899 .60144 L .80796 .5938 L .80721 .58964 L Mistroke .80638 .58572 L .80451 .57845 L .79881 .5624 L .79224 .54892 L .78349 .53494 L .77189 .52037 L .75758 .50624 L .74364 .49524 L .72724 .48486 L .71041 .47647 L .69414 .47018 L .68603 .46763 L .67703 .46523 L .66844 .46334 L .66026 .46187 L .65065 .46057 L .6455 .46005 L .63993 .45963 L .63436 .45934 L .62848 .45919 L .62344 .45919 L .61791 .45931 L .60791 .45988 L .60231 .46038 L .59722 .46096 L .58731 .46242 L .57799 .46418 L .55917 .46894 L .54186 .47479 L .52332 .48272 L .50414 .49292 L .46801 .5188 L .43954 .54762 L .4179 .57778 L .40786 .596 L .40006 .61344 L .39406 .6303 L .38966 .64637 L .38779 .65516 L .38638 .66324 L .38519 .67221 L .38432 .68187 L .38388 .69157 L .38388 .70069 L .38422 .7088 L .38494 .71751 L .38615 .72688 L .38789 .73665 L .3922 .75365 L .39747 .76866 L Mistroke .40348 .78202 L .42072 .80948 L .43229 .82278 L .44437 .8339 L .45615 .84262 L .4694 .85039 L .47719 .85408 L .48439 .85697 L .49181 .85944 L .49872 .86131 L .50688 .86298 L .51119 .86365 L .51575 .86418 L .52343 .8647 L .52779 .86477 L .53186 .86471 L .53931 .86423 L .54306 .86382 L .54717 .86322 L .55437 .86184 L .56104 .86014 L .57564 .85495 L .58355 .85122 L .59058 .84729 L .61353 .82956 L .62359 .81861 L .63325 .80523 L .6408 .79178 L .64646 .7787 L .64908 .77114 L .6515 .76273 L .65322 .75528 L .65471 .74694 L .65571 .73908 L .65631 .73163 L .6566 .72367 L .65649 .71503 L .65601 .70696 L .65521 .69926 L .65421 .69233 L .65281 .68476 L .64815 .66662 L .64472 .65649 L .64107 .64728 L .63327 .63093 L .623 .6136 L .60106 .58543 L .57287 .55928 L .55474 .54633 L .53714 .53597 L Mistroke .51719 .52643 L .49457 .5181 L .48416 .51507 L .47298 .51236 L .46252 .5103 L .45266 .50878 L .44341 .50772 L .43344 .50697 L .42776 .50672 L .42236 .5066 L .41224 .5067 L .40209 .50721 L .39639 .50769 L .39116 .50824 L .38161 .50955 L .37161 .51134 L .35459 .51541 L .33646 .52126 L .31788 .52904 L .29905 .53905 L .26852 .56103 L .2557 .57313 L .24323 .58727 L .23359 .60045 L .2248 .61507 L .21825 .62861 L .21251 .64389 L .2105 .65064 L .20868 .65795 L .20731 .66477 L .2063 .67121 L .20543 .67933 L .20502 .68668 L .205 .69454 L .20517 .69894 L .20545 .70297 L .20616 .70963 L .20731 .71687 L .20891 .72428 L .21077 .73109 L .21634 .74612 L .22295 .75901 L .23228 .77269 L .2427 .78434 L .254 .79414 L .26727 .80297 L .28081 .80967 L .29379 .81429 L .30205 .81643 L .30981 .8179 L Mistroke .31392 .81849 L .31847 .81898 L .32325 .81933 L .32774 .81949 L .33202 .81951 L .33608 .8194 L .34373 .81887 L .35199 .81782 L .35666 .817 L .36097 .8161 L .37601 .81188 L .38958 .80657 L .40409 .79916 L .41875 .78966 L .44163 .76988 L .45332 .75673 L .46321 .74335 L .47358 .72624 L .48192 .70894 L .48813 .69259 L .49342 .67413 L .49556 .66428 L .49741 .65329 L .49815 .64769 L .49879 .64165 L .49925 .63592 L .49955 .63066 L .4998 .62057 L .49975 .61485 L .49958 .60954 L .49897 .59978 L .49788 .58941 L .49654 .58025 L .49468 .57026 L .48966 .55032 L .48354 .53223 L .4766 .51582 L .45675 .48085 L .44331 .46286 L .42978 .44769 L .40248 .42348 L .38689 .4126 L .36964 .40259 L .35409 .39518 L .33657 .38852 L .32042 .38385 L .31244 .38205 L .3052 .38069 L .29599 .37935 L .29095 .3788 L Mistroke .28621 .3784 L .2778 .37798 L .26877 .37792 L .26405 .37807 L .2589 .37836 L .25356 .37881 L .24862 .37937 L .23988 .38069 L .23069 .38257 L .21319 .38763 L .19754 .39401 L .18437 .40098 L .17113 .40979 L .14944 .42973 L .14042 .44116 L .1321 .45464 L .12643 .46668 L .12399 .47318 L .12183 .48014 L .12027 .48632 L .11895 .49316 L .11808 .49941 L .11757 .50526 L .11733 .51279 L .11739 .51659 L .11759 .52076 L .1183 .52813 L .11937 .53497 L .12113 .54296 L .12321 .55017 L .1295 .56594 L .13665 .57888 L .14618 .59213 L .15691 .60381 L .16788 .61342 L .17969 .62183 L .19353 .62973 L .20924 .63663 L .21662 .63922 L .22492 .64168 L .23229 .64349 L .24033 .64509 L .24897 .64638 L .25715 .64721 L .2654 .64769 L .27329 .64781 L .28043 .64763 L .28822 .64714 L .29724 .64619 L .30551 .64496 L Mistroke .31507 .6431 L .32413 .6409 L .34011 .63597 L .35728 .62912 L .37559 .61989 L .39435 .60813 L .42546 .58235 L .44063 .56605 L .4554 .54683 L .46685 .5287 L .47723 .50852 L .48499 .48956 L .49169 .46812 L .494 .45857 L .49606 .44826 L .49759 .43847 L .49864 .42953 L .49939 .42 L .49974 .41106 L .49975 .40128 L .49932 .39078 L .49843 .38047 L .49781 .37531 L .49701 .36971 L .49523 .35977 L .49325 .35085 L .48832 .33369 L .48163 .31608 L .4661 .28675 L .45479 .27081 L .4432 .25744 L .42964 .2446 L .41361 .23246 L .39891 .22369 L .38468 .21704 L .36929 .21172 L .36055 .20951 L .35254 .20797 L .34448 .20691 L .33691 .20634 L .33015 .20618 L .32289 .2064 L .31504 .20708 L .31113 .2076 L .30687 .2083 L .29943 .20989 L .29262 .21176 L .27968 .21651 L .26849 .22204 L .2564 .22977 L Mistroke .24588 .23835 L .23559 .24898 L .22611 .26161 L .2193 .27336 L .21324 .28723 L .21055 .29535 L .20854 .30298 L .20683 .31156 L .20618 .31593 L .20563 .32076 L .20507 .32903 L .20496 .3337 L .205 .33796 L .20542 .34631 L .20627 .35422 L .20745 .36173 L .20915 .36978 L .21331 .38426 L .22009 .40122 L .22799 .4163 L .23786 .43139 L .25046 .44696 L .26419 .46082 L .27794 .47235 L .30797 .49168 L .326 .5003 L .34378 .507 L .36092 .51197 L .37707 .5154 L .38566 .51676 L .39515 .5179 L .40513 .51869 L .41447 .51906 L .42489 .51906 L .43016 .5189 L .43596 .51858 L .4462 .5177 L .45577 .51648 L .46696 .51459 L .47711 .5124 L .49958 .50597 L .51829 .4988 L .53791 .48932 L .57092 .46794 L .59861 .44292 L .6118 .42763 L .6228 .41241 L .63176 .39758 L .63995 .38101 L .64603 .36555 L Mistroke .65039 .35126 L .65233 .34322 L .65403 .33447 L .65536 .32523 L .65618 .31651 L .65656 .30841 L .65656 .29988 L .65623 .29267 L .65551 .2848 L .65495 .28038 L .65422 .27576 L .65262 .26763 L .65044 .25907 L .64754 .24997 L .64103 .2344 L .63354 .22092 L .62356 .20706 L .61278 .19541 L .6021 .18626 L .58959 .17782 L .57501 .17048 L .56735 .16755 L .55874 .16493 L .55126 .16321 L .54702 .16245 L .54312 .1619 L .53551 .16117 L .52823 .16093 L .52081 .16113 L .51663 .16144 L .5128 .16185 L .50575 .16292 L .49836 .16448 L .4857 .16826 L .47217 .17393 L .45826 .18171 L .44421 .19194 L .4217 .21497 L .41244 .22794 L .40369 .24327 L .39677 .25881 L .39163 .27396 L .38808 .28816 L .38652 .29644 L .38538 .30432 L .38452 .31271 L .38403 .32048 L .38383 .32908 L .38401 .33819 L .38461 .34766 L Mistroke .38513 .35301 L .38573 .35795 L .38714 .36703 L .38905 .37662 L .39337 .39316 L .39959 .41109 L .4079 .4298 L .41866 .44917 L .4426 .48166 L .47172 .51003 L .50326 .53226 L .53404 .54779 L .55219 .55458 L .56932 .55953 L .57855 .56164 L .58832 .56345 L .59668 .56467 L .60583 .56566 L .61569 .5663 L .6212 .56648 L .62619 .56653 L .63586 .5663 L .64492 .5657 L .65332 .56481 L .66212 .56352 L .67758 .56033 L .69368 .55568 L .71061 .54914 L .72793 .54046 L .74263 .53118 L .75708 .51989 L .77109 .50621 L .78223 .49252 L .79097 .47904 L .79781 .46561 L .80342 .45086 L .80555 .44341 L .80738 .43518 L .80811 .43102 L .80873 .42655 L .80917 .42234 L .80946 .4185 L .80968 .41116 L .80945 .40324 L .80877 .39581 L .80775 .38902 L .80613 .38133 L .80416 .37424 L .80128 .366 L .79812 .35866 L Mistroke .79022 .34442 L .77962 .33036 L .76945 .32 L .75887 .31141 L .74614 .30325 L .7314 .29611 L .72355 .29316 L .71479 .29048 L .70628 .28844 L .69827 .28701 L .69092 .28609 L .68271 .28548 L .67404 .28531 L .66585 .28559 L .65741 .2863 L .65267 .2869 L .64838 .28755 L .63214 .29106 L .62306 .29374 L .61332 .2972 L .59596 .30494 L .57993 .31405 L .56372 .32542 L .5371 .34998 L .515 .37834 L .49831 .40816 L .49063 .4265 L .48493 .44379 L .48232 .45357 L .47994 .46433 L .47827 .47372 L .47684 .48415 L .47612 .49131 L .47563 .49805 L .47531 .50517 L .47519 .51285 L Mfstroke 0 g .97619 .51285 m .9761 .51285 L .97586 .51286 L .9754 .51288 L .97478 .51292 L .97325 .51307 L .97097 .51337 L .96773 .51392 L .96349 .51483 L .95395 .5175 L .94176 .52198 L .9285 .52805 L .89371 .54962 L .87423 .56546 L .85574 .58339 L .82315 .62387 L .80721 .64965 L .79437 .67503 L .78281 .70388 L .77793 .71902 L .77362 .73498 L .77066 .74837 L .76812 .76287 L .76723 .76913 L .76644 .77578 L .76583 .78192 L .76539 .78753 L .76518 .79083 L .765 .79444 L .76486 .79803 L .76476 .80181 L .76471 .80507 L .76471 .80855 L .76474 .81179 L .7648 .81473 L .765 .82016 L .76517 .82319 L .76534 .82596 L .76579 .83144 L .76637 .83711 L .76774 .84711 L .76957 .85713 L .77354 .87299 L .77775 .88536 L .78149 .89401 L .78673 .9034 L .78739 .90433 L .78754 .90452 L .78755 .90454 L .78747 .90444 L Mistroke .78726 .9042 L .78644 .9033 L .77561 .89396 L .7535 .88041 L .73663 .87271 L .71822 .86612 L .69509 .86001 L .68242 .85756 L .67501 .85639 L .66784 .85544 L .66148 .85474 L .65445 .85412 L .64796 .85369 L .64189 .85341 L .63526 .85324 L .63146 .8532 L .62787 .8532 L .62409 .85325 L .6206 .85333 L .61677 .85346 L .61271 .85365 L .60628 .85405 L .59939 .85461 L .58693 .856 L .57208 .85826 L .55865 .86089 L .53201 .86778 L .50484 .87725 L .46043 .89887 L .43886 .91275 L .42111 .92635 L .40462 .94129 L .39011 .957 L .37958 .97074 L .37253 .98178 L .36805 .99021 L .36512 .99696 L .36399 1.00026 L .36376 1.00109 L .36371 1.00127 L .36371 1.00126 L .36375 1.00107 L .36383 1.00063 L .36404 .9993 L .36426 .99736 L .36437 .99599 L .36447 .99457 L .36454 .99291 L .36459 .9912 L .36461 .98914 L Mistroke .36458 .98671 L .36454 .98542 L .36448 .98395 L .36432 .98112 L .36409 .97817 L .3638 .97527 L .363 .96906 L .36199 .96294 L .35854 .94765 L .3527 .92897 L .3436 .9069 L .31912 .86429 L .28679 .82446 L .24279 .78549 L .21828 .76887 L .19114 .75383 L .16723 .74318 L .14231 .7345 L .1307 .73128 L .11828 .7284 L .10727 .72636 L .09761 .72497 L .09237 .72437 L .08682 .72387 L .08143 .72351 L .07858 .72338 L .07598 .72328 L .07355 .72323 L .0713 .7232 L .06722 .72321 L .065 .72325 L .063 .72331 L .06086 .7234 L .05866 .72352 L .05508 .72377 L .05198 .72404 L .04556 .72481 L .04034 .72565 L .03603 .72652 L .02877 .72842 L .02454 .72991 L .02386 .7302 L .02381 .73023 L .02382 .73022 L .024 .73013 L .02645 .7287 L .03755 .72027 L .05601 .70108 L .06797 .68505 L .07921 .66677 L Mistroke .08937 .64658 L .09924 .62185 L .10696 .59621 L .10997 .58335 L .11235 .57099 L .11425 .55874 L .11559 .54737 L .11619 .54084 L .11664 .5346 L .117 .528 L .11724 .52076 L .11733 .51364 L .11729 .50718 L .11708 .49972 L .11674 .49272 L .1163 .48624 L .11579 .4803 L .11425 .46702 L .11216 .45359 L .10981 .4416 L .10311 .41572 L .0954 .39344 L .08704 .37411 L .06635 .33829 L .05464 .32298 L .04463 .31205 L .03091 .30007 L .02634 .29694 L .02398 .29556 L .02382 .29548 L .02381 .29548 L .02386 .2955 L .02415 .29563 L .02468 .29585 L .02864 .29725 L .03174 .29814 L .03598 .29917 L .04084 .30014 L .04599 .30095 L .05191 .30165 L .05545 .30197 L .059 .3022 L .06242 .30237 L .06572 .30247 L .06948 .30251 L .07364 .30247 L .0761 .30241 L .0784 .30233 L .08097 .30221 L .08373 .30205 L Mistroke .08851 .30169 L .09391 .30117 L .10433 .29981 L .11448 .29806 L .13839 .29235 L .16127 .28481 L .18832 .27325 L .21386 .25951 L .25829 .22799 L .299 .18766 L .32633 .15046 L .34747 .11011 L .35466 .09104 L .35986 .07282 L .36262 .05914 L .36359 .05226 L .36393 .04918 L .36418 .04649 L .36439 .04353 L .36447 .04205 L .36453 .04054 L .36459 .03816 L .36461 .03689 L .36461 .03575 L .36457 .03378 L .36452 .03214 L .36442 .03044 L .36432 .02902 L .36406 .02656 L .36384 .02511 L .36375 .02464 L .36372 .02449 L .36371 .02442 L .36372 .02447 L .3638 .02476 L .36464 .02742 L .36693 .03308 L .37603 .04966 L .39537 .07474 L .41083 .09035 L .42812 .10499 L .47077 .13263 L .49691 .14519 L .52666 .15627 L .53956 .16011 L .55363 .16369 L .56591 .16631 L .57938 .16864 L .58754 .16978 L .59511 .17067 L Mistroke .60293 .1714 L .60998 .1719 L .61689 .17225 L .62334 .17244 L .63011 .17251 L .63389 .17249 L .63736 .17243 L .64405 .17221 L .65031 .17187 L .65586 .17147 L .66182 .17093 L .67485 .16934 L .68644 .16743 L .70624 .16302 L .72521 .15728 L .74305 .15027 L .75707 .14341 L .77884 .12926 L .78697 .12184 L .78749 .12124 L .78756 .12115 L .7875 .12123 L .78727 .12153 L .78694 .12201 L .78594 .12352 L .78006 .13478 L .77588 .14544 L .77205 .15803 L .76864 .17334 L .76708 .18301 L .76646 .18784 L .76596 .19246 L .76553 .19727 L .76521 .20174 L .76495 .20682 L .76477 .21236 L .76471 .21731 L .76474 .22276 L .76487 .228 L .76508 .23289 L .76543 .23869 L .76594 .245 L .76724 .25659 L .76941 .27068 L .772 .28372 L .77971 .31248 L .78958 .33961 L .8144 .38832 L .82951 .41084 L .84763 .43342 L Mistroke .88156 .46655 L .91281 .48894 L .92653 .49665 L .94017 .50306 L .95075 .50713 L .96026 .51006 L .96432 .51106 L .96763 .51176 L .97035 .51224 L .97241 .51253 L .97397 .51271 L .97517 .51281 L .97561 .51283 L .97591 .51284 L .97612 .51285 L .97619 .51285 L Mfstroke .05 w .47519 .51285 Mdot MathSubEnd P % End of sub-graphic % Start of sub-graphic p 0.678571 0.0180422 0.97619 0.361703 MathSubStart %% Graphics 