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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
For alternate versions of Ulysses Klaue, see Ulysses Klaue's Character Hub

"I took a tiny piece of it. They have a mountain full of it. They've been mining it for thousands of years and they still haven't scratched the surface. I'm the only outsider who's seen it and got out of there alive."
―Ulysses Klaue to Everett Ross[src]

Ulysses Klaue was an international criminal and underground black-market arms dealer. In 1992, Klaue had been recruited by N'Jobu to steal a stockpile of vibranium from Wakanda in order to aid N'Jobu in causing a revolution. While Klaue managed to escape with the stockpile, he received a brand on his neck from the Wakandans. In 2015, Klaue had sold all of his vibranium to Ultron, who cut off one of his arms. To replenish his stock, Klaue, armed with a new prosthetic arm, joined forces with Erik Killmonger. Klaue's recent actions were noticed by the Wakandans and he was hunted down by Black Panther and the Dora Milaje. Following a brief conflict, Klaue was captured and handed over to Everett Ross in South Korea. Despite being rescued by Killmonger, Klaue was still ultimately betrayed and murdered by Killmonger as a way for him to enter Wakanda and challenge T'Challa for the throne.


Arms Dealer[]

Early Criminal Activities[]

"He operates off the African coast, black market arms."
Tony Stark[src]

Born in the Netherlands, Ulysses Klaue began his criminal activities by operating as an arms dealer and assassin-for-hire primarily in South Africa. Throughout the course of his life, Klaue had an increasingly unstable hatred for Wakanda, as his great-grandfather was killed by a Black Panther in the 19th century. At one time, he was working as an enforcer for a group known as Intelligencia.

Klaue was paid ten million dollars to assassinate T'Chaka at the Bilderberg Conference when he refused to negotiate about Wakanda's resources. When the attack failed, Klaue was then placed on S.H.I.E.L.D.'s radar as a potential threat to world security.[1]

Attack on Wakanda[]

BP - T'Chaka (Holographic Projection)

Klaue becomes a main target of T'Chaka

"Ulysses Klaue stole a quarter ton of vibranium from us and triggered a bomb at the border to escape. Many lives were lost. He knew where we hid the vibranium, and how to strike. He had someone on the inside."
T'Chaka to N'Jobu[src]

In 1992, Klaue was hired by Prince N'Jobu of the Golden Tribe to go out and steal a small cache of vibranium, as a means to give vibranium to oppressed minorities. Although his attack was not entirely successful, he managed to steal a quarter-ton of the precious metal which was valued at ten thousand dollars per ounce; over two billion dollars' worth. However, after N'Jobu's involvement resulted in his death at T'Chaka's claws,[2] Klaue was free to sell the vibranium he had stolen for his own profit. Klaue was eventually found by the Wakandans, who branded his neck with the symbol for 'thief' as punishment for stealing the vibranium[1], although managed to escape. He then became a fugitive of Wakanda and the personal target of T'Chaka for many years as he remained on the run.[2]

Meeting Contacts[]

Klaue SHIELD File

Klaue's personal S.H.I.E.L.D. file

"There are conventions. All right? You meet people. I didn't sell him anything. He was talking about finding something new, a game-changer."
Tony Stark to Steve Rogers[src]

Operating off of the African coast, Klaue attended black market arms conventions to sell the vibranium and met Tony Stark, where the two exchanged words. He also met with Baron Wolfgang von Strucker and was made aware of Strucker's involvement with HYDRA and that Pietro and Wanda Maximoff received their powers through Strucker's experiments.[1]

Threatened by the Maximoffs[]


Klaue threatens a buyer for his poor deals

"The Enhanced. Strucker's prize pupils. Do you want a candy? Hmm? I was sorry to hear about Strucker. But then, he knew what kind of world he was helping create. Human life. Not a growth market."
―Ulysses Klaue to Pietro Maximoff and Wanda Maximoff[src]

In 2015, while onboard his own ship Churchill at the Salvage Yard, Klaue was on the phone with one of his buyers, threatening him for a poor deal, noting that he did not care about all the man's excuses that he was swindled as Klaue had sent six short range missiles and was not satisfied with the result. Klaue threatened the man's life before hanging up.


