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Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

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By Jonathan Corbet
October 30, 2020
Linux distributors are in the business of integrating software from multiple sources, packaging the result, and making it available to their users. It has long been true that some projects are easier to package than others. The Debian technical committee (TC) is currently being asked to make a decision in a dispute over how an especially hard-to-package project — Kubernetes — should be handled. Regardless of the eventual outcome, this disagreement clearly shows how the packaging model used by Linux distributors is increasingly mismatched to how software is often developed in the 2020s; what should replace that model is rather less clear, though.

A longstanding rule followed by most distributors is that there should be only one copy of any given library (or other dependency) in the system, and that said copy should usually be in its own package. To do otherwise would bloat the system and complicate the task of keeping things secure. As an extreme example, consider what would happen if every program carried its own copy of the C library in its package. Those thousands of copies would consume vast amounts of both storage space and memory. If a security vulnerability were found in that library, thousands of packages would have to be updated to fix it everywhere. A single library package shared by all users, instead, is more efficient and far easier to maintain.

This rule is thus contrary to the practice of stuffing dependent libraries into the package of a program that needs them — a practice often called "vendoring". Living up to this rule can be challenging, though, with many modern projects, which also often engage in a fair amount of vendoring. Projects written in certain languages appear to be especially prone to this sort of behavior; the Go language, for example, seems to encourage vendoring.

Kubernetes is written in Go, and it carries a long list of dependencies with it. It was maintained in Debian for a while by Dmitry Smirnov, but he orphaned Kubernetes in 2018, stating that packaging it is "a full time job, probably for more than one person". The Kubernetes package was eventually picked up by Janos Lenart, who has been supplying updated versions to the Debian Testing repository.

Kubernetes vendoring considered harmful

Back in March, though, Smirnov made it clear that he was far from happy with how Lenart has approached the task of packaging Kubernetes. Rather than work to build Kubernetes with independently packaged libraries in the Debian repository, Lenart has chosen to vendor those libraries into the Kubernetes package directly. The Kubernetes 1.19.3 package contains over 200 of these libraries; the directory of applicable licenses alone contains 3MB of text. A README file added by Lenart notes that this approach may not suit everybody:

However, I kindly ask purist aspirations that effectively halted Kubernetes' release and updates in Debian for YEARS to be kept at bay. I wholeheartedly agree that in an ideal world all the 200+ Go packages in vendor/ would be packaged separately in Debian, all of them following the excellent semantic versioning perfectly. It would also be awesome if there was a robust and meaningful(!) way to link Go binaries dynamically. That being said, I feel that the most important step at the moment is to have Kubernetes available in Debian instead of postponing until that perfect world arrives.

Smirnov denied being a purist, but was clearly upset about what had been done to the package he once maintained. It is, in his mind, a violation of Debian's policies. What, he asked, can be done in a situation like this?

The resulting discussion was lengthy and often heated, as one might expect. This being Debian, the developers devoted a long subthread to the question of whether Debian developers really have to verify the licenses for every vendored dependency (there was no definitive answer to that question). The reasons behind Debian's policies and the degree to which they make sense when applied to a project like Kubernetes were explored, also without any real conclusions.

Lenart posted exactly one message to the thread, defending the changes to how Kubernetes is packaged. There are other packages in Debian with vendored dependencies, though none, he acknowledged, have anywhere near the 200 found in his Kubernetes package. Independently packaging hundreds of dependencies is not feasible, he said; Smirnov's attempts to do so has a lot to do with why most Kubernetes releases never made it into Debian. Even if that effort were to succeed, Debian's package would not use the versions of the libraries tested by the Kubernetes developers and would thus essentially be a fork that "no sane cluster admin would dare to use". With that many separate libraries, it would never be possible to get security updates out in a timely manner. Go binaries are statically linked, so the resource-consumption benefits of shared libraries are not available in any case. And so on.

Smirnov, unsurprisingly, was not impressed with this list of justifications, and put some effort into casting Lenart as being too inexperienced to manage a package like Kubernetes. Many others argued for or against specific points until the conversation eventually wound down with nobody seemingly having budged from their initial positions.

To the technical committee

The topic then went quiet — on the public lists, at least — until the beginning of October, when Smirnov took the issue to the TC for resolution. The Debian TC exists to make decisions on technical disputes that Debian developers are unable to resolve on their own; it was this committee, for example, that finally answered the question of whether Debian would move to systemd or not. Now the TC is being asked to decide whether the level of vendoring seen in the Kubernetes package is acceptable.

There has been little public discussion since this request was filed, but a couple of interesting things have come out anyway. One was this message from Shengjing Zhu noting that Kubernetes, too, is a library that is depended upon by other packages. But Kubernetes is not packaged in a way that allows others to use it; doing so, Zhu said, would require decoupling all of its own vendored dependencies. Without that, every package that needs the Kubernetes library must vendor its own copy of Kubernetes, which does not seem like a rational path.

As part of the TC's deliberation, Sean Whitton asked the Debian security team about the security implications of that level of vendoring. Since security is one of the primary arguments against vendoring, one might expect the security team to dislike the idea; the actual response from Moritz Mühlenhoff was somewhat more nuanced than that. Supporting Kubernetes in a stable release is difficult in the best of situations, he said, because upstream only supports specific releases for one year, "and it would be presumptuous to pretend that we can seriously commit to fix security issues in k8s for longer than upstream". Given that, there are two options that Debian could consider for this package.

The first of those options would be to just not ship Kubernetes in a Debian stable release at all. Debian users would then obtain it either from the Testing repository (which does not receive security support) or from outside of Debian entirely. The alternative is to just update Kubernetes wholesale whenever a security problem is disclosed and upstream is no longer supporting the version shipped by Debian. That is an unusual practice for Debian, he allowed, but Kubernetes users are already used to it.

Crucially, he said that if Debian ships Kubernetes in a stable release (and thus goes with the second option above), vendoring the dependencies as is being done currently is the only realistic option. Otherwise, the chances of a newer Kubernetes release working with the older versions of its dependencies shipped by Debian are small at best. Rather than impeding the security effort in this case, vendored dependencies appear to be the only way that the Debian security team could support Kubernetes at all.

In the end, the options listed by Mühlenhoff are probably the only ones available to the TC. The committee could try to mandate that the Kubernetes package be managed like others, with few (if any) vendored dependencies, but it has no authority to order any developer to actually do the work to make that happen. So such a mandate is highly likely to be equivalent to saying that Debian does not ship Kubernetes at all.

Not just Kubernetes

The TC has not given any indication of when it will make a decision on this issue. Regardless of the outcome, though, this issue is one that is likely to come up again. There is a small but growing set of free-software projects that are simply too unwieldy for most distributors to handle on their own. Beyond Kubernetes, web browsers clearly fall into this category. Distributors have generally given up on trying to backport patches to older browser releases; they just move their users forward to new releases when they happen. The resources to do things any other way just do not exist.

The kernel might in some ways be the original example of this kind of package, but with some interesting differences. The kernel, too, is a huge and fast-moving project; most distributors have no hope of trying to maintain an older release on their own. The distributors that do maintain such versions — in "enterprise" distributions usually — dedicate massive resources to keeping those kernels working and secure. Others depend heavily on the fact that the kernel project itself is now maintaining releases for several years; the 4.4 kernel has received 241 updates (at last count) with 16,422 patches. Debian is an interesting exception in that it does maintain old kernels for a long time, but that support, too, benefits from the kernel's long-term support work. In the absence of that support, most distributors would have to choose between not even pretending to keep their kernels maintained (a favorite choice of embedded vendors) or upgrading users to current releases.

The kernel, at least, is self-contained; most projects of any size accumulate dependencies quickly, and many current programming environments encourage tying dependencies to specific versions of libraries — through a relative lack of concern about ABI compatibility if nothing else. Such applications will be painful to package; Kristoffer Grönlund's 2017 linux.conf.au talk on the subject is still highly relevant.

In other words, the Linux distribution model that was first worked out in the 1990s is increasingly unsuited to the way software is developed in the 2020s. Distributors understand that and are investigating ways to stay relevant, including new package-management techniques, immutable distributions, and more. Preserving the best of what distributions have to offer while taking advantage of the best of what the software-development community has to offer will prove challenging for some time. It is, as some might put it, a high-quality problem to have, but doesn't make it easy to solve.

