
Hi! I am Mario! For more than 20 years I am working as an IT engineer and IT manager. After my apprenticeship, I entered the IT business as a newcomer. Several years later I passed my B.Sc. and M.A. studies, both with distinction. Since 2018 I am speaking at conferences and I am blogging to share my knowledge with others. As a team leader and cloud architect, I have the opportunity to work with different technologies, within different environments. Currently I’m the CTO of Nordcloud, an IBM Company Austria. My motto is: “Imagination is more important than knowledge because knowledge is limited”. After all, you can achieve anything if you believe in it.


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AI-Driven Future
Date: Summer 2024 Location: Zürich

Last week, we had the pleasure of hosting a fantastic networking event following the Cloud Leadership Day conference in Zurich. We deep dived into fascinating topics like #AI, #CloudStrategies, and #CloudAutomation. The event ended on a high note with delightful refreshments in the garden under the sunny sky. A huge thank you to our amazing partners Microsoft, Helvetia Insurance Switzerland,…

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Zukunft mit AI: Innovationen mit Azure IaaS im digitalen Zeitalter
Date: Spring 2024 Location: Aula der Wissenschaften Wien

Viele Wege führen zu AI und in diesem Vortrag erfahren Sie anhand von Beispielen aus der Umsetzung, welche Punkte verbunden werden müssen, um diese Reise erfolgreich zu gestalten. Ausgehend von unterschiedlichen Startpunkten zeigen wir, wie Azure IaaS ideal dazu eingesetzt wird, um von der Azure Cloud Foundation,…

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Cloud Journey
Date: Autumn 2023 Location: Telfs Austria

This week Nordcloud attended the LSZ CIO Congress West in Telfs, Austria 🇦🇹 Between the stunning mountain views we caught up with partners and forged connections with the IT leaders of western Austria ☀️ 🏔️ Together with Mathias Nöbauer of Exoscale and Leo Ribak from ITSV, Austria CTO Mario Kleinsasser delivered a workshop about their collaboration with Nordcloud.

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Next-Generation Datacenter (NGDC)
Date: Autumn 2023 Location: Loipersdord Austria

Was hat der Rubik Cube mit der Cloud zu tun? Und wie hängt dies mit dem Next-Generation Datacenter der SVD Büromanagement GmbH auf unserem Weg zum modernsten Datacenter der österreichischen #Sozialversicherung zusammen? 🚀 Mehr in unserem Workshop “Next-Generation Datacenter (NGDC) - Wie schaut das Rechenzentrum von morgen aus? – Ein Praxisbericht“ am kommenden Montag am LSZ CIO Kongress 2023 mit CEO Dietmar Wieland (SVD), Michael Czachs (IBM), Mario Kleinsasser (Nordcloud, an IBM Company) und Günther Nowotny (SVD).

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Nordcloud SaaS Image Factory für Exoscale
Date: Spring 2023 Location: Vienna Austria

Nordcloud bietet als europaweiter Partner mit mehr als 10-jähriger Erfahrung von Cloud-Native Implementierungen, Lösungen und Strategien für den Einsatz von Multi-Cloud Workloads an. Dabei stellt unsere SaaS Image Factory eine tragende Säule für die sichere und nachhaltige zur Verfügungstellung von gehärteten Compute-Templates für unsere Kunden dar. Sehen Sie in diesem Vortrag, wie auch Sie die Vorteile dieser Lösung in Exoscale für sich verwenden können.

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Cloud-Erfolgsstrategie Workshop: Praxisnahe Best-Practice MulticloudImplementierung
Date: Spring 2023 Location: Vienna Austria

Wir zeigen Ihnen in diesem Workshop, wie Ihr Multicloud-Setup mit der richtigen Struktur und den richtigen Methoden einen Mehrwert schaffen kann, anstatt Komplikationen zu verursachen…

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Multicloud – Technische Diversität 2.0
Date: Spring 2023 Location: Vienna Austria

Mulitcloud ist in aller Munde, aber was bedeutet Multicloud? Wo liegen die Vorteile und welche Voraussetzungen sollten idealerweise für die erfolgreiche Umsetzung beachtet werden? Leo Ribak (ITSV) und Mario Kleinsasser (Nordcloud) geben in diesem Vortrag einen Einblick zu den Hintergründen von Multicloud und der Implementierungstrategie im realen Umfeld. Diversität 2.0 bedeutet nicht nur…

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The worst thing you can do is nothing.
Date: Spring 2022 Location: Vienna Austria

Today it is important to move on because being a static target is not an option today. At Nordcloud, An IBM Company Austria, we are adapting the ways of work every year, every month, every day. It is crucial to adapt fast and that’s our spirit!…

Gomplate - What else?
Date: Spring 2021 Location: Virtual/Hybrid

Gomplate is the Swiss army knife when it comes to automation. Why? Well, everything you automate which is used more than once, needs dynamic inputs but reproducible output! A lot of utilities support variables, but how can you change them based on certain input?…

