
  1. figment

    A configuration library so con-free, it's unreal

    v0.10.19 436K #configuration #yaml-config #toml #config-file #yaml #json #config
  2. unsafe-libyaml

    libyaml transpiled to rust by c2rust

    v0.2.11 4.2M #yaml #unsafe #c2rust #transpiled #libyaml #translated
  3. hayagriva

    Work with references: Literature database management, storage, and citation formatting

    v0.8.1 12K #reference #citation #bibliography #literature #bibtex #yaml #command-line-interface
  4. neomake

    A more powerful alternative to Makefiles

    v0.6.0-beta.1 550 #task-runner #task-execution #task #runner #command-line-tool #make #yaml
  5. rust-i18n-support

    Support for rust-i18n crate

    v3.1.3 24K #yaml #internationalization #localization #translation #compile-time #json-toml #locale
  6. licensure

    A software license management tool

    v0.7.2 1.2K #licensing #license #tool #config-file #source-file #cli-tool #yaml
  7. rversions

    Checks releases and versions of programs through RSS or Atom feed and tells you

    v1.3.4 110 #atom-feed #rss #atom #version #command-line #version-checker #yaml
  8. ribboncurls-cli

    rendering of mustache templates

    v0.4.1 650 #mustache #template-engine #template #yaml #data #rendering #data-file
  9. ruled-labels

    check labels

    v0.5.1 200 #label #yaml #rules #validation #specs #check #set
  10. rust-i18n-cli

    cargo-i18n tool for the rust-i18n crate

    v3.1.1 #yaml #internationalization #localization #translation #cargo-toml #command-line-tool #text-file
  11. toast

    Containerize your development and continuous integration environments

    v0.47.7 140 #continuous-integration #build-system #yaml #task #container-image #environment #shell
  12. svdtools

    modifying bugs in CMSIS SVD

    v0.4.4 650 #cmsis-svd #svd #register #embedded #yaml #command-line-tool
  13. rusmux

    Automate tmux sessions configuration

    v0.8.1 110 #tmux-session #tmux #shell #yaml #configuration #yaml-config #tmuxinator
  14. lustre_collector

    Scrapes Lustre stats and aggregates into JSON or YAML

    v0.9.2 8.6K #yaml #lustre #statistics #json #output #scrape #json-format
  15. whyq

    jq wrapper

    v0.10.2 #json-query #jq #yaml #toml #json-input #low-overhead #output
  16. libyml

    A safe and efficient Rust library for parsing, emitting, and manipulating YAML data

    v0.0.5 176K #yaml #serde-yaml #serialization
  17. lq

    low overhead yq/tq/... implementation

    v0.13.0 #jq #yaml #toml #output #low-overhead #input #yq
  18. saphyr

    A fully YAML 1.2 compliant YAML library

    v0.0.3 13K #yaml #yaml-parser #parser #compliant #events #array #string
  19. cder

    database seed generator that helps create and persist struct-typed instances based on serde-compatible yaml files

    v0.2.2 250 #yaml #fixture #database #seed #seeding #fixtures #database-schema
  20. substrait-validator

    Substrait validator

    v0.1.3 456K #substrait #validation #query #yaml #plan #extension #pattern
  21. caesura

    An all-in-one command line tool to transcode FLAC audio files and upload to gazelle based indexers/trackers

    v0.25.0 2.2K #command-line #command-line-tool #flac #upload #yaml #transcode #directory
  22. bevy_common_assets

    Bevy plugin adding support for loading your own asset types from common file formats such as json and yaml

    v0.12.0 5.4K #file-format #assets #bevy #yaml #json-file #gamedev #loader
  23. rust-ci-cd-template

    ci/cd template for github

    v0.2.13 120 #github-actions #ci-cd #template #cargo-build #workflow #pull-request #yaml
  24. docker-compose-types

    Deserialization and Serialization of docker-compose.yml files in a relatively strongly typed fashion

    v0.16.0 1.8K #docker-compose #compose #serialize-deserialize #yaml #serialization #strongly-typed #parser
  25. sprites7800

    a companion tool of cc7800 generating C sprites/tiles code

    v0.4.3 380 #sprite-sheet #gamedev #atari #yaml #tile #image #graphics
  26. pegasus-ssh

    Pegasus: A Multi-Node SSH Command Runner

    v1.4.0 800 #command-runner #ssh #run-command #queue #node #yaml #host
  27. yj

    Command line tool that converts YAML to JSON

    v1.2.4 #yaml #json #command-line-tool #convert-json #json-input #json-file #input-file
  28. tn


    v0.2.2 1.0K #yaml #sweep #ai-ml #experiment #name #component #track
  29. dofigen

