bind-users --
BIND Users Mailing List
About bind-users
This list is provided for the purpose of discussing the deployment and usage of BIND 9 DNS software. Developers and contributors may solicit input from users here and users are welcome to ask for, and give help and advice here.
The BIND 9 Project is based on the involvement and constructive contributions from the global technology community. The BIND Project forum/lists/pages/KBs and other sources of content and information are intended to be safe spaces for free, open collaboration and communication in order to continue the successful development of the BIND Project.
Participation on this list is governed by a Code of Conduct ( If you believe that you are the target of behavior in violation of the Code of Conduct, please alert the list administrators rather than retaliating on the mailing list. Report these concerns to [email protected]. Insulting and derogatory posts will not be tolerated and will result in future posts from those list members who are posting in this manner being held for moderation or suspended indefinitely from this community.
We should like to remind list users that irrespective of the basic levels of experience or knowledge of some of the posters here, that they are asking for community help and that advice should be given politely and with respect shown both towards the original poster and other contributors to a thread.
Please remember that:
- English is not the first language for all - this can lead to misunderstandings
- Beginners don't always 'get it' from the start (but with gentle guidance may become the experts of the future.)
- If you are debugging an active issue with an externally published domain, providing the full domain name allows others to query it in order to help you. Omitting, changing, or obscuring the domain can make it harder or impossible for others to help you.
To see the collection of prior postings to the list,
visit the bind-users
Using bind-users
To post a message to all the list members, send email to
[email protected].
You can subscribe to the list, or change your existing
subscription, in the sections below.
Subscribing to bind-users
Subscribe to bind-users by filling out the following
You will be sent email requesting confirmation, to
prevent others from gratuitously subscribing you. This is a hidden list, which means that the
list of members is available only to the list administrator.
bind-users Subscribers