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In the Night

In the Night is a ballet in one act made by New York City Ballet ballet master Jerome Robbins to solo piano music of Chopin:

The premiere took place on Thursday, January 29, 1970 at the New York State Theater, Lincoln Center, with costumes by Anthony Dowell and lighting by Jennifer Tipton. Robbins made three other ballets to Chopin's music: The Concert (1956), Dances at a Gathering (1969), and Other Dances (1976), made on Mikhail Baryshnikov and Natalia Makarova.



NYCB revivals

1981 Winter

1994 Spring

2000 Spring

2006 Winter

2008 SpringJerome Robbins celebration

other companies

San Francisco Ballet, 2008 Fall for Dance festival



External links

In the Night (Cheryl Lynn album)

In the Night is a 1981 album by American singer Cheryl Lynn, released on Columbia Records on April 6, 1981. The album includes the hit R&B/dance track "Shake It Up Tonight" which reached to number five on both the R&B and Dance charts. In the Night is the third studio album released by Lynn.

Track listing

  • "Shake It Up Tonight" - 5:41 (Michael and Brenda Sutton)
  • "Show You How" - 4:06 (Cheryl Lynn, John Barnes, Linda Booth)
  • "In the Night" - 4:27 (Ray Parker, Jr.)
  • "Hurry Home" - 4:22 (Lynn, Greg Jackson)
  • "I'm on Fire" - 4:22 (Parker, Jr.)
  • "With Love on Your Side" - 4:21 (Parker, Jr., Kamau Peterson)
  • "If You'll Be True to Me" - 4:06 (Lynn, Parker, Jr.)
  • "What's on Your Mind" - 4:06 (Lynn, George Dream)
  • "Baby" - 4:21 (Lynn, Parker, Jr.)

  • Personnel

  • Cheryl Lynn: Main Vocal
  • Arnell D. Carmichael, J.D. Nicholas, Sharon Jack: Vocal Backing
  • Ray Parker, Jr: Guitars, Bass, Keyboards, Synthesizers, Drums, Percussion
  • Greg Moore, Wah Wah Watson, David T. Walker: Guitars
  • John Barnes, George Dream, Greg Jackson, Michael Boddicker, Michael Sutton: Keyboards, Synthesizers
  • Mustasch

    Mustasch is a heavy metal band from Sweden. They were formed in the fall of 1998 by Ralf Gyllenhammar, Hannes Hansson, Mats Hansson, and Stam Johansson in Gothenburg.

    Band history

    Mustasch was formed in Gothenburg, Sweden in 1998, and recorded demos at "The Mustasch Farm" on the island Orust which were released through different record labels around the world in small numbers. In 2001 they released their first EP The True Sound of the New West, embarked on a tour, and started to make a name for themselves in the Swedish metal scene. They chose the name Mustasch because many of their musical heroes had moustaches; such as Freddie Mercury from Queen and Tony Iommi from Black Sabbath.

    The band went on to release Above All in 2002 and Ratsafari in 2003, both of which were nominated for Swedish Grammies and helped the band to build their reputation. The band continued to tour hard, and released Powerhouse in 2005 before switching record labels. The switch to Regain Records was made to get the proper channels to sell metal records and the fact that the label was based near Gothenburg.

    The Night

    The Night may refer to:

  • The Night (painting), by Max Beckmann c. 1919
  • "The Night" (The Animals song), 1983
  • "The Night" (Disturbed song), 2008
  • "The Night" (Goodnight Nurse song), 2008
  • The Night (album), an album by Morphine
  • The Night (film), a 1992 film by Syrian filmmaker Mohammad Malas
  • "The Night" (Valerie Dore song), 1984
  • "The Night", a song by The Four Seasons
  • "The Night", a song by Heart from Brigade
  • "The Night", a song by Hell on Wheels
  • See also

  • La Notte (The Night), a 1961 Italian film
  • Night, the period of time when the sun is below the horizon
  • Night (disambiguation)
  • Nights (disambiguation)

    WBJB-FM (90.5 FM, "Brookdale Public Radio, 90.5 The Night") is a non-commercial educational public radio station licensed to Brookdale Community College that serves Central New Jersey with "The News You Need and the Music You Love." Brookdale Public Radio is a member-supported station.

    DJs and staff

    Michele McBride, Rich Robinson (former student), Jeff Raspe, Sean Carolan, Stephanie Coskey, Tara Feeley (former student), Stu Coogan (former student), Anthony Fox (former student), Darren D'Amato (student), Margaret Cristell (former student), Tom Brennan, Megan O'Shea (student), Tori (student), Brianne (student), "Radio Daddy", Nicholas Messina (former student)

    On-air program schedule

    The station runs Adult album alternative or AAA programming every day except:

  • Monday 11 pm – The Weekly Feed with Kyle Meredith
  • Tuesday 11 pm – Fresh Tracks (new music show) with Jeff Raspe
  • Wednesday 11 pm – Classic Rewind (older album in its entirety)
  • Thursday 11 pm – Featured Artist of the week (1 hour of music from one artist or band)
  • The Night (album)

    The Night is the fifth and final studio album by the alternative rock band Morphine. Completed just before the sudden July 1999 death of bass player and lead singer Mark Sandman, the album was released in February 2000. The title song is used for the ending credits for the webshow Hate By Numbers.

    The album was released on the DreamWorks label.

    Track listing

    All songs written by Mark Sandman.

  • "The Night" - 4:50
  • "So Many Ways" - 4:01
  • "Souvenir" - 4:40
  • "Top Floor, Bottom Buzzer" - 5:44
  • "Like a Mirror" - 5:26
  • "A Good Woman is Hard to Find" - 4:14
  • "Rope on Fire" - 5:36
  • "I'm Yours, You're Mine" - 3:46
  • "The Way We Met" - 2:59
  • "Slow Numbers" - 3:58
  • "Take Me with You" - 4:54
  • "Top Floor, Bottom Buzzer" features John Medeski on organ.


    Adventure in the Night

    Adventure in the Night (Spanish:Una aventura en la noche) is a 1948 Mexican mystery film directed by Rolando Aguilar and starring Luis Aguilar, Miroslava and Susana Cora. The film's sets were designed by the art director José Rodríguez Granada. Two friends a screenwriter and a film director pick up two young woman on the road and offer then a lift. They later discover that the two woman have supposedly died two months earlier.


  • Luis Aguilar as Arturo Centella
  • Miroslava as Elena
  • Susana Cora as Amparo
  • Jorge Reyes as Fernando Novoa
  • Arturo Soto Rangel as Capitán de policía
  • Manuel R. Ojeda as Profesor W. Castle
  • Carlos Villarías as Don Adolfo
  • Carlos Riquelme as Hijo de don Adolfo
  • Francisco Reiguera as Malachias el mayordomo
  • Maruja Grifell as Esposa de Alfonso
  • Luisa Rooner as Clarita
  • José Arratia as Alfonso
  • Daniel Arroyo as Miembro del consejo
  • Guillermo Bravo Sosa as Portero
  • Enedina Díaz de León as Clienta de la espiritista
  • Raúl Guerrero as Cliente espiritista
  • Podcasts:

    • In the Night Garden: Pinky Ponk Adventure (Full HD Episode)

      In the Night Garden: Pinky Ponk Adventure (Full HD Episode) The Pinky Ponk gets stuck in a tree and tips up. Everybody slides up one end. They rock back and forth and tip the Pinky Ponk the other way. They slide up to the other end. The Pinky Ponk tips back and forth and everybody slides up and down, having great fun. At last the Pinky Ponk breaks free and flies off, taking everybody to the dance. ► Subscribe to In the Night Garden: http://bit.ly/InTheNightGardenYT Follow us for all the latest In the Night Garden news! ► Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1SBiK5U ► Twitter: http://bit.ly/1ZGOQMw In the Night Garden is an interpretation of a nursery rhyme picture book. It is about a magical place that exists between waking and sleeping in a child's imagination. It is a place inhabited by dif...

      published: 02 May 2016
    • 2 Night Deep Snow Adventure ~ A Solo Mountain Camping Trip

      My first experience of deep snow, and wow was it hard work! But so beautiful. On this trip I learnt how difficult post-holing is, had to decide on an entire new route from scratch due to my original plan being inaccessible due to snow drifts, had two camps around 400m on Arenig Fawr and visited a snowy mountain lake 🌿 Love Nature - Always Leave No Trace 💚 Before you go Adventuring! Learn about keeping yourself safe and looking after the wild places; https://www.wildbeare.com/adventures Thanks so much for watching 😊 Much love, Claire 🌿🐻 IG: https://instagram.com/wildbeare FB: https://facebook.com/wildbeare 🌐 https://wildbeare.com 👚 MERCH! Wild Stuff for your Wild Self: https://wildbeare.creator-spring.com/ 🎵 MUSIC in this video.. Epidemic Sounds | Subscribe here [affiliate link]: http...

      published: 28 Mar 2023
    • On a Quest at Night | ambient fantasy music with sounds of forest at night #ambientmusic

      By the light of the moon and stars, through the woods and over the mountains... You are on a quest traveling through fantasy land when the night falls. *** This ambience was initially created for a promo of a fantasy game. I was heavily inspired by Skyrim, as usual :) It is a kind of forest ambience at night . I hope it will help you relax, read, write or serve as a background to your game. *** Similar videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJJqGlfntLE2Z285OwIGbz3I8bDCws7Dn *** Credits: Music is mine Some sound effects are from klankbeeld (http://www.freesound.org/people/klankbeeld/) and https://freesfx.co.uk/ *** You can listen to some of my work on other platforms: Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/7Bu9LhH1zCBJyKLkqN432L Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/us/artist/14...

      published: 18 Nov 2022
    • Adventure is Nigh Season 1 and 2 Recap

      Adventure is Nigh is coming to Second Wind! We will be re-premiering Season 3 this Saturday (12/16). We are also remastering Season 1 and 2 with additional art and animations and will re-release them in 2024! From the team behind The Escapist, we're excited to introduce you to our new employee-owned and fully independent outlet, Second Wind. Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/SecondWindGroup

      published: 14 Dec 2023
    • This Town Is So HAUNTED People Leave at Night | Vanlife Ghost Hunters EP 2

      On this episode of Vanlife Ghost Hunters, we explore a town that's apparently SO haunted that the town becomes a complete ghost town at night. On top of that, we stay the night at supposedly super haunted Old Washoe Club right in town which is where Ghost Adventures got their start many years ago! Explore Virginia City with me and learn more about it's dark history! - TTTHEFINEPRINTTT Support me on Patreon to unlock extra videos! ➡️ https://www.Patreon.com/TrentTheTraveler Watch me build my van ➡️https://youtu.be/J3NRoJTUZG8 Follow My Socials ➡️ https://linktr.ee/TrentTheTraveler =========================== My affiliate links for all the gear I used in my van build and gaming/filming equipment: Gaming PC Gear: ✔️ROG Strix Scar 18 Laptop - https://rog.gg/ttthefineprintt ✔️ROG Azoth K...

      published: 27 Nov 2022
    • night Adventure Para Android

      published: 21 Nov 2023
    • Adventure Night Serfaus. Fairy tale. Winter 2019/20.