    A Dockerfile generator using a simplified description in YAML or JSON format create

    v2.3.2 170 #json-format #dockerfile #yaml #generator #json #docker-build #generate-json
  30. rustgram

    A fast server framework for hyper with app builder from yml file

    v0.2.1 550 #http-server #yaml #middleware #routes #hyper #hyper-http #web-framework
  31. nondestructive

    editing over various file formats

    v0.0.26 170 #file-format #yaml #yaml-parser #editing #document #preserve #structure
  32. radicle-native-ci

    Radicle native CI adapter for running directly on node host

    v0.8.0 130 #ci #radicle #adapter #node #run #yaml #host
  33. fltn

    Flattens a serialized data structure making it greppable

    v0.2.8 100 #json #json-toml #yaml #data-structures #command-line-interface #gron
  34. frontmatter-gen

    generating and parsing frontmatter in various formats

    v0.0.5 200 #front-matter #yaml-parser #yaml #format-json #frontmatter #toml-parser #toml
  35. marswm

    modern dynamic tiling window manager

    v0.6.0 #window-manager #tiling #dynamic #x11 #modern #yaml #configuration
  36. har

    A HTTP Archive format (HAR) serialization & deserialization library

    v0.8.1 24K #serialize-deserialize #serialization #deserialize-json #deserialize #json #yaml #file-format
  37. cfn-guard-lambda

    Lambda version of cfn-guard. Checks JSON- or YAML- formatted structured data for policy compliance using a simple, policy-as-code, declarative syntax

    v3.1.2 #aws-lambda #policy #cloud-formation #compliance #yaml #json #validation
  38. marked-yaml

    A simplified YAML structure with provenance spans

    v0.7.2 2.7K #yaml #yaml-parser #provenance #data #data-structures #structure #spans
  39. testkit

    A DSL for testing. Starting with APIs and Browser automation.

    v0.2.2 #api-testing #api-request #load-testing #json #yaml #json-path #testing-tools
  40. yamlscript

    Program in YAML — Code is Data

    v0.1.93 500 #functional-programming #yaml #programming-language #data #json-file #clojure #ys
  41. rattler-build

    A fast CLI tool to build conda packages on Windows, macOS and Linux

    v0.27.0 #conda #cross-platform #build #recipe #package-management #build-tool #yaml
  42. datatest

    Data-driven tests in Rust

    v0.8.0 190 #data-driven #testing #test-cases #test-runner #test-framework #yaml #attributes
  43. convert2json

    CLI utilities to convert CSV, INI, RSV, TOML, XML & YAML into JSON and for use with jaq or jq

    v1.1.5 280 #json #convert-json #yaml #json-format #json-xml #xml-data #yaml-parser
  44. tree-sitter-yaml

    YAML grammar for tree-sitter

    v0.7.0 26K #yaml-parser #tree-sitter #yaml #incremental #parser
  45. espa

    converting ESM/ESP/ESS files to and from text format

    v0.16.3 #text-format #esm #esp #yaml #ess #mw
  46. build-fs-tree

    Generate a filesystem tree from a macro or a YAML tree

    v0.7.1 3.6K #filesystem #yaml #directory-tree #directory #directory-structure #tree #file
  47. aerostream

    Bluesky client using EventStream

    v0.16.5 3.2K #bluesky #event-stream #command-line #command-line-tool #filter #client #yaml
  48. funzzy

    fancy watcher inspired by entr

    v1.5.0 #file-watcher #run-command #unix-shell #yaml #events #workflow #pattern-match
  49. xt

    Translate between serialized data formats

    v0.19.4 #json #yaml #format-json #messagepack #toml #yaml-config #json-configuration
  50. yaml-merge-keys

    YAML merge key extension. http://yaml.org/type/merge.html

    v0.7.0 45K #yaml #yaml-parser #serde-yaml #merge #key #mapping #extension
  51. mk

    task runner 🦀

    v0.3.0 160 #task-runner #runner #utility #yaml #command-output #command-line #cli
  52. madato

    command line tool for reading and writing tabular data (XLS, ODS, CSV, YAML), and Markdown

    v0.7.0 3.7K #markdown-tables #markdown #yaml #csv #command-line-tool #excel #json
  53. yamlcheck

    cli to validate a yaml file against a json schema

    v0.1.1 #yaml #chevdor #json-schema #schema-file #json-file #cli #validate
  54. drill

    HTTP load testing application written in Rust inspired by Ansible syntax

    v0.8.2 430 #load-testing #http-request #http #ansible #performance #yaml #testing-tools
  55. robopages