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Von 1 zu 100k CI/CD Jobs pro Monat in 3 Jahren
Date: Spring 2021 Location: Virtual/Hybrid

Im April 2017 starteten wir mit genau einem CI/CD in unserer GitLab-CE on Premises Installation. Drei Jahre später, im November 2020, laufen mehr 100000 CI/CD Jobs pro Monat…

Rescued By Kanban!
Date: Autumn 2020 Location: Virtual/Hybrid Berlin/Munich

Kanban is the best tool when it comes to work organization. A SRE team with software and system engineers will have to handle different tasks. Use GitLab Kanban boards and change your organization of how you work. Rescued by Kanban! Thank you! …

From 1 to 100k CI/CD jobs per month in 3 years
Date: Autumn 2020 Location: Virtual/Hybrid Berlin/Munich

Starting in April 2017 with exactly 1 CI job running inside our on-premise Gitlab-CE installation we raised to more than 50000 pipeline jobs per month at the end of 2019. Why and how did we come to this point? This talk will give you an insight …

To Go Where No One Has Gone Before...
Date: Spring 2020 Location: Virtual / Worldwide YouTube:

In 2015 we started to use GitLab-CE at STRABAG. After using OpenVZ containers since 2006 my team and I decided to move to Docker in 2017. We ran our first GitLab pipeline job in 2018 and now we are running more than 50k jobs per month. …

From Zero to Hero - Onboarding with GitOps.
Date: Spring 2020 Location: Bochum Germany

The “I have no time daemon” leads the Ops into a situation where they are working like beasts but in the end they feel like as they are trapped in quicksand. Ops are trying to escape this trap, but the harder they try, the more they will be trap …

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connect2019 Job fair
Date: Autumn 2019 Location: Klagenfurt Austria

Together with my colleagues from the software department and the human resources department we were at the connect2019 job fair at the university of Klagenfurt. As last year we also gave an impulse talk. This year we covered all topics of digita …

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Podman: Container ohne Daemon und Root-Rechte
Date: Summer 2019 Publication: AXenter

Podman ist seit seinem ersten Release im Februar 2018 rasant gewachsen und wird mittlerweile vielerorts als Ersatz für Docker gehandelt. Das eine durch das andere zu ersetzen, klingt logisch. Jedoch ist eine Synergie oft besser – gemeinsam mehr …

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Macht der Einsatz von Kubernetes wirklch immer Sinn
Date: Summer 2018 Publication: Entwickler Magazin

Kubernetes nur wegen Kubernetes einzusetzen oder weil der Einsatz ohne Grund als notwendig erachtet wird (Hype), stellt den falschen Ansatz dar und kann zu einem sehr großen Anstieg der Komplexität führen, weilcher am Ende sowohl Entwickler als …

C4: Continuous Culture Change Challenges
Date: Spring 2019 Location: Bochum Germany YouTube:

In less than a year we have managed to change our working culture from throwing information over the great wall between Dev and Ops to a failure tolerant, management accepted honored culture. We have enabled colleagues to unleash their bygone fo …

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GitOps: DevOps in real Life.
Date: Summer 2018 Location: Vienna Austria

Container-Technologien in einem On-Premises Umfeld einzuführen bringt viele Veränderungen mit sich. Besonders die Evolution in der Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Teams, sowie der ständige Wandel und die Weiterentwicklung der Technologien, führen zu …

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Docker: DevOps Unleashed.
Date: Spring 2018 Location: Bochum Germany YouTube:

The “I have no time daemon” leads the Ops into a situation where they are working like beasts but in the end they feel like as they are trapped in quicksand. Ops are trying to escape this trap, but the harder they try, the more they will be trap …

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What a consultant actually do?!
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My first 12 months at Nordcloud 🤗
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Fronius Gen24, Prometheus and Grafana in 10 Minutes
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For me, after 21 years, a new journey is going to start!
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AWS — Centralized EventBridge setup for multi-account transparency
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Vivoactive Chronosport Sea Quartz Watch Face Tribute
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GitLab + Habitica + GCP function = Love!
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DevOps is Dead!
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Rescued by Kanban!
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Writing a Kubernetes operator is en-vouge!
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University of Applied Sciences Joanneum

Master of Arts Business (pass with distinction)

CGPA: 3.79 out of 4

University of Applied Sciences Salzburg Puch/Urstein

B.Sc. in Computer Science & Engineering (pass with distinction)

CGPA: 3.67 out of 4

HAK 1 International Klagenfurt

Secondary School Certificate

Austrian School Grading System: 1,75 out of 5


CTO, Austria

Nordcloud, an IBM Company

Since Oct 2022

Cloud Engineering Lead

Nordcloud, an IBM Company

Apr 2022 - Oct 2022

Cloud Solution Architect Teamleader

Nordcloud, an IBM Company

Nov 2021 - Apr 2022

Team Leader Cloud Operations


Aug 2000 - Nov 2021