Klaue defends himself from the Maximoffs

Just as Klaue was continuing another conversation with a minister about their work together, the lights in the facility were cut out before Klaue could conclude their deal. Unsure what this could mean, Klaue took a handgun and readied himself for a firefight. However, before he could even react, Pietro Maximoff ran into the room and disarmed him of his bullets, moving too fast for Klaue to defend himself as he stood shocked by Maximoff's demonstration of his abilities.


Klaue mocks both of the Maximoff twins

Klaue found himself face to face with Pietro and Wanda Maximoff. Klaue remained confident, mocking the pair for their youth. Klaue explained he was aware of who the pair were, noting that he was saddened to hear of the death of Baron Strucker, teasing the pair when he noticed that they were not aware of Strucker's murder. Klaue continued to mock and belittle the pair before stating he only dealt with the man-in-charge of their current organization.


Klaue is violently confronted by Ultron

The man-in-charge turned out to be the artificial intelligence robot named Ultron, who threw Klaue from his office window and told him that there was no man in charge and that he needed his vibranium for his new body. Seeing himself to be vastly outmatched, Klaue relented to Ultron's demands and, with his own mercenary by his side, opened the safe containing the vibranium he had stolen from Wakanda.[1]

Dealing with Ultron[]


Klaue makes a deal for vibranium with Ultron

"Tony Stark used to say that. To me. You're one of his."
―Ulysses Klaue and Ultron[src]

Klaue handed Ultron the vibranium he required, but reminded him of its incredible worth and the personal cost he had been through to get it, having been branded by T'Chaka's soldiers. As Klaue noted that the vibranium was worth billions, Ultron then responded by filling Klaue's bank account with billions of dollars, which he hacked from financial databases.


Klaue compares Ultron with Tony Stark

Their alliance was cut short when Klaue overheard Ultron making a comment about keeping his friends and enemies rich and noted that Ultron was quoting Tony Stark, questioning if he was another one of Stark's robotic designs. This comment caused Ultron to go into a rage as he deemed it an insult to be compared to Stark in any way, claiming that Stark's designs were hollow men and insisting Stark was nothing as he furiously grabbed Klaue's arm.


Klaue's arm is sliced off by Ultron in anger

Without warning, the enraged Ultron then sliced off Klaue's left arm, only for the limb to also be cauterized from bleeding due to Ultron's heated metal hand. While Klaue stepped back, unable to quite grasp what had just happened, Ultron then apologized immediately while Klaue and his Mercenary could only stare on in horror at the assault. Despite apologizing, Ultron's rage continued as he demanded not to be compared to Stark and kicked Klaue down the stairs.


Klaue orders his men to kill the Avengers

Knowing he stood no chance in a battle with Ultron, Klaue made his escape. When the Avengers then arrived to confront Ultron and the Maximoff twins, Klaue escaped the scene, clutching the remainder of his amputated arm. Klaue ordered his own soldiers to kill both the Avengers, Ultron and the Maximoff twins, leading to a battle in which Ultron had escaped with all the Vibranium and Klaue's soldiers were quickly defeated by the combined efforts of the Avengers.[1]

Work with Killmonger[]

Stealing Vibranium Weapons[]

BP Teaser Trailer 38

Klaue shooting and killing Fiona Thomas

"Oh, you're going to be rich, boy."
"Better sell that quick."
"It's already sold."
―Ulysses Klaue and Erik Killmonger[src]

In the wake of losing his left arm to Ultron,[1] Klaue had converted a vibranium mining tool from Wakanda into a prosthetic arm. In 2016, Klaue and Erik Killmonger teamed up to find vibranium weapons to sell onto the black market. Using his cover as a paramedic, Klaue followed Killmonger to the Museum of Great Britain where Killmonger poisoned Fiona Thomas, waiting for Klaue and Limbani to arrive.


Klaue tells a man to run before killing him

As he went to aid the poisoned the museum director, both Klaue and Limbani then pulled out their firearms and executed all but one of the security guards. Putting away his weapon, Klaue then told the guard he would be allowed to go free, but instead Klaue had shot him in the back of the head just while he had tried to flee, telling Killmonger that spreading out the crime scene would help them appear to actually be amateur thieves rather than some professional mercenaries.


Klaue and Erik Killmonger finding the Vibranium Ax

Killmonger then took Klaue to see the specific axe on display which they were looking for, with Klaue using his new prosthetic hand to shatter the glass in order to steal it. While Killmonger had looked on, Klaue used this prosthetic to remove the rust before they confirmed that the axe was indeed from Wakanda and had been made from vibranium, telling Killmonger that they would be rich while breaking the axe head from the wooden handle so he could steal it.