    CLI and API server for Robopages, a YAML based files for describing tools to large language models (LLMs)

    v0.4.0 #yaml #language-model #llm #describing #variables #cli #ssh
  56. template-cli

    CLI for templating based on JSON, YAML or HCL configuration

    v0.4.3 900 #yaml #hcl #yaml-config #template #json #cli #render-template
  57. ssgen

    A [S]tatic [S]ite [Gen]erator written in Rust

    v0.3.2 300 #yaml #html #rweb #generator
  58. openapi-to-hurl

    create Hurl files (https://hurl.dev/) from openapi specs

    v1.2.1 210 #openapi #hurl #swagger #api-testing #testing #json-file #yaml
  59. predate

    Catch bugs and performance regressions through automated system testing

    v0.1.5 #performance #cli-applications #testing #cli #yaml #system-testing
  60. silos

    YAML/JSON conversion cli tool

    v0.1.2 #yaml #json-file #convert-json #command-line-tool #json-format #cli #file-format
  61. dts

    deserialize, transform and serialize data between different encodings

    v0.6.7 140 #data-encoding #data-transformation #yaml #jq #json #serialize-deserialize #hcl
  62. hbs-cli

    CLI for generating text from handlebars templates, by feeding them with data from file YAML/JSON

    v0.2.5 300 #handlebars-template #handlebars #yaml #templating #json #data-file #yaml-parser
  63. axum-yaml

    YAML extractor for axum

    v0.5.0 800 #yaml-parser #yaml #axum #extractor #parser #request-body #response-body
  64. monoverse

    A CLI tool for managing version numbers in monorepos

    v0.1.7 360 #version #semantic-version #monorepo #git-version #yaml #cli-tool #regex
  65. acts

    a fast, tiny, extensiable workflow engine

    v0.13.2 #workflow-engine #workflow #act #step #yaml #business #model
  66. roead

    Rust port of oead C++ library for common Nintendo formats

    v1.0.0 700 #file-format #nintendo #yaz0 #sarc #byml #aamp #yaml
  67. tonic-buf-build

    A build helper that integrates buf.build to tonic-build

    v0.3.0 1.1K #buf #tonic-build #protobuf #integrate #yaml #generate #helper
  68. assorted-debian-utils

    Collection of various utilities for Debian work

    v0.7.6 130 #debian #team #architecture #utilities #helper #yaml #buildinfo
  69. btd

    CLI tool to transform and deploy production builds of projects with file operations and commands

    v1.1.4 100 #deployment #yaml #build #file-io #transformation #production #projects
  70. google-fonts-sources

    finding source repositories of Google Fonts fonts

    v0.7.0 1.0K #font #source #repository #google #yaml #find #yaml-config
  71. texp

    small tool for render templates

    v0.2.5 #tera-templates #render-template #template #command-line-tool #tera #tool #yaml
  72. timug

    It has been created for personal blog creation purpose. Timus has its limits, but it fulfills the purposes for which it was created.

    v0.1.3 #blog #log-level #markdown #yaml #page-generator #static-page #template-engine
  73. openapi-tui

    This TUI allows you to list and browse APIs described by the openapi specification

    v0.10.0 #tui #openapi #specification #list #json-api #yaml #browse
  74. git-repo-manager

    Manage multiple git repositories. You configure the git repositories in a file, the program does the rest!

    v0.7.22 2.0K #git-repository #git #git-tool #yaml #declarative
  75. simpleci

    run CICD pipelines locally

    v0.0.4 110 #git-hook #ci-cd #pipeline #yaml #local #git-commit #artifact
  76. unsafe-libyaml-norway

    libyaml transpiled to rust by c2rust

    v0.2.15 18K #yaml #c2rust #unsafe #libyaml #transpiled
  77. dataweave

    CLI tool that converts JSON/YAML to CSV by generating all possible permutations of the provided data

    v0.1.1 #permutation #cli #command-line-tool #cartesean #yaml
  78. pretty_yaml

    Semi-tolerant and configurable YAML formatter

    v0.5.0 6.4K #yaml #formatter #yaml-config #formatting #configurable #syntax-tree #format-text
  79. yamlpath

    Format-preserving YAML feature extraction

    v0.15.0 5.4K #yaml #extract #query-language #format-preserving #tree-sitter #document #line
  80. rust-i18n-extract

    Extractor for rust-i18n crate

    v3.1.1 2.8K #yaml #internationalization #localization #translation #extract #extractor #compile-time
  81. castep_model_generator_backend

    A rust-written backend lib for edit and generation of lattice 3D-models compatible with CASTEP and Materials Studio

    v2.1.3 #chemistry #castep #linear-algebra #yaml #back-end #model-generator #computational-chem
  82. dynast

