Cafe & Bakery
Enjoy Syrup Drinks!
TYSONS & COMPANYのシロップは添加物を使わず一つ一つ丁寧に手作りしています。ミルクや炭酸で割ったり、アイスに掛けたり。夏のおうち時間にいかがでしょうか。
TYSONS & COMPANY syrups are carefully handmade without the use of additives.
Mix with milk or soda, add ice and you have the perfect drink for summer at home.
Hot 'n' Spicy Summer Specials
IVY PLACEではピリ辛な夏季限定メニューを展開中。唐辛子の辛味はもちろん、香りや旨味もお楽しみいただけるラインナップです。
Come taste the spicy summertime menu at IVY PLACE. We bring to you a line up where you can taste not only the heat of chili peppers but enjoy their aroma and flavor.
breadworks OMOTESANDO
Brooklyn Donuts Gift Box
breadworks OMOTESANDOで人気のブルックリンドーナツがぴったり3つ入るギフトボックスが登場!やみつきになる美味しさは手土産にも喜ばれること間違い無しです。
A gift box containing three of breadworks OMOTESANDO's popular Brooklyn donuts has dropped! Not only will the taste of our Brooklyn donuts have you coming back for more, they make a great gift as well.
breadworks OMOTESANDO
※ ブルックリンドーナツは表参道限定商品です
※ Brooklyn donuts are only available at breadworks OMOTESANDO
Kyoto Yosano Hops
ビールに欠かせないホップが日本でも造られていることは知っていましたか?写真は Kactoのスタッフが京都与謝野町へホップ摘み体験に行った際の様子。収穫したホップは“ニュー与謝野エール ”として8月後半にKacto限定で復活リリースされます。京都にお越しの際は、そのフレッシュホップならではの青々しい爽やかな香りで人気を博した限定ビールを味わいにいらしてください。
Did you know that hops, one of the essential ingredients in beer, are also produced in Japan? This photo shows our staff member from Kacto during a hop-picking trip to Yosano, Kyoto. The harvested hops from this trip will be used in our late August release, 'New Yosano Ale', exclusive to Kacto. Come and taste the limited edition beer that has gained popularity for its fresh and lush aroma unique to fresh hops on your next visit to Kyoto.
F.C.TOKYO Original Nuts
人気のナッツシリーズ「 kenka」に、 FC東京オリジナルフレーバーが青赤パーク限定で登場!ビールに合う味わいを目指して試行錯誤を繰り返し、「AMERICAN BBQ」フレーバーが誕生しました。青赤パークでビールと共にお楽しみください!
Our popular nuts series, kenka, launches an FC Tokyo Original Flavor, exclusive to Aoaka Park! Our new 'AMERICAN BBQ' flavor is perfect for enjoying a beer while watching the game. Enjoy it at Aoaka Park!
※ 青赤パーク出店時のみの販売となります。
※ Only available at Aoaka Park where TYSONS & COMPANY is participating.
そのためタイソンズではスタッフのQOL向上を目指し、ラストオーダー時間の繰り上げを順次実施してきており、ついにT.Y.HARBORとCICADAでも9月1日より実施します。オールデー営業の店舗ではシフトの分散によりそこまでの長時間勤務が発生しにくいため現状を維持しますが、皆様に良い時間を過ごしていただけるのも楽しく元気に働いてくれるスタッフがいるからこそ! 何卒ご理解いただければと思います。
代表取締役社長 寺田心平
Notice of Work style Reforms and Change in Closing Time at TYSONS & COMPANY
The food and beverage industry is facing the chronic issue of long working hours. In establishments that offer lunch and dinner services, working for 12 hours or more has unfortunately become the norm. However, moving into an era that prioritizes staff well-being is now essential. Alongside this, changes in customer lifestyles have led to a decline in late-night usage over time, which has been further amplified by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. You may have felt this trend yourself.
Considering this, we are committed to enhancing the quality of life for our staff. As such, we have been gradually advancing the change of last order times to achieve this goal, and finally, starting from September 1st, this change will be implemented at T.Y.HARBOR and CICADA. For our daytime operation outlets, we will maintain the current schedule, as the distribution of shifts helps mitigate the occurrence of extended working hours.
Afterall, it's thanks to our enthusiastic and energetic staff that everyone can enjoy their time and work happily! We sincerely hope for your understanding in this matter.
We kindly request your understanding in this matter. For more details, please refer to the link below. Regardless of these changes, we sincerely hope you continue to enjoy our establishments.
Thank you very much for your ongoing support.
Shimpei Terada
President and CEO