
Hi friends,

We believe in looking forward, imagining the future you want, and working hard to make it so. While we aim to learn from the past and present, focusing on the promise of the future is what keeps us energized and optimistic.

In the spirit of optimism, we have decided not to talk about Google AMP and the notion that Google wants to kill the URL. Instead, we want to shine a spotlight on one of our favorite new additions to Firefox, Firefox Containers.

With Firefox Containers, you can choose (or create) a container for every new tab you open. This lets you take control of your data and your privacy in a way only possible before by using completely separate browsers. There’s even a Facebook Container that isolates all Facebook-owned websites from everything else.

In addition to helping protect your data and your privacy, containers are useful for all sorts of things, such as signing into Twitter with multiple accounts, testing a website you’re building with every type of user, or simply keeping your work and personal accounts neatly separated.

Install Firefox Containers.

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In parting

“You rarely have time for everything you want in this life, so you need to make choices. And hopefully your choices can come from a deep sense of who you are.” — Fred Rogers