Klaue confirms the axe is indeed vibranium

Once they had their axe, Killmonger recommended that they sell it quickly, but Klaue indicated that the axe already had a buyer. While both Limbani and Klaue packed the axe away, Killmonger noted that whatever they tried the Wakandans would likely turn up to take him into their custody. As Klaue indicated that this would simply make the deal even more entertaining for him, Killmonger took the opportunity to take an African mask which he liked.


Klaue and his new allies make their escape

They then escaped with Linda, pulling Killmonger out on a stretcher before making their escape, with Klaue smiling at the easy and highly successful raid of the museum. When their robbery became public knowledge, Klaue resurfaced back on Wakanda's radar, and due to the vibranium used in the Battle of Sokovia traced back to him, Okoye was given information that Klaue was going to Busan, South Korea to negotiate their deal with his buyer for the vibranium artifact.[2]

Deal at the Jagalchi Casino[]


Klaue and his men arrive in Korea for the deal

"That is quite the entourage. You got a mixtape coming out?"
"Oh, yeah, yeah. Actually, there is one. I'll send you a SoundCloud link if you'd like."
Everett Ross and Ulysses Klaue[src]

Now seeking to make himself a large profit off the vibranium axe he had successfully stolen with Erik Killmonger's assistance, Klaue had made contact with someone interested in purchasing it from him and later traveled all the way to Busan, South Korea with the intention to then trade the Wakandan artifact with their buyer in exchange for his suitcase full of diamonds. Klaue also hired several bodyguards to accompany him.


Klaue prepares to sell the vibranium artifact

Once Klaue made his arrival at the Jagalchi Market Casino where the trade would take place, he and his men got out of their cars together as Klaue kissed Sophia to the cheek, who was hiding the casino as he entered, with none of Klaue's bodyguards being unchallenged by the casino's security despite their guns setting off the alarms. Klaue then stepped onto the balcony as he scanned the entire room, looking for the man who he would be making his deal with for the diamonds.

BP EW 17

Klaue has a secret meeting with Everett Ross

The buyer turned out to be CIA agent Everett Ross as Klaue went downstairs and greeted Ross, who immediately made a sarcastic comment regarding Klaue's impressive entourage. When Ross then questioned if Klaue had a mixtape coming out, Klaue jokingly asked one of his bodyguards to give Ross the Soundcloud link so he could listen to it himself, which Ross turned down, insisting that he did not wish to listen to Klaue's own taste in music. Ross then noted how many people Klaue had brought with him, with which Klaue insisted that they were not there to threaten Ross, rubbing Ross' shoulder as he claimed he could do the deal with Ross all by himself.

BP - Klaue (Talking About Fancy Suitcase)

Klaue demands diamonds from Everett Ross

Klaue then demanded the diamonds he had been promised, as Ross removed Klaue's hand from his shoulder and had another agent bring them over before requesting the vibranium weapon Klaue had also promised. Klaue proceeded to pull the artifact out from his trousers, jokingly claiming that he had considered buying a fancy suitcase but had decided instead to save some money by instead simply putting the vibranium artifact in a simple paper bag for transportation.


Klaue attempts to shoot at Everett Ross

Although the deal started out smooth, it was soon sabotaged by the presence of the Dora Milaje, as Klaue's bodyguards were ambushed by Okoye wielding her Vibranium Spear. Realizing the deal was a set-up, Klaue furiously opened fire on Ross, who then used the briefcase of diamonds as his shield to deflect the shots before taking cover behind a table while Klaue demanded that his men get the diamonds to run before they could be captured or killed by the Wakandans.


Klaue attempts to shoot at the Black Panther

As he made his escape, Klaue had managed to shoot several guards coming to stop him while avoiding Nakia, before he charged up the stairs and found himself cornered by T'Challa. Realizing he was out of bullets and cornered, Klaue responded by commenting on how much T'Challa now looked like his father before Klaue then activated his prosthetic arm's sonic cannon, shooting T'Challa who used a table as cover and was knocked off the balcony.

