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      This is mostly about ruby on rails, this post is likely only interesting if you use that.

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        Yeah that’s fair point. I can’t seem to edit this now to add a tag, but I’d support it being done if a mod cared to.

        FWIW, this is the part of the page where they start talking about EXPLAIN, materialized views, and REFRESH CONCURRENTLY but even here it’s flavored with Rails. https://www.rorvswild.com/blog/2024/speed-up-compound-full-text-searches-in-postgresql-by-300x#:~:text=Let’s%20compare%20the%20query%20plan%20of%20the%20original%20implementation%20against%20the%20compound%20version%20by%20running%20explain%20on%20each.%20To%20approach%20a%20real%2Dworld%20scenario%2C%20I’ve%20created%2010_000%20books%20using%20the%20Faker%20gem.