    Feynman graph topology identification

    v0.12.0 310 #graph #graph-algorithms #physics #diagram #feynman #yaml #topology
  83. cargo-dependabot-if-necessary

    Cargo dependabot config generator with increase-if-necessary strategy

    v0.1.0 #strategy #cargo #dependabot #update #mimic #yaml #increase-if-necessary
  84. clash_rules

    a clash yaml rule parser and matching algorithms provider

    v0.1.19 1.2K #clash #yaml #aho-corasick #radix-trie #networking
  85. cage

    Develop multi-pod docker-compose apps

    v0.3.6 #docker-compose #secret-management #applications #yaml #service #deployment #source
  86. tree-fs

    convenient way to create a tree of files

    v0.2.1 500 #file-tree #filesystem #yaml #assert #directory #testing #file-path
  87. samvada

    Chat with AI assistant in markdown file

    v0.1.2 #api-key #env-file #chat #markdown #ai #yaml #config-file
  88. statsdproxy

    A proxy for transforming, pre-aggregating and routing statsd metrics

    v0.2.0 1.2K #metrics #statsd #proxy #transformation #routing #tags #yaml
  89. reveal-yaml

    A YAML project manager serving Reveal.js slides

    v1.1.5 #yaml #revealjs #slideshow #command-line-tool #command-line-interface #web-server #web
  90. didp-yaml

    YAML interface for Dynamic Programming Description Language (DyPDL) and DyPDL solvers

    v0.8.0 1.1K #dynamic-programming #programming-language #yaml #yaml-config #solver #modeling #dy-pdl
  91. cepler

    (Capricious Environment Propagator)-ler

    v0.7.15 210 #environment #yaml #config-file #state #propagator #multiple #help
  92. merde_yaml

    YAML deserialization for merde

    v10.0.1 280 #yaml #serialization #deserialize
  93. recast

    Transforms one serialization format into another

    v0.2.1 #query-string #json-toml #yaml #json #toml #csv #input-file
  94. dock_sprout

    Rust CLI tool to bring up or down multiple docker-compose files from a parent directory

    v1.0.3 370 #docker-compose #docker #up #multiple #directory #yaml #command-line-tool
  95. gorder

    Calculating lipid order parameters from Gromacs simulations

    v0.5.0 110 #order #yaml #gromacs #molecular-dynamics #lipids #csv #nmr
  96. gvas2json

    Convert between GVAS and JSON or YAML

    v0.4.0 #yaml #json #gvas #json-toml #format-json #unreal-engine #convert
  97. essential-asm-spec

    Parses Essential assembly specification yaml

    v0.6.0 150 #assembly #specification #yaml #yaml-parser #operation #language #group
  98. konfig-rust

    providing a simple way to cnteralized config management in your codebase

    v0.1.1 #configuration #yaml #toml #json #config #format-json #configuration-management
  99. siena

    data provider agnostic ORM

    v3.2.1 110 #data-provider #orm #front-matter #yaml #database #data-store #markdown
  100. id_newtype

    Implements logic for a Cow<'static, str> newtype where only [A-Za-z0-9_] are valid characters

    v0.1.0 150 #error #yaml #serde-yaml #serde
  101. subscription_migrator

    migrate wso2 subs

    v0.1.3 #yaml #subscription #yaml-config #xml #api #migration #wso2
  102. kube-secrets-encoding

    Encode Kubernetes secrets for data and dataString

    v0.3.0 #secret #kubernetes #yaml #data #encode #data-string #containing
  103. kataru

    YAML-based dialogue engine for game development

    v0.1.14 #dialog #yaml #interactive #engine #system #character #yarn
  104. cdumay_context

    Context Manipulation and Export

    v1.1.2 150 #context #json #error #serialization #yaml #toml #btree-map
  105. merge-yaml-hash

    YAML Hash with merge/update capabilities

    v0.4.0 220 #yaml #hash-map #merge #capabilities #linked #value #linked-hash-map
  106. rox-cli

    Composable build tool inspired by Make

    v0.8.2 140 #build-tool #tasks #pipeline #workflow #yaml #composable #subcommand
  107. serde_yaml_bw

    YAML data format for Serde

    v1.0.2 100 #serde-yaml #yaml #serde #serialization
  108. yaml_error_context_hack

    Returns the serde_yaml error location and message to pass to miette

    v0.1.0 180 #error-context #error #serde-yaml #yaml #serde
  109. grpcmock

    gRPC server mocking for Rust

    v0.1.1 390 #mocking #grpc #grpc-server #response-body #grpc-mocking #request-body #yaml
  110. openapi_tools