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Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Oct 30, 2020 18:07 UTC (Fri) by gwolf (subscriber, #14632) [Link]

Thanks a lot for this writeup -- Yes, I sit in the faction of the Technical Committee least impressed with vendoring, but of course... We want to come up with a general, fair assessment of facts and recommendation for the future, not with pushing our own agendas. So, I have to do a first roundup of facts and opinions, and clearly your article will be useful for that!

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Oct 30, 2020 18:42 UTC (Fri) by smoogen (subscriber, #97) [Link]

I think that certain languages and developer mindsets seem to enforce vendoring as the way things are to be done.. If the language is 'static' like Go then you need to deliver multiple versions of any library so that only the 'proper' one is used. If the developers are fastly moving to keep up with feature requests, different needs, and a ton of different ideas wanting to be expressed.. then you will find that a dynamic library is rarely with enough of the same ABI/API between versions to be useful.. and the code so different that 'back-porting' takes so long that you are 3 CVE's behind on getting things fixed.

I think there is also a bit of 'distributions aren't sexy any more than sanitation engineering, and I really don't care about working in that sewer' from various ecosystems, developers, and even many power-users. [I think this is a sinusoidal wave.. for any software thing there is a timeframe where it is the THING everyone wants to get into: operating systems, window managers, (no)sql databases, blockchain, etc. Everyone dives in and comes up with their version or has to try out things etc.. then there seems to be a long counter-trough time where that thing is dead to everyone.. eventually coming back in a slightly different form. You can usually tell there is a different form because people would comment things like "you" are reinventing something from the IBM360, emacs, or Usenet. I expect in 2032, it will be "you are reinventing Debian packaging rules."]

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Oct 30, 2020 21:04 UTC (Fri) by dxin (guest, #136611) [Link]

It really depends on whether the application side or the distro side moves faster and has more man power.

Most Android apps have massive maintenaner and developer teams compared with the distro they run on (e.g. vendor's Android), so not only vendering could let the app teams deliver dependency updates more frequently than the distro could, they also have the resources to ensure their app works well with certain versions of dependencies. Hence Android went with full vendering, a decision that both mitigated and encouraged the infrequent deliveries of distro updates to the users.

For Debian and most of its packages, these conditions may not be true. E.g. apps are updated a lot less frequently in Debian than Android but users receive new Debian much more easily. Also most Debian apps care less about breakages caused by dependency versions. In this case shared dependencies indeed favorable.

Hence "Software written in 2020" means mostly "software written by well funded teams that gets updated frequently and has zero tolerance for breakages caused by dependency versions". The conflict again boils down to a "volunteer vs big corp" one. I think Debian people need to realize K8's dependencies are better handled by K8 just because they they have the manpower to do so.

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Oct 30, 2020 21:07 UTC (Fri) by Cyberax (✭ supporter ✭, #52523) [Link] (4 responses)

I don't think Go modules as DEB packages make any sense. For one thing, the usual Debian versioning won't work. Go keeps the SHA hashes of all the modules used, so a minor version update in a small utility module can easily cause a cascade of updates in all the dependent modules.

On the other hand, Go build is completely deterministic. You'll get a bit-perfect executable if you use the same version of modules (and the compiler, of course). This in itself is a pretty big deal for reproducible builds.

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Oct 31, 2020 17:16 UTC (Sat) by jfred (subscriber, #126493) [Link]

I'm, reluctantly, inclined to agree. I don't have much experience on the Debian side of things, but I've written a few Guix packages, and Guix has similar requirements, so I'll speak to that a bit.

Distros like Guix have good reasons to want all packages to be packaged in Guix itself; for one, it allows them to more tightly constrain the build environment, which goes a long way towards ensuring reproducibility. Packages can't reach out to the internet during builds for example, which eliminates a big potential source of nondeterminism.

But that said... the Go package model just does not match up cleanly with the distro package model. As you mention, Go keeps the hashes of dependencies around, and there are quite a few dependencies - enough to make manually packaging all of them, with all the different versions required by different applications, a gargantuan task.

Go builds (unlike those in many other languages) are reproducible on their own, even without sophisticated package managers. And even if Debian starts packaging individual Go libraries, Go developers aren't likely to start using the versions shipped with Debian - it goes against the grain of what their language tooling expects. I'm inclined to think that distros in this particular case should step aside and let the language tooling do its job; or possibly, in Guix's case, to more tightly integrate with the language tooling, because Go's build system has a lot of the same goals that Guix's does. Distro packagers will simply not be able to keep up otherwise for any package with a nontrivial number of dependencies, and that's a lot of them these days.

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Nov 1, 2020 14:15 UTC (Sun) by emorrp1 (guest, #99512) [Link] (1 responses)

That may have been true a few years ago, but along the same timescales of the inclusion of the JS and Go ecosystems has come much better tooling around automatic rebuilds of reverse dependencies. In particular, autopkgtest gives greater confidence that something not just compiles but actually functions correctly once installed.


Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Nov 4, 2020 18:34 UTC (Wed) by Cyberax (✭ supporter ✭, #52523) [Link]

I'm not sure Debian will actually scale for that. My fairly complex Go application has 40 dependencies, which I consider reasonable enough. I can see packaging it "classically" with fine-grained dependencies.

On the other hand, its ReactJS web-frontend that basically shows Google Maps and a couple of forms has 2120 dependencies. Simply building all of them as DEB files would take a LONG time, never mind doing the dependency resolution.

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Nov 4, 2020 18:28 UTC (Wed) by jelmer (guest, #40812) [Link]

As a user, I like the ability to install and update my go binaries in the same way that I update the other binaries on my system.

The current overhead for creating a new package is significant if you have to manually package a lot of dependencies (such as for Kubernetes). Debian has certain assumptions about how much human-customized packaging overhead each package needs, and in the past that overhead was acceptable - shared libraries in e.g. the C world tend to be larger and less predictable.

For many of the newer ecosystems (go, rust, haskell, node) packages could be generated with a lot less overhead, because . The approach taken by the rust team with debcargo is promising - the overhead for adding an extra package is minimal, and makes it easy to add many more packages. See for example https://salsa.debian.org/rust-team/debcargo-conf/-/tree/m...

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Oct 30, 2020 21:35 UTC (Fri) by khim (subscriber, #9252) [Link] (14 responses)

The whole thing boils down to one simple fact: Linux distributions are not really an operations systems.

What is an operation system? Well, Wikipedia says it's system software that manages computer hardware, software resources, and provides common services for computer programs… and Linux distributions are not doing that.

There are no SDK, there are no ability for the developer of a computer program to deliver it's application to users… not even Apple (which is known for it's strict and heavy handling of developers) demand to cede that much control.

And, that super-brand-new “software developed in the 2020s”… is not any different from Turbo Pascal or MS Office developed quarter-century ago.

The only difference: today open source have become popular enough for the software that what was traditionally proprietary is now open-sourced. You can find source on GitHub or maybe some other such site. But that's it. It's developers are not embracing ideals of free software and are not looking for a way to integrate with distributions.

On the contrary: they just seek a way to deliver their goods to users.

Maybe it's time to accept ad acknowledge that and stop trying to pull all these packages into the distribution? But provide a way to install upstream versions? Something like these "Shops" other OSes have?

Why does Kubernetes even have to be in Debian? What's the end goal? What this “packaging” which is just putting piece of software without any attempt to alter it is supposed to achieve?

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Oct 30, 2020 23:06 UTC (Fri) by pollo (subscriber, #122775) [Link] (12 responses)

> Why does Kubernetes even have to be in Debian? What's the end goal? What this “packaging” which is just putting piece of software without any attempt to alter it is supposed to achieve?

It provides:

* security -- Debian developers are supposed to read an review the code they package
* convenience -- a single package manager for all the software on your system, automated updates, etc.
* stability -- Debian developers work hard to try to make Debian a cohesive environment

As a sysadmin, I can tell you all of this has a lot of value.

Oh, and it's false to say Debian developers don't alter software. They often write patches to fix specific problems and most of the time these patches end up being merged upstream.

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Oct 30, 2020 23:42 UTC (Fri) by Wol (subscriber, #4433) [Link] (9 responses)

But this is placing Debian Developers on a pedestal.

At the end of the day, do the users care? Do the *users* trust Debian, or do they trust Kubernetes, and which do they trust more?

If the *users* are simply using Debian as a platform to run Kubernetes, then all these "advantages" are pretty irrelevant - all the users need is for Kubernetes to install and run successfully. Which is best achieved by Debian and Kubernetes working together with, hopefully, a couple of primarily Kubernetes devs also being Debian Developers tasked with making Debian a good platform to run Kubernetes on.

