julia update - december 2020
signed books, virtual book readings, and 99 Erics galore!
Hey everyone, I hope you've all been relatively well, all things considered. Outside of the apocalyptic mess that is 2020, I've had a busy year myself, one that included: Spanish and French translations of Whipping Girl, my 2nd book Excluded making a couple "best books of the 2010s" lists, being included in Jessica Valenti & Jaclyn Friedman's anthology Believe Me, plus the publication of a new journal article & two Medium essays that together put the final nails in autogynephilia theory's coffin!
But the sole focus of this update is my debut (and still pretty darn new) novel 99 Erics: a Kat Cataclysm faux novel! I will share all the details, free excerpts & more momentarily. But first this special offer:
For a limited time, you can purchase SIGNED COPIES of 99 Erics and/or my 2016 book Outspoken: A Decade of Transgender Activism and Trans Feminism for $25 (shipping included) provided that you are in the U.S. – click that link for details & how to order!
As always, if you want copies (sans signature, for yourself or as a gift) of any of my books (99 Erics, Outspoken, Excluded, or Whipping Girl), they can be purchased from all the usual online retailers, or ordered from your local brick and mortar bookstore. (While I cannot sell signed copies of Whipping Girl or Excluded online, I do sometimes offer them as gifts on Patreon.)
For those of you already somewhat familiar with 99 Erics:
In my August update, I mentioned my upcoming virtual book tour. Well, both events have since passed and are now archived for your viewing pleasure any time you wish:
99 Erics book reading: On writing a book about writing a book can now be viewed on YouTube (via that link) or Facebook.
99 Erics book reading: On bisexuals, “weirdos,” and book characters who are Unusually Queer™ can now be viewed on YouTube (via that link) or Facebook.
I also published another excerpt from 99 Erics: The One & Only Writing Tip You Will Ever Need – more details on it found below!
For those new to 99 Erics, here's what you need to know:
99 Erics is a silly, surreal, sex-positive tale about Kat Cataclysm — an ethically non-monogamous bisexual woman and absurdist short fiction writer — who dates ninety-nine different people named Eric for literature’s sake.
You can find a fuller description, plus links to purchase it, at the 99 Erics homepage. Also there (as well as here), you can download the first 5 chapters for FREE in the following formats: Mobi (for Kindle readers), Epub (for iTunes/Books, Nook, and most other readers), or Pdf (for general computer use). I've also recently added a few words of praise about the book to that webpage, here is a sampling:
“I’ve been a fan of Julia’s forever, and this book has all of her warmth and humor and insight, but also tons of surreal silliness.”
—Charlie Jane Anders, author of The City in the Middle of the Night and All the Birds in the Sky
“Whip-smart, drop-dead-funny metafiction by Oakland trans-bi activist writer Julia Serano”
—Jan Steckel, author of Like Flesh Covers Bone and The Horizontal Poet
“99 Erics by Julia Serano is fantastic and one of the most fun reading experiences I've had in recent memory!”
—J.E. Sumerau, author of Via Chicago and America through Transgender Eyes
Currently, 99 Erics has a 5 star rating (from 8 reviewers) on Amazon, and a 4.13 star rating (from 15 reviewers) on Goodreads. So basically, people seem to like it! So please do give it a try. And if you enjoy it, *please please please* give it a good review on whatever platform you bought it at, as this helps immensely with new people being able to discover the book.
If you're still not convinced, here are a five short recent excerpts from the book. They are all published on Medium, and the links below are "friend links" that circumvent the paywall—feel free to share them. If you enjoy them, please give them up to 50 claps!
Hipsters in Queer Bars
What Is It Like Being Queer
Ethical Slut Vs. Confused Slut
Banana Slug of a Different Color
The One & Only Writing Tip You Will Ever Need
once again, if you're interested in buying 99 Erics (signed or unsigned) or any of my other books, or my music even, please check out my Stuff to Buy webpage! and I wish you all a happy ending to your 2020...
That's it for now. And remember, between updates, you can always check out: