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Walter Harris

Walter Harris may refer to:

  • Walter Edward Harris (1904–1999), Canadian politician
  • Walter Edgar Harris (1915–2011), Canadian chemist
  • Walter Harris (author) (born 1925) British author and broadcaster
  • Walter Harris (artist) (born 1931), Canadian artist
  • Walter Harris (football manager), English football manager
  • Walter Harris (historian) (1686–1761), Irish historian
  • Walter Burton Harris (1866–1933), English journalist, writer, traveller and socialite
  • Walt Harris (cornerback) (1974)
  • Walt Harris (coach) (1946), former American football player and coach
  • Walt Harris (fighter) (1986), an American mixed martial artist
  • Walter Harris, the real name of Pee-Wee Harris, a fictional character in Boy's Life comics
  • See also

  • Wally Harris (disambiguation)
  • Walter Harris Loveys (1920–1969), British politician
  • Walter Harris (author)

    Walter Harris (born 1925) is a British author and broadcaster. He is the author of 9 published novels, several volumes of poetry, numerous articles and spoken word recordings. Recordings of his interviews and broadcasts are held at the BBC Sound Archive and the British Library.

    Life and career

    After serving in the RAF, Harris emigrated to Brazil and wrote for two English-language newspapers until being sponsored by a major Canadian-owned public utility, Brazilian Traction, to write and present a series of English-language radio shows on Radio Nacional, Rio de Janeiro.

    Heading North, Harris became an accredited radio interviewer with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation in the arts and entertainment field, mainly in New York. His first interviewee was Ed Sullivan.

    On his return to London, Harris began broadcasting for the BBC. He interviewed a number of thespians at various stages of their career, and representing every aspect of the theatre, for the archival record, recorded THEATRE 60 which included Harris's interviews with Noël Coward, Albert Finney, Harold Pinter, Peter Hall,and several others, as well as Kenneth Tynan representing theatre critics.The Gramophone reviewed THEATRE 60 as 'arguably one of the best spoken word records ever made'.

    Walter Harris (football manager)

    Walter Harris (born in Birmingham, England) is a former English football manager.

    Football career

    Walter Harris served as a devoted member to the Spanish football society, during his time he also of accumulated a massage and bath business in Droitwich Spa.He may have possibly been a player who went by the name Walter Harris, based on archive records in 1906 at Barcelona of the same name, although this is not confirmed. It is here he may have begun his career in Spanish football eventually going onto become a club manager within Spain.

    Known in Spanish football as Mr. Harris, arrived in Spain in 1922 to coach the historic team Real Unión. In 1922 he was the coach of the Basque Country. In 1924 he moved to Paris where he carried out work as a masseur and assistant manager of the France national team in the Paris Olympics of 1924, he became assistant trainer to Tom Griffiths. The data on his career is career is difficult to collect due to limited sauces of information available around that time period. He became manager of several Spanish clubs such as Real Unión,Athletic Bilbao,Celta Vigo,Osasuna, Alavés,Real Málaga,Atlético Madrid or Hércules.


    • UFC San Antonio: Walt Harris Octagon Interview

      Walt Harris scores the third-fastest knockout in UFC Heavyweight history with a devastating KO of Aleksei Oleinik at UFC San Antonio. Subscribe to get all the latest UFC content: http://bit.ly/2uJRzRR Experience UFC live with UFC FIGHT PASS, the digital subscription service of the UFC. To start your 7-day free trial, visit http://www.ufc.tv/packages To order UFC Pay-Per-Views, visit http://www.ufc.tv/events Connect with UFC online and on Social: Website: http://www.ufc.com Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/ufc Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ufc Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/ufc Snapchat: UFC Periscope: http://Periscope.tv/ufc Connect with UFC FIGHT PASS on Social: Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/ufcfightpass Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ufcfightpass Instagram: http://www....

      published: 21 Jul 2019
    • Person of interest in Aniah Blanchard's disappearance (Walt Harris' stepdaughter)

      Police are seeking the public's help in identifying this man, they need to speak to him about Aniah's disappearance. Content made by this channel.

      published: 07 Nov 2019
    • Is the future in space? | Walter Harris | TEDxInstitutLeRosey

      Are we standing on the edge of a new age of exploration? An associate professor at the University of Arizona’s Lunar and Planetary Observatory with a PhD in remote sensing instrumentation from the University of Michigan, Dr Walter Harris centres his research around the structure of thin atmospheres and their interactions with their environment in space. He is also engaged in an ongoing inquiry of the plasma interface between solar wind and interstellar media by means of remote sensing of interstellar neutral material as it passes through our solar system. Furthermore, Dr Harris contributes to an active instrument development effort in the area of spatial heterodyne spectroscopy. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local comm...

      published: 22 Nov 2017
    UFC San Antonio: Walt Harris Octagon Interview

    UFC San Antonio: Walt Harris Octagon Interview

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:47
    • Uploaded Date: 21 Jul 2019
    • views: 129602
    Walt Harris scores the third-fastest knockout in UFC Heavyweight history with a devastating KO of Aleksei Oleinik at UFC San Antonio. Subscribe to get all the latest UFC content: http://bit.ly/2uJRzRR Experience UFC live with UFC FIGHT PASS, the digital subscription service of the UFC. To start your 7-day free trial, visit http://www.ufc.tv/packages To order UFC Pay-Per-Views, visit http://www.ufc.tv/events Connect with UFC online and on Social: Website: http://www.ufc.com Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/ufc Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ufc Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/ufc Snapchat: UFC Periscope: http://Periscope.tv/ufc Connect with UFC FIGHT PASS on Social: Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/ufcfightpass Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ufcfightpass Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/ufcfightpass
    Person of interest in Aniah Blanchard's disappearance (Walt Harris' stepdaughter)