Yes I know Debian (or any other distro) needs to make sure all these big apps run successfully on Debian, but if they've got plenty of developers you're better off working with said devs to make sure the package installs successfully on Debian, rather than expending a lot of resources you haven't really got to make the package actually part of Debian.


Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Oct 31, 2020 0:58 UTC (Sat) by dskoll (subscriber, #1630) [Link] (8 responses)

I certainly prefer my software to be packaged by Debian, or at least as .debs with a public repo. If we're talking one or a handful of machines, it's no big deal. But if you administer hundreds or thousands of machines, using the package manager to handle updates is hugely worthwhile.

I have a lot of trust that Debian upgrades won't break my system; this trust is in place because historically, very few Debian upgrades have been problematic. Having the Debian maintainers develop and test updates, that I can then confidently and easily deploy to many machines, is fantastic.

Back when I ran a software company, we put in the effort to make .debs and .rpms of our software (it was proprietary software, so would never be packaged by a Linux distro.) But making the effort to adapt our software to the distros we supported was very beneficial because it made our upgrades very easy.

Unfortunately, few upstream developers are willing to put in the time to make .debs, leaving that task to Debian maintainers.

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Nov 1, 2020 12:15 UTC (Sun) by khim (subscriber, #9252) [Link] (6 responses)

Having one repository with all the relevant applications is nice, I agree. But you don't need to build and package these by one central team. “Shops” which I mentioned work just fine for that.

As for “upstream developers” unwillingness to create .debs… nothing have changed there in last quarter-century. “Upstream developers” want to build one package and distribute one package.

Anything else just doesn't make any sense from support POV.

If Linux distributions are unwilling to provide a way for that to happen… developers would cobble together some kind of .sh script. Or some kind of installer. Or would solve problem in some other way.

Some solutions would even provide .debs or .rpms — but they would use the same binaries as “main” tar or sh.

And yes, I agree: it's false to say Debian developers don't alter software… but then situation is even worse: now developers need to deal not just with some unfamiliar (to them) environment, they even have to support code which they haven't wrote and don't even know about! No wonder that makes them unhappy.

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Nov 1, 2020 15:18 UTC (Sun) by rgmoore (✭ supporter ✭, #75) [Link] (5 responses)

“Shops” which I mentioned work just fine for that.

Shops work OK at putting all the software in one place in an easy to install format. Experience says they do a very poor job of quality control and security updating, at least without effort on the part of the shopkeeper on par with what distributions currently spend on packaging. Even shops run by big companies like Apple and Google can't keep out all the malware and just plain insecure software.

IMO, this is the point that gets ignored by in these discussions: the biggest effort distributions spend is not really in packaging, it's in various forms of quality control. It may make sense to skip some of that quality control for the biggest, best maintained packages, like web browsers and databases, which are backed by the kind of big commercial team that can spend more effort on QA/QC than the distro can, but it won't work so well to skip that effort for smaller packages that can't.

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Nov 10, 2020 11:04 UTC (Tue) by anton (subscriber, #25547) [Link] (4 responses)

For some packages, the contribution by Debian is negative. E.g., for many years now, I have needed to build xpdf from source on every Debian/Ubuntu system because the Debian-crippled version only prints on letter paper (which we don't have around here); all configuration options for A4 paper (both the upstream xpdf ones as well as the Debian ones) are ignored.

Maybe the overall contribution by Debian is positive, but it seems to me that some Debian people are too convinced of their importance, and would do better by just packaging the upstream with as few changes as possible.

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Nov 12, 2020 0:18 UTC (Thu) by foom (subscriber, #14868) [Link] (2 responses)

That sounds like it may be a bug indeed; have you reported it?

On the other hand, the upstream version of xpdf inexplicably refuses to let you copy text from certain PDFs, and upstream refuses to fix this. The debian version has fixed that bug.

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Nov 12, 2020 9:14 UTC (Thu) by Wol (subscriber, #4433) [Link]

I believe the pdf spec allows you to put flags in saying "you can do this, you can't do that".

I guess Debian honour those flags to avoid potential legal liability. Sounds pretty typical for them.


Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Nov 12, 2020 9:55 UTC (Thu) by anton (subscriber, #25547) [Link]

xpdf does not allow to copy text from PDFs that have been marked accordingly, and that was documented (I don't find that documentation at the moment, though). So it's a misfeature, not a bug; however, the documentation explained that it is easy to change xpdf to ignore the flag, so if that's what Debian's maintainers want to do, I don't think they need to ignore all sources of the desired paper size to do it.

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Jan 10, 2021 1:32 UTC (Sun) by debacle (subscriber, #7114) [Link]

Is this https://bugs.debian.org/120645 opened 2001-11-22 and closed 2001-11-25?
Maybe you should reopen it, if setting of /etc/papersize to "a4" does not work on your system.
I just tried to print an A4 PDF into a PS file using xpdf 3.04-14 on Debian testing and the result is A4.
Works for me, but that's 19 years later ;-)

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Nov 2, 2020 11:48 UTC (Mon) by LtWorf (subscriber, #124958) [Link]

Then it would make sense that if a software can't have that level of quality it should not be packaged.

Packaging it would mean giving false expectations.

I would consider just placing it in contrib so it's not available by default. Maybe even make one of those fake packages that just downloads the binary from upstream, like they do for the microsoft fonts (because there is no license to redistribute them).

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Oct 31, 2020 9:17 UTC (Sat) by lobachevsky (subscriber, #121871) [Link]

Sometimes the problems they fix are homegrown, and patches are for integration with the "Debian way" and none of these patches will make it upstream and an ever longer list of patches is dragged around.

systemd is patched quite heavily in Debian and the man pages are not fixed accordingly, so some stuff just silently doesn't work (mostly around localectl). Don't get me started on polkit, which is basically a fork of upstream polkit, because the maintainers just don't like the way polkit is configured since polkit 106.

At some point Debian will have to think about which things it deems absolutely necessary, because changes to upstream software and its own policies that were once sensible will be just dead weight making work on things people actually want to work on harder. There is a danger of newcomers taking their contributions elsewhere (directly upstream or to distros that are closer to upstream) and the project may die a slow death of attrition.

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Oct 31, 2020 9:44 UTC (Sat) by ibukanov (subscriber, #3942) [Link]

The argument about the package manager is not relevant here. Many software installs own repositories and use common apt infrastructure for managing updates.

As for security auditing sources for anything sufficiently complex is beyond Debian or any other Linux distribution capabilities. I much more appreciate Debian efforts toward reproducible builds as that allows more people to contribute to auditing.

The stability argument is good one. For example, I appreciate stability that comes from Wordpress packaged in Debian. But I do not see how this is much relevant to vendoring.

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Oct 31, 2020 0:49 UTC (Sat) by flussence (guest, #85566) [Link]

> Why does Kubernetes even have to be in Debian? What's the end goal? What this “packaging” which is just putting piece of software without any attempt to alter it is supposed to achieve?

Reduction of curl pipe sudo bash.

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Oct 30, 2020 22:31 UTC (Fri) by ballombe (subscriber, #9523) [Link] (10 responses)

I would reverse the conclusion:

Are software so bloated and insecure they cannot be supported for more than a year really the best of what the software-development community has to offer ?

Why not keep that label for software that deserve it ?

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Oct 30, 2020 23:20 UTC (Fri) by Paf (subscriber, #91811) [Link] (8 responses)

Or, perhaps, rather than being bloated and insecure, they have found a way to persuade their users to accept rapid upgrade cycles, sparing the developer the significant ongoing costs of supporting old versions! This is a different optimization point but it seems like a potent one.

It might just be possible there is a reason that doesn’t involve the new software being crap. It might just be optimized differently,

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Oct 31, 2020 10:51 UTC (Sat) by misc (guest, #73730) [Link] (7 responses)

Another interpretation is that by having the software move fast and be supported for a short period of time, this create a gap that vendors can fill with LTS supported versions, which in turn make the ecosystem sustainable. I am not saying this is made on purpose, nor even that's the only reason (likely far from it), but it seems to be a self reinforcing system.

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Oct 31, 2020 20:31 UTC (Sat) by jwarnica (subscriber, #27492) [Link] (6 responses)

I'm not sure exactly what camp it comes from, but one of the theories of modern software development is "do the hard things always". Which is why there is CI/CD, for example.