      Märchen faszinieren und berühren seit Jahrhunderten die Menschen - egal ob Klein oder Groß. Das neue Programm der ADVENTURE NIGHT SERFAUS erobert Ihr Herz im Nu mit farbenprächtigen Showdarbietungen (Akrobaten, die u.a. für den Cirque du Soleil arbeiten), emotionsgeladener Musik, spektakulären Snowstunts und der beeindruckenden Ski-Show der Skischule Serfaus. Mehr dazu: https://www.serfaus-fiss-ladis.at/de Unterkünfte: https://www.serfaus-fiss-ladis.at/de/... Events: https://www.serfaus-fiss-ladis.at/de/... *** For centuries, fairytales have fascinated and touched people - young and old alike. The new adventure night serfaus show will sweep off your feet, with colourful performances (also artists which work for Cirque du Soleil), emotionally charged music, spectacular snow stunts and b...

      published: 08 Jan 2020
    • Deep Into a Winter Snow Storm At Night

      With a snow storm moving in, Teddy (@UnwindingRoads) and I take our Jeep Gladiators deep into the mountains to a remote hotspring. Along the way we battle icy hills and deep snow and the storm moves in on us. Join the team: http://patreon.com/thestorytillnow Merch: http://www.dirtyanddangerous.com Get 20% off OnX Off-Road: https://bit.ly/OnXTSTN Where I get my Music: http://bit.ly/3H4ULJT My Gear: Epic Kraken Tire Inflation System: https://bit.ly/epickraken Anker Portable Powerstations: https://shrsl.com/3s52n 67 Designs Mounts: https://bit.ly/67designsparts Axial RC Gladiator: https://bit.ly/axialgladiator Devos LightRanger Camp Light - https://bit.ly/3p3BS1g iKamper ExoShell 270 Awning: http://bit.ly/3jrYlFQ Jeep Tent: GFC Platform Camper: https://bit.ly/3A6ncnm Bronco Tent: iKamper...

      published: 20 Mar 2023
    • Adventure at Night | Childhood Dreams Vol. 3 | Guide + Accompaniment

      Adventure at Night Original Song by Felicia Satyadi Music Accompaniment by Danezh from Childhood Dreams Vol. 3 Published by Musicmind Indonesia Instagram @musicmindinfo Contact +62 878-7630-7994 for book order

      published: 03 Aug 2021
    In the Night Garden: Pinky Ponk Adventure (Full HD Episode)

    In the Night Garden: Pinky Ponk Adventure (Full HD Episode)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 28:06
    • Uploaded Date: 02 May 2016
    • views: 9690534
    In the Night Garden: Pinky Ponk Adventure (Full HD Episode) The Pinky Ponk gets stuck in a tree and tips up. Everybody slides up one end. They rock back and forth and tip the Pinky Ponk the other way. They slide up to the other end. The Pinky Ponk tips back and forth and everybody slides up and down, having great fun. At last the Pinky Ponk breaks free and flies off, taking everybody to the dance. ► Subscribe to In the Night Garden: http://bit.ly/InTheNightGardenYT Follow us for all the latest In the Night Garden news! ► Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1SBiK5U ► Twitter: http://bit.ly/1ZGOQMw In the Night Garden is an interpretation of a nursery rhyme picture book. It is about a magical place that exists between waking and sleeping in a child's imagination. It is a place inhabited by different characters such as Igglepiggle, Upsy Daisy and Makka Pakka who care for each other and have lots of fun together. Narrated by Sir Derek Jacobi. Do you know the characters from In the Night Garden? ★ Igglepiggle! ★ Igglepiggle is physical and energetic - a well-loved teddy always jumping and bouncing around. He's curious and adventurous, but also vulnerable and modest. Despite his energy he is often in need of reassurance and comfort, which he gets from his best friend Upsy Daisy and his red blanket. ★ Upsy Daisy! ★ Upsy Daisy is a happy and optimistic dolly. She loves nothing more than to dance through the garden and often convinces other character to join in. One of her favourite things is her bed, which has a mind of its own and can often be seen chasing her around the garden. ★ Makka Pakka! ★ Makka Pakka lives in a little cave at the edge of the garden and likes nothing more than collecting and washing little stones - he'll often wash the faces of the other characters too. He travels around the garden pushing his Og-Pog vehicle, which carries his soap and sponge, his uff-uff dryer and his special trumpet. ★ The Tombliboos ★ There are three Tombliboos - Unn who is red and green, Ooo who is brown and pink and Eee who is pink and yellow. They live together in an extraordinary bush, where they enjoy stacking and sorting their special blocks, banging their drums and making tunes on their piano. ★ The Pontipines and The Wottingers ★ The Pontipines are a large family of 10 that live in a semi-detached house at the foot of a tree. There are 8 children, 4 of which are girls and four of which are boys and they are always dressed in red. Their next-door neighbours are the Wottingers, who also have 8 children and they are always dressed in blue. ★ The Haahoos ★ The Haahoos are five enormous pillowy creatures who roam about the garden at a leisurely pace that is entirey their own. They are sedate and gentle, but are so big they often stop the Ninky Nonk in its tracks - no small feat! ★ The Ninky Nonk and The Pinky Ponk ★ The Ninky Nonk and the Pinky Ponk are the only forms of transport for the characters in the garden, but they couldn't be more different! The Ninky Nonk is a funny kind of train which careers through hedges and clambers up and down trees all over the garden. The Pinky Ponk is a kind of airship which glides gracefully in the air, providing wonderful aerial views of the garden for all those on board. ★ The Tittifers ★ The Tittifers are brightly coloured birds that sing as individuals throughout the programme, and then together form a beautiful harmony as a signal for bedtime. Looking for more children’s shows? Brand New! Here are the Twirlywoos! http://bit.ly/1RDdgY0 ▶ Watch more Videos 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMkhJzvHiC0 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdLRN6T11F0 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKuRaj91STQ 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1r1fNeJhcDc 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDsMJXEGALk 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYF-aI4lzNA 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYF-aI4lzNA 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6HbepMjbwa0 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buFzE7Fd8S4 #WildBrain #InTheNightGarden #VideosForKids
    2 Night Deep Snow Adventure ~ A Solo Mountain Camping Trip