    Person of interest in Aniah Blanchard's disappearance (Walt Harris' stepdaughter)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:14
    • Uploaded Date: 07 Nov 2019
    • views: 22414
    Police are seeking the public's help in identifying this man, they need to speak to him about Aniah's disappearance. Content made by this channel.
    Is the future in space? | Walter Harris | TEDxInstitutLeRosey

    Is the future in space? | Walter Harris | TEDxInstitutLeRosey

    • Order:
    • Duration: 22:54
    • Uploaded Date: 22 Nov 2017
    • views: 440
    Are we standing on the edge of a new age of exploration? An associate professor at the University of Arizona’s Lunar and Planetary Observatory with a PhD in remote sensing instrumentation from the University of Michigan, Dr Walter Harris centres his research around the structure of thin atmospheres and their interactions with their environment in space. He is also engaged in an ongoing inquiry of the plasma interface between solar wind and interstellar media by means of remote sensing of interstellar neutral material as it passes through our solar system. Furthermore, Dr Harris contributes to an active instrument development effort in the area of spatial heterodyne spectroscopy. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
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    UFC San Antonio: Walt Harris Octagon Interview

    Walt Harris scores the third-fastest knockout in UFC Heavyweight history with a devastating KO of Aleksei Oleinik at UFC San Antonio. Subscribe to get all the latest UFC content: http://bit.ly/2uJRzRR Experience UFC live with UFC FIGHT PASS, the digital subscription service of the UFC. To start your 7-day free trial, visit http://www.ufc.tv/packages To order UFC Pay-Per-Views, visit http://www.ufc.tv/events Connect with UFC online and on Social: Website: http://www.ufc.com Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/ufc Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ufc Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/ufc Snapchat: UFC Periscope: http://Periscope.tv/ufc Connect with UFC FIGHT PASS on Social: Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/ufcfightpass Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ufcfightpass Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/ufcfightpass
    UFC San Antonio: Walt Harris Octagon Interview
    Walt Harris scores the third-fastest knockout in UFC Heavyweight history with a devastatin...
    published: 21 Jul 2019
    Play in Full Screen
    Person of interest in Aniah Blanchard's disappearance (Walt Harris' stepdaughter)
    Police are seeking the public's help in identifying this man, they need to speak to him ab...
    published: 07 Nov 2019
    Play in Full Screen
    Is the future in space? | Walter Harris | TEDxInstitutLeRosey
    Are we standing on the edge of a new age of exploration? An associate professor at the Un...
    published: 22 Nov 2017
    Play in Full Screen

    Walter Harris

    Walter Harris may refer to:

  • Walter Edward Harris (1904–1999), Canadian politician
  • Walter Edgar Harris (1915–2011), Canadian chemist
  • Walter Harris (author) (born 1925) British author and broadcaster
  • Walter Harris (artist) (born 1931), Canadian artist
  • Walter Harris (football manager), English football manager
  • Walter Harris (historian) (1686–1761), Irish historian
  • Walter Burton Harris (1866–1933), English journalist, writer, traveller and socialite
  • Walt Harris (cornerback) (1974)
  • Walt Harris (coach) (1946), former American football player and coach
  • Walt Harris (fighter) (1986), an American mixed martial artist
  • Walter Harris, the real name of Pee-Wee Harris, a fictional character in Boy's Life comics
  • See also

  • Wally Harris (disambiguation)
  • Walter Harris Loveys (1920–1969), British politician
  • '); } else { var query = elem.find('.keywords').html(); $.ajax({ context: elem, url: 'https://wn.com/api/upge/cheetah-search-adv/video', cache: true, data: { 'query': query }, dataType: 'jsonp', success: function(text) { if (text.length > 0) { video_id = text[0].id; elem.find('.player').html(''); } } }); } } var stopAllYouTubeVideos = function() { var iframes = document.querySelectorAll('iframe'); Array.prototype.forEach.call(iframes, function(iframe) { iframe.contentWindow.postMessage(JSON.stringify({ event: 'command', func: 'pauseVideo' }), '*'); }); } jQuery(function() { jQuery(".playVideo").live("click", function() { if(!$(this).hasClass("played")){ stopAllYouTubeVideos(); var elem = $(this); setTimeout(function(){ mouseOverMe(elem); }, 1000); } }); jQuery(".description_box .expandContent").live("click", function() { elem = $(this).parent().parent().parent().find('.descContent'); if(elem.height() > 51) { elem.css('height', '44px'); $(this).html('Show More '); }else{ elem.css('height', 'auto'); $(this).html('Hide '); } }); jQuery('.interview-play-off').click(function() { $(".interview-play-off").hide(); $(".interview-play").show(); $(".videoplayer-control-pause").click(); }); jQuery(".video-desc .show_author_videos").live("click", function() { query = $(this).attr('title'); container = $(this).parent().parent().parent().find('.video-author-thumbs'); $(this).parent().parent().parent().find('.video-author-thumbs').css('height', '220px'); jQuery.ajax({ url: '/api/upge/cheetah-photo-search/videoresults', data: {'query': query}, success: function(text) { if(!text) { text = i18n("No results"); } container.html(jQuery(text)); } }); }); }); // -->

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