If upgrades are small, safe, and frequent there is no reason not to do upgrades at that rapid pace. System administration is no longer
split between firefighting and planning and managing huge lift-and-shift operations, it day to day minor changes. Or should be.

"Vendor support" thus becomes "making *our* point releases seamlessly upgrade to *our* point releases in a specific path" not "supporting systems for ever". And k8s, even outside a commercial vendor, is very much focused on that theory of operation, allowing for zero downtime rolling updates across a cluster.

Actually, I'm not sure how k8s could manage a rolling upgrade if it was triggered from an OS level package manager.

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Nov 1, 2020 15:43 UTC (Sun) by farnz (subscriber, #17727) [Link] (5 responses)

From direct personal experience (moving the system my team at work is responsible for from monthly to daily deployment), the advantage of rapid deployment is that there's simply less for the triage team to think about when a user complains about a change, because instead of having to be aware of ~1.5 months worth of changes, you have to be aware of around a week's worth of changes.

The rate of breakage is about the same as it was with monthly deployment, it's just that there's a small amount broken and in need of fixing each day, instead of a huge amount broken each month.

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Nov 2, 2020 20:49 UTC (Mon) by tpo (subscriber, #25713) [Link] (1 responses)

> From direct personal experience (moving the system my team at work is responsible for from monthly to daily deployment), the advantage of rapid deployment is that there's simply less for the triage team to think about when a user complains about a change, because instead of having to be aware of ~1.5 months worth of changes, you have to be aware of around a week's worth of changes.

There is another advantage: when a user comes up with a bug or problem, the first reply (can be trivially automated == no human ressources necessary, yay!) can always be: do you have the latest version from very few days ago?

Now the user has to put in effort to update. Once he has managed to go through the effort, which usually carries a non-ignorable cost, the latest release has moved on. Repeat.

At some point the user gives up and accepts the bug or plasters some workaround over it ("reboot machine", "reinstall", "reinstantiate container" ...) and you can close the bug with "no feedback".

Of course I am being sarcastic here, but exactly this is happening in reality in many a project I've encountered.

A related trendy flavor of this "I the developper am the center of the universe" approach is "there was no activity on this ticket in x days, closing".

That perspective stinks. I'm no exception to it.

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Nov 3, 2020 10:41 UTC (Tue) by farnz (subscriber, #17727) [Link]

Perhaps paradoxically, but we tell users asking for support to update much more rarely now that we're deploying daily than we did when we deployed monthly.

We've always used "are you up to date" as a way of dealing with issues that we are confident were fixed in a recent release; with daily deployment, our window for "recent release" has shrunk from 6 months to a week (something about the human brain seems to have us remembering what happened in the last 5 to 7 releases, and no more), which means that problems are much more likely to get investigated than they used to be, because there's no incorrectly remembered "recent" release with a fix for a similar problem.

Plus, because it's a rapid turnaround, we're happier to do a partial fix that solves the problem for you, and then use our time to fix up the resulting technical debt. In the past, because we had a long turnaround time, we'd prefer to avoid the technical debt at all - if it's going to take a month for the fix to get to you, we might as well aim for perfect first attempt.

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Nov 5, 2020 1:33 UTC (Thu) by NYKevin (subscriber, #129325) [Link] (2 responses)

There's another bonus, too: If the new release turns out to be bad (for any definition of "bad"), you can just abort it, roll back to last week's release, and re-release next week once you have a handle on what went wrong. That way, you don't have to do (much) troubleshooting in production in the first place (besides figuring out that the problem started around the same time as the release hit the affected systems, so it could plausibly have been the cause). While this is possible with big and heavy releases, it's significantly more painful.

This is less effective when you are rolling out to devices you don't control, because you'll have to tell the user "Hey, um, actually, we think you should go back to the old version for now" and users don't like that kind of churn. But it's great for servers, which is where k8s is supposed to run.

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Nov 5, 2020 5:49 UTC (Thu) by jwarnica (subscriber, #27492) [Link]

Or.... you do both. And you do live A/B testing.

Yeah, there is some absolutely pure sense of Big O good and bad.

But most software is not built to run on a system we are building down to a cost of melted sand, or to where it is unchanging in its exactness hoping for a human to override.

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Nov 5, 2020 10:01 UTC (Thu) by farnz (subscriber, #17727) [Link]

Yeah - we do rolling deploys of our server updates, so at any time, some servers are on today's code, and others are on yesterday's code. If today's code is bad (manually noticed, or detected by automation), it gets rolled back and ignored, ready for the new version that drops later.

This does mean that we have to be careful to make upgrades easy and roll-back safe within limits, but the frequency of updates means this isn't an issue because anyone who forgets this gets burnt regularly until they learn.

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Nov 1, 2020 15:00 UTC (Sun) by emorrp1 (guest, #99512) [Link]

Agreed, though I'd caution against the article's sentiment that this is simply the way things are done in 2020 with the implication that distros are no longer relevant. I might be a bit young for this, but I thought it used to be a badge of pride to get one's package through the debian review and you can still see a decent up-tick in popcon even for a .deb previously distributed from upstream's repository. There's loads of tools for shoving builds into a .deb, it's debian's policy that provides the quality guarantee that I as a user care about.

When ownCloud dropped out of debian, it was an indication to me that the software wasn't yet stable enough to be relied upon. Same thing happened with VirtualBox stopping targetted security support unless you upgraded the entire thing - that led me to discover virt-manager was a suitable replacement. Jenkins consider 3 months as LTS!

I am very glad for the growing number of ways that Debian provides to get software that compromises on some specific policies, while maintaining overall quality and making it obvious what is different about them (and I'm sure I'm missing some):

* contrib for FOSS that still requires something proprietary to make sense
* backports for new features in leaf packages without waiting another two years
* fasttrack for well supported upstreams that haven't yet got stable LTSs
* extrepo for third party repositories with proven track record
* flatpak for ignoring packaging integration in favour of following the upstream releases

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Oct 31, 2020 7:56 UTC (Sat) by geuder (subscriber, #62854) [Link] (24 responses)

Trying to understand what is the problem here. My experience with Go
is close to zero, my knowledge about Debian builders is zero, I have
worked with OBS (https://openbuildservice.org/) quite a bit, but years ago.

From reading the article I understand there are 2 orthogonal problems

* there are 200 dependencies
* Go uses static linking instead of dynamic linking

The 200 dependencies are a problem as such. Debian packaging is an
overhead, doing the overhead 200 times in a your free time as single
maintainer is clearly not feasible. (That applies to any distro
packaging, whether it's Debian, rpm, Arch or whatever. I have the
feeling Debian could be a bit more of work, but probably an
experienced Debian packager will disagree.)

It goes beyond my imagination why one would need 200 dependencies, but
obviously that's the way software works in 2020. Whether that's
progress or a destructive development is a good question. At least in
security-critical software (and what is not security critical if we
have real money and the internet involved?) I would claim it's just
not sustainable. But let's leave that for another debate.

When it comes to the linking of these 201 packages, with dynamic
linking you have runtime dependencies. With static linking you have
buildtime dependencies. But every runtime dependency is also a buildtime
dependency, so for building the software it is not even a
difference. (I don't go into the space argument. Already Java told us
in 1995 that memory is not a problem with modern computers.)

Except that it depends how paranoid you are when building the
dependencies. As said I know nothing about Debian builders, but I
have sometimes heard the term of mass rebuild. So my guess would be
that Debian generally assumes that changing something further down the
dependency chain does not require rebuilding the whole chain, because
you have ABI compatibility. Only if you know that your ABI breaks you
do a (manual?) mass rebuild. Is that how it works? Obviously with
static libraries every change is a breaking one, you need to rebuild
everything that depends on the changed one.

OBS on the other hand rebuilds every time. However, after having
rebuilt a direct dependency it compares the build results with the
previous ones it has built for the same package. If they are
equivalent it has been proven that the change was ABI compatible, the
new results are thrown away and rebuild chain is cut at that step. So
using OBS you could really "easily" manage 200 Go packages?

Well easily, but who pays for the infrastructure? With shared
libraries the rebuild chain is typically cut after the first step,
with static libraries it will never be cut anywhere. The same holds for
downloads from the repo and installation. Cost will grow everywhere.