    2 Night Deep Snow Adventure ~ A Solo Mountain Camping Trip

    • Order:
    • Duration: 21:15
    • Uploaded Date: 28 Mar 2023
    • views: 376572
    My first experience of deep snow, and wow was it hard work! But so beautiful. On this trip I learnt how difficult post-holing is, had to decide on an entire new route from scratch due to my original plan being inaccessible due to snow drifts, had two camps around 400m on Arenig Fawr and visited a snowy mountain lake 🌿 Love Nature - Always Leave No Trace 💚 Before you go Adventuring! Learn about keeping yourself safe and looking after the wild places; https://www.wildbeare.com/adventures Thanks so much for watching 😊 Much love, Claire 🌿🐻 IG: https://instagram.com/wildbeare FB: https://facebook.com/wildbeare 🌐 https://wildbeare.com 👚 MERCH! Wild Stuff for your Wild Self: https://wildbeare.creator-spring.com/ 🎵 MUSIC in this video.. Epidemic Sounds | Subscribe here [affiliate link]: https://epidemicsound.com/referral/l77o1e/ Filmstro | Create custom royalty-free music in minutes https://filmstro.com/ ⛺ GEAR LIST This gear list contains affiliate links. This means that WildBeare makes a small commission from any sales made via these links, at no extra cost to yourself - a great way to support the channel. Thank you SHELTER Tent Hilleberg Soulo + Footprint (Bad Weather Test & details about this tent here: https://youtu.be/mUi1IGskBig) Cloth for Condensation https://amzn.to/3rHZYyf Spare Pegs https://amzn.to/3PMvCqB TREKKING POLE Fizan Compact 158g https://amzn.to/3ETBs6T SLEEP SYSTEM Sleeping Bag Rab Ascent 1100 https://amzn.to/3ATy3lM Winter Sleep Mat Neoair Thermarest Xtherm https://amzn.to/3uSjiLt Pillow https://amzn.to/3xwuhM1 Reflective Mat https://amzn.to/3OxQ2mv Alpkit Kloke Bivi Bag https://amzn.to/3rb1nCK RUCKSACK & PACKING Deuter Aircontact 60+10L SL Women’s Rucksack https://amzn.to/3MqRvcW Dry Bags https://amzn.to/33OmrDu XL Dry Bag (for winter sleeping bag) https://amzn.to/3l497Dp Pack Liner - https://outdoorgearessentials.co.uk SIT MAT https://amzn.to/3yP22u8 GPS / NAVIGATION / PLB Garmin Inreach Mini https://amzn.to/3sVBi9f Backpack Tether https://amzn.to/3sTRibM Map/Compass Phone https://amzn.to/3An5PQ7 FIELD REPAIRS Tenacious Tape https://amzn.to/2PmjxOq Duct Tape https://amzn.to/3qPKFEF COOKING Stove https://amzn.to/3cM173q Jetboil Gas 230g https://amzn.to/3z5qV5L Gas Canister Stand https://amzn.to/3GLhHh4 Toaks 900ml Titanium Pot https://amzn.to/3j5Mwot X Bands https://outdoorgearessentials.co.uk Opinel Pocket Knife No.6 https://amzn.to/3ad0HAo Titanium Spoon https://amzn.to/3xgwcqi Pots https://amzn.to/3FG5fi8 Microfibre Cloths https://amzn.to/3rHZYyf Bag for rubbish WATER & HYDRATION LifeStraw 650m Filter Squeeze Bottle https://amzn.to/3TSeDVe TOILETRIES & PERSONAL CARE Tissue Baby wipes Hand sanitiser Trowel https://amzn.to/3etBVz9 Hair band Lip balm Talc Toothpaste Tiny mirror Mini Tweezers Tiny Pots https://amzn.to/3aJytgC Toothbrush https://amzn.to/2LqwgxY Sleep Mask https://amzn.to/3tD2lUs MED KIT Pain relief Antihistamine Plasters & blister plasters Torniquet (only use with knowledge of how to use safely) Wound Dressing & Small Bandage Alcohol Wipes CLOTHING & FOOTWEAR Boots Regatta Tebay https://amzn.to/3mFTSkF Spare Bootlaces Sealskinz Waterproof Knee Length Winter Socks https://amzn.to/3ZCxUgU Fine Merino Socks https://amzn.to/3F66vvp Peter Storm Winter Hiking Jacket https://amzn.to/3WiAUwV Hiking Clothes: Merino layers - Decathlon Synthetic Hoodie https://amzn.to/3wQfPPu Waterproof Winter Gloves Sealskinz - https://amzn.to/3w75hew Clothes for Camp: Down Puffy - Decathlon Merino Wool Base Layers https://amzn.to/3qT5Oh8 Fleece hat, gloves & neck warmer – Decathlon ELECTRONICS Power Bank Anker PowerCore x2 https://amzn.to/3jqTQr2 Headtorch – Decathlon Bivouac USB (100 lumen) Light - Goal Zero https://amzn.to/32RI1pR Thermometer https://amzn.to/3TMdw9n HEAT Ocoopa Electronic Hand Warmer https://amzn.to/3BDyels Hot Hands https://amzn.to/3q1iiTp Hot Hands x40 https://amzn.to/3eCWKLg ICE AXE & SNOW SPIKES Ice Axe https://amzn.to/3qTmx3W Ice Spikes https://amzn.to/3HAF5wH FILMING Camera Sony ZV1 https://amzn.to/3t4VamJ Ulanzi Wide Angle & Macro Lens https://amzn.to/3CC6Jaq ZV1 Screen Protectors https://amzn.to/3tYOnPA Sony Lav Mic https://amzn.to/3OOtvlC 128GB SD Card https://amzn.to/3tckuY8 Light Clips https://amzn.to/2MZjCGK Tripod https://amzn.to/3nxGg7p Ball Head https://amzn.to/32Zb87n x2 GoPro 10’s https://amzn.to/3T9CDUB Wind Shields https://amzn.to/3TesuWA Screen Protectors https://amzn.to/3ww70Lf Selfie Stick https://amzn.to/3zRjDTh Rucksack Mount https://amzn.to/32Ojy4M 128GB Micro SD Card https://amzn.to/3p8XQ0v Gorrillapod Tripod https://amzn.to/3u9Tb3j SAM the drone: DJI Mavic Mini Drone Fly More Combo https://amzn.to/3rvF0SZ + old iphone to control it – my phone is not compatible 128GB Micro SD Card https://amzn.to/3p8XQ0v COMPUTER & EDITING Editing – Davinci (Free) Headphones https://amzn.to/3yds75R Mouse https://amzn.to/3yjY24t PC https://amzn.to/3CAp3mX 10TB Hard Drive https://amzn.to/3MnK4Vj #Hiking #WildCamping #Adventure #Winter #Snow
    On a Quest at Night | ambient fantasy music with sounds of forest at night #ambientmusic