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.58609 L .13304 .5892 L .13554 .5928 L .13839 .59595 L .14195 .59908 L .14645 .60227 L .15127 .60504 L .15628 .6074 L .16715 .61125 L .17356 .6129 L .18091 .61433 L .18476 .61491 L .18908 .61544 L .19328 .61584 L .19532 .61599 L .19726 .61611 L .19919 .61621 L .20129 .6163 L .20323 .61635 L .20502 .61638 L .20698 .6164 L .20915 .61639 L .21025 .61638 L .21143 .61636 L Mistroke .21358 .6163 L .21565 .61622 L .21795 .61612 L .22266 .61581 L .22709 .61543 L .23128 .61499 L .2409 .61369 L .25146 .6118 L .27122 .60705 L .28956 .60124 L .32551 .58586 L .36274 .56378 L .39429 .53881 L .42219 .5095 L .4333 .49472 L .44323 .47881 L .45001 .46538 L .45291 .45846 L .45548 .45124 L .45747 .44436 L .45883 .43832 L .45933 .43551 L .45975 .43251 L .4599 .43117 L .46004 .42976 L .46014 .42854 L .46022 .42727 L .46028 .42587 L .46031 .4246 L .46032 .42325 L .46031 .4225 L .46029 .42181 L .46024 .42056 L .46017 .41945 L .46007 .41819 L .45994 .41702 L .45957 .41444 L .45911 .41217 L .4585 .40979 L .45771 .40741 L .4561 .40377 L .45432 .40082 L .45192 .39787 L .44931 .39554 L .44665 .39381 L .44396 .39258 L .44233 .39204 L .4408 .39165 L .43994 .39148 L .43898 .39133 L Mistroke .43807 .39122 L .43721 .39115 L .43625 .3911 L .43533 .39109 L .4345 .3911 L .43358 .39115 L .43257 .39123 L .43205 .39128 L .43148 .39135 L .4295 .39167 L .42762 .39209 L .42555 .39265 L .42174 .39401 L .41706 .39619 L .41204 .39912 L .40293 .406 L .39409 .4146 L .38487 .42583 L .36948 .45092 L .36193 .46737 L .35486 .48686 L .3494 .50659 L .34555 .52566 L .34371 .53816 L .34245 .55002 L .34193 .55687 L .34159 .56316 L .34145 .56664 L .34139 .56848 L .34135 .57044 L .34131 .57214 L .34129 .57402 L .34127 .57574 L .34127 .57735 L Mfstroke 0 g .97619 .57735 m .97615 .57735 L .97605 .57735 L .97586 .57735 L .97559 .57735 L .97494 .57737 L .97397 .57739 L .97257 .57744 L .97072 .57752 L .96645 .57775 L .96079 .57815 L .95434 .57871 L .93561 .5808 L .91094 .58441 L .88377 .58933 L .80827 .60716 L .72944 .63142 L .63374 .66786 L .43554 .76737 L .26005 .88617 L .11944 1.01094 L .04337 1.09871 L .02814 1.12032 L .02445 1.12613 L .02405 1.1268 L .02385 1.12714 L .02381 1.1272 L .02381 1.1272 L .02386 1.12713 L .02393 1.12699 L .0259 1.12334 L .0304 1.11433 L .04561 1.07931 L .06443 1.02681 L .08295 .96307 L .10156 .88033 L .11004 .83185 L .11759 .77778 L .12292 .72742 L .12527 .69856 L .12698 .67201 L .12819 .64699 L .12872 .63281 L .1291 .6197 L .12935 .60821 L .12945 .60167 L .12953 .59554 L .12959 .58909 L .12962 .5832 L .12963 .57639 L Mistroke .12961 .56993 L .12957 .56295 L .12953 .55903 L .12949 .55542 L .12939 .54878 L .12926 .54178 L .12896 .52965 L .12853 .51638 L .12722 .4871 L .12555 .46005 L .1215 .4122 L .11577 .36253 L .10822 .31163 L .09865 .25969 L .07886 .17629 L .05865 .11062 L .03975 .06112 L .02761 .03468 L .02478 .02925 L .02402 .02787 L .02384 .02754 L .02381 .02749 L .02382 .02751 L .02387 .0276 L .02398 .02778 L .02428 .02829 L .02534 .03002 L .0299 .03704 L .05038 .0652 L .13312 .15754 L .26548 .27273 L .44808 .39464 L .63771 .48849 L .73525 .52525 L .81763 .55005 L .88527 .56567 L .93269 .57352 L .95089 .57566 L .96362 .57676 L .96894 .57709 L .97256 .57726 L .97396 .5773 L .9751 .57733 L .97553 .57734 L .97572 .57734 L .97587 .57735 L .97598 .57735 L .97607 .57735 L .97617 .57735 L .97619 .57735 L Mistroke Mfstroke .05 w .34127 .57735 Mdot MathSubEnd P % End of sub-graphic % Start of sub-graphic p 0.35119 0.396069 0.64881 0.739729 MathSubStart %% Graphics %%IncludeResource: font Courier %%IncludeFont: Courier /Courier findfont 10 scalefont setfont % Scaling calculations 0.499998 0.119048 0.5 0.119048 [ [ 0 0 0 0 ] [ 1 1 0 0 ] ] MathScale % Start of Graphics 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin newpath 0 g .25 Mabswid [ ] 0 setdash 0 .5 m 1 .5 L s .5 0 m .5 1 L s 0 0 m 1 0 L 1 1 L 0 1 L closepath clip newpath 0 0 1 r .5 Mabswid .5 .5 m 0 0 rlineto s .97619 .5 m 0 0 rlineto s .5 .5 m .51151 .57267 L .95882 .50182 L s .5 .5 m .54325 .6331 L .90964 .51405 L s .5 .5 m .58745 .67163 L .83684 .54456 L s .5 .5 m .6331 .6832 L .75215 .5967 L s .5 .5 m .66836 .66836 L .66836 .66836 L s .5 .5 m .68319 .6331 L .5967 .75215 L s .5 .5 m .67163 .58745 L .54456 .83684 L s .5 .5 m .6331 .54325 L .51405 .90964 L s .5 .5 m .57267 .51151 L .50182 .95882 L s .5 .5 m 0 0 rlineto s .5 .97619 m 0 0 rlineto s 1 0 0 r .5 .5 m .50003 .50369 L .5001 .50705 L .50025 .51093 L .50045 .51458 L .50093 .52107 L .50166 .52808 L .50271 .53576 L .50408 .54382 L .50724 .55803 L .51139 .5723 L .51606 .58519 L .52929 .61243 L .53749 .62529 L .54596 .63649 L .56332 .65458 L .58341 .66933 L .59506 .67539 L .60069 .6777 L .60585 .67948 L .61057 .68081 L .61569 .68195 L .61832 .6824 L .62076 .68274 L .62332 .68301 L .62474 .68312 L .62603 .6832 L .62836 .68328 L .6305 .68328 L .63281 .68321 L .63397 .68315 L .63524 .68305 L .63734 .68284 L .63956 .68253 L .6435 .68178 L .64716 .68082 L .65103 .6795 L .65463 .67797 L .65829 .67606 L .66433 .67196 L .66929 .6674 L .67196 .66433 L .6745 .66082 L .67829 .65393 L .67996 .6498 L .68122 .64574 L .68226 .64111 L .68269 .63844 L .68286 .63713 L .68298 .63594 L Mistroke .68316 .63375 L .68322 .63254 L .68326 .63139 L .68328 .62933 L .68324 .62707 L .68318 .62587 L .6831 .62454 L .68299 .62315 L .68286 .62185 L .68255 .61935 L .68217 .61696 L .68121 .6122 L .68006 .60781 L .67658 .59785 L .67233 .58876 L .66645 .5788 L .65085 .55927 L .63228 .54261 L .61164 .52884 L .58578 .5163 L .57179 .51122 L .5559 .50671 L .54186 .50372 L .53389 .50243 L .52659 .50149 L .51972 .50082 L .51584 .50053 L .51225 .50032 L .50911 .50017 L .50565 .50007 L .50204 .50001 L .49867 .5 L .49472 .50006 L .49272 .50011 L .49052 .50019 L .48664 .50038 L .483 .50061 L .47484 .50134 L .46609 .50243 L .45837 .50368 L .45033 .50527 L .43622 .50879 L .41106 .5176 L .39769 .52379 L .38594 .53025 L .36233 .54694 L .34412 .56482 L .33153 .58198 L .32609 .59188 L .32217 .60103 L Mistroke .31929 .61015 L .31814 .61521 L .31772 .61758 L .31739 .61977 L .31712 .62197 L .31694 .62394 L .3168 .62612 L .31672 .62841 L .31672 .6304 L .31677 .63252 L .31689 .6345 L .31705 .6363 L .31729 .63837 L .31763 .64055 L .31843 .6444 L .3197 .6488 L .32114 .65265 L .32293 .65646 L .32521 .66037 L .33016 .66681 L .33573 .67201 L .3417 .67606 L .34542 .67799 L .34899 .67951 L .3531 .6809 L .35544 .68153 L .35761 .68202 L .35964 .6824 L .36187 .68274 L .36312 .68289 L .36427 .68301 L .36657 .68318 L .36857 .68326 L .3708 .68329 L .37315 .68323 L .37537 .68311 L .37663 .68301 L .37802 .68288 L .38055 .68256 L .38537 .68174 L .39108 .68038 L .39642 .67874 L .40647 .67469 L .41732 .6689 L .43649 .65474 L .45388 .63668 L .46812 .61674 L .4748 .60504 L .4812 .59174 L .48605 .57968 L Mistroke .49055 .56606 L .49289 .55753 L .49476 .54951 L .49627 .5419 L .49763 .53343 L .4986 .52578 L .49927 .51857 L .49955 .51457 L .49975 .51092 L .49983 .5089 L .4999 .50669 L .49998 .50266 L .5 .50064 L .49999 .49849 L .49994 .49465 L .49981 .49053 L .4997 .48819 L .49959 .486 L .49902 .47845 L .4986 .47424 L .49815 .4704 L .49581 .45564 L .49275 .44194 L .48828 .42669 L .48325 .41311 L .46904 .38476 L .45374 .36315 L .43759 .34625 L .4186 .33189 L .40762 .32585 L .39754 .32165 L .39277 .3201 L .3883 .31891 L .38584 .31836 L .3832 .31785 L .38102 .3175 L .37863 .31719 L .3764 .31697 L .37434 .31683 L .37217 .31674 L .36987 .31672 L .36777 .31676 L .36579 .31687 L .36403 .31702 L .36214 .31723 L .35973 .31759 L .35751 .318 L .35347 .319 L .34928 .32038 L .34498 .32221 L Mistroke .33785 .32641 L .33208 .3312 L .3272 .33677 L .32488 .34015 L .32293 .34355 L .32135 .34688 L .31988 .35066 L .31878 .35424 L .31797 .35767 L .3176 .35966 L .31727 .36184 L .31703 .36393 L .31686 .36587 L .31675 .36805 L .31672 .36929 L .31671 .37046 L .31675 .37284 L .31681 .37418 L .31689 .37541 L .31712 .37797 L .3174 .38034 L .31834 .38578 L .3195 .39063 L .32106 .39582 L .32489 .40556 L .32943 .41446 L .34319 .43409 L .3601 .45116 L .37951 .46574 L .40364 .47911 L .4169 .48476 L .43223 .49004 L .44572 .49369 L .45295 .49528 L .46066 .49672 L .46749 .49777 L .47503 .49869 L .47836 .49901 L .48192 .49931 L .48525 .49954 L .48837 .49972 L .49222 .49987 L .49426 .49993 L .49647 .49997 L .49877 .5 L .50095 .5 L .50506 .49995 L .50887 .49983 L .51242 .49968 L .5163 .49944 L Mistroke .52042 .49912 L .52974 .49813 L .53845 .49687 L .55445 .49365 L .56931 .48957 L .58252 .48498 L .61024 .47196 L .63282 .45697 L .65056 .44104 L .66585 .42211 L .67238 .41114 L .67702 .40108 L .68022 .39164 L .68141 .38694 L .68196 .38425 L .68238 .3818 L .68267 .37974 L .68293 .37751 L .68312 .37528 L .68324 .37295 L .68328 .37092 L .68327 .36877 L .68319 .36676 L .68306 .36496 L .68284 .3627 L .68251 .36034 L .68171 .35622 L .68054 .35195 L .6789 .34746 L .67719 .34378 L .67505 .34004 L .67045 .33388 L .66449 .32817 L .6581 .32383 L .65408 .32178 L .65025 .3202 L .6456 .31874 L .64345 .31821 L .64104 .31772 L .63903 .31739 L .63684 .31711 L .63562 .31698 L .6345 .31689 L .63228 .31677 L .63023 .31672 L .62798 .31673 L .62583 .31682 L .62383 .31695 L .6215 .31718 L .6193 .31746 L Mistroke .61423 .31834 L .60923 .31954 L .60378 .32119 L .59347 .32534 L .58389 .33038 L .57264 .33785 L .5627 .34598 L .54536 .36424 L .52912 .38786 L .52275 .39975 L .51677 .41304 L .51228 .42504 L .50818 .43838 L .50468 .45315 L .50227 .46726 L .50172 .47143 L .50121 .47599 L .50084 .48002 L .50052 .48431 L .50029 .48818 L .50019 .49038 L .50012 .49245 L .50003 .49608 L .5 .5 L Mfstroke 0 g .97619 .5 m .97615 .5 L .97603 .5 L .97581 .50001 L .97552 .50001 L .97479 .50004 L .97369 .5001 L .97212 .50021 L .97005 .50038 L .96529 .5009 L .959 .50179 L .95189 .50303 L .93151 .50763 L .90532 .51548 L .87732 .52594 L .80431 .56243 L .7358 .60896 L .66361 .67315 L .60395 .74235 L .55475 .81772 L .53678 .8527 L .52192 .88746 L .51266 .91399 L .5059 .93848 L .50377 .94811 L .50213 .95695 L .50116 .96331 L .5005 .96882 L .50027 .97135 L .50013 .97322 L .50005 .97459 L .50003 .97512 L .50001 .97558 L .5 .97589 L .5 .97608 L .5 .97618 L .5 .97619 L .5 .97618 L .5 .97607 L .49999 .97586 L .49999 .97556 L .49997 .97521 L .49993 .97424 L .49984 .9728 L .49969 .97087 L .49948 .96868 L .49891 .96384 L .49794 .95737 L .49396 .9379 L .48761 .91488 L Mistroke .46633 .85943 L .42755 .78791 L .37576 .71674 L .30779 .64559 L .23099 .58484 L .15969 .54281 L .12787 .5281 L .09754 .51646 L .07298 .50884 L .05445 .5043 L .03907 .5015 L .0328 .50068 L .02836 .50024 L .02696 .50014 L .02575 .50007 L .02524 .50004 L .02477 .50002 L .02442 .50001 L .02417 .50001 L .02395 .5 L .02387 .5 L .02383 .5 L .02381 .5 L .02388 .5 L .02404 .5 L .0243 .49999 L .0246 .49998 L .02501 .49997 L .02612 .49991 L .02771 .49981 L .03162 .49945 L .03771 .4987 L .04473 .49759 L .06203 .49398 L .08261 .48838 L .14014 .46652 L .20327 .43302 L .27063 .38601 L .34182 .32125 L .39957 .25293 L .44752 .17816 L .47783 .11317 L .48753 .0854 L .49444 .06008 L .49659 .05011 L .49803 .04208 L .49893 .03599 L .49953 .03085 L .49973 .02873 L .49987 .02683 L Mistroke .49994 .0255 L .49996 .02503 L .49998 .0246 L .49999 .02439 L .49999 .02422 L .49999 .02408 L .5 .02397 L .5 .02385 L .5 .02381 L .5 .02384 L .5 .02389 L .5 .02398 L .5 .02411 L .50001 .02441 L .50003 .02487 L .50008 .02598 L .50018 .02762 L .50056 .03178 L .50123 .03724 L .5022 .0435 L .50596 .06179 L .51294 .0869 L .53539 .14433 L .56953 .20743 L .62185 .28037 L .6809 .34388 L .74798 .40024 L .82221 .44773 L .88599 .47751 L .9162 .48802 L .93906 .49424 L .95501 .49754 L .96592 .49917 L .9701 .49962 L .97202 .49979 L .97346 .49989 L .97465 .49995 L .97513 .49997 L .97555 .49999 L .97585 .5 L .97604 .5 L .97615 .5 L .97619 .5 L Mfstroke .05 w .5 .5 Mdot MathSubEnd P % End of sub-graphic % Start of sub-graphic p 0.678571 0.396069 0.97619 0.739729 MathSubStart %% Graphics %%IncludeResource: font Courier %%IncludeFont: Courier /Courier findfont 10 scalefont setfont % Scaling calculations 0.449727 0.105293 0.52572 0.105293 [ [ 0 0 0 0 ] [ 1 1.05145 0 0 ] ] MathScale % Start of Graphics 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin newpath 0 g .25 Mabswid [ ] 0 setdash 0 .52572 m 1 .52572 L s .44973 0 m .44973 1.05145 L s 0 0 m 1 0 L 1 1.05145 L 0 1.05145 L closepath clip newpath 0 0 1 r .5 Mabswid .44973 .52572 m 0 0 rlineto s .97619 .52572 m 0 0 rlineto s .44973 .52572 m .46802 .6216 L .95985 .52778 L s .44973 .52572 m .51808 .69835 L .91408 .54156 L s .44973 .52572 m .58666 .74149 L .84793 .57568 L s .44973 .52572 m .65538 .74472 L .77397 .63335 L s .44973 .52572 m .70528 .71139 L .70528 .71139 L s .44973 .52572 m .72155 .65363 L .65228 .80083 L s .44973 .52572 m .69725 .58927 L .62029 .889 L s .44973 .52572 m .63503 .53738 L .60829 .96246 L s .44973 .52572 m .54657 .51349 L .60932 1.01023 L s .44973 .52572 m 0 0 rlineto s .61241 1.02642 m 0 0 rlineto s 1 0 0 r .44973 .52572 m .4498 .53184 L .44999 .53741 L .45035 .54383 L .45084 .54988 L .45205 .5606 L .45386 .57213 L .45644 .58468 L .45983 .59775 L .46757 .62048 L .47765 .64269 L .48887 .66209 L .50283 .68142 L .51984 .70009 L .5384 .71598 L .55705 .72828 L .56608 .73308 L .5758 .73748 L .58497 .74093 L .59342 .74351 L .60408 .74598 L .60965 .74691 L .61247 .74729 L .61549 .74762 L .61813 .74786 L .62053 .74802 L .62519 .7482 L .62777 .74823 L .63057 .74819 L .63319 .74809 L .6356 .74795 L .63993 .74756 L .64394 .74705 L .64827 .74632 L .65285 .74535 L .66187 .74277 L .66975 .73971 L .68321 .7324 L .69002 .72743 L .69571 .7224 L .70057 .71729 L .70533 .71132 L .7125 .69947 L .71567 .6923 L .71841 .68403 L .71948 .67974 L .7204 .67505 L .72076 .67275 L .72105 .67054 L .72145 .66637 L Mistroke .72166 .66243 L .72171 .65819 L .72158 .65416 L .72133 .65049 L .72085 .64612 L .72013 .64139 L .71924 .6369 L .71825 .63278 L .71278 .61662 L .70861 .60767 L .70413 .59964 L .69349 .58433 L .68158 .57096 L .66532 .55661 L .64502 .54286 L .62509 .53261 L .61414 .52808 L .60219 .5239 L .59131 .52075 L .57911 .51789 L .56779 .51584 L .55708 .51442 L .55048 .51378 L .54422 .51334 L .53856 .51308 L .53241 .51294 L .52567 .51297 L .52227 .51304 L .51852 .51319 L .51189 .51357 L .50569 .51409 L .49987 .51471 L .49354 .51553 L .48206 .51744 L .46073 .52241 L .43643 .53044 L .41477 .53993 L .39385 .55146 L .37281 .56587 L .33957 .5964 L .32365 .61615 L .3098 .63813 L .30048 .65749 L .29303 .67897 L .29043 .68951 L .28935 .69504 L .28841 .70086 L .28777 .70592 L .2875 .7086 L .28726 .71146 L Mistroke .28697 .71644 L .28684 .72107 L .28686 .72581 L .28706 .73092 L .28741 .73568 L .28788 .74004 L .28848 .7443 L .28913 .74811 L .29098 .75643 L .2938 .76581 L .29701 .77402 L .30109 .78237 L .30626 .79088 L .3165 .80359 L .32283 .80959 L .32916 .81455 L .33561 .81872 L .34279 .82248 L .35101 .82577 L .35477 .82695 L .35888 .82803 L .36277 .82884 L .36637 .82943 L .36984 .82984 L .37352 .83013 L .37759 .83026 L .3814 .83021 L .38559 .82996 L .38794 .82973 L .39008 .82947 L .3938 .8289 L .39773 .82812 L .40475 .82629 L .41225 .8237 L .42037 .82012 L .43446 .81181 L .44691 .80191 L .46 .7882 L .47254 .7706 L .48241 .75167 L .48637 .74193 L .48963 .7324 L .49236 .72271 L .49477 .71191 L .49646 .70185 L .49706 .69731 L .49759 .69241 L .49803 .68703 L .49833 .68198 L .49853 .67593 L Mistroke .49857 .67037 L .49846 .66455 L .49817 .65819 L .49773 .65215 L .49718 .64656 L .49556 .63465 L .49353 .62374 L .48707 .59927 L .47879 .57698 L .46894 .5564 L .44052 .51378 L .42096 .49241 L .40094 .47475 L .37992 .45976 L .35599 .44631 L .33264 .43643 L .32139 .43272 L .31086 .42983 L .30056 .42756 L .2912 .42597 L .28625 .4253 L .28088 .42473 L .27524 .42428 L .26993 .42401 L .26488 .4239 L .25934 .42393 L .25362 .42414 L .24831 .4245 L .24342 .42498 L .23899 .42553 L .22921 .42719 L .21936 .4295 L .21073 .4321 L .20182 .43542 L .19264 .43959 L .17765 .44841 L .16528 .45821 L .1531 .47135 L .14803 .47852 L .14331 .48676 L .14002 .49402 L .1385 .4981 L .13726 .50202 L .13627 .50568 L .13539 .50971 L .13476 .51339 L .13432 .51682 L .13399 .52084 L .1339 .52287 L .13385 .5251 L 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.53825 -12 -9 ] [.63113 .53825 12 0 ] [.76226 .53825 -9 -9 ] [.76226 .53825 9 0 ] [.89339 .53825 -12 -9 ] [.89339 .53825 12 0 ] [.4875 .02623 -12 -4.5 ] [.4875 .02623 0 4.5 ] [.4875 .28849 -24 -4.5 ] [.4875 .28849 0 4.5 ] [.4875 .81301 -18 -4.5 ] [.4875 .81301 0 4.5 ] [.4875 1.07528 -6 -4.5 ] [.4875 1.07528 0 4.5 ] [.5 1.114 -13.3438 0 ] [.5 1.114 13.3438 12 ] [ 0 0 0 0 ] [ 1 1.1015 0 0 ] ] MathScale % Start of Graphics 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin newpath 0 g .25 Mabswid [ ] 0 setdash .1066 .55075 m .1066 .557 L s [(-0.75)] .1066 .53825 0 1 Mshowa .23774 .55075 m .23774 .557 L s [(-0.5)] .23774 .53825 0 1 Mshowa .36887 .55075 m .36887 .557 L s [(-0.25)] .36887 .53825 0 1 Mshowa .63113 .55075 m .63113 .557 L s [(0.25)] .63113 .53825 0 1 Mshowa .76226 .55075 m .76226 .557 L s [(0.5)] .76226 .53825 0 1 Mshowa .89339 .55075 m .89339 .557 L s [(0.75)] .89339 .53825 0 1 Mshowa .125 Mabswid .13283 .55075 m .13283 .5545 L s .15906 .55075 m .15906 .5545 L s .18528 .55075 m .18528 .5545 L s .21151 .55075 m .21151 .5545 L s .26396 .55075 m .26396 .5545 L s .29019 .55075 m .29019 .5545 L s .31641 .55075 m .31641 .5545 L s .34264 .55075 m .34264 .5545 L s .39509 .55075 m .39509 .5545 L s .42132 .55075 m .42132 .5545 L s .44755 .55075 m .44755 .5545 L s .47377 .55075 m .47377 .5545 L s .52622 .55075 m .52622 .5545 L s .55245 .55075 m .55245 .5545 L s .57868 .55075 m .57868 .5545 L s .6049 .55075 m .6049 .5545 L s .65736 .55075 m .65736 .5545 L s .68358 .55075 m .68358 .5545 L s .70981 .55075 m .70981 .5545 L s .73603 .55075 m .73603 .5545 L s .78849 .55075 m .78849 .5545 L s .81471 .55075 m .81471 .5545 L s .84094 .55075 m .84094 .5545 L s .86717 .55075 m .86717 .5545 L s .08038 .55075 m .08038 .5545 L s .05415 .55075 m .05415 .5545 L s .02793 .55075 m .02793 .5545 L s .0017 .55075 m .0017 .5545 L s .91962 .55075 m .91962 .5545 L s .94584 .55075 m .94584 .5545 L s .97207 .55075 m .97207 .5545 L s .9983 .55075 m .9983 .5545 L s .25 Mabswid 0 .55075 m 1 .55075 L s .5 .02623 m .50625 .02623 L s [(-1)] .4875 .02623 1 0 Mshowa .5 .28849 m .50625 .28849 L s [(-0.5)] .4875 .28849 1 0 Mshowa .5 .81301 m .50625 .81301 L s [(0.5)] .4875 .81301 1 0 Mshowa .5 1.07528 m .50625 1.07528 L s [(1)] .4875 1.07528 1 0 Mshowa .125 Mabswid .5 .07868 m .50375 .07868 L s .5 .13113 m .50375 .13113 L s .5 .18358 m .50375 .18358 L s .5 .23604 m .50375 .23604 L s .5 .34094 m .50375 .34094 L s .5 .39339 m .50375 .39339 L s .5 .44585 m .50375 .44585 L s .5 .4983 m .50375 .4983 L s .5 .6032 m .50375 .6032 L s .5 .65566 m .50375 .65566 L s .5 .70811 m .50375 .70811 L s .5 .76056 m .50375 .76056 L s .5 .86547 m .50375 .86547 L s .5 .91792 m .50375 .91792 L s .5 .97037 m .50375 .97037 L s .5 1.02282 m .50375 1.02282 L s .25 Mabswid .5 0 m .5 1.1015 L s gsave .5 1.114 -74.3438 -4 Mabsadd m 1 1 Mabs scale currentpoint translate 0 20 translate 1 -1 scale /g { setgray} bind def /k { setcmykcolor} bind def /p { gsave} bind def /r { setrgbcolor} bind def /w { setlinewidth} bind def /C { curveto} bind def /F { fill} bind def /L { lineto} bind def /rL { rlineto} bind def /P { grestore} bind def /s { stroke} bind def /S { show} bind def /N {currentpoint 3 -1 roll show moveto} bind def /Msf { findfont exch scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont} bind def /m { moveto} bind def /Mr { rmoveto} bind def /Mx {currentpoint exch pop moveto} bind def /My {currentpoint pop exch moveto} bind def /X {0 rmoveto} bind def /Y {0 exch rmoveto} bind def /MISOfy { /newfontname exch def /oldfontname exch def oldfontname findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall /Encoding MacintoshRomanEncoding def currentdict end newfontname exch definefont pop } def 63.000 13.000 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Times-Italic %%IncludeFont: Times-Italic %%BeginResource: font Times-Italic-MISO %%BeginFont: Times-Italic-MISO /Times-Italic /Times-Italic-MISO MISOfy %%EndFont %%EndResource %%IncludeResource: font Times-Italic-MISO %%IncludeFont: Times-Italic-MISO /Times-Italic-MISO findfont 10.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor (n) show 70.438 13.000 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Mathematica5 %%IncludeFont: Mathematica5 /Mathematica5 findfont 10.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor (\\207) show 80.688 13.000 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Times-Roman %%IncludeFont: Times-Roman %%BeginResource: font Times-Roman-MISO %%BeginFont: Times-Roman-MISO /Times-Roman /Times-Roman-MISO MISOfy %%EndFont %%EndResource %%IncludeResource: font Times-Roman-MISO %%IncludeFont: Times-Roman-MISO /Times-Roman-MISO findfont 10.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor (6) show 1.000 setlinewidth grestore 0 0 m 1 0 L 1 1.1015 L 0 1.1015 L closepath clip newpath 1 0 0 r .5 Mabswid .87089 .55075 m .83463 .57129 L .79741 .58614 L .77478 .59263 L .75355 .59718 L .74156 .59913 L .73519 .59998 L .7284 .60077 L .71584 .60186 L .70414 .60248 L .69197 .60271 L .68078 .60257 L .66782 .60197 L .65546 .60097 L .64409 .59968 L .63353 .59817 L .60966 .59362 L .58347 .58678 L .56007 .57896 L .50949 .55606 L .46204 .52581 L .42281 .4924 L .38567 .45055 L .36942 .42751 L .35418 .40179 L .34272 .37849 L .3339 .35682 L .32657 .33452 L .32126 .31376 L .31895 .30227 L .31691 .2896 L .31539 .27692 L .3148 .26999 L .31438 .26351 L .31399 .25172 L .31405 .24101 L .31456 .22936 L .315 .22356 L .31562 .21726 L .3171 .2059 L .31888 .1956 L .32431 .17299 L .33067 .15395 L .33893 .13484 L .3567 .10466 L .36858 .08936 L .38074 .07638 L .39578 .06319 L .41103 .05241 L .42559 .04416 L Mistroke .44168 .03705 L .45106 .03378 L .45967 .03133 L .46841 .02934 L .4767 .02791 L .48144 .0273 L .48646 .02679 L .49546 .02629 L .50049 .02623 L .50517 .02631 L .5103 .02655 L .51578 .027 L .5242 .02805 L .52897 .02884 L .53343 .02972 L .54308 .03206 L .55182 .03472 L .5673 .04077 L .58339 .04904 L .59901 .05924 L .61503 .07238 L .63059 .0884 L .64333 .10471 L .65354 .12068 L .66317 .13929 L .67163 .16027 L .67483 .1701 L .6779 .18116 L .68017 .19093 L .68221 .20161 L .68389 .21309 L .68503 .22398 L .68574 .23496 L .68602 .24549 L .68595 .25502 L .68551 .26547 L .68464 .27651 L .68348 .28669 L .68181 .29791 L .67959 .30974 L .6748 .32968 L .66804 .3514 L .65888 .37486 L .64706 .39946 L .62072 .44193 L .58365 .48596 L .54241 .52244 L .5011 .55011 L .47818 .56245 L .45273 .57397 L Mistroke .42804 .58314 L .40505 .59002 L .38168 .59545 L .35934 .59922 L .34678 .60074 L .33989 .60139 L .33341 .60189 L .32082 .60252 L .30945 .60271 L .30288 .60266 L .29596 .60248 L .28363 .60183 L .27681 .60128 L .27048 .60065 L .25622 .5988 L .24375 .59668 L .23038 .59387 L .20671 .58746 L .18454 .57964 L .16493 .57109 L .12414 .54737 L .10575 .53333 L .08737 .51645 L .06143 .48541 L .05082 .46876 L .04118 .44996 L .03457 .43347 L .03161 .4243 L .02924 .41562 L .02742 .40749 L .02586 .39867 L .02483 .39066 L .02419 .38329 L .02383 .37462 L .02392 .36537 L .02444 .35671 L .0253 .34887 L .02676 .33981 L .0289 .33009 L .03425 .31291 L .04177 .2958 L .05187 .27871 L .06328 .26379 L .07508 .25145 L .10252 .23045 L .11806 .22194 L .13624 .2143 L .15264 .20925 L .16212 .20703 L .17093 .20541 L Mistroke .17926 .20424 L .18844 .20335 L .19722 .20287 L .2054 .20275 L .21491 .20299 L .22522 .2037 L .23501 .20482 L .24402 .20621 L .25456 .20829 L .26608 .21111 L .28701 .21775 L .30859 .22668 L .33115 .23845 L .3699 .26521 L .40652 .30004 L .43601 .33777 L .46273 .38451 L .47368 .4098 L .48362 .43866 L .49047 .46482 L .49514 .48915 L .49706 .50275 L .49788 .50995 L .4986 .51763 L .49911 .52433 L .49954 .53174 L .49995 .54484 L .49993 .55792 L .49953 .56991 L .49867 .58305 L .49807 .58964 L .49729 .59684 L .49566 .60896 L .49351 .62182 L .48857 .64473 L .48131 .67024 L .47179 .69646 L .45022 .74089 L .42119 .78404 L .38334 .82475 L .3468 .85331 L .32551 .86623 L .30477 .87656 L .28521 .8844 L .26369 .89102 L .2542 .89329 L .2441 .89528 L .2346 .89674 L .22602 .89772 L .21636 .89844 L Mistroke .20741 .89874 L .19768 .89865 L .18738 .89807 L .18226 .8976 L .17674 .89694 L .16684 .89539 L .15738 .89342 L .14881 .89122 L .13381 .88631 L .11806 .87957 L .10259 .87109 L .08909 .86188 L .07537 .85033 L .06248 .83678 L .0527 .82401 L .04373 .80942 L .03583 .79267 L .03022 .77632 L .02764 .766 L .02661 .76086 L .0258 .75608 L .02465 .74705 L .02424 .74226 L .02396 .73716 L .02381 .72847 L .02414 .71895 L .02493 .70991 L .02607 .70152 L .02743 .69399 L .0293 .68567 L .03427 .66891 L .04141 .65102 L .05115 .63216 L .07396 .59977 L .10129 .57198 L .13558 .54656 L .16876 .52862 L .18896 .52016 L .20855 .51348 L .23261 .50712 L .25552 .50281 L .26771 .50117 L .27478 .50041 L .28128 .49985 L .28815 .49939 L .29558 .49903 L .3025 .49884 L .30909 .49879 L .32098 .49899 L .33371 .49964 L Mistroke .34574 .50065 L .35666 .50192 L .36953 .50383 L .38342 .5064 L .40845 .5124 L .43053 .5192 L .45434 .5282 L .50052 .55105 L .54028 .57744 L .57411 .60614 L .60876 .64384 L .63981 .689 L .65152 .71078 L .66215 .73445 L .66979 .75524 L .67639 .77785 L .6789 .78848 L .68113 .79967 L .68282 .81002 L .68407 .81963 L .68497 .82863 L .68563 .8382 L .68599 .84875 L .686 .85827 L .6856 .86937 L .68486 .87949 L .68363 .89046 L .68186 .90189 L .67783 .92062 L .67191 .94042 L .66444 .95941 L .65466 .97886 L .64471 .9948 L .63286 1.01043 L .61994 1.02445 L .60733 1.03581 L .58061 1.05405 L .56337 1.06243 L .54698 1.06832 L .53823 1.0707 L .52854 1.07274 L .52362 1.07354 L .51834 1.07423 L .51334 1.07472 L .50879 1.07504 L .49981 1.07528 L .49153 1.07505 L .48245 1.07432 L .47788 1.07375 L .47286 1.07298 L Mistroke .46451 1.07134 L .4556 1.06908 L .43977 1.06371 L .42346 1.05625 L .40679 1.04633 L .37923 1.02364 L .36423 1.00689 L .35161 .98927 L .34153 .97184 L .33245 .95209 L .32581 .93352 L .32287 .92332 L .32016 .91214 L .3181 .90166 L .31657 .89194 L .31538 .88204 L .31459 .87253 L .31407 .86139 L .31397 .85572 L .31399 .84943 L .31437 .83824 L .31511 .82767 L .3157 .8216 L .31646 .8152 L .31817 .80372 L .32363 .77777 L .33054 .75426 L .33875 .73226 L .35839 .69212 L .38548 .65119 L .42126 .61062 L .45735 .57923 L .49968 .55093 L .53848 .53127 L .58321 .5148 L .60792 .50827 L .62108 .50551 L .63513 .50308 L .64866 .50126 L .66091 .50004 L .67321 .49923 L .68476 .49884 L .69602 .49882 L .70784 .49918 L .71787 .49979 L .7288 .50078 L .74046 .50222 L .75281 .50419 L .77466 .50884 L .79909 .51592 L Mistroke .82448 .5256 L .84568 .53576 L .86683 .54809 L .90249 .57534 L .92982 .60438 L .94123 .61998 L .95158 .63701 L .95909 .65215 L .96563 .66863 L .96865 .67806 L .97095 .68667 L .97286 .69545 L .97424 .70354 L .97539 .71299 L .97579 .71795 L .97607 .72319 L .97618 .73196 L .97605 .73692 L .9758 .74153 L .97508 .74952 L .97387 .75814 L .97232 .76618 L .97055 .77352 L .96631 .78707 L .96054 .80097 L .95213 .81657 L .94271 .83033 L .92141 .85327 L .90811 .86395 L .89466 .87274 L .87885 .88103 L .86083 .88822 L .85137 .89117 L .84084 .89383 L .83067 .89583 L .82111 .89722 L .81236 .89809 L .8026 .89864 L .79229 .89873 L .78253 .89838 L .77339 .89767 L .76335 .89646 L .75383 .89491 L .74497 .89311 L .72824 .88878 L .71047 .88282 L .67059 .86405 L .63613 .84106 L .60204 .81061 L .57011 .77249 L Mistroke .54688 .73573 L .52631 .69168 L .51719 .6655 L .51051 .64095 L .5075 .62715 L .5048 .612 L .5028 .59757 L .50142 .58414 L .50056 .57177 L .50011 .56014 L .50001 .54737 L .50014 .54018 L .50037 .5336 L .50112 .52112 L .50238 .50752 L .50421 .49339 L .50636 .48034 L .51215 .4539 L .51907 .43006 L .52817 .40513 L .54008 .37874 L .56429 .33732 L .59501 .29835 L .6266 .26809 L .66362 .24156 L .68239 .23108 L .70057 .22262 L .71717 .21626 L .73523 .21076 L .74623 .20811 L .75633 .20615 L .76595 .20469 L .77606 .20359 L .78508 .20299 L .79344 .20276 L .80252 .20286 L .81215 .20339 L .82228 .20443 L .82793 .20523 L .8331 .2061 L .84228 .208 L .85218 .21057 L .86875 .21617 L .88541 .22366 L .91289 .24115 L .92651 .25297 L .93771 .26495 L .95488 .28959 L .9617 .30306 L .9677 .31847 L Mistroke .97184 .33317 L .97357 .34165 L .97479 .34957 L .97554 .35658 L .97604 .36435 L .97619 .37252 L .97598 .3802 L .97546 .38772 L .97467 .39487 L .97371 .4013 L .97241 .4083 L .9685 .42393 L .96367 .43829 L .94995 .4674 L .93998 .48337 L .92923 .49785 L .90374 .52502 L .87089 .55075 L Mfstroke MathSubEnd P % End of sub-graphic % Start of sub-graphic p 0.35119 0.0176015 0.64881 0.352869 MathSubStart %% Graphics %%IncludeResource: font Courier %%IncludeFont: Courier /Courier findfont 10 scalefont setfont % Scaling calculations 0.516073 0.492268 0.50826 0.492268 [ [.02381 .49576 -6 -9 ] [.02381 .49576 6 0 ] [.26994 .49576 -12 -9 ] [.26994 .49576 12 0 ] [.76221 .49576 -9 -9 ] [.76221 .49576 9 0 ] [.50357 .01599 -12 -4.5 ] [.50357 .01599 0 4.5 ] [.50357 .26213 -24 -4.5 ] [.50357 .26213 0 4.5 ] [.50357 .75439 -18 -4.5 ] [.50357 .75439 0 4.5 ] [.50357 1.00053 -6 -4.5 ] [.50357 1.00053 0 4.5 ] [.5 1.02904 -13.3438 0 ] [.5 1.02904 13.3438 12 ] [ 0 0 0 0 ] [ 1 1.01654 0 0 ] ] MathScale % Start of Graphics 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin newpath 0 g .25 Mabswid [ ] 0 setdash .02381 .50826 m .02381 .51451 L s [(-1)] .02381 .49576 0 1 Mshowa .26994 .50826 m .26994 .51451 L s [(-0.5)] .26994 .49576 0 1 Mshowa .76221 .50826 m .76221 .51451 L s [(0.5)] .76221 .49576 0 1 Mshowa .125 Mabswid .07303 .50826 m .07303 .51201 L s .12226 .50826 m .12226 .51201 L s .17149 .50826 m .17149 .51201 L s .22071 .50826 m .22071 .51201 L s .31917 .50826 m .31917 .51201 L s .36839 .50826 m .36839 .51201 L s .41762 .50826 m .41762 .51201 L s .46685 .50826 m .46685 .51201 L s .5653 .50826 m .5653 .51201 L s .61453 .50826 m .61453 .51201 L s .66375 .50826 m .66375 .51201 L s .71298 .50826 m .71298 .51201 L s .81143 .50826 m .81143 .51201 L s .86066 .50826 m .86066 .51201 L s .90989 .50826 m .90989 .51201 L s .95911 .50826 m .95911 .51201 L s .25 Mabswid 0 .50826 m 1 .50826 L s .51607 .01599 m .52232 .01599 L s [(-1)] .50357 .01599 1 0 Mshowa .51607 .26213 m .52232 .26213 L s [(-0.5)] .50357 .26213 1 0 Mshowa .51607 .75439 m .52232 .75439 L s [(0.5)] .50357 .75439 1 0 Mshowa .51607 1.00053 m .52232 1.00053 L s [(1)] .50357 1.00053 1 0 Mshowa .125 Mabswid .51607 .06522 m .51982 .06522 L s .51607 .11445 m .51982 .11445 L s .51607 .16367 m .51982 .16367 L s .51607 .2129 m .51982 .2129 L s .51607 .31135 m .51982 .31135 L s .51607 .36058 m .51982 .36058 L s .51607 .40981 m .51982 .40981 L s .51607 .45903 m .51982 .45903 L s .51607 .55749 m .51982 .55749 L s .51607 .60671 m .51982 .60671 L s .51607 .65594 m .51982 .65594 L s .51607 .70517 m .51982 .70517 L s .51607 .80362 m .51982 .80362 L s .51607 .85285 m .51982 .85285 L s .51607 .90207 m .51982 .90207 L s .51607 .9513 m .51982 .9513 L s .25 Mabswid .51607 0 m .51607 1.01654 L s gsave .5 1.02904 -74.3438 -4 Mabsadd m 1 1 Mabs scale currentpoint translate 0 20 translate 1 -1 scale /g { setgray} bind def /k { setcmykcolor} bind def /p { gsave} bind def /r { setrgbcolor} bind def /w { setlinewidth} bind def /C { curveto} bind def /F { fill} bind def /L { lineto} bind def /rL { rlineto} bind def /P { grestore} bind def /s { stroke} bind def /S { show} bind def /N {currentpoint 3 -1 roll show moveto} bind def /Msf { findfont exch scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont} bind def /m { moveto} bind def /Mr { rmoveto} bind def /Mx {currentpoint exch pop moveto} bind def /My {currentpoint pop exch moveto} bind def /X {0 rmoveto} bind def /Y {0 exch rmoveto} bind def /MISOfy { /newfontname exch def /oldfontname exch def oldfontname findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall /Encoding MacintoshRomanEncoding def currentdict end newfontname exch definefont pop } def 63.000 13.000 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Times-Italic %%IncludeFont: Times-Italic %%BeginResource: font Times-Italic-MISO %%BeginFont: Times-Italic-MISO /Times-Italic /Times-Italic-MISO MISOfy %%EndFont %%EndResource %%IncludeResource: font Times-Italic-MISO %%IncludeFont: Times-Italic-MISO /Times-Italic-MISO findfont 10.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor (n) show 70.438 13.000 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Mathematica5 %%IncludeFont: Mathematica5 /Mathematica5 findfont 10.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor (\\207) show 80.688 13.000 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Times-Roman %%IncludeFont: Times-Roman %%BeginResource: font Times-Roman-MISO %%BeginFont: Times-Roman-MISO /Times-Roman /Times-Roman-MISO MISOfy %%EndFont %%EndResource %%IncludeResource: font Times-Roman-MISO %%IncludeFont: Times-Roman-MISO /Times-Roman-MISO findfont 10.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor (7) show 1.000 setlinewidth grestore 0 0 m 1 0 L 1 1.01654 L 0 1.01654 L closepath clip newpath 1 0 0 r .5 Mabswid .91433 .50826 m .89853 .52243 L .87998 .53621 L .84265 .55696 L .81772 .5668 L .80497 .57079 L .79295 .57395 L .78206 .57634 L .76989 .5785 L .75748 .58017 L .74418 .58138 L .73003 .58202 L .71648 .58202 L .70426 .58152 L .69088 .58043 L .68327 .57955 L .67637 .5786 L .66094 .57591 L .63336 .56918 L .60816 .56076 L .58159 .54938 L .53599 .523 L .49128 .48647 L .46888 .46261 L .45018 .4386 L .43327 .41221 L .41969 .38606 L .40715 .35488 L .40278 .34112 L .39871 .32581 L .39603 .31347 L .39372 .30013 L .39271 .29278 L .39194 .28605 L .39088 .27286 L .39045 .26154 L .39049 .24922 L .39108 .23649 L .39214 .22476 L .39296 .21811 L .39404 .21097 L .39645 .19817 L .40255 .17492 L .4069 .16221 L .41219 .14916 L .42332 .12697 L .43604 .10707 L .44971 .08985 L .47899 .06241 L .49706 .0501 L Mistroke .51468 .04073 L .53475 .0328 L .54621 .02948 L .55669 .02715 L .56605 .02564 L .57596 .02462 L .58443 .0242 L .5937 .02424 L .60366 .02485 L .61423 .02615 L .62411 .028 L .63299 .0302 L .64983 .03584 L .6674 .04399 L .68313 .05355 L .69678 .06392 L .72376 .09214 L .73637 .11072 L .7461 .12923 L .75314 .1466 L .75911 .16655 L .76141 .17696 L .76332 .18829 L .7646 .19916 L .76533 .20915 L .76563 .22141 L .76555 .22764 L .76527 .23451 L .76429 .24674 L .76283 .25821 L .76041 .27177 L .75756 .28413 L .74888 .31175 L .73894 .33512 L .72559 .35984 L .69492 .40202 L .657 .4391 L .61561 .46836 L .58985 .4823 L .56513 .49314 L .53701 .50278 L .52115 .50706 L .50656 .51029 L .4931 .51269 L .47841 .51468 L .47031 .51551 L .46283 .5161 L .44809 .51678 L .43547 .51686 L .42161 .5164 L Mistroke .40721 .51532 L .39382 .51376 L .3782 .51124 L .36355 .50817 L .33668 .50067 L .3089 .49016 L .28026 .47597 L .25722 .46163 L .23427 .44412 L .21588 .42712 L .19852 .40779 L .18475 .38928 L .17185 .36804 L .16227 .34821 L .15506 .32904 L .1516 .31738 L .1486 .30464 L .14656 .29305 L .14526 .28235 L .14449 .27085 L .14434 .26435 L .1444 .25828 L .14465 .25193 L .14506 .24616 L .14571 .23987 L .14661 .23331 L .14848 .22311 L .15107 .21243 L .15728 .19386 L .16712 .17309 L .17826 .15568 L .1902 .14109 L .20506 .12676 L .22234 .11389 L .23992 .10394 L .25742 .09657 L .27415 .09154 L .28365 .08948 L .29417 .08783 L .30425 .08685 L .31368 .08643 L .32485 .08657 L .33117 .08694 L .33698 .08748 L .34771 .08893 L .35901 .09112 L .36914 .09367 L .37853 .09654 L .39956 .10479 L .42168 .11641 L Mistroke .44096 .12933 L .46043 .14549 L .48025 .16594 L .50862 .20546 L .52136 .22965 L .53132 .25371 L .53878 .27719 L .54398 .2994 L .54617 .3119 L .54799 .32571 L .54917 .33889 L .54977 .35121 L .54989 .36568 L .54968 .37385 L .5493 .38139 L .54816 .39525 L .54632 .4099 L .54413 .42298 L .5416 .43515 L .53421 .46249 L .52367 .49134 L .51183 .51677 L .49695 .54276 L .47802 .56976 L .44164 .60964 L .42089 .62746 L .39716 .64453 L .374 .65828 L .35204 .66901 L .33073 .67746 L .30761 .68458 L .29432 .68775 L .28222 .69006 L .27006 .69184 L .2586 .69302 L .24531 .69377 L .23314 .69388 L .22683 .69372 L .21992 .69336 L .21276 .6928 L .20611 .69209 L .1929 .69015 L .1806 .68767 L .15826 .68139 L .13551 .67237 L .11251 .66002 L .09385 .647 L .07582 .63098 L .06101 .61422 L .04945 .59761 L Mistroke .04075 .58172 L .03322 .56356 L .03025 .55417 L .02768 .54398 L .02585 .53426 L .02468 .52534 L .02393 .51478 L .02381 .50945 L .02387 .50356 L .02449 .49318 L .02566 .48349 L .02658 .47796 L .02776 .47218 L .03036 .46195 L .03388 .4511 L .03858 .43947 L .04841 .42062 L .06149 .40169 L .07615 .3852 L .09129 .37156 L .10933 .3585 L .12771 .34794 L .14828 .33873 L .16044 .33441 L .17231 .3309 L .18261 .3284 L .19405 .32618 L .20462 .32461 L .21454 .32356 L .22535 .32286 L .23742 .32261 L .25014 .32295 L .26217 .32382 L .27447 .32526 L .28797 .32749 L .30205 .33053 L .31513 .33403 L .33835 .34187 L .36271 .35246 L .39041 .36771 L .41537 .3848 L .45797 .42322 L .49049 .46391 L .51883 .51413 L .52982 .54102 L .53488 .55619 L .53903 .5708 L .54229 .58445 L .54518 .59945 L .54723 .61315 L Mistroke .54861 .6259 L .54951 .63881 L .54991 .65275 L .54976 .66587 L .54915 .67787 L .54822 .68865 L .54679 .70039 L .54485 .71252 L .54262 .72371 L .53607 .74867 L .52837 .7706 L .51755 .79472 L .50549 .81623 L .47795 .8532 L .46001 .87142 L .44191 .88648 L .42318 .8992 L .40261 .91031 L .39157 .91517 L .37934 .91971 L .36819 .92311 L .3576 .92571 L .34763 .9276 L .33682 .92906 L .32702 .92984 L .31803 .93011 L .30836 .92991 L .29782 .92911 L .28696 .92763 L .27697 .92565 L .26778 .92328 L .25922 .92058 L .24368 .91436 L .22781 .90603 L .21169 .89512 L .196 .88145 L .18106 .86457 L .16907 .84682 L .16 .82914 L .1535 .81216 L .15056 .80217 L .14832 .79266 L .14649 .78241 L .1453 .77293 L .14452 .76184 L .14435 .75124 L .14475 .74056 L .14523 .73445 L .14585 .72872 L .14759 .71714 L Mistroke .15019 .70468 L .15682 .68228 L .16504 .66209 L .17707 .6393 L .19319 .61549 L .20972 .59584 L .23 .57608 L .25252 .55819 L .27508 .54352 L .29765 .5315 L .32381 .52035 L .34832 .5123 L .37195 .50651 L .38524 .50405 L .39748 .50228 L .41173 .50079 L .42532 .49994 L .43886 .49964 L .44659 .49971 L .45386 .49993 L .46847 .50085 L .47668 .50164 L .4842 .50255 L .4968 .50444 L .51051 .50704 L .53778 .51396 L .56708 .52416 L .59715 .53788 L .64697 .56944 L .66891 .58779 L .69007 .60903 L .72207 .65099 L .73627 .67597 L .7471 .70012 L .75616 .72715 L .75993 .74247 L .76255 .75649 L .76416 .76856 L .76523 .78137 L .76563 .79337 L .76547 .80414 L .76513 .81071 L .76466 .81671 L .76397 .82325 L .76305 .83008 L .76103 .84142 L .75818 .8536 L .75142 .87462 L .74194 .89579 L .731 .9143 L Mistroke .71946 .92976 L .7052 .94507 L .69046 .95767 L .67388 .96887 L .65436 .97881 L .64587 .98219 L .63675 .98523 L .62876 .98744 L .62011 .98934 L .61066 .99089 L .6018 .99183 L .59121 .99234 L .58154 .99222 L .57094 .99146 L .56561 .99082 L .55975 .98992 L .54944 .98783 L .53988 .98531 L .51873 .97762 L .50719 .97211 L .49692 .96634 L .47914 .95422 L .46107 .93861 L .43246 .9043 L .42006 .88363 L .40891 .85952 L .40461 .84788 L .40066 .83527 L .39775 .82411 L .39516 .81194 L .39316 .79985 L .39181 .78869 L .3909 .77734 L .39047 .76651 L .39048 .75378 L .39099 .74196 L .3921 .72892 L .39392 .71507 L .39636 .70138 L .39915 .68888 L .40738 .66097 L .41736 .6356 L .4289 .61212 L .46147 .56291 L .48373 .5376 L .5066 .51609 L .55329 .48239 L .58178 .46705 L .60904 .45542 L .63356 .44728 L Mistroke .66091 .44061 L .67479 .43816 L .68244 .43707 L .68969 .43621 L .70375 .43503 L .71653 .43449 L .72805 .43446 L .74068 .43492 L .75376 .43595 L .76591 .43742 L .77709 .43923 L .7872 .44125 L .80947 .44706 L .83118 .45468 L .85373 .46489 L .8946 .49094 L .91273 .5067 L .93007 .52541 L .94322 .5431 L .95485 .56281 L .96323 .58126 L .96684 .59124 L .97007 .60208 L .97244 .6121 L .9741 .62129 L .97529 .63055 L .97596 .63934 L .97619 .65031 L .9758 .6602 L .97535 .66565 L .97466 .6715 L .97291 .682 L .97067 .69172 L .96769 .7018 L .96082 .71924 L .95037 .73848 L .9384 .7551 L .92295 .77161 L .90396 .78704 L .88557 .79835 L .86442 .80803 L .84522 .81428 L .83389 .81697 L .82304 .81891 L .8173 .8197 L .81097 .82038 L .80431 .82088 L .79808 .82117 L .78679 .82122 L .77465 .82064 L Mistroke .76774 .82001 L .76025 .81909 L .74663 .81677 L .73337 .81372 L .72119 .81022 L .69902 .80206 L .67871 .79245 L .65532 .7786 L .6349 .76376 L .59679 .72735 L .57831 .70414 L .5627 .6803 L .5403 .6348 L .53064 .60721 L .52374 .58046 L .52105 .56656 L .51883 .55177 L .51745 .53907 L .51649 .5251 L .51619 .51719 L .51608 .50999 L .51614 .50167 L .51638 .49382 L .51724 .47987 L .51798 .47203 L .51883 .46481 L .52055 .45293 L .52286 .44025 L .52823 .41765 L .53658 .39146 L .546 .36832 L .55751 .3453 L .57196 .32152 L .60285 .28247 L .62217 .26351 L .64456 .24539 L .66536 .23159 L .68818 .21933 L .70936 .21036 L .72073 .20645 L .73298 .2029 L .74429 .20023 L .7546 .19829 L .76495 .19682 L .77472 .19588 L .78584 .19532 L .79212 .19525 L .79799 .19535 L .80969 .19603 L .8162 .19669 L Mistroke .82211 .19747 L .83194 .19915 L .8425 .20153 L .86301 .20795 L .87438 .21265 L .88434 .21751 L .90523 .23038 L .9226 .24457 L .93704 .25977 L .955 .28583 L .96289 .30196 L .96865 .31775 L .97111 .32652 L .973 .33498 L .97432 .34267 L .97537 .35113 L .97603 .36039 L .97619 .37031 L .97581 .37972 L .97504 .38825 L .97392 .39637 L .97233 .40493 L .96846 .42014 L .96282 .43629 L .95491 .45358 L .93637 .4831 L .91433 .50826 L Mfstroke MathSubEnd P % End of sub-graphic % Start of sub-graphic p 0.678571 0.0176015 0.97619 0.352869 MathSubStart %% Graphics %%IncludeResource: font Courier %%IncludeFont: Courier /Courier findfont 10 scalefont setfont % Scaling calculations 0.499995 0.50051 0.499976 0.50051 [ [.12461 .48748 -15 -9 ] [.12461 .48748 15 0 ] [.24974 .48748 -12 -9 ] [.24974 .48748 12 0 ] [.37487 .48748 -15 -9 ] [.37487 .48748 15 0 ] [.62512 .48748 -12 -9 ] [.62512 .48748 12 0 ] [.75025 .48748 -9 -9 ] [.75025 .48748 9 0 ] [.87538 .48748 -12 -9 ] [.87538 .48748 12 0 ] [.48749 .12459 -30 -4.5 ] [.48749 .12459 0 4.5 ] [.48749 .24972 -24 -4.5 ] [.48749 .24972 0 4.5 ] [.48749 .37485 -30 -4.5 ] [.48749 .37485 0 4.5 ] [.48749 .6251 -24 -4.5 ] [.48749 .6251 0 4.5 ] [.48749 .75023 -18 -4.5 ] [.48749 .75023 0 4.5 ] [.48749 .87536 -24 -4.5 ] [.48749 .87536 0 4.5 ] [.5 1.01248 -13.3438 0 ] [.5 1.01248 13.3438 12 ] [ 0 0 0 0 ] [ 1 .99998 0 0 ] ] MathScale % Start of Graphics 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin newpath 0 g .25 Mabswid [ ] 0 setdash .12461 .49998 m .12461 .50623 L s [(-0.75)] .12461 .48748 0 1 Mshowa .24974 .49998 m .24974 .50623 L s [(-0.5)] .24974 .48748 0 1 Mshowa .37487 .49998 m .37487 .50623 L s [(-0.25)] .37487 .48748 0 1 Mshowa .62512 .49998 m .62512 .50623 L s [(0.25)] .62512 .48748 0 1 Mshowa .75025 .49998 m .75025 .50623 L s [(0.5)] .75025 .48748 0 1 Mshowa .87538 .49998 m .87538 .50623 L s [(0.75)] .87538 .48748 0 1 Mshowa .125 Mabswid .02451 .49998 m .02451 .50373 L s .04954 .49998 m .04954 .50373 L s .07456 .49998 m .07456 .50373 L s .09959 .49998 m .09959 .50373 L s .14964 .49998 m .14964 .50373 L s .17466 .49998 m .17466 .50373 L s .19969 .49998 m .19969 .50373 L s .22471 .49998 m .22471 .50373 L s .27477 .49998 m .27477 .50373 L s .29979 .49998 m .29979 .50373 L s .32482 .49998 m .32482 .50373 L s .34984 .49998 m .34984 .50373 L s .39989 .49998 m .39989 .50373 L s .42492 .49998 m .42492 .50373 L s .44994 .49998 m .44994 .50373 L s .47497 .49998 m .47497 .50373 L s .52502 .49998 m .52502 .50373 L s .55005 .49998 m .55005 .50373 L s .57507 .49998 m .57507 .50373 L s .6001 .49998 m .6001 .50373 L s .65015 .49998 m .65015 .50373 L s .67517 .49998 m .67517 .50373 L s .7002 .49998 m .7002 .50373 L s .72522 .49998 m .72522 .50373 L s .77528 .49998 m .77528 .50373 L s .8003 .49998 m .8003 .50373 L s .82533 .49998 m .82533 .50373 L s .85035 .49998 m .85035 .50373 L s .9004 .49998 m .9004 .50373 L s .92543 .49998 m .92543 .50373 L s .95045 .49998 m .95045 .50373 L s .97548 .49998 m .97548 .50373 L s .25 Mabswid 0 .49998 m 1 .49998 L s .49999 .12459 m .50624 .12459 L s [(-0.75)] .48749 .12459 1 0 Mshowa .49999 .24972 m .50624 .24972 L s [(-0.5)] .48749 .24972 1 0 Mshowa .49999 .37485 m .50624 .37485 L s [(-0.25)] .48749 .37485 1 0 Mshowa .49999 .6251 m .50624 .6251 L s [(0.25)] .48749 .6251 1 0 Mshowa .49999 .75023 m .50624 .75023 L s [(0.5)] .48749 .75023 1 0 Mshowa .49999 .87536 m .50624 .87536 L s [(0.75)] .48749 .87536 1 0 Mshowa .125 Mabswid .49999 .02449 m .50374 .02449 L s .49999 .04952 m .50374 .04952 L s .49999 .07454 m .50374 .07454 L s .49999 .09957 m .50374 .09957 L s .49999 .14962 m .50374 .14962 L s .49999 .17464 m .50374 .17464 L s .49999 .19967 m .50374 .19967 L s .49999 .2247 m .50374 .2247 L s .49999 .27475 m .50374 .27475 L s .49999 .29977 m .50374 .29977 L s .49999 .3248 m .50374 .3248 L s .49999 .34982 m .50374 .34982 L s .49999 .39987 m .50374 .39987 L s .49999 .4249 m .50374 .4249 L s .49999 .44993 m .50374 .44993 L s .49999 .47495 m .50374 .47495 L s .49999 .525 m .50374 .525 L s .49999 .55003 m .50374 .55003 L s .49999 .57505 m .50374 .57505 L s .49999 .60008 m .50374 .60008 L s .49999 .65013 m .50374 .65013 L s .49999 .67515 m .50374 .67515 L s .49999 .70018 m .50374 .70018 L s .49999 .72521 m .50374 .72521 L s .49999 .77526 m .50374 .77526 L s .49999 .80028 m .50374 .80028 L s .49999 .82531 m .50374 .82531 L s .49999 .85033 m .50374 .85033 L s .49999 .90038 m .50374 .90038 L s .49999 .92541 m .50374 .92541 L s .49999 .95044 m .50374 .95044 L s .49999 .97546 m .50374 .97546 L s .25 Mabswid .49999 0 m .49999 .99998 L s gsave .5 1.01248 -74.3438 -4 Mabsadd m 1 1 Mabs scale currentpoint translate 0 20 translate 1 -1 scale /g { setgray} bind def /k { setcmykcolor} bind def /p { gsave} bind def /r { setrgbcolor} bind def /w { setlinewidth} bind def /C { curveto} bind def /F { fill} bind def /L { lineto} bind def /rL { rlineto} bind def /P { grestore} bind def /s { stroke} bind def /S { show} bind def /N {currentpoint 3 -1 roll show moveto} bind def /Msf { findfont exch scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont} bind def /m { moveto} bind def /Mr { rmoveto} bind def /Mx {currentpoint exch pop moveto} bind def /My {currentpoint pop exch moveto} bind def /X {0 rmoveto} bind def /Y {0 exch rmoveto} bind def /MISOfy { /newfontname exch def /oldfontname exch def oldfontname findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall /Encoding MacintoshRomanEncoding def currentdict end newfontname exch definefont pop } def 63.000 13.000 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Times-Italic %%IncludeFont: Times-Italic %%BeginResource: font Times-Italic-MISO %%BeginFont: Times-Italic-MISO /Times-Italic /Times-Italic-MISO MISOfy %%EndFont %%EndResource %%IncludeResource: font Times-Italic-MISO %%IncludeFont: Times-Italic-MISO /Times-Italic-MISO findfont 10.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor (n) show 70.438 13.000 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Mathematica5 %%IncludeFont: Mathematica5 /Mathematica5 findfont 10.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor (\\207) show 80.688 13.000 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Times-Roman %%IncludeFont: Times-Roman %%BeginResource: font Times-Roman-MISO %%BeginFont: Times-Roman-MISO /Times-Roman /Times-Roman-MISO MISOfy %%EndFont %%EndResource %%IncludeResource: font Times-Roman-MISO %%IncludeFont: Times-Roman-MISO /Times-Roman-MISO findfont 10.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor (8) show 1.000 setlinewidth grestore 0 0 m 1 0 L 1 .99998 L 0 .99998 L closepath clip newpath 1 0 0 r .5 Mabswid .93345 .49998 m .91746 .51854 L .89789 .53668 L .8791 .55072 L .85691 .56406 L .82877 .57697 L .8152 .58183 L .80042 .58622 L .78682 .58948 L .77154 .5923 L .75742 .59415 L .74403 .59526 L .72884 .59577 L .72019 .59572 L .71213 .59544 L .69734 .59437 L .68155 .59242 L .66607 .58971 L .65155 .58642 L .62472 .5784 L .59376 .56582 L .56637 .55139 L .53809 .53272 L .50998 .50955 L .48558 .48462 L .46574 .45981 L .44814 .43284 L .43433 .40659 L .42142 .37482 L .41603 .35768 L .4114 .33926 L .4083 .32322 L .40618 .30812 L .40473 .29155 L .40432 .28225 L .40419 .27376 L .40459 .25806 L .40518 .24934 L .40593 .24147 L .40801 .22631 L .41069 .21223 L .41469 .19614 L .41918 .18167 L .43209 .15051 L .4467 .12473 L .46577 .09914 L .48862 .07589 L .5123 .05771 L .53606 .04405 L .55914 .03444 L Mistroke .57275 .03027 L .58521 .02738 L .59216 .02614 L .59969 .02509 L .60681 .02438 L .61335 .02397 L .62528 .02381 L .63634 .02435 L .64838 .02569 L .6611 .02801 L .6742 .0314 L .68632 .0355 L .70809 .04543 L .72698 .05717 L .74539 .07212 L .75957 .08677 L .77339 .10477 L .78588 .12599 L .7914 .13783 L .79641 .15074 L .80012 .16247 L .80341 .17561 L .80568 .18783 L .80718 .19937 L .80817 .21333 L .80835 .22044 L .80828 .22829 L .80751 .24226 L .80603 .25537 L .80477 .26331 L .80333 .27085 L .79997 .28494 L .79541 .30001 L .78934 .31624 L .7765 .34304 L .75941 .3703 L .74194 .39251 L .72047 .41474 L .69756 .4341 L .67473 .44997 L .64993 .4641 L .62561 .4753 L .59773 .4853 L .5813 .4899 L .56613 .49335 L .54999 .49621 L .53461 .49818 L .51828 .49947 L .50904 .49985 L .5005 .49998 L Mistroke .48401 .49959 L .46838 .49848 L .45443 .49685 L .43931 .49441 L .42311 .49098 L .4061 .48645 L .37633 .47609 L .3475 .46278 L .3219 .44782 L .27895 .4142 L .2573 .39164 L .23748 .36585 L .22321 .34254 L .21052 .31592 L .20486 .30084 L .20042 .28642 L .19642 .26967 L .19504 .26225 L .19382 .25437 L .1923 .23998 L .19167 .22675 L .19184 .21262 L .19233 .20466 L .19304 .19725 L .19483 .18464 L .19753 .17144 L .2008 .15927 L .20438 .14849 L .21548 .12333 L .22884 .10153 L .24538 .08127 L .26281 .06496 L .28405 .04992 L .29661 .04298 L .30852 .03754 L .32909 .03045 L .34076 .02761 L .35202 .02564 L .3625 .02444 L .3723 .02387 L .3831 .02384 L .39463 .02451 L .40731 .02606 L .41443 .02731 L .42095 .0287 L .43264 .03179 L .44529 .03603 L .46675 .04546 L .4884 .05819 L .51008 .07477 L Mistroke .53155 .09606 L .54948 .11902 L .56375 .14245 L .57454 .16515 L .584 .19165 L .58775 .20549 L .591 .22071 L .59331 .23533 L .59478 .2489 L .59567 .26483 L .5958 .2738 L .59568 .28197 L .59481 .29794 L .5932 .31302 L .59195 .32159 L .59037 .33063 L .58685 .34677 L .57574 .38266 L .56271 .41271 L .54777 .43962 L .52691 .46956 L .50472 .49515 L .4546 .53794 L .42515 .5562 L .39213 .57201 L .36251 .58253 L .34874 .58634 L .33413 .58966 L .31775 .59252 L .30271 .59436 L .28653 .5955 L .27739 .59576 L .26892 .59575 L .25452 .59517 L .23908 .59376 L .2247 .59169 L .21163 .58915 L .18754 .58271 L .16314 .57367 L .1385 .56156 L .11711 .54811 L .09574 .53123 L .0755 .51088 L .05868 .48909 L .04423 .46423 L .03855 .45165 L .03403 .43959 L .03069 .4287 L .02778 .41663 L .02654 .41012 L Mistroke .02547 .40313 L .02463 .39574 L .0241 .38884 L .02384 .38196 L .02381 .37547 L .02439 .36336 L .02507 .35647 L .02608 .34922 L .0286 .33634 L .03235 .32277 L .03768 .3082 L .04928 .28514 L .06273 .26559 L .08039 .24621 L .10195 .22854 L .123 .21565 L .14415 .20599 L .15692 .20151 L .16885 .19815 L .17558 .19657 L .18296 .19511 L .19655 .1931 L .20997 .19196 L .22238 .19161 L .23683 .19206 L .25061 .19332 L .26335 .19521 L .27515 .19757 L .30169 .20512 L .31525 .21021 L .32783 .21573 L .35572 .23086 L .38149 .24891 L .40732 .27182 L .4305 .29777 L .44953 .32452 L .46647 .35472 L .48128 .39002 L .48655 .40634 L .49075 .42204 L .4939 .43651 L .49653 .452 L .49855 .46901 L .49965 .48479 L .49999 .50182 L .4998 .51151 L .49936 .52057 L .49794 .53695 L .49679 .54607 L .49554 .5543 L Mistroke .48895 .58502 L .484 .60188 L .47766 .61972 L .46366 .65082 L .44749 .67861 L .42765 .70571 L .40844 .72702 L .38599 .74744 L .36247 .76477 L .33991 .77818 L .31641 .78926 L .2936 .79746 L .28059 .80109 L .26671 .80414 L .25484 .80608 L .24176 .80754 L .22781 .80828 L .22002 .80832 L .21291 .80814 L .19993 .80722 L .18648 .80545 L .17348 .80291 L .15972 .7993 L .13581 .7905 L .11411 .7793 L .09571 .76683 L .07777 .75119 L .06066 .7317 L .04602 .70912 L .04061 .6984 L .03553 .68633 L .0316 .67477 L .02866 .66383 L .02648 .6532 L .02487 .64174 L .02399 .63034 L .02381 .61956 L .02418 .60984 L .02515 .59934 L .02691 .58777 L .02966 .57516 L .03344 .56214 L .03779 .55016 L .04756 .52925 L .06073 .50788 L .07817 .48608 L .09993 .46509 L .12091 .44922 L .14635 .43418 L .17595 .4212 L Mistroke .19347 .41544 L .21 .41117 L .22566 .4081 L .23466 .40675 L .24309 .40574 L .25868 .40454 L .26746 .40423 L .27547 .40418 L .29127 .4047 L .29925 .40527 L .30802 .40615 L .32354 .40834 L .338 .4111 L .35495 .41525 L .37028 .41986 L .40399 .4331 L .43188 .44755 L .46067 .46633 L .50761 .50784 L .52755 .53121 L .54651 .5583 L .56059 .58304 L .57341 .61125 L .58431 .64353 L .58876 .66144 L .59193 .67823 L .59405 .69403 L .59526 .7084 L .5958 .72492 L .59547 .74043 L .59438 .75537 L .59342 .76378 L .59231 .77159 L .58943 .78714 L .58539 .80349 L .57572 .83193 L .56434 .85641 L .54829 .88264 L .52767 .90818 L .50558 .92898 L .48321 .94513 L .45857 .95843 L .43492 .96746 L .42227 .97094 L .40827 .97374 L .40118 .97475 L .39358 .97554 L .3864 .97599 L .37987 .97617 L .3671 .97585 L Mistroke .35539 .97477 L .34268 .97273 L .33635 .97136 L .32942 .9696 L .31804 .96604 L .30608 .96138 L .28538 .95083 L .2668 .93818 L .24834 .92175 L .2314 .90196 L .21807 .88138 L .20785 .86038 L .20063 .84011 L .19752 .82847 L .19487 .81557 L .19309 .80315 L .19207 .79155 L .19163 .77775 L .192 .76454 L .19297 .75261 L .19472 .73958 L .19745 .72544 L .20129 .71045 L .2106 .68384 L .22315 .65752 L .23771 .63376 L .27159 .59289 L .29507 .57166 L .32242 .55179 L .34795 .53694 L .3769 .52363 L .39387 .51736 L .40965 .51247 L .42596 .50831 L .44123 .5052 L .45923 .50248 L .46877 .50144 L .47892 .50064 L .49602 .5 L .50575 .50003 L .51487 .50031 L .53126 .50145 L .5404 .50243 L .54865 .50354 L .56461 .5063 L .57948 .5096 L .61208 .51945 L .64576 .53375 L .67386 .54943 L .70137 .56881 L Mistroke .72307 .58767 L .74395 .60979 L .76177 .63302 L .77565 .65538 L .78734 .679 L .79591 .70143 L .7997 .714 L .80309 .72796 L .80565 .74203 L .8067 .74974 L .80745 .75697 L .80824 .77015 L .80831 .78215 L .80767 .79519 L .80619 .80874 L .80394 .82182 L .80063 .83569 L .79668 .84843 L .79236 .85985 L .78244 .88044 L .7696 .90059 L .75334 .92002 L .73604 .93592 L .71506 .95056 L .70256 .95738 L .69054 .96279 L .67906 .96702 L .66842 .97018 L .65638 .97291 L .64969 .97406 L .64335 .97492 L .6317 .97591 L .62092 .97617 L .60903 .97574 L .59649 .97445 L .58599 .97272 L .57482 .97022 L .55493 .96401 L .53197 .95384 L .51196 .94202 L .49217 .92712 L .47207 .9079 L .45334 .88495 L .43817 .86103 L .42632 .83688 L .41758 .81343 L .41354 .79959 L .41042 .78646 L .40782 .7725 L .40578 .75701 L Mistroke .40454 .74097 L .40424 .73185 L .4042 .72341 L .40477 .70783 L .40625 .6913 L .40835 .67648 L .41097 .66267 L .41928 .63156 L .42527 .61459 L .43185 .59878 L .44647 .57 L .46538 .54064 L .48944 .51103 L .51116 .48932 L .53671 .46825 L .56032 .45222 L .58755 .43712 L .61903 .42359 L .63546 .41803 L .65325 .41311 L .67009 .40946 L .68547 .40697 L .70094 .40526 L .71555 .40437 L .73068 .4042 L .73924 .40445 L .74722 .4049 L .76314 .40646 L .77198 .40772 L .78 .4091 L .79404 .41211 L .80904 .41619 L .83533 .42564 L .86397 .4398 L .89167 .45831 L .91476 .47865 L .93282 .49916 L .94699 .51973 L .95944 .54361 L .96445 .55605 L .96884 .56961 L .97205 .58256 L .97418 .59446 L .97555 .60633 L .97614 .61731 L .97604 .62932 L .97509 .64199 L .97357 .65285 L .97155 .66291 L .96869 .67378 L Mistroke .96486 .68526 L .95454 .70807 L .93972 .73117 L .9206 .75278 L .89979 .77017 L .87787 .78384 L .85626 .79379 L .84368 .79825 L .82963 .80218 L .81602 .80502 L .80322 .80688 L .78959 .80802 L .7765 .80834 L .76465 .80798 L .75166 .8069 L .73753 .8049 L .72963 .80341 L .7225 .80184 L .69568 .79391 L .67123 .78379 L .64568 .76996 L .60268 .73767 L .58071 .7155 L .55913 .68836 L .53975 .65725 L .52488 .6261 L .51396 .59536 L .50668 .5664 L .50378 .55008 L .5025 .5408 L .50155 .53219 L .5004 .51632 L .5 .49945 L .5004 .48357 L .5017 .46628 L .50375 .45005 L .50637 .4351 L .51314 .40737 L .52293 .37869 L .53771 .34649 L .55465 .31809 L .57238 .2942 L .59327 .27121 L .61333 .25307 L .63686 .23562 L .65964 .222 L .68116 .2117 L .70722 .20223 L .72176 .19829 L .73561 .19539 L Mistroke .74839 .19344 L .76019 .19226 L .77309 .19166 L .78668 .1918 L .79906 .19264 L .81241 .19433 L .82608 .19694 L .83852 .20014 L .85999 .20766 L .88154 .21813 L .9047 .23344 L .92407 .25062 L .93916 .26804 L .95283 .28878 L .96237 .30835 L .96672 .31994 L .97006 .33104 L .9728 .34295 L .97461 .35401 L .97585 .36692 L .97619 .37928 L .97582 .38988 L .97477 .40118 L .97315 .41182 L .97115 .42141 L .96816 .43266 L .96416 .44468 L .95491 .46594 L .94535 .48289 L .93345 .49998 L Mfstroke MathSubEnd P % End of sub-graphic % Start of sub-graphic p 0.0238095 0.386395 0.321429 0.721662 MathSubStart %% Graphics %%IncludeResource: font Courier %%IncludeFont: Courier /Courier findfont 10 scalefont setfont % Scaling calculations 0.633333 0.609524 0.563252 0.609524 [ [.02381 .55075 -6 -9 ] [.02381 .55075 6 0 ] [.17619 .55075 -15 -9 ] [.17619 .55075 15 0 ] [.32857 .55075 -12 -9 ] [.32857 .55075 12 0 ] [.48095 .55075 -15 -9 ] [.48095 .55075 15 0 ] [.78571 .55075 -12 -9 ] [.78571 .55075 12 0 ] [.9381 .55075 -9 -9 ] [.9381 .55075 9 0 ] [.62083 .10611 -30 -4.5 ] [.62083 .10611 0 4.5 ] [.62083 .25849 -24 -4.5 ] [.62083 .25849 0 4.5 ] [.62083 .41087 -30 -4.5 ] [.62083 .41087 0 4.5 ] [.62083 .71563 -24 -4.5 ] [.62083 .71563 0 4.5 ] [.62083 .86801 -18 -4.5 ] [.62083 .86801 0 4.5 ] [.62083 1.0204 -24 -4.5 ] [.62083 1.0204 0 4.5 ] [.5 1.139 -13.3438 0 ] [.5 1.139 13.3438 12 ] [ 0 0 0 0 ] [ 1 1.1265 0 0 ] ] MathScale % Start of Graphics 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin newpath 0 g .25 Mabswid [ ] 0 setdash .02381 .56325 m .02381 .5695 L s [(-1)] .02381 .55075 0 1 Mshowa .17619 .56325 m .17619 .5695 L s [(-0.75)] .17619 .55075 0 1 Mshowa .32857 .56325 m .32857 .5695 L s [(-0.5)] .32857 .55075 0 1 Mshowa .48095 .56325 m .48095 .5695 L s [(-0.25)] .48095 .55075 0 1 Mshowa .78571 .56325 m .78571 .5695 L s [(0.25)] .78571 .55075 0 1 Mshowa .9381 .56325 m .9381 .5695 L s [(0.5)] .9381 .55075 0 1 Mshowa .125 Mabswid .05429 .56325 m .05429 .567 L s .08476 .56325 m .08476 .567 L s .11524 .56325 m .11524 .567 L s .14571 .56325 m .14571 .567 L s .20667 .56325 m .20667 .567 L s .23714 .56325 m .23714 .567 L s .26762 .56325 m .26762 .567 L s .2981 .56325 m .2981 .567 L s .35905 .56325 m .35905 .567 L s .38952 .56325 m .38952 .567 L s .42 .56325 m .42 .567 L s .45048 .56325 m .45048 .567 L s .51143 .56325 m .51143 .567 L s .5419 .56325 m .5419 .567 L s .57238 .56325 m .57238 .567 L s .60286 .56325 m .60286 .567 L s .66381 .56325 m .66381 .567 L s .69429 .56325 m .69429 .567 L s .72476 .56325 m .72476 .567 L s .75524 .56325 m .75524 .567 L s .81619 .56325 m .81619 .567 L s .84667 .56325 m .84667 .567 L s .87714 .56325 m .87714 .567 L s .90762 .56325 m .90762 .567 L s .96857 .56325 m .96857 .567 L s .99905 .56325 m .99905 .567 L s .25 Mabswid 0 .56325 m 1 .56325 L s .63333 .10611 m .63958 .10611 L s [(-0.75)] .62083 .10611 1 0 Mshowa .63333 .25849 m .63958 .25849 L s [(-0.5)] .62083 .25849 1 0 Mshowa .63333 .41087 m .63958 .41087 L s [(-0.25)] .62083 .41087 1 0 Mshowa .63333 .71563 m .63958 .71563 L s [(0.25)] .62083 .71563 1 0 Mshowa .63333 .86801 m .63958 .86801 L s [(0.5)] .62083 .86801 1 0 Mshowa .63333 1.0204 m .63958 1.0204 L s [(0.75)] .62083 1.0204 1 0 Mshowa .125 Mabswid .63333 .13659 m .63708 .13659 L s .63333 .16706 m .63708 .16706 L s .63333 .19754 m .63708 .19754 L s .63333 .22801 m .63708 .22801 L s .63333 .28897 m .63708 .28897 L s .63333 .31944 m .63708 .31944 L s .63333 .34992 m .63708 .34992 L s .63333 .3804 m .63708 .3804 L s .63333 .44135 m .63708 .44135 L s .63333 .47182 m .63708 .47182 L s .63333 .5023 m .63708 .5023 L s .63333 .53278 m .63708 .53278 L s .63333 .59373 m .63708 .59373 L s .63333 .6242 m .63708 .6242 L s .63333 .65468 m .63708 .65468 L s .63333 .68516 m .63708 .68516 L s .63333 .74611 m .63708 .74611 L s .63333 .77659 m .63708 .77659 L s .63333 .80706 m .63708 .80706 L s .63333 .83754 m .63708 .83754 L s .63333 .89849 m .63708 .89849 L s .63333 .92897 m .63708 .92897 L s .63333 .95944 m .63708 .95944 L s .63333 .98992 m .63708 .98992 L s .63333 .07563 m .63708 .07563 L s .63333 .04516 m .63708 .04516 L s .63333 .01468 m .63708 .01468 L s .63333 1.05087 m .63708 1.05087 L s .63333 1.08135 m .63708 1.08135 L s .63333 1.11182 m .63708 1.11182 L s .25 Mabswid .63333 0 m .63333 1.1265 L s gsave .5 1.139 -74.3438 -4 Mabsadd m 1 1 Mabs scale currentpoint translate 0 20 translate 1 -1 scale /g { setgray} bind def /k { setcmykcolor} bind def /p { gsave} bind def /r { setrgbcolor} bind def /w { setlinewidth} bind def /C { curveto} bind def /F { fill} bind def /L { lineto} bind def /rL { rlineto} bind def /P { grestore} bind def /s { stroke} bind def /S { show} bind def /N {currentpoint 3 -1 roll show moveto} bind def /Msf { findfont exch scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont} bind def /m { moveto} bind def /Mr { rmoveto} bind def /Mx {currentpoint exch pop moveto} bind def /My {currentpoint pop exch moveto} bind def /X {0 rmoveto} bind def /Y {0 exch rmoveto} bind def /MISOfy { /newfontname exch def /oldfontname exch def oldfontname findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall /Encoding MacintoshRomanEncoding def currentdict end newfontname exch definefont pop } def 63.000 13.000 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Times-Italic %%IncludeFont: Times-Italic %%BeginResource: font Times-Italic-MISO %%BeginFont: Times-Italic-MISO /Times-Italic /Times-Italic-MISO MISOfy %%EndFont %%EndResource %%IncludeResource: font Times-Italic-MISO %%IncludeFont: Times-Italic-MISO /Times-Italic-MISO findfont 10.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor (n) show 70.438 13.000 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Mathematica5 %%IncludeFont: Mathematica5 /Mathematica5 findfont 10.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor (\\207) show 80.688 13.000 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Times-Roman %%IncludeFont: Times-Roman %%BeginResource: font Times-Roman-MISO %%BeginFont: Times-Roman-MISO /Times-Roman /Times-Roman-MISO MISOfy %%EndFont %%EndResource %%IncludeResource: font Times-Roman-MISO %%IncludeFont: Times-Roman-MISO /Times-Roman-MISO findfont 10.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor (3) show 1.000 setlinewidth grestore 0 0 m 1 0 L 1 1.1265 L 0 1.1265 L closepath clip newpath 1 0 0 r .5 Mabswid .02381 .56325 m .02386 .56089 L .02398 .55874 L .02421 .55626 L .02453 .55392 L .02531 .54977 L .02648 .54528 L .02816 .54037 L .03038 .53521 L .03549 .52611 L .04228 .51699 L .05 .50875 L .07241 .49138 L .08669 .48322 L .10183 .47616 L .13415 .46497 L .15427 .46001 L .17419 .45631 L .18616 .45459 L .19733 .4533 L .20364 .45269 L .21057 .45213 L .21722 .45169 L .22336 .45136 L .22892 .45113 L .23424 .45097 L .2399 .45085 L .24312 .45081 L .24612 .4508 L .25113 .4508 L .25669 .45086 L .26256 .45099 L .2681 .45116 L .27433 .45141 L .28094 .45176 L .29289 .45256 L .30592 .45371 L .32037 .45528 L .34782 .45916 L .37772 .46464 L .4327 .47803 L .48893 .49607 L .5498 .5206 L .65684 .5773 L .75337 .6461 L .8405 .72858 L .90389 .80937 L .92608 .84543 L .94568 .88391 L .95462 .90506 L Mistroke .96151 .92416 L .96723 .94332 L .97119 .96005 L .97266 .96775 L .97396 .97589 L .97491 .98341 L .97555 .99016 L .97581 .99382 L .97599 .99718 L .97612 1.00082 L .97619 1.00466 L .97617 1.00863 L .97607 1.01232 L .97592 1.01558 L .97569 1.01907 L .97538 1.02251 L .97504 1.0256 L .97404 1.03237 L .97292 1.0381 L .97149 1.0439 L .96764 1.05535 L .96498 1.06131 L .96221 1.06649 L .95568 1.07598 L .9488 1.08328 L .94462 1.08677 L .9398 1.09009 L .93536 1.0926 L .93035 1.09488 L .92544 1.09663 L .92078 1.09789 L .91848 1.09837 L .91594 1.09882 L .91351 1.09915 L .91122 1.09939 L .90855 1.09958 L .906 1.09967 L .90317 1.09968 L .90156 1.09963 L .90007 1.09957 L .89722 1.09937 L .89559 1.09922 L .89407 1.09904 L .89098 1.09862 L .88759 1.09803 L .881 1.09656 L .87466 1.09473 L .8625 1.09019 L .84794 1.08302 L .83424 1.07464 L Mistroke .8085 1.05465 L .78441 1.03081 L .75694 .99696 L .73209 .95915 L .70985 .91789 L .68805 .86804 L .67102 .81927 L .6576 .77058 L .65137 .74273 L .64562 .71197 L .64166 .68595 L .63817 .65705 L .63672 .64178 L .63545 .62535 L .63487 .61624 L .63443 .60792 L .63405 .59946 L .63377 .59162 L .63358 .58439 L .63343 .57672 L .63335 .56901 L .63333 .56462 L .63334 .5605 L .63339 .55309 L .63349 .54631 L .63366 .53887 L .6339 .53104 L .63458 .51554 L .63546 .50096 L .63773 .47382 L .64107 .44487 L .64573 .41391 L .65672 .35959 L .66966 .31166 L .70514 .21847 L .72925 .1722 L .75372 .13403 L .78064 .0999 L .80688 .0733 L .83051 .05442 L .85579 .03939 L .86935 .03359 L .87584 .0314 L .88171 .02977 L .88699 .02859 L .89244 .02767 L .89524 .02733 L .89781 .02709 L .90061 .02691 L .90356 .02682 L Mistroke .90508 .02682 L .90668 .02685 L .90952 .02698 L .91107 .0271 L .91252 .02724 L .91577 .02766 L .91856 .02814 L .92106 .02868 L .92654 .03022 L .9312 .03197 L .93607 .03427 L .94435 .03953 L .95241 .04678 L .95904 .05501 L .96413 .06351 L .96869 .07386 L .97065 .0797 L .97248 .08646 L .974 .09389 L .97459 .09759 L .97507 .10116 L .97543 .10453 L .97575 .10825 L .97597 .11171 L .9761 .11495 L .97618 .1185 L .97619 .12055 L .97618 .12249 L .9761 .12644 L .97602 .12869 L .97592 .13077 L .97567 .13481 L .97535 .13867 L .97457 .14604 L .97343 .15416 L .97184 .16319 L .96807 .17997 L .96354 .19599 L .94927 .23448 L .92827 .27714 L .87433 .35792 L .80716 .4324 L .71683 .50874 L .62322 .569 L .52065 .61832 L .46152 .63978 L .407 .65526 L .37956 .66149 L .35034 .66694 L .32328 .67086 L Mistroke .31061 .67232 L .29894 .67344 L .28761 .67433 L .27742 .67494 L .27166 .67521 L .26624 .67541 L .26057 .67557 L .25445 .67567 L .24901 .67571 L .24305 .67569 L .23688 .6756 L .23116 .67545 L .22587 .67525 L .22107 .67503 L .21041 .67436 L .1995 .67343 L .18981 .67237 L .16887 .66932 L .1505 .66567 L .13414 .66153 L .10107 .65002 L .08479 .64229 L .07138 .63448 L .0609 .62711 L .05105 .61875 L .04372 .6112 L .03702 .60267 L .03361 .59736 L .0309 .59237 L .02875 .58764 L .02683 .58236 L .02551 .57762 L .02461 .57314 L .02426 .57066 L .02403 .56839 L .02387 .56589 L .02381 .56325 L Mfstroke MathSubEnd P % End of sub-graphic % Start of sub-graphic p 0.35119 0.386395 0.64881 0.721662 MathSubStart %% Graphics %%IncludeResource: font Courier %%IncludeFont: Courier /Courier findfont 10 scalefont setfont % Scaling calculations 0.500001 0.618595 0.500003 0.618595 [ [.03605 .4875 -15 -9 ] [.03605 .4875 15 0 ] [.1907 .4875 -12 -9 ] [.1907 .4875 12 0 ] [.34535 .4875 -15 -9 ] [.34535 .4875 15 0 ] [.65465 .4875 -12 -9 ] [.65465 .4875 12 0 ] [.8093 .4875 -9 -9 ] [.8093 .4875 9 0 ] [.96395 .4875 -12 -9 ] [.96395 .4875 12 0 ] [.4875 .03606 -30 -4.5 ] [.4875 .03606 0 4.5 ] [.4875 .19071 -24 -4.5 ] [.4875 .19071 0 4.5 ] [.4875 .34535 -30 -4.5 ] [.4875 .34535 0 4.5 ] [.4875 .65465 -24 -4.5 ] [.4875 .65465 0 4.5 ] [.4875 .8093 -18 -4.5 ] [.4875 .8093 0 4.5 ] [.4875 .96395 -24 -4.5 ] [.4875 .96395 0 4.5 ] [.5 1.01251 -13.3438 0 ] [.5 1.01251 13.3438 12 ] [ 0 0 0 0 ] [ 1 1.00001 0 0 ] ] MathScale % Start of Graphics 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin newpath 0 g .25 Mabswid [ ] 0 setdash .03605 .5 m .03605 .50625 L s [(-0.75)] .03605 .4875 0 1 Mshowa .1907 .5 m .1907 .50625 L s [(-0.5)] .1907 .4875 0 1 Mshowa .34535 .5 m .34535 .50625 L s [(-0.25)] .34535 .4875 0 1 Mshowa .65465 .5 m .65465 .50625 L s [(0.25)] .65465 .4875 0 1 Mshowa .8093 .5 m .8093 .50625 L s [(0.5)] .8093 .4875 0 1 Mshowa .96395 .5 m .96395 .50625 L s [(0.75)] .96395 .4875 0 1 Mshowa .125 Mabswid .06698 .5 m .06698 .50375 L s .09791 .5 m .09791 .50375 L s .12884 .5 m .12884 .50375 L s .15977 .5 m .15977 .50375 L s .22163 .5 m .22163 .50375 L s .25256 .5 m .25256 .50375 L s .28349 .5 m .28349 .50375 L s .31442 .5 m .31442 .50375 L s .37628 .5 m .37628 .50375 L s .40721 .5 m .40721 .50375 L s .43814 .5 m .43814 .50375 L s .46907 .5 m .46907 .50375 L s .53093 .5 m .53093 .50375 L s .56186 .5 m .56186 .50375 L s .59279 .5 m .59279 .50375 L s .62372 .5 m .62372 .50375 L s .68558 .5 m .68558 .50375 L s .71651 .5 m .71651 .50375 L s .74744 .5 m .74744 .50375 L s .77837 .5 m .77837 .50375 L s .84023 .5 m .84023 .50375 L s .87116 .5 m .87116 .50375 L s .90209 .5 m .90209 .50375 L s .93302 .5 m .93302 .50375 L s .00513 .5 m .00513 .50375 L s .99488 .5 m .99488 .50375 L s .25 Mabswid 0 .5 m 1 .5 L s .5 .03606 m .50625 .03606 L s [(-0.75)] .4875 .03606 1 0 Mshowa .5 .19071 m .50625 .19071 L s [(-0.5)] .4875 .19071 1 0 Mshowa .5 .34535 m .50625 .34535 L s [(-0.25)] .4875 .34535 1 0 Mshowa .5 .65465 m .50625 .65465 L s [(0.25)] .4875 .65465 1 0 Mshowa .5 .8093 m .50625 .8093 L s [(0.5)] .4875 .8093 1 0 Mshowa .5 .96395 m .50625 .96395 L s [(0.75)] .4875 .96395 1 0 Mshowa .125 Mabswid .5 .06699 m .50375 .06699 L s .5 .09792 m .50375 .09792 L s .5 .12885 m .50375 .12885 L s .5 .15978 m .50375 .15978 L s .5 .22164 m .50375 .22164 L s .5 .25256 m .50375 .25256 L s .5 .28349 m .50375 .28349 L s .5 .31442 m .50375 .31442 L s .5 .37628 m .50375 .37628 L s .5 .40721 m .50375 .40721 L s .5 .43814 m .50375 .43814 L s .5 .46907 m .50375 .46907 L s .5 .53093 m .50375 .53093 L s .5 .56186 m .50375 .56186 L s .5 .59279 m .50375 .59279 L s .5 .62372 m .50375 .62372 L s .5 .68558 m .50375 .68558 L s .5 .71651 m .50375 .71651 L s .5 .74744 m .50375 .74744 L s .5 .77837 m .50375 .77837 L s .5 .84023 m .50375 .84023 L s .5 .87116 m .50375 .87116 L s .5 .90209 m .50375 .90209 L s .5 .93302 m .50375 .93302 L s .5 .00513 m .50375 .00513 L s .5 .99488 m .50375 .99488 L s .25 Mabswid .5 0 m .5 1.00001 L s gsave .5 1.01251 -74.3438 -4 Mabsadd m 1 1 Mabs scale currentpoint translate 0 20 translate 1 -1 scale /g { setgray} bind def /k { setcmykcolor} bind def /p { gsave} bind def /r { setrgbcolor} bind def /w { setlinewidth} bind def /C { curveto} bind def /F { fill} bind def /L { lineto} bind def /rL { rlineto} bind def /P { grestore} bind def /s { stroke} bind def /S { show} bind def /N {currentpoint 3 -1 roll show moveto} bind def /Msf { findfont exch scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont} bind def /m { moveto} bind def /Mr { rmoveto} bind def /Mx {currentpoint exch pop moveto} bind def /My {currentpoint pop exch moveto} bind def /X {0 rmoveto} bind def /Y {0 exch rmoveto} bind def /MISOfy { /newfontname exch def /oldfontname exch def oldfontname findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall /Encoding MacintoshRomanEncoding def currentdict end newfontname exch definefont pop } def 63.000 13.000 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Times-Italic %%IncludeFont: Times-Italic %%BeginResource: font Times-Italic-MISO %%BeginFont: Times-Italic-MISO /Times-Italic /Times-Italic-MISO MISOfy %%EndFont %%EndResource %%IncludeResource: font Times-Italic-MISO %%IncludeFont: Times-Italic-MISO /Times-Italic-MISO findfont 10.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor (n) show 70.438 13.000 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Mathematica5 %%IncludeFont: Mathematica5 /Mathematica5 findfont 10.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor (\\207) show 80.688 13.000 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Times-Roman %%IncludeFont: Times-Roman %%BeginResource: font Times-Roman-MISO %%BeginFont: Times-Roman-MISO /Times-Roman /Times-Roman-MISO MISOfy %%EndFont %%EndResource %%IncludeResource: font Times-Roman-MISO %%IncludeFont: Times-Roman-MISO /Times-Roman-MISO findfont 10.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor (4) show 1.000 setlinewidth grestore 0 0 m 1 0 L 1 1.00001 L 0 1.00001 L closepath clip newpath 1 0 0 r .5 Mabswid .5 .5 m .49041 .49993 L .48168 .49973 L .47162 .49935 L .46211 .49884 L .44525 .49757 L .42704 .49568 L .4071 .49297 L .38617 .48939 L .34923 .4812 L .31217 .47042 L .27867 .45828 L .20789 .42389 L .17449 .4026 L .14538 .38058 L .0984 .33548 L .06006 .2833 L .04433 .25303 L .03831 .23839 L .0337 .22499 L .03023 .21274 L .02729 .19943 L .02611 .19259 L .02523 .18625 L .02453 .17961 L .02425 .17592 L .02404 .17257 L .02384 .16651 L .02382 .16096 L .024 .15494 L .02417 .15193 L .02442 .14863 L .02498 .14319 L .02578 .1374 L .02773 .12718 L .03023 .11765 L .03363 .10762 L .03762 .09826 L .04258 .08875 L .05324 .07306 L .06508 .06017 L .07307 .05323 L .08218 .04663 L .10007 .03678 L .11082 .03245 L .12135 .02918 L .13338 .02646 L .14033 .02535 L .14372 .02492 L .14681 .02459 L Mistroke .1525 .02414 L .15565 .02397 L .15863 .02387 L .164 .02381 L .16987 .02393 L .17299 .02407 L .17643 .02428 L .18004 .02457 L .18343 .02491 L .18993 .02572 L .19613 .02669 L .20851 .0292 L .2199 .03217 L .24578 .04123 L .26939 .05228 L .29528 .06755 L .346 .10807 L .3893 .15633 L .42507 .20994 L .45766 .27713 L .47084 .31348 L .48258 .35476 L .49032 .39123 L .49369 .41196 L .49613 .43092 L .49787 .44876 L .49863 .45885 L .49918 .46816 L .49955 .47633 L .49983 .48531 L .49998 .49469 L .49999 .50346 L .49985 .51372 L .49971 .5189 L .49951 .52462 L .49903 .53471 L .49842 .54417 L .49653 .56538 L .49368 .5881 L .49044 .60815 L .48631 .62904 L .47717 .6657 L .45429 .73107 L .4382 .76581 L .4214 .79635 L .37805 .85767 L .33159 .905 L .28702 .9377 L .2613 .95182 L .23751 .96202 L Mistroke .21381 .9695 L .20068 .97248 L .19451 .97358 L .18882 .97444 L .18312 .97513 L .17799 .97561 L .17233 .97597 L .16637 .97617 L .16122 .97619 L .15571 .97603 L .15056 .97573 L .14589 .97532 L .14051 .97468 L .13484 .97381 L .12484 .97173 L .1134 .96844 L .10342 .96469 L .09351 .96003 L .08334 .95413 L .06661 .94126 L .05311 .92678 L .04259 .91127 L .03756 .90162 L .03361 .89233 L .03002 .88166 L .02838 .87558 L .0271 .86994 L .02611 .86467 L .02524 .85886 L .02484 .85563 L .02454 .85263 L .02409 .84665 L .02387 .84146 L .02381 .83568 L .02395 .82958 L .02426 .82381 L .02452 .82052 L .02487 .81693 L .02568 .81033 L .02783 .79781 L .03136 .78299 L .03563 .76911 L .04614 .743 L .06119 .71482 L .09798 .665 L .14491 .61981 L .1967 .58283 L .2271 .56547 L .26165 .54884 L .29299 .53624 L Mistroke .32837 .52455 L .35055 .51847 L .37137 .5136 L .39113 .5097 L .41315 .50615 L .43303 .50364 L .45177 .50189 L .46214 .50116 L .47164 .50065 L .47689 .50043 L .48263 .50025 L .49308 .50004 L .49835 .50001 L .50392 .50002 L .51389 .50016 L .52461 .50049 L .5307 .50077 L .53638 .50107 L .55598 .50254 L .56694 .50364 L .57689 .50481 L .61524 .51088 L .65084 .51882 L .69046 .53045 L .72574 .54351 L .79941 .58045 L .85554 .62018 L .89947 .66213 L .93678 .7115 L .95245 .74001 L .96336 .7662 L .96739 .7786 L .9705 .79021 L .97192 .79659 L .97324 .80346 L .97415 .80913 L .97495 .81532 L .97553 .82111 L .97591 .82648 L .97614 .8321 L .97619 .83808 L .97606 .84355 L .97579 .8487 L .97541 .85326 L .97485 .85818 L .97393 .86442 L .97284 .8702 L .97026 .8807 L .96668 .89157 L .96191 .90275 L Mistroke .95102 .92128 L .93855 .93626 L .9241 .94896 L .91531 .95499 L .90647 .96004 L .89783 .96416 L .888 .96797 L .87869 .97082 L .8698 .97293 L .86462 .9739 L .85896 .97475 L .85353 .97538 L .84849 .9758 L .84283 .97609 L .83959 .97617 L .83656 .9762 L .83037 .97609 L .82688 .97593 L .8237 .97573 L .81706 .97515 L .81089 .9744 L .79677 .97196 L .78415 .96896 L .77067 .9649 L .74538 .95496 L .72225 .94317 L .67125 .90742 L .62688 .86347 L .58901 .81305 L .55427 .75035 L .53959 .71591 L .52587 .67606 L .5164 .64102 L .51226 .62224 L .50853 .60221 L .50581 .58446 L .50342 .56487 L .50256 .55623 L .50179 .54696 L .50119 .53832 L .50074 .53022 L .50033 .52021 L .50018 .5149 L .50007 .50918 L .50001 .50321 L .50001 .49753 L .50014 .48686 L .50043 .47694 L .50084 .46774 L .50145 .45766 L Mistroke .50228 .44694 L .50486 .42273 L .50815 .40011 L .51651 .35854 L .52711 .31992 L .53901 .28561 L .57284 .21359 L .61179 .15493 L .65319 .10884 L .70237 .06911 L .73087 .05214 L .75702 .04009 L .78152 .03177 L .79375 .02869 L .80073 .02726 L .80709 .02617 L .81244 .0254 L .81825 .02474 L .82405 .02425 L .83008 .02393 L .83537 .02381 L .84095 .02386 L .84616 .02406 L .85084 .02438 L .85672 .02497 L .86284 .02581 L .87354 .0279 L .88464 .03093 L .8963 .0352 L .90587 .03965 L .9156 .0452 L .9316 .05714 L .94643 .07265 L .9577 .08924 L .96304 .09968 L .96713 .10965 L .97092 .12171 L .9723 .12731 L .97358 .13357 L .97444 .13879 L .97517 .14447 L .97549 .14765 L .97573 .15056 L .97606 .15632 L .97619 .16164 L .97615 .16749 L .97593 .17307 L .97558 .17828 L .97499 .18432 L .97427 .19004 L Mistroke .97197 .20321 L .96886 .21622 L .96456 .23036 L .9538 .25714 L .94069 .28204 L .92127 .31127 L .90016 .3371 L .85271 .38214 L .79134 .42434 L .76045 .44088 L .72593 .45642 L .69475 .46811 L .6601 .47873 L .62172 .48785 L .58506 .49411 L .57422 .49553 L .56238 .49685 L .55191 .49782 L .54075 .49866 L .53072 .49924 L .52499 .4995 L .51961 .49969 L .51018 .49992 L .5 .5 L Mfstroke MathSubEnd P % End of sub-graphic % Start of sub-graphic p 0.678571 0.386395 0.97619 0.721662 MathSubStart %% Graphics %%IncludeResource: font Courier %%IncludeFont: Courier /Courier findfont 10 scalefont setfont % Scaling calculations 0.535552 0.511748 0.518022 0.511748 [ [.0238 .50552 -6 -9 ] [.0238 .50552 6 0 ] [.15174 .50552 -15 -9 ] [.15174 .50552 15 0 ] [.27968 .50552 -12 -9 ] [.27968 .50552 12 0 ] [.40761 .50552 -15 -9 ] [.40761 .50552 15 0 ] [.66349 .50552 -12 -9 ] [.66349 .50552 12 0 ] [.79143 .50552 -9 -9 ] [.79143 .50552 9 0 ] [.91936 .50552 -12 -9 ] [.91936 .50552 12 0 ] [.52305 .00627 -12 -4.5 ] [.52305 .00627 0 4.5 ] [.52305 .26215 -24 -4.5 ] [.52305 .26215 0 4.5 ] [.52305 .7739 -18 -4.5 ] [.52305 .7739 0 4.5 ] [.52305 1.02977 -6 -4.5 ] [.52305 1.02977 0 4.5 ] [.5 1.04857 -13.3438 0 ] [.5 1.04857 13.3438 12 ] [ 0 0 0 0 ] [ 1 1.03607 0 0 ] ] MathScale % Start of Graphics 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin newpath 0 g .25 Mabswid [ ] 0 setdash .0238 .51802 m .0238 .52427 L s [(-1)] .0238 .50552 0 1 Mshowa .15174 .51802 m .15174 .52427 L s [(-0.75)] .15174 .50552 0 1 Mshowa .27968 .51802 m .27968 .52427 L s [(-0.5)] .27968 .50552 0 1 Mshowa .40761 .51802 m .40761 .52427 L s [(-0.25)] .40761 .50552 0 1 Mshowa .66349 .51802 m .66349 .52427 L s [(0.25)] .66349 .50552 0 1 Mshowa .79143 .51802 m .79143 .52427 L s [(0.5)] .79143 .50552 0 1 Mshowa .91936 .51802 m .91936 .52427 L s [(0.75)] .91936 .50552 0 1 Mshowa .125 Mabswid .04939 .51802 m .04939 .52177 L s .07498 .51802 m .07498 .52177 L s .10057 .51802 m .10057 .52177 L s .12615 .51802 m .12615 .52177 L s .17733 .51802 m .17733 .52177 L s .20292 .51802 m .20292 .52177 L s .2285 .51802 m .2285 .52177 L s .25409 .51802 m .25409 .52177 L s .30526 .51802 m .30526 .52177 L s .33085 .51802 m .33085 .52177 L s .35644 .51802 m .35644 .52177 L s .38203 .51802 m .38203 .52177 L s .4332 .51802 m .4332 .52177 L s .45879 .51802 m .45879 .52177 L s .48438 .51802 m .48438 .52177 L s .50996 .51802 m .50996 .52177 L s .56114 .51802 m .56114 .52177 L s .58673 .51802 m .58673 .52177 L s .61231 .51802 m .61231 .52177 L s .6379 .51802 m .6379 .52177 L s .68908 .51802 m .68908 .52177 L s .71466 .51802 m .71466 .52177 L s .74025 .51802 m .74025 .52177 L s .76584 .51802 m .76584 .52177 L s .81701 .51802 m .81701 .52177 L s .8426 .51802 m .8426 .52177 L s .86819 .51802 m .86819 .52177 L s .89378 .51802 m .89378 .52177 L s .94495 .51802 m .94495 .52177 L s .97054 .51802 m .97054 .52177 L s .99613 .51802 m .99613 .52177 L s .25 Mabswid 0 .51802 m 1 .51802 L s .53555 .00627 m .5418 .00627 L s [(-1)] .52305 .00627 1 0 Mshowa .53555 .26215 m .5418 .26215 L s [(-0.5)] .52305 .26215 1 0 Mshowa .53555 .7739 m .5418 .7739 L s [(0.5)] .52305 .7739 1 0 Mshowa .53555 1.02977 m .5418 1.02977 L s [(1)] .52305 1.02977 1 0 Mshowa .125 Mabswid .53555 .05745 m .5393 .05745 L s .53555 .10862 m .5393 .10862 L s .53555 .1598 m .5393 .1598 L s .53555 .21097 m .5393 .21097 L s .53555 .31332 m .5393 .31332 L s .53555 .3645 m .5393 .3645 L s .53555 .41567 m .5393 .41567 L s .53555 .46685 m .5393 .46685 L s .53555 .5692 m .5393 .5692 L s .53555 .62037 m .5393 .62037 L s .53555 .67155 m .5393 .67155 L s .53555 .72272 m .5393 .72272 L s .53555 .82507 m .5393 .82507 L s .53555 .87625 m .5393 .87625 L s .53555 .92742 m .5393 .92742 L s .53555 .9786 m .5393 .9786 L s .25 Mabswid .53555 0 m .53555 1.03607 L s gsave .5 1.04857 -74.3438 -4 Mabsadd m 1 1 Mabs scale currentpoint translate 0 20 translate 1 -1 scale /g { setgray} bind def /k { setcmykcolor} bind def /p { gsave} bind def /r { setrgbcolor} bind def /w { setlinewidth} bind def /C { curveto} bind def /F { fill} bind def /L { lineto} bind def /rL { rlineto} bind def /P { grestore} bind def /s { stroke} bind def /S { show} bind def /N {currentpoint 3 -1 roll show moveto} bind def /Msf { findfont exch scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont} bind def /m { moveto} bind def /Mr { rmoveto} bind def /Mx {currentpoint exch pop moveto} bind def /My {currentpoint pop exch moveto} bind def /X {0 rmoveto} bind def /Y {0 exch rmoveto} bind def /MISOfy { /newfontname exch def /oldfontname exch def oldfontname findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall /Encoding MacintoshRomanEncoding def currentdict end newfontname exch definefont pop } def 63.000 13.000 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Times-Italic %%IncludeFont: Times-Italic %%BeginResource: font Times-Italic-MISO %%BeginFont: Times-Italic-MISO /Times-Italic /Times-Italic-MISO MISOfy %%EndFont %%EndResource %%IncludeResource: font Times-Italic-MISO %%IncludeFont: Times-Italic-MISO /Times-Italic-MISO findfont 10.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor (n) show 70.438 13.000 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Mathematica5 %%IncludeFont: Mathematica5 /Mathematica5 findfont 10.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor (\\207) show 80.688 13.000 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Times-Roman %%IncludeFont: Times-Roman %%BeginResource: font Times-Roman-MISO %%BeginFont: Times-Roman-MISO /Times-Roman /Times-Roman-MISO MISOfy %%EndFont %%EndResource %%IncludeResource: font Times-Roman-MISO %%IncludeFont: Times-Roman-MISO /Times-Roman-MISO findfont 10.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor (5) show 1.000 setlinewidth grestore 0 0 m 1 0 L 1 1.03607 L 0 1.03607 L closepath clip newpath 1 0 0 r .5 Mabswid .79143 .51802 m .77478 .52334 L .75651 .52819 L .74036 .53167 L .72251 .53467 L .71147 .53611 L .7012 .53716 L .69131 .53792 L .68077 .53845 L .67131 .5387 L .66241 .53873 L .65261 .53854 L .64206 .53808 L .63112 .53731 L .62096 .53634 L .60982 .53498 L .59796 .53321 L .5761 .52902 L .55645 .52423 L .51728 .51162 L .48172 .49637 L .4441 .47574 L .40729 .45016 L .35066 .39619 L .32514 .36264 L .30558 .32979 L .28913 .29273 L .28226 .27176 L .27748 .25267 L .27466 .23735 L .27347 .22868 L .27262 .2206 L .27202 .21219 L .27172 .20454 L .27166 .19622 L .27175 .19207 L .27192 .18757 L .27241 .18 L .27306 .17321 L .27407 .16548 L .27527 .1583 L .27796 .14582 L .2817 .13277 L .28668 .11921 L .29322 .1051 L .30062 .09225 L .30962 .0795 L .31896 .06864 L .32821 .05967 L .33838 .05143 L Mistroke .34811 .04487 L .35834 .03916 L .36984 .03403 L .37635 .03167 L .38243 .0298 L .3887 .02819 L .39461 .02695 L .39976 .0261 L .40531 .0254 L .41152 .02489 L .41721 .02467 L .42317 .02468 L .42967 .02498 L .43583 .02554 L .44153 .02629 L .44771 .02736 L .45435 .02881 L .46631 .03221 L .48039 .03756 L .49305 .04368 L .5182 .05991 L .54266 .082 L .56273 .10647 L .57859 .13186 L .5863 .14711 L .59369 .1645 L .59925 .18021 L .60442 .19811 L .60831 .21526 L .61113 .2317 L .61234 .24094 L .61323 .24946 L .614 .25939 L .61446 .26888 L .61466 .27708 L .61466 .28586 L .6145 .29338 L .61413 .30174 L .61353 .31071 L .61263 .32043 L .61035 .33808 L .60695 .35709 L .60225 .3774 L .59101 .41366 L .57313 .45571 L .55282 .49234 L .52779 .52837 L .49665 .56427 L .4642 .59436 L .43143 .61899 L Mistroke .39702 .63982 L .36443 .65543 L .32752 .66873 L .30704 .67422 L .28763 .6782 L .27805 .67973 L .26906 .6809 L .26411 .68144 L .25876 .68193 L .24949 .68256 L .24067 .6829 L .23143 .68299 L .22361 .68284 L .21511 .68243 L .21 .68207 L .2052 .68164 L .19629 .68062 L .18684 .67922 L .17676 .67734 L .15915 .67302 L .14355 .66802 L .117 .65652 L .09149 .64096 L .07071 .62363 L .05476 .60581 L .04077 .58429 L .03465 .57144 L .03016 .55917 L .02821 .55237 L .02669 .5459 L .0256 .54006 L .02471 .53369 L .02437 .53038 L .02408 .52673 L .02389 .52291 L .02381 .51934 L .0239 .51295 L .02408 .50936 L .02433 .50609 L .02506 .49956 L .02605 .49345 L .02862 .48212 L .03247 .47012 L .03787 .45745 L .05077 .43563 L .06606 .41711 L .08644 .39883 L .11269 .3818 L .12735 .37455 L .14399 .36787 L Mistroke .16051 .36264 L .17618 .35883 L .19138 .35611 L .20022 .35493 L .20862 .35409 L .21756 .35347 L .22583 .35314 L .23043 .35306 L .23548 .35306 L .24474 .35327 L .25347 .35372 L 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.97817 L .32047 .96898 L .30454 .94967 L .29694 .93774 L .29058 .92563 L .28142 .90241 L .27752 .8884 L .27477 .87494 L .27368 .86779 L .27276 .85996 L .27214 .85246 L .27179 .84549 L .27165 .83769 L .27168 .83323 L .27179 .82905 L .27222 .82054 L .2726 .81574 L .27302 .81136 L .27413 .8023 L .27545 .79388 L .27947 .77472 L .28422 .75775 L .29047 .73976 L .30529 .70682 L .32247 .67742 L .34467 .64703 L .37301 .61591 L .40258 .58962 L Mistroke .43267 .56762 L .46593 .54772 L .49826 .5321 L .53837 .51712 L .56003 .51087 L .58319 .50554 L .60351 .50196 L .62255 .49954 L .63349 .49854 L .64345 .49789 L .64895 .49763 L .65493 .49744 L .66577 .4973 L .67525 .49742 L .68411 .49773 L .69379 .49829 L .70416 .49916 L .71437 .50028 L .72504 .50174 L .74384 .50506 L .77657 .51323 L .81055 .52527 L .84622 .54252 L .87669 .56196 L .90105 .58167 L .92393 .60507 L .9444 .63245 L .95352 .64803 L .96068 .66287 L .9661 .67671 L .97004 .68942 L .97328 .70353 L .97455 .71128 L .97504 .7151 L .97542 .7186 L 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.62877 .25716 L .65638 .22873 L Mistroke .68343 .20666 L .71173 .18856 L .72761 .18036 L .74266 .17379 L .75658 .16872 L .76934 .16491 L .78347 .16161 L .79085 .16026 L .79858 .15914 L .80639 .1583 L .81343 .15781 L .81731 .15765 L .82148 .15755 L .829 .15762 L .83597 .15795 L .84324 .15857 L .84937 .15933 L .85601 .16041 L .87055 .16372 L .87844 .16612 L .88545 .16863 L .89881 .17453 L .91018 .18086 L .92993 .19555 L .93947 .20491 L .94752 .21449 L .95958 .23325 L .96499 .24465 L .96905 .25559 L .97084 .26155 L .97248 .26805 L .97365 .27375 L .97468 .28002 L .97518 .28389 L .97555 .28749 L .97583 .29096 L .97604 .29465 L .97619 .30109 L .97606 .30825 L .97585 .31213 L .97557 .31582 L .97482 .3228 L .97367 .33033 L .97203 .33859 L .96804 .35345 L .96316 .36721 L .95159 .39156 L .93508 .41706 L .91585 .43991 L .89519 .45952 L Mistroke .84891 .492 L .82248 .50558 L .79143 .51802 L Mfstroke MathSubEnd P % End of sub-graphic % End of Graphics MathPictureEnd \ \>"], "Graphics", 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"6b6f2a25-efbf-4863-82fd-cf1086df4db5"], Cell[12173, 420, 934, 31, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "c58778cd-0b92-4b12-a3f2-4d9b342b7ac2"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[13144, 456, 393, 12, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "a91ef4f9-5cd9-4ff6-9808-3d14db309fac"], Cell[13540, 470, 814, 27, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "fbd8730e-1fa7-4389-8d88-895f671c3ae8"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[14391, 502, 119, 1, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "3fcd73f5-d4dc-4922-bd5c-312b1847d48c"], Cell[14513, 505, 823, 27, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "c414949d-c7e5-41a8-8d4c-0903a1a15f02"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[15373, 537, 1092, 35, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "41a0cde3-bbd1-4368-8f86-182a50f09bd9"], Cell[16468, 574, 1843, 61, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "ddb71616-cc41-4041-ad56-3e8273f9bbc2"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[18348, 640, 398, 12, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "b03dad07-b667-4060-8723-a6895b0a713a"], Cell[18749, 654, 737, 25, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "0d549668-9e52-483c-8225-82ad270d770c"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[19523, 684, 316, 9, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "6ce88379-e1a0-4aab-9145-76cb4b24eaf5"], Cell[19842, 695, 291, 9, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "b6e38af9-cdb1-4d94-b872-a62b0f096c27"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[20170, 709, 223, 5, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "dce7596d-952f-4ce8-9c6a-19efd76d76a6"], Cell[20396, 716, 242, 7, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "83622d5c-7aa1-45b1-a2cd-4ecf5ffe0477"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[20675, 728, 346, 10, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "ea6b1728-a90a-40a7-a66b-a8a8a18197e4"], Cell[21024, 740, 441, 8, 70, "Message", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "c45406cd-75b0-4f24-8d65-43b14c1a6835"], Cell[21468, 750, 336, 10, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "4d6f8989-bded-49a5-89bd-1b796b3c4c16"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[21841, 765, 383, 12, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "3ab696f1-d510-45e7-b49d-debbbbe3528d"], Cell[22227, 779, 278, 8, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "d0796851-9b1b-4b0b-9b17-2825bcc8f758"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[22566, 794, 78, 0, 70, "Section", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "1d5f3360-b0d3-4db6-b21f-49c9cd4619bc"], Cell[22647, 796, 121, 1, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "96c73337-9416-4e42-ae2b-7ae40075c364"], Cell[22771, 799, 298, 7, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "588c4ff3-e9c9-490b-931f-da4d4b84980d"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[23094, 810, 1175, 31, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "667da383-3882-4595-9233-031d220250f1"], Cell[24272, 843, 84558, 4805, 70, 69909, 4564, "GraphicsData", "PostScript", \ "Graphics", "ExpressionUUID" -> "e94a91fd-722c-4b3a-b864-88cbf7f30852"], Cell[108833, 5650, 196, 5, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "b41c3f9f-fd48-4dd5-add2-921d596323bf"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[109066, 5660, 1186, 31, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "4be5b025-af6e-4e2f-bcf0-8bd03f97eddb"], Cell[110255, 5693, 88200, 4856, 70, 74065, 4624, "GraphicsData", \ "PostScript", "Graphics", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "94ad5aef-0d33-4785-9c7e-2f8170a872ca"], Cell[198458, 10551, 196, 5, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "f9c9376c-494f-49c1-a560-7c15904d88f7"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]] }, Open ]] } ] *) (* End of internal cache information *)