BP - Klaue (I Made It Rain)

Klaue hysterically laughs at the destruction

Due to the blast from his prosthetic arm causing money to explode across the casino while also throwing T'Challa down onto a table below, Klaue overlooked the destruction as well as the money falling around, then made a comedic remark about how he had just "made it rain" before hysterically laughing. He then fled the scene via SUV with his men while still excitedly laughing and celebrating their seemingly successful clash against the Wakandan warriors.[2]

Captured by Black Panther[]


Klaue flees from Black Panther and Okoye

"Klaue! Did you think we would forget? Look at me, murderer! Where did you get this weapon?"
"You savages didn't deserve it. Whoa, mercy, King! Mercy!"
"Every breath you take is mercy from me!"
Black Panther and Ulysses Klaue[src]

Delighting over the chaos he had caused, Klaue regrouped with his henchmen and made his hasty escape from their Jagalchi Market Casino, excitedly yelling about how awesome the events had been before getting into his car and driving away with his men. However, Klaue soon noticed that the Wakandans were following his convoy with their own vehicles, as Klaue told his driver to put his music on.


Klaue seeing Okoye and Nakia catching up

Seeing that Nakia and Okoye were catching up with him, Klaue got onto the radio and ordered his men to split up as they drove through Busan, hoping to lose the Wakandans in all the chaos. As they were being chased down, Klaue saw that his men were shooting at Nakia and Okoye, only for their bullets to have no effect on their vibranium car, before Klaue witnessed Okoye getting to the roof and then using her Vibranium Spear to take out the car just behind Klaue's.


Klaue attempts to kill both Okoye and Nakia

Knowing that they were running out of time before Nakia and Okoye caught up to him, Klaue decided to have some fun as he leaned out of his car window and used his prosthetic arm to then fire a blast of energy at the Wakandan's car, which had completely obliterated it as Okoye and Nakia barely survived. However, Black Panther continued chasing down Klaue, who then furiously gave his driver directions in order to escape before the Panther could catch up with him.


Klaue completely destroys Black Panther's car

As they turned a sharp corner, Klaue took advantage out being out of sight for a moment as Klaue once again leaned out of his car window and his used prosthetic arm to shoot at the car, which destroyed and caused T'Challa to be launched through the air. With their car destroyed, Klaue then momentarily believed he had gotten away without the Wakandans catching him, only T'Challa to then launch himself through the air and rip the wheel off Klaue's car.


Klaue attempts to shoot at the Black Panther

Unable to do anything, Klaue's car dramatically crashed as he was launched into the air and violently smashed down onto the ground. The injured Klaue, still desperate to make his escape, managed to crawl out of the broken car door as he saw that T'Challa was still making his way to him. With little option, Klaue fired another energy blast at T'Challa, who then absorbed the blast with his Panther Habit and then ripped Klaue's prosthetic arm off.


Klaue being beaten down by Black Panther

T'Challa reminded Klaue of the Attack on Wakanda, while he had also questioned if Klaue thought his people would ever forget that and all of the lives Klaue had taken, as he furiously beat Klaue down and questioned where he had gotten his prosthetic arm from. Klaue simply claimed that the Wakandans never deserved such technology, calling them savages, which only angered T'Challa even more as he pushed Klaue against his broken car.

Klaue is Arrested

Klaue grins while being captured by the CIA

Seeing that T'Challa was ready to kill him, Klaue begged for mercy as he saw crowds of people gathering around to watch the confrontation. However, before T'Challa could land the killing blow, Everett Ross arrived on the scene along with Nakia and Okoye, who convinced T'Challa not to kill Klaue while the world was watching them. Knowing that he had survived, Klaue smiled at T'Challa before he was then taken into the CIA's custody.[2]

Everett Ross' Interrogation[]


Klaue smiles while waiting to be questioned

"Isipho, they call it. The gift. Vibranium."
"Vibranium, yeah, strongest metal on Earth."
"It's not just a metal. They sew it into their clothes. It powers their city, their tech... their weapons."
―Ulysses Klaue and Everett Ross[src]

Following his capture, Klaue was taken inside the CIA South Korean Black Site in Busan where he was handcuffed to a chair and awaited his questioning. Soon becoming restless while he was waiting to be questioned by the CIA agents, Klaue began teasing T'Challa through the two way mirror, claiming that he could see T'Challa while making kissing noises.


Klaue is questioned by agent Everett Ross

Eventually, Klaue was rejoined by Everett Ross, while he entertained himself by loudly singing "What Is Love." As the interrogation began, Klaue told Ross not to trust the Wakandans, although Ross insisted that he did not trust anybody due to his job before then asking Klaue about his prosthetic arm and where he had gotten it, to which Klaue explained that it was a mining tool which he made some adjustments to, before promising that he could get Ross one if he wanted.