While Debian is sometimes somewhat too slow moving for my taste, is
this really a Debian problem? Isn't this Go and static linking just an
economically unsustainable development? (The environmental impact
might be smaller, because buildtime impact is probably relatively
small compared to runtime impact globally.) Not for Google maybe, but
every other more resource constrained organization. Do we need a
software developers' "Fridays for Future" to show that this is
nonsense? Somehow I ended up at the sustainability issue again,
although I said above I would leave that for another debate. It
appears to me that this theme needs more attention in software

Not something the TC can solve. Or after the free software movement we
need the slim software movement? Just don't use proprietary^W bloat

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Oct 31, 2020 10:19 UTC (Sat) by Wol (subscriber, #4433) [Link] (2 responses)

> (I don't go into the space argument. Already Java told us in 1995 that memory is not a problem with modern computers.)

Unfortunately Firefox today tells us that memory IS a problem.

"Only 4 gigs? You need to upgrade your ram!" except that pretty much all today's cheap laptops come with 4GB soldered and no expansion slot :-(


Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Oct 31, 2020 12:31 UTC (Sat) by geuder (subscriber, #62854) [Link] (1 responses)

My remark was more cynical than serious...

But seriously, I do use Firefox occasionally on a 4-5 year old 2 GB laptop. No problems as long as you understand not to keep more tabs open than what you using right now.

Obviously it's a bit slower than on more powerful machine. But still fully usable. Maybe you can find some page on the net where it chokes, but I don't remember hitting one.

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Oct 31, 2020 12:38 UTC (Sat) by Wol (subscriber, #4433) [Link]

It's a windows laptop - nuff said.

But seeing as I've never had a machine without a DVD drive before (well, I have, but that was before DVDs :-), I don't fancy re-installing Windows which is the recommended fix for a slow PC. And pretty much all the recommendations for a slow Firefox are to upgrade your ram ...


Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Oct 31, 2020 10:23 UTC (Sat) by cyphar (subscriber, #110703) [Link] (14 responses)

In openSUSE with OBS we don't package Go programs this way, we just use what upstream vendored or if they use go.mod we have an OBS service which can fetch the modules before build (these downloaded modules are not packaged). In either case, while OBS in theory could make managing this really nice, we don't use it that way. There are a couple of reasons why, which all boil down to how libraries are practically used in Go:

  • Go libraries are commonly (though this is no longer as common as it used to be) imported such that they are pinned by commit ID. Therefore, different projects are unlikely to use the same version, meaning that you would need to package the library multiple times or otherwise maintain several versions. This is a problem you would immediately hit because of the fact that all of the golang.org/x/... libraries do not have version tags at all. (OBS can and does keep around old versions of packages for stable distributions but not for devel projects or Tumbleweed -- also you would need to be able to handle packaging a new project which uses a yet-unpackaged-but-older version of a commonly-used library.)

  • Because of widespread vendoring, Go libraries aren't quite as strict about API compatibility as C libraries. This means that you really can't swap out dependencies from under the project -- so the obvious solution to the previous point won't work. (Yes, Go.mod and semver do in theory eliminate this problem but in my experience this is still a very common issue.)

  • Libraries may have buildtags (used to determine whether to build a file or not and can be supplied at build time) which a downstream project sets based on some other configuration or feature detection. This means that for a single library you may have a power set of all possible subsets of buildtag combinations which could be set -- meaning you either have to build all of them or otherwise handle this situation.

  • Go (as a language) doesn't really support compiling libraries separately from the downstream project which depends on them. You can do it, but the Go folks say it's not a supported setup -- especially in the context of a distribution.

Note this is not an issue that only affects Go, most modern languages (as well as oldies like Perl and Python) have their own package managers and package ecosystems. When trying to package such programs into a distribution, distributions are kind of stuck. What we have historically done is (in an automated fashion) wrap every language package needed by a project into a corresponding distribution package and hope that there aren't too many to deal with. Go managed to break this model by not having packages or package registries at all and instead relying entirely on import paths. So we ended up just using vendoring (which is what upstreams also used). Debian bucked the trend and tried to "un-vendor" all Go projects, but the net result is a massive amount of extra work done by one distribution without any other distributions helping out.

Personally I think this situation would be much nicer if distributions and languages would have some way to merge their respective package ecosystems into a single package namespace, which would permit distributions to directly reference the native language packages -- making it easier for developers to have their software packaged and easier for distributions to keep track of security issues and maintenance. But naturally -- because we're talking about free software ecosystems -- this isn't going to happen because it appears that we all deep down thrive on having fragmented communities.

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Oct 31, 2020 12:19 UTC (Sat) by geuder (subscriber, #62854) [Link] (3 responses)

> Therefore, different projects are unlikely to use the same version, meaning that you would need to package the library multiple times

I know, I had this in mind, but then my comment already got too long. So I skipped it. It would be another argument against ever growing bloat and workload. You need to keep several versions around and patch them in case of vulnerabilities.

It seems to be a development we should not participate in.

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Oct 31, 2020 14:25 UTC (Sat) by cyphar (subscriber, #110703) [Link] (2 responses)

Choosing to not use such languages is one reaction, but as I said this is not a problem that only exists in Go. Rust and most other modern languages have many of the same caveats (and you could argue that even languages like Python and Perl also are similar in certain respects). And while you can go and write all of your own projects in C/C++, the wider software community is simply not going to do that -- very few developers deeply care about difficulty packaging their code in Linux distributions. Not to mention that if a useful project is written using one of these languages, distributions will need to package it somehow.

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Oct 31, 2020 15:21 UTC (Sat) by mathstuf (subscriber, #69389) [Link] (1 responses)

However, Rust crates that I've interacted with tend to be much more cognizant of API breakage than (it would seem) Go modules are. However, it sounds like go.mod might help this? Time will tell. I would like to see cargo support using a distro-local registry that can be used, but I don't know how much work that would entail.

Maybe someday we'll have the ability to use Rust APIs across a shared library boundary (sure, you can technically do it today, but limiting yourself to the C ABI for inter-library calls and compiler checks is quite restrictive in the Rust world).

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Oct 31, 2020 15:45 UTC (Sat) by cyphar (subscriber, #110703) [Link]

> However, Rust crates that I've interacted with tend to be much more cognizant of API breakage than (it would seem) Go modules are. However, it sounds like go.mod might help this?

Yeah that is definitely true for Rust -- and I would argue this is because Rust grew the idea of strong versioning very early on (before Go modules you could argue that this wasn't a first-class feature in Go for most of it's lifetime). In theory Go modules might improve this situation, but to be honest I'm fairly skeptical that this will change enough Go projects that it will allow us to change how we would package the majority of them.

> Maybe someday we'll have the ability to use Rust APIs across a shared library boundary (sure, you can technically do it today, but limiting yourself to the C ABI for inter-library calls and compiler checks is quite restrictive in the Rust world).

This would make packaging more efficient in practice (only compile libraries once and reuse the compiled files as much as possible) -- and would be great to see -- but in principle the organisation of packages doesn't need to mean that library packages are actually distributed as compiled code. If you have a package for each (library) crate dependency which is used by a binary crate you can still do the actual compilation in the final binary. In this instance the issue is more about being able to represent crate dependencies using the distribution's method of representing such dependencies (BuildRequires in RPM).

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Oct 31, 2020 14:42 UTC (Sat) by Conan_Kudo (subscriber, #103240) [Link] (1 responses)

Well, the reason openSUSE doesn't have Go dependencies de-vendored like both Debian and Fedora do is because openSUSE can't handle it. There are only 10 people who can review packages to merge into openSUSE Factory, and 7 of those 10 people have done zero reviews in the past three years. The effort to de-vendor Rust in openSUSE stalled on that fact alone, too. The openSUSE review process does not scale like the Fedora package review process does.

Fedora has been de-vendoring Go dependencies for years now, and we have a high level of reuse across applications using Go dependencies. We did not do it for Kubernetes (or Docker/Moby for that matter) because historically both projects forked and modified their dependencies when they vendored them. In this case, we declare them accordingly as bundled libraries, audit the licensing accordingly, and move on.

The transition to Go modules is actually expected to improve things even more for de-vendoring, since Go modules are required to establish an API contract with their versioning. This allows us to more freely upgrade dependencies with confidence. We have tooling to trigger rebuild chains as needed, even though I would like OBS-like auto-rebuild magic to make it even simpler.

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Oct 31, 2020 15:48 UTC (Sat) by cyphar (subscriber, #110703) [Link]

Yeah I don't disagree about the review resources for openSUSE, it is a bit of a shame. Though I'd still argue that having distribution maintainers have to do busywork to maintain packages which are just wrappers around language packages is inefficient (even though Fedora and Debian have shown they can handle the review load). Ideally distribution maintainers would only ever have to step in for critical security or other such fixes IMHO.