    Tools for working with OpenAPI specs

    v0.5.1 130 #openapi #yaml #specification #specs #template #merge #openai
  111. yaml-hash

    Improved YAML Hash

    v0.4.4 #yaml #hash #hash-key #data #string #hashing #convert-string
  112. ssh-to-ansible

    convert a SSH configuration to an Ansible YAML inventory

    v0.4.0 #ssh #ansible #yaml #config-file #utility #development #yaml-config
  113. snipdoc

    Code Documentation Made Simple

    v0.1.12 260 #snippets #documentation #documentation-tool #yaml #parts #process #collect
  114. yara-x-proto-yaml

    converts protocol buffers into YAML

    v0.13.0 #yaml #buffer #protocols #yara #malware #pattern-matching #convert
  115. yaml_parser

    Semi-tolerant YAML concrete syntax tree parser

    v0.2.2 17K #syntax-tree #yaml #parser #ast-parser #concrete #parse-tree #cst
  116. lucifer-testing

    Illuminating CLI testing

    v1.0.0 #integration-testing #devops #integration #test-framework #ci-cd #yaml #testing-tools
  117. serde_yaml2

    Serde integration for yaml_rust2 crate

    v0.1.2 42K #serde-yaml #yaml #serialization #deserialize #serde #deserialization
  118. dependabot-generator

    Scans directories and generates a dependabot config based on found package manager files

    v1.0.1 230 #config-directory #package-manager #generate #scan #found #dependabot #yaml
  119. sdf-parser-package

    Core parser for the sdf pkg YAML

    v0.12.0 2.6K #sdf #pkg #parser #yaml
  120. yaml-schema

    A YAML schema validator

    v0.5.1 #yaml #schema-validation #json-schema #specification #file #command #string
  121. zinn

    Manage build jobs for projects in YAML files

    v0.2.1 #build #yaml #job #template-engine #file #tracking #projects
  122. demes


    v0.6.0 #yaml #simulation #population-genetics #specification #genetic #epoch #deme
  123. starbase_utils

    General fs, io, serde, net, etc, utilities

    v0.11.1 4.0K #utilities #json #io #yaml #serde-json #file-io #operations
  124. foliot

    time tracking tool to keep track of your working or studying time

    v0.5.0 #time-tracking #yaml #timer #tool #namespaces #track #data
  125. termite-dmg

    Termite Data Model Generator is a crate meant to generate boiler plate code for data models

    v0.1.1 #data-model #json #yaml #json-file #generator #header #enums
  126. yaml-validator-cli

    A command-line interface to the yaml-validator library

    v0.1.1 #yaml #schema-validation #schema #validation #command-line-interface #uri #yaml-validator
  127. gh-token

    Deserialize gh cli's GitHub token from ~/.config/gh/hosts.yml

    v0.1.7 370 #github #token #github-api #yaml #gh #authentication #graphql
  128. datum

    Terse, human-writable data format

    v1.1.0 #data #format #yaml #serde #language #readable #problem
  129. saphyr-parser

    A fully YAML 1.2 compliant YAML library

    v0.0.3 12K #yaml-parser #yaml #parser #compliant #pure #saphyr
  130. mcps

    A command-line tool for running Monte Carlo simulations on project schedules

    v0.3.0 #monte-carlo #monte #carlo #estimation #schedules #yaml #project
  131. pre-commit-sort

    Sort pre-commit files

    v0.4.0 330 #pre-commit #yaml #ci #serialization #serde #serde-yaml
  132. markdown_minder

    A CLI tool for saving content to markdown with YAML frontmatter support

    v0.2.0 #markdown #yaml #command-line-arguments #generate-markdown #command-line-tool #command-line-interface #cli
  133. jf

    A small utility to safely format and print JSON objects in the commandline

    v0.6.2 380 #json #json-object #json-format #command-line #yaml
  134. senpy-cli

    Command-line interface to The Senpy Club API

    v0.1.2 120 #senpy #anime #rust #json-file #yaml #command-line-interface
  135. jyt

    A tridirectional converter between Json, Yaml, and Toml

    v0.3.0 220 #json-toml #yaml #convert-json #converter #tridirectional
  136. specimen

    A data-driven testing library as well as a yaml data format

    v0.1.0 100 #yaml #specification #testing
  137. syt

    Hackish things for serde_yml

    v0.1.0 110 #yaml #serde-yaml #serde #comments #lazy-evaluation #append #docs
  138. sqlplannertest

