MTMA 2022

Machine Translation Marathon in the Americas

It was organised by Microsoft Translator.
It featured lectures covering the basics and tutorials, keynote talks and hacking projects to advance tools or research.


  • Redmond, United States of America


Important Dates

Registration opens 06 June
List of speakers and lecturers 08 June
Event 18 June


Day 1

9:30 Welcome to MTMA'22
10:00 Project kickoff
11:00 ☕️
11:30 Project proposals
12:30 🍴
13:30 Projects

Day 2

10:00 Marcello Federico, AWS AI Lab
11:00 ☕️
11:30 Kevin Duh, Johns Hopkins University
12:30 🍴
13:30 Projects

Day 3

10:00 Hany Hassan Awadalla, Microsoft
11:00 ☕️
11:30 Vishrav Chaudhary, Microsoft
12:30 🍴
13:30 Projects

Day 4

10:00 Christian Federmann, Microsoft
11:00 ☕️
11:30 Marcin Junczys-Dowmunt, Microsoft
12:30 🍴
14:30 Project presentations
15:30 Closing session and announcement of MTMA 23 location

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