Jakarta, May 27, 2020
Dear Exhibitors, Agent and Prospective Visitors,
This letter is to bring the attention to all of our valuable partners of INAGREENTECH 2020, Solartech
Indonesia 2020, INALIGHT 2020, Battery & Energy Storage Indonesia 2020 that have been
supporting us continuously. We have come to a decision to re-postpone the events which was
previously arranged between 26th – 28th of August 2020 in Jakarta, Indonesia.
Current global situation is not yet conducive to run any international events in Indonesia and South
East Asia, as we have been closely monitoring the outbreak development happening all over the
world. After careful deliberation, we have to re-schedule the show to 2021.
We hereby officially announce the postponement of INAGREENTECH 2020, Solartech Indonesia
2020, INALIGHT 2020, Battery & Energy Storage Indonesia 2020 to 2021, with the following dates as
follow :
Previous schedule : August, 26th - 28th 2020 at JIExpo Kemayoran, Jakarta
New Schedule : March, 30th – April, 1st 2021 at JIExpo Kemayoran, Jakarta
By re-postponing the events, we are very optimistic that this decision will enable us to provide a better
situation for our valued participants, attendees, partners and employees in experiencing a safe
This decision was carefully made after profound consultations with our local government, supporting
associations, partners and staffs, to whom GEM INDonESIA would like to express gratitude for their
understanding, patience, and continued support.
For 2020 participants, we will gladly bring your participation to 2021 schedule. Should you have
anything to discuss, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
We look forward to hosting and welcoming you in 2021. Until then, stay safe and healthy!
With my best regards,
2021年印尼雅加达电池展-Battery Indonesia 2021将与世界一起带过来感兴趣的技术和业务合作、电池设备及组件制造商、专家废物管理以及为电池、回收设备制造商和回收商的回收利用无害环境技术良好的电池制造商。如果您也涉及到电池行业,Battery Indonesia 2021将是一个不容错过的盛会。与此同时,本次展会将通过邮件、会刊、杂志、短信、宣传单等广泛的宣传渠道通知相关的采购商,中间商、贸易商、科技研究人员、媒体等,以保证展会参观者的数量和质量。
2021年印尼雅加达电池展-Battery Indonesia 2021
展会时间:2021年3月30日 -4月1日
展会地址:印尼 - 雅加达
展馆名称: 雅加达会展中心Jakarta Int
主办单位:PT. Global Expo Management (GEM Indonesia)
Tel :0755-83148314-8017 | QQ:87917062
E-mail:[email protected] | Mob:188-1188-8196
在举办5届展会取得圆满成功后,Battery Indonesia 2021将展示更广泛的产品、技术、材料和服务,包括电池、储能电池、原材料、零件和智能充电器。2021年印尼雅加达电池展将于2021年3月30日 -4月1日在雅加达JIExpo Kemayoran举行。Battery Indonesia 2021将与Solartech Indonesia 2021,INATRoniCS 2021和Smart Home + City Indonesia 2021一起举办,作为东盟具最.影响力的展会之一,印尼雅加达电池展携展商共同展望展望未来电池储能、太阳能、电子元件和智能生活技术。