    A yaml-based SQL planner test framework

    v0.4.1 #test-framework #sql-database #sql #planner #yaml #database #test-cases
  139. standard-error

    simplifies returning meaningful errors for axum services

    v0.1.7 330 #error-message #web-framework #web-apps #axum #yaml #locale #structured
  140. citrus-cli

    task managing tool that can be configured with YAML files

    v0.1.10 #yaml #task-manager #command-line-tool #citrus #configured #jobs #projects
  141. diff-to-html

    html diff to html

    v0.2.2 #html #diff #yaml
  142. prdoc


    v0.0.7 #pull-request #json-schema #documentation #documentation-tool #yaml #parity #command-line-tool
  143. clash-rs-config

    a clash yaml config parser

    v0.1.2 #clash #yaml #yaml-config #config-parser
  144. sdf-parser-df

    Core parser for the sdf YAML

    v0.10.0 380 #parser #sdf #yaml
  145. mem-yaml

    Anki's alternative for who hates GUI and mouse clicks

    v0.1.0-alpha #mouse #who #anki #click #hates #mem #yaml
  146. zng-ext-config

    Part of the zng project

    v0.5.0 550 #gui-framework #zng #cross-platform-gui #user-interface #ui #gui #yaml
  147. nightrunner_lib

    A parser library for making text adventure games

    v0.3.1 #game-engine #parser #config-parser #yaml #engine #parsing #text-input
  148. pdf_composer

    Create PDF documents from YAML Front Matter source documents

    v0.3.0 #front-matter #pdf #yaml #document #generation #markdown #source
  149. minicount

    A small refund application

    v0.2.3 #yaml #expense #applications #group #refund #tricount #file
  150. action-validator

    Validator for GitHub action and workflow YAML files

    v0.6.0 210 #github-action #json-schema #schema-validation #yaml #workflow #git-hook #pre-commit
  151. ryml

    Parse YAML and do it fast: Rapid YAML bindings for Rust

    v0.3.2 420 #yaml-parser #yaml #bindings #safe-bindings #ffi #rapidyaml
  152. matterhorn

    A lenient front matter parsing crate that supports files prefixed with YAML, JSON, and TOML front matter

    v0.1.4 310 #front-matter #json-toml #toml-parser #yaml #json-parser #lenient #prefixed
  153. glossa

    A language localisation library

    v0.0.1-alpha.10 #localization #language #yaml #name #filename #config-file #toml
  154. syml

    configuration language similar to YAML, but may be more user-friendly

    v0.4.0 650 #configuration-language #serialization #yaml #serde
  155. tinted-builder

    A Tinted Theming template builder which uses yaml color schemes to generate theme files

    v0.8.0 #base-16 #color-scheme #yaml #render-template #base24 #tinted-theming #base16
  156. yamson

    convert YAML to JSON and vice versa

    v1.0.1 #convert-json #yaml #converter #vice #json-to-yaml #yaml-to-json
  157. lorikeet

    a parallel test runner for devops

    v0.14.0 #test-runner #devops #parallel-testing #http-request #step #yaml #integration-testing
  158. yexp

    small tool for expand yaml files

    v0.2.2 #yaml #tool #expand #cli
  159. prdoclib


    v0.0.7 #documentation #pull-request #parity #json-schema #yaml #cli
  160. bt_yaml_utils

    Basic YAML reader operations

    v0.1.1 230 #yaml #read #file-read #file
  161. swagstract

    extract a subset of OpenAPI 3.* spec from yaml files

    v0.1.6 #open-api #extract #specification #yaml #swagger #subset #operation
  162. jty-converter

    command-line tool built in Rust for effortlessly converting between JSON, TOML, and YAML file formats

    v0.1.2 #json-toml #file-format #yaml #format-conversion #convert-json #toml #json
  163. resymgen

    Generates symbol tables for reverse engineering applications from a YAML specification

    v0.6.0 #symbol-table #reverse-engineering #yaml #yaml-config #binary #version #different
  164. libfyaml-sys

    Rust binding for libfyaml

    v0.2.9+fy0.8.0 900 #yaml #binding #libfyaml #api-bindings
  165. clotho

    A minimal AWS sigv4 verification library

    v0.1.4 #aws #proxy #security #aws-access #api-access #yaml
  166. slo-converter

    A command line tool that can convert particular YAML schemas to Terraform HCL while also providing support for mustache templating

    v1.4.0 #yaml #terraform #hcl #schema #mustache #templating #converter
  167. cfgrs

    CLI helper tool for converting between configuration formats

    v0.3.2 140 #configuration #config-format #cli-config #yaml #command-line-tool #toml #json-toml
  168. ktmpl