> The transition to Go modules is actually expected to improve things even more for de-vendoring, since Go modules are required to establish an API contract with their versioning.

That is the idea (and a laudable one), though to be honest I'm a little pessimistic that much will change for the vast majority of projects.

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Nov 2, 2020 15:05 UTC (Mon) by LtWorf (subscriber, #124958) [Link] (4 responses)

Go was never designed with distributing in mind.

It is a language developed at google to run on their own internal systems. When they made it they just wanted a binary blob so that whatever distributions they might use internally that month, it would just work.

It was never the idea to make go programs for others.

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Nov 2, 2020 16:58 UTC (Mon) by Cyberax (✭ supporter ✭, #52523) [Link] (3 responses)

This is pure nonsense. Go was designed to be a general-purpose language.

The static compilation has always been a welcome feature. I remember that I was introduced to Go by HPC (High Performance Computation) folks who really LOVED that they could compile a binary locally and run it on a cluster, without caring for mismatching glibc versions.

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Nov 2, 2020 20:14 UTC (Mon) by smurf (subscriber, #17840) [Link] (1 responses)

> This is pure nonsense. Go was designed to be a general-purpose language.

"It's a general purpose language" and "it's not designed for distribution" is not a contradiction.

Go binaries can be distributed like hell. Go sources? not so much, esp. if by "distributed" one means "included in a distribution". You basically need network access, github (and whatever else the code in question and/or any of its its dependencies want) needs to be up and reachable, and so on.

If you plan to work on a Go program offline, you basically need to start the compiler once, before disconnecting from the net, so it can cache all that stuff.

And that's the polar opposite of what a distribution is trying to accomplish.

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Nov 3, 2020 0:43 UTC (Tue) by Cyberax (✭ supporter ✭, #52523) [Link]

Ironically, the older Go code was even more autonomous when the current one (vendored packages used to be committed into the repo along with the code).

But even module-based Go doesn't need Github access, it needs a way to resolve packages and you can use one of the many repo managers for that (like Artifactory).

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Nov 13, 2020 3:19 UTC (Fri) by nivedita76 (guest, #121790) [Link]

"Go is a programming language designed by Google to help solve Google's problems, and Google has big problems."

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Nov 6, 2020 5:46 UTC (Fri) by jccleaver (subscriber, #127418) [Link] (2 responses)

> Note this is not an issue that only affects Go, most modern languages (as well as oldies like Perl and Python) have their own package managers and package ecosystems. When trying to package such programs into a distribution, distributions are kind of stuck. What we have historically done is (in an automated fashion) wrap every language package needed by a project into a corresponding distribution package and hope that there aren't too many to deal with.

I mean, isn't that the crux of the matter? Perl has had CPAN since the days of RH 5, and once cpan2rpm was reliable to use in a mostly-automated fashion it made keeping that in sync for trivial things... trivial. It's only the more involved things that require much manual tweaking, but that's pretty much how it should be since that's why you have humans in the loop to begin with.

Go decided it didn't care, and more to the point the people pushing it decided they didn't care, and now we're stuck.

I can't speak for the Go or rust ecosystem, but I still have difficulty understanding why something like k8s or terraform couldn't be re-implemented in a more traditional language which doesn't force an up-ending of ecosystems that are tried-and-tested.

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Nov 6, 2020 5:48 UTC (Fri) by Cyberax (✭ supporter ✭, #52523) [Link] (1 responses)

> I can't speak for the Go or rust ecosystem, but I still have difficulty understanding why something like k8s or terraform couldn't be re-implemented in a more traditional language which doesn't force an up-ending of ecosystems that are tried-and-tested.
Why should somebody bend over backwards to make stuff easier for Linux distros?

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Nov 6, 2020 10:44 UTC (Fri) by amacater (subscriber, #790) [Link]

They don't have to, at all - but the big industry players all rely on Linux, even if it's only internally - Google provide a Linux desktop based on Debian testing, for example, if that's what you want for their own staff. There's benefits to having a consistent infrastructure: various languages have done their own thing, an ecosystem or two are now impossible to maintain (gnuradio seems to be an environment which relies on magic, voodoo and blessed builds to keep going :) ). Working with, say, Debian, Ubuntu and CentOS would provide a core that's known.

The comment about security auditing somewhere above in this thread: it's not great, but it's easier in a distribution than a randomly structured ecosystem like NPM / PIP.
Looking from a distance at OpenStack / k8s - there's still a lot of magic, blessed github repositories or whatever around this if you don't go with a single vendor stack (Red Hat/Canonical are effectively vendoring their commercial offerings and depend on you having paid for support).

All of that may be completely immaterial if you're Alphabet/Facebook/AWS and can afford to throw human resources at the relevant language or system for internal use: external use is merely good publicity but you don't have to guarantee users there anything. And yes, I'm coming at this from 25 years of experience with Linux so I may be completely out of touch/too old to appreciate how the real world works.

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Nov 2, 2020 0:32 UTC (Mon) by ringerc (subscriber, #3071) [Link] (5 responses)

> Already Java told us in 1995 that memory is not a problem with modern computers.

... and in 2000 and 2010 and 2020, people have been making big money selling tools that mitigate the pain of Java memory management. External heaps, custom allocators, you name it.

Disk space (for software) isn't that different. We don't care about a few MB here or there. But when building and deploying 100 containers on a machine suddenly it starts to matter again.

Waste is still waste.

Personally it outrages me that I need 16GB of RAM to meet the voracious memory gobbling of a web browser, and still be able to code. I can do database development in less than gig of RAM, but somehow a Modern Social Media App or two consumes a giabyte per tab and a fair slice of the CPU if you let it too.

Efficiency is a cost. We do need to be willing to accept more bloat to save time. Nobody should be using short identifiers to save space in dynamic link tables. There's generally much less need to apply complex and fragile schemes to save a few bytes of memory here or there.

But short term efficiency gains can cause long term pain. Vendoring of libraries rapidly spirals out of control if you start modifying them in your trees. Sure you save time, but you enter a nightmare of slightly-forked upstreams to deal with and a spiral of unmanageable tech debt.

Also, small only stays small if the count is low. A PostgreSQL row header is 23 bytes. That's nothing right? Well, one database I support has about 1TB of row headers consuming extremely expensive high performance storage - plus more being eaten by alignment padding, VARLENA type headers, page headers, etc. These things add up.

Nobody's going to argue that malloc() can afford to throw around chunks of memory for developer convenience because RAM is cheap now.

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Nov 4, 2020 14:26 UTC (Wed) by khim (subscriber, #9252) [Link] (1 responses)

> Nobody's going to argue that malloc() can afford to throw around chunks of memory for developer convenience because RAM is cheap now.

Why would they argue if they can just use tcmalloc which does just that? It's used in web-browsers, too, BTW.

And the fact that web-browsers are using muti-process model for security which increases memory consumption about 2x-3x is just the fact of life now, too…

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Nov 6, 2020 1:10 UTC (Fri) by ringerc (subscriber, #3071) [Link]

Agreed. I work mostly with PostgreSQL - our palloc() is a heirachical memory allocator, not dissimilar to Samba's talloc. So yes I agree - you can just use your own allocator.

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Nov 5, 2020 8:41 UTC (Thu) by ncm (guest, #165) [Link] (2 responses)

There is really no excuse for any tab you are not looking at to occupy any more memory than the pixels in the tab at the time you switched from it.

If the browser wants to cache more stuff from recently used tabs, that should be something tunable. But gigabytes of stuff I can't even see squatting on memory I need for things I am actually doing is an abomination.

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Nov 5, 2020 18:03 UTC (Thu) by mpr22 (subscriber, #60784) [Link]

> There is really no excuse for any tab you are not looking at to occupy any more memory than the pixels in the tab at the time you switched from it.

"Dump DOM state, necessitating a page reload and possible loss of work when switching back to the tab, if the user switches to a different tab for more than X minutes" is a perfectly reasonable behaviour to want, but it is not remotely a sane default behaviour.

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Nov 6, 2020 2:30 UTC (Fri) by ringerc (subscriber, #3071) [Link]

Yes and no?

Increasingly a browser is a (terrible and inefficient) application runtime that maintains persistent state including connections to remote hosts.

