Marvel's Spider-Man Wiki

Mods are passive upgrades in Miles Morales. Mods are divided between visor mods and suit mods, and the player may equip two of each at any given time, with any given suit, provided they've unlocked said mod. They can do this either by leveling up and purchasing them with Activity Tokens and Tech Parts, or by crafting different suits.



Visor mod Description Cost Requirements
Optic Triangulation On scan, marks enemies through walls and keeps them marked as long as stealth mode remains active. 8 Activity Tokens Level 3
Perfect Sight Increases the window for perfect dodging. 14 Activity Tokens
2 Tech Parts
Level 5
An Eye For Supplies Increases the drop rate for gadget ammo. 10 Activity Tokens
1 Tech Part
Level 5
Eyes On Target On scan, connects a line from n enemy to all other enemies that can currently see them. 10 Activity Tokens Level 10
Residual Venom Energy left behind after a successful Venom Attack becomes visible and can be absorbed on contact to generate more Venom Power. 11 Activity Tokens Level 10
Eyes In The Back Of My Head Auto-activates Camouflage immediately before detection during stealth encounters. 14 Activity Tokens
3 Tech Parts
Level 10
Trick Master Gain bonus Venom Power for performing Air Tricks. Brooklyn Visions Academy Suit
Untrackable Decreases damage from ranged attacks by 25%. T.R.A.C.K. Suit
Ghost Strike Enemies can no longer hear Web-Strike Takedowns while Camouflaged. Crimson Cowl Suit
Reclaimer Replenishes 1 gadget ammo whe performing a melee Stealth Takedown on an enemy. Purple Reign Suit
Venom Overclock Venom Power generation increases as health drops. S.T.R.I.K.E. Suit
Bam! Pow! Wham! Use this mod to peer into the Spider-Verse and visualize combat sound effects as they appear on a different Earth! Into the Spider-Verse Suit
Threat Sensors Temporarily slows time after a Perfect Dodge. 18 Activity Tokens
2 Tech Parts
Level 23, New Game +


Suit mod Description Cost Requirement
Unbreakable Decreases damage from melee attacks by 25%. 3 Activity Tokens Level 1
Untouchable Attacks after a Perfect Dodge do 50% more damage for 5 seconds. 8 Activity Tokens Level 3
Induction Mesh Generates a small amount of health per hit on Venom Stunned enemies. 10 Activity Tokens
1 Tech Part
Level 5
Venom Momentum Every 6th hit in a Combo applies a Venom Stun to the enemy. 12 Activity Tokens
2 Tech Parts
Level 10
Hidden Fury Melee attacks generate bonus Camouflage Time per hit. 10 Activity Tokens
2 Tech Parts
Level 10
Deep Pockets Increases all gadget ammo by 1. 14 Activity Tokens
2 Tech Parts
Level 10
Zap Slap Creates a concussive force when Underground weapons are shattered. Classic Suit
Power Pitcher Increases the damage dealt by thrown objects. Homemade Suit
Venom Suppression Resistance Reduces the length of Roxxon Venom Suppression. Activate Camouflage to instantly remove Roxxon bolas. Miles Morales 2099 Suit
Steady Focus Slows the rate that Camouflage drains when not moving. The End Suit
Stronger Webs Enemies take longer to break out of webs. Animated Suit
Power Transfer Turn off Camouflage early to transfer a portion of the unused Camouflage Energy to Venom Power. Spider-Training Suit
Vibe The Verse Use this mod to leap into the Spider-Verse and cause the attached suit to mimic the aesthetic of a different Earth! Into the Spider-Verse Suit
Venom Shield Spending a full Venom bat to heal triggers a Venom Shield, which lasts 5 seconds, blocks all damage, and Venom Stuns melee attackers. 18 Activity Tokens
3 Tech Parts
New Game +