    Parameterized templates for Kubernetes manifests

    v0.9.1 #kubernetes #template #yaml #parameters #manifests #parameterized #secret
  169. yaml

    LibYAML binding for Rust

    v0.3.0 170 #yaml-parser #libyaml #binding #lib-yaml #memory
  170. dml-tools

    DML generation and serialization from/to code or YAML files

    v0.2.1 280 #sql-database #database-schema #yaml #dml #database #sql #generator
  171. hoconvert

    CLI tool to convert HOCON into valid JSON or YAML

    v1.0.0 #yaml #json #hocon #converter #command-line-tool #cli
  172. mkvdump

    MKV and WebM parser CLI tool

    v0.6.0 120 #webm #matroska #mkv #ebml #yaml #command-line-tool #json-file
  173. Hela

    in running Static Code Analysis (SCA), Static Application Security Testing (SAST), Secret scanning, and License compliance scanning on your project. It also allows you to write your…

    v0.1.4 #hela #security-testing #static-analysis #security #yaml #sast #cybersecurity #sca
  174. matter

    Universal frontmatter parser

    v0.1.0-alpha4 5.3K #json-toml #front-matter #yaml #toml #toml-parser #frontmatter #json
  175. rust_ledger

    CLI accounting tool

    v0.8.0 #yaml #accounting #budget #finance #file-format #command-line #iso-4217
  176. Multi-env

    An elegant banner library that enhances project launches with eye-catching terminal displays and helpful assistance

    v0.0.3 #multi-env #env #branch #yaml #env-var #variables #display #elegant
  177. yarn-state

    Parser for .yarn-state.yml files

    v0.1.2 #yaml #parser #documentation
  178. pdf_composer_definitions

    PDF Composer definitions crate

    v0.3.0 #front-matter #pdf #yaml #markdown #composer #generate
  179. tsu

    Toml encoding and decoding utilities,parse to toml,convert-json-to-toml,convert-toml-to-json,convert toml to yaml,convert-yaml-to-toml

    v1.0.1 #json-toml #toml #convert-json #toml-parser #yaml #json #codec
  180. specimen__focustree

    A tree traversal algorithm for extracting focused nodes

    v0.1.0 #specimen #node #yaml #tree-node #data #flags #testing
  181. yaml-validator

    validating YAML against YAML-defined schemas

    v0.2.0 #yaml #schema-validation #schema #validation #yaml-defined
  182. decomp_settings

    reading the decomp.yaml settings file

    v0.0.7 #settings #target-file #yaml #metadata #read #decompilation #decomp
  183. yao

    a fast, tiny, extensiable workflow engine

    v0.1.4 #workflow-engine #workflow #yaml #model #step #user #branch
  184. libyaml-safer

    Safer libyaml port, based on unsafe-libyaml

    v0.1.1 120 #yaml #safe #safer #libyaml #port #unsafe-libyaml #idiomatic
  185. yaml-split

    iterator over individual YAML documents in a YAML file or stream

    v0.4.0 110 #yaml #document #file #stream #iterator #individual #serde-yaml
  186. lace_codebook

    Contains the Lace codebook specification as well as utilities for generating defaults

    v0.7.0 750 #lace #specification #data #codebook #default #utilities #yaml
  187. mom-task

    Task runner for teams and individuals

    v1.3.0 #task-runner #task #command-line #yaml #runner #command #subcommand
  188. find-semantic-release-config

    locate a project's semantic-release configuration

    v1.0.8 220 #config-file #json-file #yaml #semantic-release #config #locate #package-json
  189. pnpm-extra

    A mall CLI tool that adds some pnpm commands I want

    v0.1.1 #pnpm #workspace #tree #command-line-tool #catalog #yaml #add
  190. parity-prdoc

    prdoc is a tool for structured pull request annotation, useful for rich changelog generation

    v0.1.1 #pull-request #json-schema #documentation #documentation-tool #yaml #parity #yaml-config
  191. specimen__writable

    A helper type to help test the output writte to stdout by some code

    v0.1.0 100 #specimen #yaml #data #testing #python #output #js
  192. serde_yaml

    YAML data format for Serde

    v0.9.34+deprecated 3.7M #yaml #serde #serialization #file-format
  193. dd-manifest-tree

    unify the 'Value' tree types of json, yaml and toml

    v1.0.0 320 #value #toml #yaml #json-toml #json
  194. datafile-test

    Generate test codes for data-file (JSON, YAML)

    v0.1.0 120 #data-file #yaml #json #generate #test-cases #datafile #i32
  195. specimen__yaml