You can't easily serialize the Javascript runtime state and the DOM to disk if you want to maintain remote connections. You'd need at least a way for part of the application to remain resident to respond to server side chatter / keepalives etc, or changes to redefine client/server expectations for idle and background tabs.

What I'd really like is a way to set resource limits on webapps. Impose some pressure on webapp developers, so they stop offloading gigabytes of epic JavaScript horror to onto all their users because there's no incentive for them not to.

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Oct 31, 2020 19:41 UTC (Sat) by famzheng (subscriber, #121411) [Link] (1 responses)

It's not just Go, it's also venv, pip, npm, cargo, snap, docker, flatpak. The whole OSS world has simply changed its way of distributing software, the reason I think is simply software distribution can only work this way, due to the lack of ABI/API, which is sad (OTOH, autoconf/automake/#ifdef is also painful to work with, comparably). But if package managers in distros cannot keep up, they'll be replaced by users.

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Oct 31, 2020 20:02 UTC (Sat) by amacater (subscriber, #790) [Link]

I'm not a packager: it does feel to me as if snap, flatpak and Docker are all manageable within Debian, Ubuntu and OpenSUSE - they're not a huge step from what the distributions already do - and actually Dockerfiles mostly seem to be Alpine, Debian or Ubuntu anyway. Red Hat (and CentOS) have already moved from Docker to podman - I've no idea how you could fit anything that Debian has problems doing into Red Hat's release schedule: to me, Red Hat systems are not meant for developers, even if Fedora and CentOS modules can eventually be sorted out. Fedora sometimes appears stretched with the numbers of packages and release schedule (and Fedora packages often never filter to Red Hat Enterprise Linux, even given EPEL).

Pip / NPM - the stability of concrete made with quicksand (and rock sugar rather than gravel) and about as much maintainability and longevity - and that's before any considerations of non-existent security, typosquatting and lack of reliable attribution.

Long time Debian developer - but speaking entirely from my own experience and prejudice and without any attribution to the wider Project whatsoever.

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Nov 1, 2020 6:30 UTC (Sun) by jafd (subscriber, #129642) [Link] (5 responses)

This story feels oddly familiar to me, but I remember it being about Hadoop.

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Nov 1, 2020 17:45 UTC (Sun) by nkiesel (subscriber, #11748) [Link]

Another area that comes to mind is Java libraries. Any Java code I write on my Debian system sidesteps the jars available in Debian and instead uses MavenCentral/JCenter via Grade/Maven.

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Nov 2, 2020 10:44 UTC (Mon) by jak90 (guest, #123821) [Link] (3 responses)

This is an old article about the fact (for example, Apache Bigtop no longer simply downloads and extracts a Scala package, and several puppet tasks had at least signature checks added in 2018), but the key point still stands that the build process installs significant amounts of unverified external components, litters the system with unpackaged software (Maven itself being an unpack-and-execute component) and ends up with a triple-digit amount of vendored JAR files, which is why Hadoop has been absent from Debian for over a decade now.


Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Nov 2, 2020 15:12 UTC (Mon) by pabs (subscriber, #43278) [Link] (2 responses)

While you only mentioned it in passing, Scala is another problematic thing, apparently the first published version of Scala depends on proprietary software, so you can't bootstrap it from only Free Software plus earlier versions of itself. In addition you can't build sbt (Scala Build Tool) without binaries of sbt.


Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Nov 4, 2020 14:29 UTC (Wed) by khim (subscriber, #9252) [Link] (1 responses)

And how is scala different from Ada, C, C# or Java in this regard?

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Nov 23, 2020 13:50 UTC (Mon) by jak90 (guest, #123821) [Link]

The most comparable language in that regard is Ada (or Haskell in relation to GHC), since the most prominent and featured compiler GNAT has a pretty hard and long-lasting dependency on itself. There is no proprietary software at the end of the path, however.
Bootstrapping C is one of the core issues of the Bootstrappable project, but so far they have set up a pretty straightforward path of hex dumper -> machine monitor -> assembler -> Scheme interpreter -> naive C compiler -> simple C compiler (like TinyCC) -> GCC 4.7 -> modern compilers written in C++.
With Java, they started out with a Java 5 compiler written in C++ and gradually bootstrapped a JVM and classpath on top that understood enough Java 6 features to build OpenJDK 6 from it.
As far as I have read, there's still a multi-stage approach to bootstrap the Mono compiler from C, and Microsoft compiled their "native" C# compilers using their own C++ compiler until switching to Roslyn.

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Nov 2, 2020 1:13 UTC (Mon) by grantma (subscriber, #5225) [Link] (2 responses)

DD here, trying to suggest a pragmatic solution of making Kubernetes available to Debian users.

Why not just package Kubernetes against Debian stable as distributed, and make it available via sid and the volatile or backports repository, and not part of the stable/testing releases? Article makes it clear its not suited for a standard release. That way you can always get the latest Debian specific Kubernetes with bug and security fixes for your server environment.

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Nov 3, 2020 21:03 UTC (Tue) by smcv (subscriber, #53363) [Link] (1 responses)

volatile no longer exists, and backports explicitly doesn't allow packages which aren't in testing, which means it can't have packages that are unsuitable for the next stable release.

Various people have proposed adding a new suite/repository/archive area/thing that would accept packages that are intended to be used *with* the stable release but are not suitable to be shipped *in* the stable release (a bit like the apt repositories published by upstream projects like Docker and Salt, but general rather than package-specific, and within Debian); but that isn't something that a single package's maintainer can do unilaterally.

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Nov 4, 2020 3:56 UTC (Wed) by pabs (subscriber, #43278) [Link]

That proposal is now implemented as fasttrack:


Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Nov 4, 2020 10:53 UTC (Wed) by gdt (subscriber, #6284) [Link]

I suspect the bare minimum is listing the names and versions of the vendored libraries in the .deb metadata. That gives the minimum function: a systems administrator can automate a check that the package isn't vulnerable to Known Bug X. For these recent languages than information is known when building the software, so it's not a huge hack to export that information to the package.

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Nov 5, 2020 9:00 UTC (Thu) by ncm (guest, #165) [Link] (1 responses)

I wonder why there is ever any need to package binaries of any Go program.

Suppose we just said that for any Go dependency, the package installer just does a "git clone" or "git pull" of upstream source. Then, to install any Go program the installer clones or pulls and compiles and links the program on the spot, taking the right revision from each dependency's local repository.

This is different from what we are used to for compiled programs, but a lot like what we already do for scripting languages. Go compilation is fast enough that there is not so much difference from a scripting language.

There are still a lot of dependency packages, but the amount of work to maintain them drops to near zero, as you only change them when their own dependency list changes.

This method would not work so well for Rust because the Rust compiler is so damn slow, but Rust people are not fighting with package management. Even for Rust, though, linking as part of installation could reduce problems.

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Nov 23, 2020 17:48 UTC (Mon) by emorrp1 (guest, #99512) [Link]

> I wonder why there is ever any need to package binaries of any Go program.

So that the user doesn't have to know that application X is written in language Y before even being able to install it and know it'll work. Distros like Debian do have a lot of complexity to support language specific ecosystems, but that's all done on behalf of the end users to (hopefully) fit their expectations of how an OS behaves.

> to install any Go program the installer clones or pulls and compiles and links the program on the spot

Which is fine for developers, or for source based distros, but why should an end-user buy dev-spec hardware so they can install some software - one of the advantages of a binary package is the compilation can be offloaded to beefy servers.

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Nov 5, 2020 10:33 UTC (Thu) by flussence (guest, #85566) [Link] (10 responses)

The problem here, I feel, is that most distros were never intended to be general-purpose packagers, but GNU/GCC ecosystem packagers. The versioning scheme typically revolves around C ABI binaries and there's often metadata specifically for them, but the system shows its sharp edges immediately even for ancient things like Perl or Python. FWIW Gentoo recently also threw its hands up and allowed Go programs that vendor dozens of dependencies, and is in fact going through its own Kubernetes shake up.

In the long term I think the answer to this is going to require better acceptance that those other worlds exist, and ways to sandbox their packaging tools and extract build artifacts so they can be used “as intended” while preserving the OS's integrity.

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Nov 5, 2020 15:14 UTC (Thu) by smurf (subscriber, #17840) [Link] (9 responses)

The problem isn't gnu/gcc, the problems are "can we all agree on a single version of a dependency that works for every program/deoending library in the distro that's written in X" and "is there a version of Y that's going to be supportable until the distro's next release".

