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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

"Retro tech, huh? Thrift store? Salvation Army?"
Tony Stark to Peter Parker[src]

The Salvation Army is a Protestant Christian church and international charitable organization.


Father Crow Last Seen[]

The following section contains information from media marked as Dubious Canon.

Father Joshua Crow dropped off a donation to the Salvation Army in Portland. This was the last time he was seen publicly before he got possessed by the demon Raum.[1]

This concludes information from media marked as Dubious Canon.

Homeless Support[]


Salvation Army's fundraiser for the Blip-displaced

In 2024, the Salvation Army organized a fundraiser at the Urban Sports & Cultural Center for New York City citizens who were displaced following the Blip. May Parker invited Spider-Man to the event as a celebrity guest to bring attention to the fundraiser. Happy Hogan personally provided the Salvation Army with a check from Stark Relief Foundation, signed by Pepper Potts, and even volunteered as tribute for the Salvation Army.

May Parker

May Parker working at Salvation Army

Days later, Parker called her nephew on the phone during a lunch break at the Salvation Army office. However, as she was talking, Hogan started eating it nearby.[2]



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