Call for Consensus to Deprecate Basic Card Note - RESPONSE REQUESTED BY 26 AUGUST

Dear Web Payments Working Group,

The Basic Card Specification [1] suffers from several issues:

- It is only implemented in Chrome today, and Google is planning to remove support.
- It does not have built-in a mechanism for incremental requests for address components creating privacy concerns [2].
- There has been little adoption by merchants.
- For security reasons, as we have long discussed, there is a preference not to circulate “raw” card information on the network.

This is a Call for Consensus to deprecate Payment Method: Basic Card [1]. The impact of deprecation will be:

 1) To republish the document with clear signals that it should no longer be implemented or used.
 2) The Working Group will no longer maintain the "Card Network Identifiers Approved for use with Payment Request API”.
 3) The ‘basic-card’ standardized Payment Method Identifier will be removed from the registry of identifiers [4].

PLEASE RESPOND to the proposal by 26 August 2021 (14h00 UTC).

For example, if you support the proposal, respond to this list with "1. Support the proposal.”

For the co-Chairs,
Ian Jacobs



That the Web Payments Working Group request that the W3C Director deprecate the Payment Method: Basic Card Note.

Please indicate one of the following in your response:

1. Support the proposal.

2. Request some changes, but support the proposal even if suggested changes are not taken into account.

3. Request some changes, and do not support the proposal unless the changes are taken into account.

4. Do not support the proposal (please provide rationale).

5. Support the consensus of the Web Payments Working Group.

6. Abstain.


* If you wish your LACK of support to publish to be conveyed to the
 Director and reviewed, please include the phrase "FORMAL OBJECTION"
 in your response and be sure to include substantive arguments or

* The W3C Director takes Formal Objections seriously, and therefore
 they typically require significant time and effort to

* Silence will be taken to mean there is no Formal Objection.

* If there are Formal Objections, the Chairs plan to contact the
 individual(s) who made them to see whether there are changes that
 would address the concern and increase consensus.

For more information, see:

Transition Request Following a Working Group Decision to Deprecate

* In the case where this Call for Consensus results in a decision to
 deprecate, the Chairs plan to request approval from the W3C Director
 to deprecate the Note (including review of any Formal Objections).

Ian Jacobs <[email protected]>
Tel: +1 718 260 9447

Received on Monday, 16 August 2021 14:30:30 UTC