These issues aren't going away just because you use Python or Perl or Go or JS instead of C. There have been a few big-ticket C libraries with dependency issues that the distros ran afoul of that took years to untangle; ffmpeg comes to mind.

K8s's Go package dependency hell is just the most extreme example of a program written in a language whose library infrastructure decidedly is not up to the task of providing that kind of stability. At the moment it's not packageable, period, no matter what the system which would like to package it is is or is not geared for. You can find examples of that in other languages, true, but Go and JS celebrate this kind of chaos and seem to regard it as a feature.

Maybe that'll change. Maybe not. In the meantime, Debian's best solution is to package an installer and then keep out of its way.

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Nov 5, 2020 16:20 UTC (Thu) by Cyberax (✭ supporter ✭, #52523) [Link] (8 responses)

> K8s's Go package dependency hell is just the most extreme example of a program written in a language whose library infrastructure decidedly is not up to the task of providing that kind of stability.
I violently disagree with that. I have NEVER had an issue with Go's libraries breaking the ABI, while I've had more than one issue fighting with subtly broken C-based ABI.

Go provides fully deterministic and replicable builds. If I check out a Go project then I'm guaranteed to get byte-for-byte identical build environment to that on the developer's machine. There are zero surprises.

It is IMPOSSIBLE to do that with classical Linux packaging methods. My environment will be subtly different to that of the package developer, unless we install everything at the same time.

So the proper question should be: "How Debian can achieve Go's stability?"

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Nov 5, 2020 16:46 UTC (Thu) by pizza (subscriber, #46) [Link] (5 responses)

> I violently disagree with that. I have NEVER had an issue with Go's libraries breaking the ABI, while I've had more than one issue fighting with subtly broken C-based ABI.

So... if you take two different versions of a random Go library, you are saying that can never be API (and thus, ABI) differences between them?

> Go provides fully deterministic and replicable builds. If I check out a Go project then I'm guaranteed to get byte-for-byte identical build environment to that on the developer's machine. There are zero surprises.

And if you revision control a C-based project and all of its dependent libraries (as well as identical toolchains) you won't have any build-time surprises either.

(I mean, duh, if you change nothing, nothing will be changed)

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Nov 5, 2020 16:57 UTC (Thu) by Cyberax (✭ supporter ✭, #52523) [Link] (4 responses)

> So... if you take two different versions of a random Go library, you are saying that can never be API (and thus, ABI) differences between them?
No. I'm saying that a project won't accidentally be broken when one library gets updated. Breakages happen only when a project explicitly updates its dependencies.

> And if you revision control a C-based project and all of its dependent libraries (as well as identical toolchains) you won't have any build-time surprises either.
Sure. Except Go doesn't require me to commit all libraries into the same project, it uses a coherent module system for that. The project code simply stores the SHA hashes of dependent libraries.

> (I mean, duh, if you change nothing, nothing will be changed)
Sure. But there's no way to do that with classic Linux distros. You will basically always get a subtly different build environment, as packages get updated without changing their name.

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Nov 5, 2020 18:04 UTC (Thu) by pizza (subscriber, #46) [Link] (3 responses)

> No. I'm saying that a project won't accidentally be broken when one library gets updated. Breakages happen only when a project explicitly updates its dependencies.

Yep. But this has led to the current situation where the libraries themselves are anything but stable, so in practice updates rarely happen, bugs be damned.

> Sure. Except Go doesn't require me to commit all libraries into the same project, it uses a coherent module system for that. The project code simply stores the SHA hashes of dependent libraries.

... _and_ statically links everything into a standalone binary, so any library/dependency change necessitates a rebuild.

(And you know what? Apply the "rebuild all dependents" rule to "classic distributions" too, and your "subtle ABI differences" argument vanishes entirely)

> Sure. But there's no way to do that with classic Linux distros. You will basically always get a subtly different build environment, as packages get updated without changing their name.

If I install two systems off the same install media, and configure them identically, the results are going to be the same.

("but her updates!" you say? to which I point out that you're explicitly not updating anything in Go-land either; if it's good for Go, surely it's good for everything else too?)

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Nov 5, 2020 20:27 UTC (Thu) by Cyberax (✭ supporter ✭, #52523) [Link] (2 responses)

> Yep. But this has led to the current situation where the libraries themselves are anything but stable, so in practice updates rarely happen, bugs be damned.
I'm developing mainly in Go for the last 3 years and honestly this hasn't happened once. In my experience bugs are fixed rapidly and have never resulted in API breaks.

If anything, bugs are fixed much more readily because authors are not afraid that they might accidentally break some old software that depended on some arcane accidental behavior.

> ... _and_ statically links everything into a standalone binary, so any library/dependency change necessitates a rebuild.
Not quite. You can have dynamic libraries, it's just that you're allowed to install multiple versions of them.

> (And you know what? Apply the "rebuild all dependents" rule to "classic distributions" too, and your "subtle ABI differences" argument vanishes entirely)
But classic distros don't allow to do that easily. I know, I tried. You have to do stuff like spinning up your own mirror with snapshots of package lists.

Non-classic distros like Nix (and I think guix) do allow it.

> If I install two systems off the same install media, and configure them identically, the results are going to be the same.
Now do that with Debian or Fedora net install. You will get a different image if the code is updated between installations. And there are no real ways to tell: "Debian Unstable as it looked at 2020-03-31 21:12:41 UTC".

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Nov 5, 2020 22:52 UTC (Thu) by ballombe (subscriber, #9523) [Link] (1 responses)

> And there are no real ways to tell: "Debian Unstable as it looked at 2020-03-31 21:12:41 UTC".
Sure there is, see https://snapshot.debian.org

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Nov 5, 2020 23:23 UTC (Thu) by Cyberax (✭ supporter ✭, #52523) [Link]

Oh wow, this is actually super-helpful! I'm going to start using it, like right now.

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Nov 5, 2020 18:44 UTC (Thu) by smurf (subscriber, #17840) [Link] (1 responses)

> I have NEVER had an issue with Go's libraries breaking the ABI

That is by definition impossible, and IMHO it's anything but an advantage.
One of the major points of assembling a distribution is to have exactly one version of any library on the system, so that if there is an issue with any one of these libraries you update this exact library and majickally fix the issue for every program using them. Instead of, say, rebuilding and re-deploying ten Go programs.

And no, stability is not impossible. The package developer doesn't build the binary. The distro's build system does that, in a controlled environment.

> There are zero surprises.

There also are zero security bugfixes to any of the libraries you depend on. Thanks but no thanks.

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Nov 5, 2020 20:34 UTC (Thu) by Cyberax (✭ supporter ✭, #52523) [Link]

> And no, stability is not impossible. The package developer doesn't build the binary. The distro's build system does that, in a controlled environment.
Distros do almost exactly zero QA, though. So if anything is broken, it'll be discovered by users. This results in very slow moving "stable" distros as a result.

> There also are zero security bugfixes to any of the libraries you depend on. Thanks but no thanks.
Well, Go is fairly safe in itself so security fixes are fairly rare. When they do happen, you'll have to update dependent applications, it's true.

And having better tooling to do that would be great. Github has a proprietary thingie (Dependabot) for that, and OpenSource solution to do the same would be awesome.

Packaging Kubernetes for Debian

Posted Dec 6, 2020 13:00 UTC (Sun) by jnxx (guest, #142729) [Link]

I think parts of the problems described here are even more acute with TensorFlow.

Strictly from the license, it is open source, as it uses the Apache License 2.0. But to build it from source, one has not only to use the bazel build system, but the bazel build scripts load down dependencies and code from over 200 internet locations which when building runs and downloads even more code from, even more locations.... it seems (to me) humanly impossible for a package maintainer to tell what all this code does, let alone to take any responsibility for this. So, it is "Open Source" but not actually in a way that provides real control to the user and owner of the computer, which is what free software is all about.

And this is merely an extreme of the problem that more and more tools and libraries suggest to install using something curl | bash. Even Rust does this (which is inconceivable to me because it tries to appeal to infrastructure people which usually do not fancy running untrusted code).

I think that Guix might be a partial solution to these problems. It seems to work very well with Rust. Perhaps it could help not to see it as simply some competition to Debian, but as a kind of complement, because I believe that many of the principal goals of both projects are very similar if not identical. Guix can build reproducible, fast-moving software from source with ease, and it can do that on top of a really solid and stable system like Debian.

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