- From: Dael Jackson <[email protected]>
- Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2024 18:55:02 -0400
- To: [email protected]
========================================= These are the official CSSWG minutes. Unless you're correcting the minutes, Please respond by starting a new thread with an appropriate subject line. ========================================= Color HDR --------- - RESOLVED: Accept the PR (Issue #10271: Add interpolation between multiple values of dynamic-range-limit) CSS Images ---------- - smfr will research if webkit is able to change to the chromium behavior for issue #4165 (Should CSS decorative images respect EXIF-orientation by default) which the group will use to guide the resolution. CSSOM View ---------- - RESOLVED: Change the spec to match reality around child-of-root BODY elements (Issue #10549: Spec for offsetTop/Left does not match impls when offsetParent is `position:static` `<body>` element) CSS Text -------- - RESOLVED: Plain text copy must ignore text replaced autospace. open to other feedback (Issue #8511: text-autospace: what gets copied?) - Comments are requested in issue #3434 (Prevent line breaking after explicit hyphens) to help move the conversation toward a resolution. ===== FULL MEETING MINUTES ====== Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2024Oct/0015.html Present: Rachel Andrew Adam Argyle Rossen Atanassov Tab Atkins-Bittner Kevin Babbitt Oriol Brufau Stephen Chenney Emilio Cobos Álvarez Yehonatan Daniv Stephanie Eckles Elika Etemad Gaurav Singh Faujdar Robert Flack Simon Fraser Daniel Holbert Jonathan Kew Roman Komarov David Leininger Chris Lilley Alison Maher Florian Rivoal Cassondra Roberts Noam Rosenthal Khushal Sagar Alan Stearns Miriam Suzanne Josh Tumath Bramus Van Damme Lea Verou Sebastian Zartner Regrets: Keith Cirkel Chris Harrelson Scribe: noamr Scribe's scribe: TabAtkins Color HDR ========= Add interpolation between multiple values of dynamic-range-limit ---------------------------------------------------------------- github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/10271 Chris: We have this dynamic range value. But you might have more than value, e.g. in animation, need to decide what happens ChrisL: We have a PR, we either should merge it or revert. I think it's a good syntax astearns: Inclined to accept the PR ChrisL: I prefer to review things in place astearns: Objections? RESOLVED: Accept the PR CSS Images ========== Should CSS decorative images respect EXIF-orientation by default ---------------------------------------------------------------- github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/4165 ChrisL: It wasn't clear what we've resolved on ChrisL: What this means that if you have EXIF that comes before the image data we must respect it ChrisL: For consistency we should probably ignore it when it comes after smfr: You mean in the order in which the image is encoded? ChrisL: Yes, which is not always possible schenney: I agree with ignoring after the image, but the question was whether the orientation should look at the image-orientation property on the element schenney: Chrome does this but Safari does not ChrisL: There wasn't a discussion on this, can we discuss now? schenney: One, I implemented this a while ago, the usage data for image-orientation and it's rising, but not in a huge amount schenney: People use it to avoid applying the image metadata schenney: From that point of view the current chrome behavior is preferable for web devs. But the long term is perhaps to not have that property schenney: We'll get pushback if we do that schenney: if we don't honor image-orientation noamr: Even now, image-orientation is broken in the sense that it doesn't work on cross-origin images noamr: which is a real big breakage for people noamr: I find it a broken CSS property because of that noamr: having it apply to CSS images, it's a bit weird you have something for the whole element and apply it to all images. I'd expect it to be a url modifier or something, a keyword that says you read the EXIF <ChrisL> +1 to URL modifier noamr: We have url() modifiers now for other things, we can put it there. I think that's the right place <TabAtkins> (+1 to that, it was clumsy to have it apply that way) smfr: It should be per-image, maybe on the image function smfr: background: webkit started supporting orientation by default on regular images, we just didn't get to CSS images smfr: I think we can change it to match the chromium behavior ChrisL: URL modifier is perhaps a good way to go schenney: URL modifier would address the original reason why image orientation is ignored on cross-origin <fantasai> url modifiers should be for generic modifiers. We should use image() for image-specific modifiers. <fantasai> And we should have more of them. dbaron: I'm more hesitant about modifiers. They make sense for features we want permanently. My impression is that this feature is more for compatibility during transition dbaron: If we want to end up always honoring the metadata, we should only add as many features as we need for that, rather than add more granularity astearns: If we resolve on ignoring EXIF at the end, does that help with the transition? dbaron: It wasn't clear to me which cases the