Manage subscriptions
From this site you can manage all your PostgreSQL mailing list subscriptions. To manage them, click on the link above.
Note 1: Please ensure you read the Archive Policy before posting to the lists.Note 2: Please do not subscribe to mailing lists using e-mail accounts protected by mail-back anti-spam systems. These are extremely annoying to the list maintainers and other members, and you may be automatically unsubscribed.
Note 3: Should legitimate list traffic emails sent to you from our mailing lists be bounced back as being spam, we may decide to unsubscribe you from our lists. This is necessary as, otherwise, our mailing list server(s) may acquire an undeserved poor reputation and be unable to deliver mail to our list members.
If you are not already logged into your PostgreSQL Community account, you will be redirected and asked to log in first. Once you're logged in, you can see all of the lists which you are subscribed to with the email address associated with your community account.
If you have other email addresses, at the link above you'll be able to go through a short process to verify you have control over those other email addresses and then you'll be able to see the lists subscribed using those addresses as well.
If you are a moderator of PostgreSQL mailing lists, you'll have a link at the bottom of the page which says "Manage/Moderate lists". If you believe you should have such a link and you do not, please contact the PostgreSQL WWW Mailing list.
Do you need help to unsubscribe? Please follow the instructions on this page.