two new essays, two podcasts, one TV show,
new social media & signed books for sale! 
julia update - november 2022
in this update:

1) two new essays about what drives anti-LGBTQ+ myths
2) signed books for sale!
3) Twitter issues & new social media platforms
4) John Oliver and odds & ends

Hello everyone, happy December! I have a lot of new news to share, so let's get right to it... 

1) Two new essays about what drives anti-LGBTQ+ myths
screenshot of the Medium article described in the post. the self-descriptive title of the cover photo for the article is: “Woman Squatting Holding Out Her Hands With Assorted Paints”This month I published two "must read" essays. The longer of the two is entitled Penises, Privilege, and Feminist & LGBTQ+ Purity Politics. It explains how unconscious beliefs about stigma and its imagined "contamination" drive many of our intra-community debates  especially some lesbians' and feminists' suspicions of bi+ and trans women, as well as disagreements between trans female/feminine and trans male/masculine communities.

Then this week, in a follow up essay entitled Anti-Trans “Grooming” and “Social Contagion” Claims Explained, I show how anti-trans claims of "social contagion" and "grooming" are both similarly driven by this same "stigma-contamination" mindset. In addition to explaining anti-trans campaigners' irrational obsession with us, this mindset more generally explains the so-called "TERF-to-fascist" pipeline: when someone who has a history of being politically left or liberal gradually begins to associate or sympathize with far-right political actors and viewpoints after a period of being swept up into anti-trans propaganda and disinformation.

Both essays are on Medium, so if you like them, please give them lots of "claps" (up to 50, I think) so that others will see them!

book cover for Sexed Up: How Society Sexualizes Us, and How We Can Fight BackI am very proud of these two essays because they expand upon some of the new ideas that I share in my latest book Sexed Up: How Society Sexualizes Us, and How We Can Fight Back (Seal Press). That link will take you to the Sexed Up webpage, where you'll find all sorts of praise, reviews, excerpts, and interviews about the book. My most recent book interview was for the podcast Vox Conversations (now called The Gray Area) & hosted by the amazing Emily St. James (that link brings you to Apple Podcasts, but it can also be found on Google Podcasts, Spotify, and other outlets). 

Links to purchase the book can also be found on the Sexed Up webpage. (Or better yet, you can buy/order it from your local bookstore!) Needless to say, it makes a great gift for people you know who've enjoyed my previous books! Speaking of...
2) signed books for sale!
photo of Julia holder who two most recent books, 99 Erics & Sexed UpI just published a post entitled Signed Books for Sale! (for the holidays or otherwise) — it provides all the details for those who may be interested. The TL;DR is as follows:
Like I said, all the specifics can be found in my Signed Books for Sale post. My apologies that I cannot provide signed copies of Sexed Up at this time...
3) Twitter issues & new social media platforms
As some of you may know, Twitter has long been the main social media platform that I've used to get the word out about my writings and events. But since the future of that platform has become somewhat unsure over the last month, I've decided to diversify a bit more. So, while I'm not leaving Twitter just yet, I've created new accounts on Mastodon, Post, Tumblr, and TikTok that I will now post to on a semi-regular basis. This is in addition to my usual Facebook & Instagram sites.

I also plan to more regularly post videos to my YouTube account starting next year. This includes new explainer videos on topics like "Biological Sex" and Transmisogyny that are in the works, plus some book readings, old slam poetry, and my music
 — so please consider subscribing to me there!
4)  John Oliver and odds & ends
a screen shot from the show, featuring John Oliver talking with a photo of Julia in the backgroundSo a funny thing happened to me last month: One of my essays was briefly mentioned in an episode of HBO's Last Week Tonight with John Oliver! If you have HBO, it's the October 16, 2022 episode, entitled Transgender Rights II — the mention happens about 19 minutes into the program. You can also find the segment on YouTube. It's worth watch, as it does a good job of countering all the recent right-wing anti-trans propaganda and bills.

I also was recently interviewed for the podcast This Queer Book Saved My Life. The show brings together LGBTQ+ authors with readers who were influenced by one of their books. And in the episode Giving Myself Permission to Be Myself with Rachel Cady and Julia Serano, we talk about my book Whipping Girl. You can listen to it on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, and other outlets.

Finally, I will end with a reminder that I recently updated my
 booking webpage to include info for how to contact me if you wish to book me for an event (such as a Sexed Up book reading or discussion). I also provide suggestions for more formal presentations that I can offer for colleges and conferences that are interested in bringing me out (either in-person or virtually)...
That's it for now. And remember, between updates, you can always check out:
my writings webpage (w/links to all my books & essays)
my social media webpage (w/links to all my accounts)
my Patreon website (where you can support my work)
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