resolution applies to PaulG: For a11y I'd be concerned that if people relied on this feature for WCAG orientation, I wouldn't want to get rid of it PaulG: I suspect we'd want to keep that fantasai: Modifiers should be in image() and not in url() <TabAtkins> Yeah since this is explicitly an image *file*, I'm fine with it living on url() astearns: We can probably resolve on ignoring metadata that's after the metadata schenney: I thought it was resolved a while ago ChrisL: It was unclear enough that it's hard to say what a PASS is smfr: We might not be able to do this in the implementation fantasai: HTML could add special rules, but in CSS we should say how we handle images with EXIF, regardless of the host language smfr: Odd that CSS would define things around the encoding of an image <noamr> it should at least be in both <fantasai> It doesn't need to be in both. It's a rendering question, it needs to be in CSS. HTML can optionally say stuff, but it doesn't need to -- we do. noamr: We talked before in WHATWG about separating some of those image details to a separate spec noamr: It never happened because nobody had time, but I think right now, relying on parts of HTML that defines how images are decoded, relying on that inside of CSs, is the best we' noamr: We should behave the same way for HTML and CSS <ChrisL> relevant PNG WG issue is https://github.com/w3c/png/issues/310 astearns: It is claimed that all browsers ignore post-image-data orientation astearns: smfr would you validate? smfr: Will validate astearns: Will take it back to the issue about encoding order astearns: to validate that all browsers do this today ChrisL: Please check with JPEG with PNG, I saw that Safari does something different smfr: That's why we need more time <noamr> (In PNG this is encoded in XMP IIRC) <ChrisL> No, it can be but there is also an exif chunk astearns: For how we override the metadata smfr: This is *this* issue, but we discussed a different one noamr: Also there's a proposal for a url() modifier. not clear yet. But at least not taking the info from image-orientation schenney: So proposal is phase out a per-image way of specifying it, and phase-out image-orientation property <TabAtkins> phase in an image-specific way to do *CSS images*. dbaron: Replaced elements, form HTML, would still obey image-orientation astearns: So let's continue that part of the discussion in this issue astearns: Action item for smfr to validate the tests CSSOM View ========== Spec for offsetTop/Left does not match impls when offsetParent is `position:static` `<body>` element ----------------------------------------------------------------- github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/10549 oriol: We encountered this in servo, that impls are not per-spec oriol: offsetTop/offsetLeft of the element, when there is no offsetParent, the distance is used oriol: Implementations do something different with body which has position static, they use its parent (document element), and use the border edge instead of a padding edge oriol: There's a bug in Firefox but the idea is still the same oriol: I think what the spec says makes more sense, that even though browsers are doing something different, we should probably align the spec with reality astearns: Probably browsers wouldn't change this and maintain backwards compat oriol: It works differently in nested body elements <TabAtkins> I'm also very sad about this being so weird, but suspect we couldn't fix it without everyone being off by 8px <noamr> no one likes to touch offsetLeft issues, I tried before astearns: So the discrepancy is only about the body? oriol: Implementations are doing different things for all body elements oriol: maybe that's ok oriol: If it's something is nested we might have to do something, I'm fine either way <kbabbitt> agree that we probably need to spec current behavior for compat astearns: The simple thing would be to change the spec to match reality astearns: What would be the change? oriol: We'll add a case where if the offset parent is body with position static, we'd take its parent's border edge instead of its padding edge. Need to analyze some details oriol: We could establish for all body elements, or just for body that is a child of a root fantasai: No strong opinion; our propagation rules for certain thing depend on body being the child of the HTML element fantasai: The value of position makes a difference. Does it make sense to depend on position? oriol: Browsers only do this with position:static, otherwise they compute the distance from the body oriol: It would probably be tricky compat-wise to do something else PROPOSED RESOLUTION: change the spec to match reality around child-of-root BODY elements fantasai: We should not be checking in WPTs that aren't backed by a spec <astearns> fwiw I'm OK with tests that pass everywhere but are not specced. This points out things we should spec flackr: Is it just that the body element is position:static, or possibly when the body element is not a containing block? Do we need to worry about position:relative containing position:fixed oriol: If the body establishes a containing block using position, eg fixed inside relative, it would do the normal thing oriol: If it's not the offsetParent, we