BP Teaser Trailer 2

Klaue telling Everett Ross about Wakanda

As Ross asked for whoever supplied him with the arm, Klaue made it clear that T'Challa was who he should be looking at, as he confirmed that it was from Wakanda. Seeing Ross was skeptical of this, Klaue asked what he actually knew of it while Ross explained his belief that Wakanda was nothing more than a third world country. Klaue then told Ross that Wakanda was actually the legendary El Dorado which had been secretly hidden in Africa for centuries, while telling him that Wakanda was actually a technological marvel that stayed hidden.


Klaue telling Everett Ross about vibranium

As he went on, Klaue then noted how Wakanda became rich due to mining the vibranium which gave them incredible technology beyond anything their world had ever seen before. Ross, however, remained unconvinced, noting how Klaue had stolen all Wakanda's vibranium from T'Chaka years earlier, which angered Klaue as he explained that he had stolen a tiny piece while Wakanda still had a mountain filled with vibranium which they were mining for thousands of years.

BP Teaser Trailer 20

Klaue reveals more about T'Challa's secrets

Klaue told Ross that he was still the only outsider who had managed to get into Wakanda and escape with his life and, seeing that Ross was still unsure about what was said, Klaue recommended that Ross speak to T'Challa and ask him what his Panther Habit was made out of, making it clear that it was actually made out of the vibranium and therefore confirmed what Klaue had been saying to him. With that, Ross thought for a moment before picking up his coffee and walking out of the room, leaving Klaue alone in the interrogation room.

BP Teaser Trailer 29

Klaue is rescued by Erik Killmonger's crew

While Ross was gone, Klaue waited in the interrogation room on his own for several minutes, before suddenly the wall behind him was blown open as Erik Killmonger stormed inside the room, shooting at the CIA agents. Klaue yelled out in delight as he watched Killmonger mortally wound Ross who had attempted to save Nakia's life. While Killmonger continued firing into the room, Linda and Limbani went to Klaue and picked up his chair, carrying him outside to the van.


Klaue is carried away to safety by his crew

While Killmonger continued firing, and threw a grenade into the room, Klaue laughed hysterically while joking that Linda and Limbani had taken their time in rescuing him. Just as their crew prepared to drive away, Black Panther and Okoye charged out of the room together as they then made a desperate attempt to stop Klaue's escape, only for Killmonger to then subdue the Panther by firing a grenade, before the crew drove away to safety with Klaue who continued laughing.[2]

Betrayed and Murdered[]

BP - Klaue Leaving For Wakanda

Klaue returns inside the old junkyard

"You can scar yourself as much as you like. To them, you'll just be an outsider. You're crazy to think that you can just walk in there... Ah, and to think I saw you as a crazy American."
―Ulysses Klaue to Erik Killmonger[src]

Klaue was taken into an old junkyard where their getaway plane was waiting, as he and Erik Killmonger discussed if he always sold to the CIA like he had done with Everett Ross, as Klaue explained he simply sold to the highest bidder. Klaue had then expressed his thoughts to return to Johannesburg, South Africa to continue all his criminal activities, while also promising that while he would lay low for some time he would still ensure Killmonger would get his money.

BP - Klaue Holding Hostage

Klaue furiously threatens to shoot Linda

While loading the equipment and the artifact on the plane, Killmonger asked to be transported to Wakanda, but due to the friction between him and T'Challa, Klaue had refused. With this, Killmonger then shot Klaue's henchman Limbani through the back of the head. Seeing the betrayal, Klaue then quickly retaliated by taking Linda, Killmonger's girlfriend, hostage as he threatened to execute her. Reassuring Linda that it would be alright, Killmonger shot through her to get to Klaue.

BP - Klaue Shoots Killmonger

Klaue attempts to shoot at Erik Killmonger

However, the bullet did not successfully go through Linda and Klaue was able to flee for his life. Having been wounded by the impact of the bullet, Klaue ran through the junkyard but struggled to stay on his feet before taking cover and waiting for the perfect shot to execute Killmonger. Whilst hiding behind the wreck of a car, Klaue opened fire on Killmonger but had ended up being shot directly into the stomach instead, falling backwards in utter agony and dropping his gun.