    On a Quest at Night | ambient fantasy music with sounds of forest at night #ambientmusic

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:03:22
    • Uploaded Date: 18 Nov 2022
    • views: 267604
    By the light of the moon and stars, through the woods and over the mountains... You are on a quest traveling through fantasy land when the night falls. *** This ambience was initially created for a promo of a fantasy game. I was heavily inspired by Skyrim, as usual :) It is a kind of forest ambience at night . I hope it will help you relax, read, write or serve as a background to your game. *** Similar videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJJqGlfntLE2Z285OwIGbz3I8bDCws7Dn *** Credits: Music is mine Some sound effects are from klankbeeld (http://www.freesound.org/people/klankbeeld/) and https://freesfx.co.uk/ *** You can listen to some of my work on other platforms: Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/7Bu9LhH1zCBJyKLkqN432L Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/us/artist/143098682 Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/martias-muses/1582304112 Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/music/player/artists/B09D9XJX4R/martia's-muses and other music streaming platforms, find me under my artist name Martia's Muses *** Martia: I create ambiences with original music. My favorite genre is fantasy, but I sometimes venture into sci-fi, horror, history, or plain (but beautiful) natural settings. I am heavily inspired by books, as I am a total bookworm, by PC games and DnD which my husband loves and talks about. I love long cross-country hikes, that feel like a huge adventure and you can see it in the number of traveling ambiences I produce 😀 You are at the right place if you are looking for one of these: ambient music for reading, ambient music for work, ambient music for sleep, ambient music for studying, ambient music for relaxation and ambient music for RPG, background music for studying, background music for reading, background music for working, background music for writing, or background music for DnD. #ambientmusic #fantasyambience
    Adventure is Nigh Season 1 and 2 Recap

