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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
For other uses, see Captain America (disambiguation)
For alternate versions of Captain America, see Captain America's Character Hub
Multiverse Discovered
"He discovered that there were universes stacked on top of his own..."
The subject of this article comes from an alternate universe connecting to the main timeline of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This universe is designated by the Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki as the "Gamma Enhanced Happy Hogan Universe".

"Is that Happy?"
―Captain America[src]

Steven Grant "Steve" Rogers, better known as his codename Captain America, is a super soldier and a leader of the Avengers.


Avengers' Christmas[]

Stark Charity Event[]

"Soccer moms are cornering Cap. Gotta go."
Tony Stark to Happy Hogan[src]

On Christmas Eve, Steve Rogers joined Tony Stark for a Stark Charity Event in New York City, being dressed like an elf while Stark was playing the role of Santa Claus. However, Rogers' adoring fans started cornering him and became rather overbearing, forcing Stark to intervene.[2]

Attack on Avengers Tower[]

What If..

Captain America and the Avengers attack Freak

"Oh, my God. Happy?"
"I was right."
Black Widow and Captain America[src]

The Avengers arrived at Avengers Tower, responding to a security breach, and witnessed Freak destroying the Hulkbuster armor, assuming that he was their enemy. As the Avengers engaged in a fight, Captain America tried to subdue Freak by grabbing his neck and asked Bruce Banner to help them out, but he was not too eager to Hulk out. Freak ended up freeing himself, throwing the Avengers away, and Captain America thought that Freak might be Happy Hogan, which Iron Man quickly dismissed.

The Avengers continued the battle and managed to subdue Freak, but Darcy Lewis then jumped in and claimed that Freak was not their enemy. As Black Widow stung him and heard him speak, she realized that he was actually Hogan, and Captain America remarked that he was right. Lewis then pointed out at the real enemy was Justin Hammer, and as Iron Man disabled his armor, the Avengers witnessed Hammer being rescued from falling by Freak. Captain America and the others then congratulated Freak for stopping Hammer's plans and went on to celebrate Christmas together.[2]

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Artficially Enhanced Physiology: To be added
    • Enhanced Strength: To be added
    • Enhanced Durability: To be added
    • Enhanced Speed: To be added
    • Enhanced Agility: To be added
    • Enhanced Stamina: To be added
    • Enhanced Reflexes: To be added
    • Enhanced Intelligence: To be added
    • Regenerative Healing Factor: To be added
    • Longevity: To be added


  • Expert Martial Artist: To be added







  • Captain America's likeness is based off of Chris Evans.



  1. This character's given and middle names are derived from a Variant from What If...?: 1.08: What If... Ultron Won? and thus is conjecturally treated as the same.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 What If...?: 2.03: What If... Happy Hogan Saved Christmas?

External Links[]