BP - Klaue Is Wounded

Klaue is fatally wounded by Erik Killmonger

While Klaue bled out, Killmonger approached and revealed the tattoo indicating his royal status after Klaue revealed a brand on his neck as a result of his previous Attack on Wakanda. Realizing that Killmonger was actually N'Jadaka, the claimant for the Wakandan throne, Klaue began laughing at him, having previously thought him nothing more than a deluded American. Annoyed and losing his patience as Klaue had continued to laugh, N'Jadaka then shot Klaue in the head.[2]



"I'm staying in your house. Serving justice to a man who stole your vibranium and murdered your people. Justice your king couldn't deliver."
Erik Killmonger to Black Panther[src]

With Klaue dead, Erik Killmonger bagged his corpse in a body bag. Upon arriving at Wakanda's border in the getaway plane, Killmonger presented Klaue's corpse to the Border Tribe leader W'Kabi. Klaue's body was then presented to the Golden Tribe, using it as a token to prove himself worthy of the throne.[2]


"If you're going to fiddle with my brain and make me see a giant cuttlefish, then I know you don't do business and I know you're not in charge. And I only deal with the man in charge."
―Ulysses Klaue to Wanda Maximoff[src]

Klaue was a very greedy, cunning businessman and arms dealer, who would go to great lengths to get more than satisfactory results. He only cared about the profit made from selling illicit weapons and showed no regard for life, be it human or otherwise. Klaue also had a tendency to mock people even if they possessed much greater power than him. Such was the case with Wanda and Pietro Maximoff where Klaue's mocking of their juvenile status despite their clear and present danger to him and his outfit of business.

He was smart enough to notice subtle details, however, like making note of the comparison Ultron had with Tony Stark, despite this causing the AI to go into a rage and slice his arm off. He often thought of himself in the highest regard and thought very lowly of everyone else. He thinks especially low of the Wakandans, believing them to be savages despite their superior technological advancements. This was one of the reasons he was ultimately betrayed and killed by Erik Killmonger. Klaue is also somewhat of an eccentric claiming to be afraid of cuttlefish as well as making his own music and mixtapes, even going so far as to start singing parts of it whilst being captured. These traits are accentuated at the loss and replacement of the hand that Ultron took. Events of which seemingly unhinged Klaue completely.

Klaue became all the more volatile, belligerent and hysterical. Gone was his persona of a suave yet debonair shark like gunrunner, replaced only by a giddiness if not outright childlike glee at the violence and mayhem he often left in his wake. This was all the more evident by his outburst prone fits of anger and vulgarity, showing a warped sense of humor by keeping vibranium pieces marked fragile inside his trousers, cackling insanely after wrecking a gambling den and taunting his captures while in a CIA bunker without a care in the world. During a car chase, he asked his mercenary to put on music, saying "What do you think this is? A funeral?." This shows how he can make light of a dangerous situation.

Powers and Abilities[]


"You're telling me that weapon on your arm is from Wakanda?"
Everett Ross and Ulysses Klaue[src]
  • Cybernetic Enhancement: After Ultron sliced off his left arm, Klaue replaced it with a prosthetic arm using repurposed Wakandan mining technology, similar to that of the Wakandan Maglev Train. The sonic and electromagnetic technology within the arm allows it to double as a powerful sonic arm cannon.
    • Sound Wave Generation:
      Klaw fires

      Klaue firing his cannon at Black Panther

      The arm is capable of projecting concussive sound waves from a concealed cannon, revealed when the arm unfurls. The soundwaves is capable of crushing vehicles and repelling targets with a single shot. Due to the sonic and electromagnetic properties of the pulse, it is able to momentarily disrupt the nanotechnology within the Upgraded Panther Habit. The hand can also emit a powerful focused wave, such as the one used to shatter the glass in the Museum of Great Britain to obtain a vibranium weapon to sell.