    Adventure is Nigh Season 1 and 2 Recap

    • Order:
    • Duration: 13:00
    • Uploaded Date: 14 Dec 2023
    • views: 32314
    Adventure is Nigh is coming to Second Wind! We will be re-premiering Season 3 this Saturday (12/16). We are also remastering Season 1 and 2 with additional art and animations and will re-release them in 2024! From the team behind The Escapist, we're excited to introduce you to our new employee-owned and fully independent outlet, Second Wind. Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/SecondWindGroup
    This Town Is So HAUNTED People Leave at Night | Vanlife Ghost Hunters EP 2

    This Town Is So HAUNTED People Leave at Night | Vanlife Ghost Hunters EP 2

    • Order:
    • Duration: 30:07
    • Uploaded Date: 27 Nov 2022
    • views: 4060647
    On this episode of Vanlife Ghost Hunters, we explore a town that's apparently SO haunted that the town becomes a complete ghost town at night. On top of that, we stay the night at supposedly super haunted Old Washoe Club right in town which is where Ghost Adventures got their start many years ago! Explore Virginia City with me and learn more about it's dark history! - TTTHEFINEPRINTTT Support me on Patreon to unlock extra videos! ➡️ https://www.Patreon.com/TrentTheTraveler Watch me build my van ➡️https://youtu.be/J3NRoJTUZG8 Follow My Socials ➡️ https://linktr.ee/TrentTheTraveler =========================== My affiliate links for all the gear I used in my van build and gaming/filming equipment: Gaming PC Gear: ✔️ROG Strix Scar 18 Laptop - https://rog.gg/ttthefineprintt ✔️ROG Azoth Keyboard - https://amzn.to/3WK9jbh ✔️ROG Chakram X Origin Mouse - https://amzn.to/3WOzuxQ ✔️ROG Fusion II Headphones - https://amzn.to/3nAdxQ6 ✔️Laptop Desk Drawer - https://amzn.to/3RasWGV ✔️Computer Tower Desk Mount - https://amzn.to/45VFh64 ✔️Mousepad - https://amzn.to/3OTHaHE ✔️MSI 24" Gaming Monitor - https://amzn.to/3nvPAcK ✔️Computer Monitor Mount - https://amzn.to/3eRMfkF ✔️Streaming Camera Wall Mount - https://amzn.to/44Jz4cm ✔️AT2020 Mic and Desk Arm - https://amzn.to/3bOQ0bH ✔️Scarlet 2i2 Audio Interface - https://amzn.to/3AiGWWA ✔️ROG Gaming Chair - https://rog.asus.com/apparel-bags-gear/gear/rog-chariot-core-gaming-chair-model/ Video Production Gear: ✔️Sony A7s III Camera - https://amzn.to/3Z7WoPK ✔️Sony A7s II Camera - https://amzn.to/3NAt2SB ✔️Sony 14mm Lens - https://amzn.to/3yf29xN ✔️Sony 24-70 Lens - https://amzn.to/3RedM3q ✔️DJI Ronin - https://amzn.to/466aqn1 ✔️Camera Tripod - https://amzn.to/3IbiNTV ✔️Elgato Cam Link - https://amzn.to/3bNLMkc ✔️50ft HDMI - https://amzn.to/3nAtqGg ✔️Sennheiser Wireless Microphone - https://amzn.to/3yeqsfy ✔️Rode VideoMic Pro+: https://amzn.to/3B7H4bU ✔️RGB LEG Light Panels - https://amzn.to/3ukvwxT ✔️Projector - https://amzn.to/3yEFCfz Solar Electronics: ✔️SOK 206Ah Lithium Batteries (non-affiliated) - https://www.us.sokbattery.com/product-page/marine-grade-12v-206ah-lifepo4-battery-sealed-plastic-box ✔️Renogy 320 Watt Solar Panels - https://amzn.to/3eR50Vl ✔️Victron Multiplus 2000 Inverter - https://amzn.to/3Z8HXe4 ✔️Victron DC-DC Charger - https://amzn.to/3ZcV0es ✔️Victron Battery Monitor - https://amzn.to/3J0Kj6J ✔️Breaker/Fuse Box - https://amzn.to/3ePfhkQ ✔️Blue Sea 12v Fuse Block - https://amzn.to/3hyDzRU ✔️Circuit Breaker - https://amzn.to/484DfST ✔️Shore Power Inlet - https://amzn.to/45KdtBF ✔️12awg Stranded Wire - https://amzn.to/3B9grTZ ✔️Triplex 12awg Stranded Wire - https://amzn.to/3RVQcpV ✔️12v USB Wall Outlets - https://amzn.to/3PMICvP ✔️Light Switches - https://amzn.to/3IZSZu8 ✔️Outlet Covers - https://amzn.to/3PnYPId ✔️ Bus Bar - https://amzn.to/3zti3Xl Bedroom: ✔️Mattress - https://rvmattress.com/THEFINEPRINT ✔️Bedroom Omni-Directional fan -https://amzn.to/3HxvJSm ✔️Millie’s Fan - https://amzn.to/3Z7VQta Kitchen/Living Area: ✔️Wood Stain - https://amzn.to/3r9csUN ✔️Shower Kit - https://amzn.to/33MVZpV ✔️12V Fridge (Non-affiliated Link) - https://www.geappliances.com/appliance/GE-5-6-Cu-Ft-12Volt-DC-Power-Compact-Refrigerator-GCV06GSNSB ✔️Oven (alternative option due to the one I used being unavailable now) - https://amzn.to/3Pv4MFD ✔️Faucet - https://amzn.to/3yhwrzq ✔️Sink - https://amzn.to/3tRipAY ✔️40 Gallon Water Tank - https://amzn.to/3tMwVdr ✔️Water Pump - https://amzn.to/3Bd7B7t ✔️Fold Up Countertop Hardware - https://amzn.to/341ur0p ✔️Cabinet Stencils - https://amzn.to/3bvtxgN ✔️Insulation (Thinsulate) - https://amzn.to/2STle7Y ✔️Diesel Heater - https://amzn.to/3hzxYuD ✔️MAXXAIR 00-06200K MaxxFan - https://amzn.to/3uRXM93 ✔️Ceiling Lights - https://amzn.to/3y8PY4S ✔️Toilet (alternative option due to the one I used being unavailable now) - https://amzn.to/3Ri3bV1 ✔️Promaster side window shades - https://amzn.to/3PWS2GT ✔️Promaster from windshield shade - https://amzn.to/48VNdGE #Vanlife #travelvlog #ghost
    night Adventure Para Android