also do the normal thing. so it needs to be in the containing block chain oriol: If the body is not in the containing block chain, it also wouldn't be the offsetParent and this wouldn't apply flackr: What is the offsetParent with position:fixed oriol: This is only a special case when the body is the offsetParent. So if position prevents the body from being a containing block it would also not be the offsetParent flackr: Just making sure there is no additional special case here oriol: Just that from what I can see astearns: Objections? RESOLVED: Change the spec to match reality around child-of-root BODY elements CSS Text ======== text-autospace: what gets copied? --------------------------------- github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/8511 florian: text-autospace, in cjk at the limit between cjk and other, e.g. numeric, it adds spacing because it's typographically expected florian: The property has a syntax variant that it's not inserting but rather replacing the spacing, because sometimes that there is an explicit space florian: Similar, outside of cjk, this is used to insert spaces in French before some punctuations. In some cases there is a narrow space, and CSS does it for people because people don't do it florian: What do we do with copy-paste in this mode? At least in the CJK context we ignore and copy the source florian: There are individual opinions that we should do the same for French florian: We were wondering whether this should be different for French, it's more an abuse/correction than styling florian: The i18n recommendation was to just copy the source florian: I was wondering about French, perhaps we should copy the original one fantasai: I would expect it to be copied correctly as a user, definitely for CJK we shouldn't copy fantasai: There wasn't an obvious agreement in the group about what to do when we use replacement fantasai: for CJK autospace insertion we shouldn't copy, but for French, narrow spaces etc, a lot of other contexts wouldn't fix it, e.g. word wouldn't correct pasted stuff florian: For having the spaces manually inputted into the text, it might be intentional, but if you're copy/pasting into an email, it's nicer if there was a space there florian: I find the i18n resolution plausible, still on the fence for French. then again it's a bit of a hack astearns: Do we know what browsers do? fantasai: I suspect they use the underlying text fantasai: Let's close and using underlying text, but come back to it if users complain fantasai: Users can copy stuff that has a space, sometimes they'll get one and sometimes not fantasai: It's probably better to do the fixup in terms of users, but perhaps we can wait astearns: Inclined to resolve on specifying we should copy the underlying text, perhaps with a note that this can change with user feedback fantasai: We can be open to changing it if there's user demand for it Jonathan: It's similar to copying text with text-transform. There are always going to be people unhappy with the decision Jonathan: I think this is up to presentation tools Jonathan: We shouldn't mangle the actual data noamr: Isn't this a bit up to the browser? If the browser wants multiple copy functions in the context menu noamr: Is it the standard's job? fantasai: There's often different format, sure - plain text, or html with formatting, etc fantasai: We're just talking about plain text copy fantasai: We do say that we collapse white space for a plain text copy, for example. If you didn't do that, the text would be a big mess if there's indentation noamr: We copy capitalization, don't we? florian: This is contentious, but no fantasai: text-transform is a bit different because it's not correcting the text, it's providing a style. We're clear in the spec that it's a contextual style fantasai: That's why you don't copy it fantasai: The cases we're considering doing the transform are where the literal text isn't actually representative of the char string the author wants fantasai: not just for presentation purposes fantasai: If you're typing regular space instead of nbthinspace, you're doing it because nb thin space is hard to type noamr: Okay so it's more of an error correction florian: The injection to CJK is styling. The removal and replacement in French is error correction florian: Yeah, at least part of it. The injection of spacing in CJK contexts is styling. The removal/change of what's there (in French) is correction dbaron: A copy operation in many OSes already does multiple things at once florian: We're only defining plain text here PROPOSED REOSLUTION: plain text copy must ignore text replaced autospace. open to other feedback RESOLVED: plain text copy must ignore text replaced autospace. open to other feedback Prevent line breaking after explicit hyphens -------------------------------------------- github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/3434 florian: Browsers might to suppress hyphens in special words like t-shirt. Which property controls this? hyphen: none doesn't. Maybe a new value? Maybe a new value of the break property? florian: This issue is to discuss what toggle do we use for this. There are a few options on the table. Please chime in.
Received on Thursday, 31 October 2024 22:55:39 UTC