[email protected] Mail Archives

This mailing-list was used to gather feedback on deliverables of the Spatial Data on the Web Working Group. It is no longer active. Comments are still very much welcome! To send comments on a deliverable, either raise an issue on the Spatial Data on the Web Interest Group's GitHub repository, or send an email to the [email protected] mailing-list.
Access mail archives by date, thread, author and subject
period re-sorted messages
October 2018by threadby authorby subject1
January 2018by threadby authorby subject4
December 2017by threadby authorby subject3
November 2017by threadby authorby subject2
October 2017by threadby authorby subject2
September 2017by threadby authorby subject5
August 2017by threadby authorby subject3
July 2017by threadby authorby subject2
June 2017by threadby authorby subject6
May 2017by threadby authorby subject25
April 2017by threadby authorby subject39
March 2017by threadby authorby subject4
December 2016by threadby authorby subject2
November 2016by threadby authorby subject4
September 2016by threadby authorby subject7
July 2016by threadby authorby subject15
May 2016by threadby authorby subject6
April 2016by threadby authorby subject8
March 2016by threadby authorby subject19
February 2016by threadby authorby subject53
January 2016by threadby authorby subject52
December 2015by threadby authorby subject12
October 2015by threadby authorby subject2
August 2015by threadby authorby subject22
July 2015by threadby authorby subject19
April 2015by threadby authorby subject1
March 2015by threadby authorby subject1
February 2015by threadby authorby subject2