    night Adventure Para Android

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:16
    • Uploaded Date: 21 Nov 2023
    • views: 12943
    Adventure Night Serfaus. Fairy tale. Winter 2019/20.

    Adventure Night Serfaus. Fairy tale. Winter 2019/20.

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:23
    • Uploaded Date: 08 Jan 2020
    • views: 5695
    Märchen faszinieren und berühren seit Jahrhunderten die Menschen - egal ob Klein oder Groß. Das neue Programm der ADVENTURE NIGHT SERFAUS erobert Ihr Herz im Nu mit farbenprächtigen Showdarbietungen (Akrobaten, die u.a. für den Cirque du Soleil arbeiten), emotionsgeladener Musik, spektakulären Snowstunts und der beeindruckenden Ski-Show der Skischule Serfaus. Mehr dazu: https://www.serfaus-fiss-ladis.at/de Unterkünfte: https://www.serfaus-fiss-ladis.at/de/... Events: https://www.serfaus-fiss-ladis.at/de/... *** For centuries, fairytales have fascinated and touched people - young and old alike. The new adventure night serfaus show will sweep off your feet, with colourful performances (also artists which work for Cirque du Soleil), emotionally charged music, spectacular snow stunts and breath-taking ski shows of the Ski School Serfaus. More information: https://www.serfaus-fiss-ladis.at/en Accomodations: https://www.serfaus-fiss-ladis.at/en/... Events: https://www.serfaus-fiss-ladis.at/en/...
    Deep Into a Winter Snow Storm At Night

    Deep Into a Winter Snow Storm At Night

    • Order:
    • Duration: 21:37
    • Uploaded Date: 20 Mar 2023
    • views: 1801058
    With a snow storm moving in, Teddy (@UnwindingRoads) and I take our Jeep Gladiators deep into the mountains to a remote hotspring. Along the way we battle icy hills and deep snow and the storm moves in on us. Join the team: http://patreon.com/thestorytillnow Merch: http://www.dirtyanddangerous.com Get 20% off OnX Off-Road: https://bit.ly/OnXTSTN Where I get my Music: http://bit.ly/3H4ULJT My Gear: Epic Kraken Tire Inflation System: https://bit.ly/epickraken Anker Portable Powerstations: https://shrsl.com/3s52n 67 Designs Mounts: https://bit.ly/67designsparts Axial RC Gladiator: https://bit.ly/axialgladiator Devos LightRanger Camp Light - https://bit.ly/3p3BS1g iKamper ExoShell 270 Awning: http://bit.ly/3jrYlFQ Jeep Tent: GFC Platform Camper: https://bit.ly/3A6ncnm Bronco Tent: iKamper SkyCamp 3.0: https://bit.ly/3xR1ZN4 Metalcloak Overland JT/JL Tube Fenders: http://bit.ly/3OIv31t Door Hinge Steps: http://bit.ly/3ZZMChD Dometic CFX3 55 Fridge: https://bit.ly/cfx355 Geyser Shower: https://www.geysersystems.com/ref/thestorytillnow/ KC Hilites Lights: https://bit.ly/Kchilites TrailRax TRMR Bronco Roof Rack - https://bit.ly/trailrax Relentless Fabrication Front Bumper - http://bit.ly/3UJtC4d DMOS Collective Delta Pro Shovel - https://bit.ly/dmoscollective Desert Does It Seat Jackers - https://bit.ly/seatjackers Recovery Equipment: http://freedomrecoverygear.com/?ApplyPromo=thestorytillnow Z-Roads Bronco Roof Rack: https://bit.ly/zroadsrack Awning: https://bit.ly/treelineawning Awning Room: https://bit.ly/awningroom Water Tank: https://bit.ly/waterport Trailgater Adventure Table: https://bit.ly/trailgater Brought to you by: Epic Adventure Outfitters: http://www.epic-4wd.com White Rock Dodge http://www.whiterockdodgejeep.com Modula Racks https://modularacks.com Toyo Tires https://bit.ly/toyocanada Anker https://shrsl.com/3s52n
    Adventure at Night | Childhood Dreams Vol. 3 | Guide + Accompaniment

