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XKCD 2456

XKCD 2456

Posted Apr 29, 2021 11:38 UTC (Thu) by rschroev (subscriber, #4164)
In reply to: XKCD 2456 by pr1268
Parent article: "Full disclosure" from the University of Minnesota

> I don't get that, but perhaps that's the point

An explanation can be found, as always, on the explain xkcd wiki: https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2456:_Types_of...

> We scanned some undergraduates:

>> Some initial research, especially that on a low budget, may recruit students at the same institution as easily available test-subjects. Quite often these are psychological or sociological studies, but can involve more medical (but non-invasive) 'scans', from simple eyeball-tracking to full-body MRI. When misread as "scammed", this paper can also refer to numerous famous psychological studies done before the establishment of certain ethical rules, such as the Milgram experiment.

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