"Bro, why you ain't just shoot him right here?"
"Because it's better to leave the crime scene more spread out. Makes us look like amateurs."
Erik Killmonger and Ulysses Klaue[src]
  • Expert Marksman:

    Klaue shooting at a security guard

    Klaue has many years of experience with handling firearms with great precision. He was able to effortlessly take down multiple security guards in the Museum of Great Britain and proficiently fired his arm cannon against Black Panther and Okoye. During his shootout with Erik Killmonger, Klaue shot him directly in the chest, and the latter only survived due to his bulletproof armor.
  • Expert Assassin: Klaue worked as an assassin for hire, being hired to kill T'Chaka at the Bilderberg Conference. He accepted not only for the money but due to his personal feud against the Black Panther for killing his great-grandfather in the 19th century.[1]
  • Expert Thief: Klaue managed to steal vibranium from Wakanda and other places. Although he was caught at one point and branded a thief.
  • Expert Engineer: After losing his arm to Ultron, Klaue was provided with Wakandan mining equipment and had retrofitted it into a prosthetic arm cannon of his own design.
  • Bilingualism: According to his file, Klaue was fluent in English and Dutch.



  • Beretta 90two:
    Avengers Age of Ultron 54

    Klaue aiming at his target with his pistol

    Klaue used this gun as his personal sidearm, keeping it by his side while he worked on the Churchill. Upon having power cut out across the ship and believing he was in danger, Klaue drew the gun, but it was then swiftly taken and dismantled by Pietro Maximoff to prevent him from using it, as all the bullets were removed.
  • Salient Arms International Glock 17: Klaue and Limbani used these handguns, outfitted with silencers, to quickly kill the security guards during the Robbery of the Museum of Great Britain. Klaue then seemingly spared one of the guards, only to shoot him from behind while he was fleeing, in order to let the crime scene look like an amateur robbery.
  • SIG-Sauer P226R: Klaue took this handgun to South Korea and drew it when he realized that Wakandas were present during the sale of the Vibranium weapon at the Jagalchi Market Casino. He shot at Everett Ross, who protected himself with a briefcase while he returned fire. Klaue ran out of bullets when confronting T'Challa and resorted to use his cybernetic arm as a weapon.
  • Glock 17: Klaue grabbed this handgun when Erik Killmonger betrayed him, so Klaue took Linda as a hostage and pointed his gun to her head. Killmonger killed Linda, so Klaue fled and shot at Killmonger, but he ended up being killed.
"It's an old mining tool that I made some adjustments to."
―Ulysses Klaue to Everett Ross[src]
  • Ulysses Klaue's Prosthetic Arm:
    Black Panther OCT17 Trailer 68

    Klaue prepares to fire his sonic cannon

    After losing his left arm due to his encounter with Ultron, Klaue then replaced it with a new prosthetic, which also incorporates an advanced sonic cannon, used by the Wakandans for mining purposes. Klaue used the arm's vibration capabilities to assist him with shattering glass during their robbery of the Museum of Great Britain, before also using it as an offensive weapon, allowing him to destroy the car that Nakia and Okoye were chasing him down with, until Black Panther was able to get close enough to Klaue to rip the arm from his body and destroy it.

Other Equipment[]

"You know, it came at great personal cost. It's worth billions."
Ultron and Ulysses Klaue[src]
  • Vibranium: Klaue successfully stole billions of dollars worth of vibranium from Wakanda with the help of the Wakandan prince N'Jobu, in which he later sold the remaining cache to Ultron.


  • Churchill: Klaue used the Churchill as his primary base of weapons black market operations off the coast of South Africa. It was where he eventually encountered and became involved in the conflict between Ultron, the Maximoff twins, and the Avengers, and lost his left arm in the process.


  • Museum of Great Britain: Klaue infiltrated the Museum of Great Britain in London alongside Erik Stevens, Linda, and Limbani in order to steal and sell an Vibranium axe that was being exhibited there. Disguised as a paramedic, Klaue killed all of the security guards before escaping with the axe alongside his associates.
  • Jagalchi Market Casino: Klaue visited the Jagalchi Market Casino in Busan, South Korea, to sell the Vibranium axe he stole to Everett Ross. However, their business was compromised by the presence of T'Challa, Nakia, and Okoye and Klaue managed to escape to the streets of Busan.







In chronological order:


  • In the comics, Ulysses Klaw was the killer of King T'Chaka, and lost his right arm when a teenage T'Challa blasted it off in retaliation with his own sonic cannon. He replaced his missing limb with a prosthetic sonic emitter and was transformed into a living construct of sonic vibrations eventually. He is also a member of the Frightful Four alongside Wizard.
  • Klaue claims to be terrified of cuttlefish.

Behind the Scenes[]


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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Ulysses Klaue.
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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of quotes related to Ulysses Klaue.

External Links[]