    Adventure at Night | Childhood Dreams Vol. 3 | Guide + Accompaniment

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:19
    • Uploaded Date: 03 Aug 2021
    • views: 511
    Adventure at Night Original Song by Felicia Satyadi Music Accompaniment by Danezh from Childhood Dreams Vol. 3 Published by Musicmind Indonesia Instagram @musicmindinfo Contact +62 878-7630-7994 for book order
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      On a Quest at Night | ambient fantasy music with sounds of forest at night #ambientmusicremove from playlist
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    • Adventure Night Serfaus. Fairy tale. Winter 2019/20.
      Adventure Night Serfaus. Fairy tale. Winter 2019/20.remove from playlist
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    • Adventure at Night | Childhood Dreams Vol. 3 | Guide + Accompaniment
      Adventure at Night | Childhood Dreams Vol. 3 | Guide + Accompanimentremove from playlist
    PLAYLIST TIME: 0:00 / 3:01:25

    In the Night Garden: Pinky Ponk Adventure (Full HD Episode)

    In the Night Garden: Pinky Ponk Adventure (Full HD Episode) The Pinky Ponk gets stuck in a tree and tips up. Everybody slides up one end. They rock back and forth and tip the Pinky Ponk the other way. They slide up to the other end. The Pinky Ponk tips back and forth and everybody slides up and down, having great fun. At last the Pinky Ponk breaks free and flies off, taking everybody to the dance. ► Subscribe to In the Night Garden: http://bit.ly/InTheNightGardenYT Follow us for all the latest In the Night Garden news! ► Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1SBiK5U ► Twitter: http://bit.ly/1ZGOQMw In the Night Garden is an interpretation of a nursery rhyme picture book. It is about a magical place that exists between waking and sleeping in a child's imagination. It is a place inhabited by different characters such as Igglepiggle, Upsy Daisy and Makka Pakka who care for each other and have lots of fun together. Narrated by Sir Derek Jacobi. Do you know the characters from In the Night Garden? ★ Igglepiggle! ★ Igglepiggle is physical and energetic - a well-loved teddy always jumping and bouncing around. He's curious and adventurous, but also vulnerable and modest. Despite his energy he is often in need of reassurance and comfort, which he gets from his best friend Upsy Daisy and his red blanket. ★ Upsy Daisy! ★ Upsy Daisy is a happy and optimistic dolly. She loves nothing more than to dance through the garden and often convinces other character to join in. One of her favourite things is her bed, which has a mind of its own and can often be seen chasing her around the garden. ★ Makka Pakka! ★ Makka Pakka lives in a little cave at the edge of the garden and likes nothing more than collecting and washing little stones - he'll often wash the faces of the other characters too. He travels around the garden pushing his Og-Pog vehicle, which carries his soap and sponge, his uff-uff dryer and his special trumpet. ★ The Tombliboos ★ There are three Tombliboos - Unn who is red and green, Ooo who is brown and pink and Eee who is pink and yellow. They live together in an extraordinary bush, where they enjoy stacking and sorting their special blocks, banging their drums and making tunes on their piano. ★ The Pontipines and The Wottingers ★ The Pontipines are a large family of 10 that live in a semi-detached house at the foot of a tree. There are 8 children, 4 of which are girls and four of which are boys and they are always dressed in red. Their next-door neighbours are the Wottingers, who also have 8 children and they are always dressed in blue. ★ The Haahoos ★ The Haahoos are five enormous pillowy creatures who roam about the garden at a leisurely pace that is entirey their own. They are sedate and gentle, but are so big they often stop the Ninky Nonk in its tracks - no small feat! ★ The Ninky Nonk and The Pinky Ponk ★ The Ninky Nonk and the Pinky Ponk are the only forms of transport for the characters in the garden, but they couldn't be more different! The Ninky Nonk is a funny kind of train which careers through hedges and clambers up and down trees all over the garden. The Pinky Ponk is a kind of airship which glides gracefully in the air, providing wonderful aerial views of the garden for all those on board. ★ The Tittifers ★ The Tittifers are brightly coloured birds that sing as individuals throughout the programme, and then together form a beautiful harmony as a signal for bedtime. Looking for more children’s shows? Brand New! Here are the Twirlywoos! http://bit.ly/1RDdgY0 ▶ Watch more Videos 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMkhJzvHiC0 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdLRN6T11F0 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKuRaj91STQ 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1r1fNeJhcDc 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDsMJXEGALk 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYF-aI4lzNA 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYF-aI4lzNA 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6HbepMjbwa0 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buFzE7Fd8S4 #WildBrain #InTheNightGarden #VideosForKids
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    In the Night

    In the Night is a ballet in one act made by New York City Ballet ballet master Jerome Robbins to solo piano music of Chopin:

    The premiere took place on Thursday, January 29, 1970 at the New York State Theater, Lincoln Center, with costumes by Anthony Dowell and lighting by Jennifer Tipton. Robbins made three other ballets to Chopin's music: The Concert (1956), Dances at a Gathering (1969), and Other Dances (1976), made on Mikhail Baryshnikov and Natalia Makarova.



    NYCB revivals

    1981 Winter

    1994 Spring

    2000 Spring

    2006 Winter

    2008 SpringJerome Robbins celebration

    other companies

    San Francisco Ballet, 2008 Fall for Dance festival



    External links

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