    A modified version of yaml-rust to keep line and column numbers in the parsed data

    v0.1.0 #yaml #data #specimen #testing #python #string #parsed
  196. cpclib-bndbuild

    Amstrad CPC project builder. Biased towards basm, but can still work with any tool

    v0.7.0 230 #amstrad-cpc #builder #build-tool #yaml #basm #cpclib #file-format
  197. rjc

    rjc converts the output of many commands, file-types, and strings to JSON, YAML, or TOML

    v0.2.3 #command-output #toml #yaml #json #json-parser #convert-json #command-line
  198. tricorder

    Automation, the KISS way, no YAML involved

    v0.10.0 #automation #ssh #task-management #yaml #kiss #host #declarative
  199. fronma

    Front Matter parser

    v0.2.0 #front-matter #parser #yaml
  200. ke

    Half make

    v0.1.4 #yaml #half #ke
  201. specimen__multistringmap

    An algorithm to compute cross products of multiple arrays

    v0.1.0 100 #specimen #yaml #data #multiple #testing #python #js
  202. config_to_rs

    Convert config files to Rust code

    v0.2.2 #yaml #config #path #convert #relative-path #array #recurse
  203. yamlate

    A cross-language interpreter library that dynamically evaluates YAML attributes given variable bindings

    v0.1.1 #yaml #interpreter #variables #evaluate #dynamically #attributes #cross-language
  204. palette-cli

    CLI tool to visualize color palettes

    v0.3.0 #color-palette #palette #graphics #visualization #color #command-line-tool #yaml
  205. dotfilers

    Dotfile management utility written in Rust

    v0.0.6 #directory #config-file #dotfile #yaml #configuration-management #file-management #file-utility
  206. frontmatter

    A Fairly Trivial Wrapper for yaml-rust to Extract Frontmatter from a String Slice

    v0.4.0 400 #extract #slice #yaml #string #fairly #trivial #line
  207. ry

    yaml searching

    v0.1.1 #yaml #search #path #matching #length #yq #filtering
  208. libyaml

    High-level bindings for the LibYAML library

    v0.2.0 #yaml #bindings #api-bindings #document #unsafe-libyaml #version
  209. yage

    manage encrypted secrets in YAML files with age encryption

    v0.5.0 #yaml #secret #file-encryption #secret-key #encryption #encryption-decryption #age
  210. rusty-ci

    generate buildbot projects from a YAML file

    v0.9.6 200 #yaml #continuous-integration #yaml-config #ci #projects #worker #buildbot
  211. postman2openapi-cli

    Convert a Postman collection to an OpenAPI definition

    v1.2.1 #postman #open-api #collection #definition #yaml #convert #postman2openapi
  212. a0

    generate structs and their values from external data

    v0.0.4 #generate #yaml #configuration #proc-macro #structs #toml #json
  213. arb

    Localize flutter apps with DeepL AI translations

    v0.1.0 #localization #translation #flutter #deep-l #command-line #command-line-tool #yaml
  214. serde_any

    Dynamic serialization and deserialization with the format chosen at runtime

    v0.5.0 500 #serialization #json-toml #serde #format-file #yaml #toml #json
  215. qpml

    Query Plan Markup Language (QPML)

    v0.14.0 #markup-language #query #plan #query-language #substrait #yaml #diagram
  216. sdf-parser-host

    Host binding for YAML parser

    v0.10.0 370 #host #parser #bindings #yaml #yaml-parser
  217. raui-yaml-renderer

    RAUI renderer for YAML format

    v0.41.0 140 #ui #renderer #yaml #renderer-agnostic #rendering-engine #gamedev #agnostic
  218. maid-sweeprs

    Call a maid to label old files and sweep them under the rug

    v0.5.1 #file #mongo-db #file-processing #directory #tags #maid #yaml
  219. capter

    lightweight end-to-end testing tool for APIs

    v1.0.0-alpha.35 #api #yaml #qa #nodejs #cron-job #cli
  220. yaml-adapter

    a adapter which reads yaml format policy file for casbin repo

    v1.0.0 #yaml #casbin #policy #adapter #authorization #file #rbac
  221. runcc

    run commands concurrently with rust and cargo

    v2.0.3 #parallel #cargo-toml #concurrency #command #run-command #yaml #concurrently
  222. aws_imagebuilder_component

    Types for the AWS ImageBuilder component yaml definition

    v0.1.0 #component #yaml #definition #aws #image-builder
  223. vmadm

    Administer virtual machines in local libvirt

    v0.4.1 #virtual-machine #host #image #certificate #yaml #specification #disk-image
  224. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  225. pdf_composer_base

    PDF Composer base functionality crate

    v0.3.0 #pdf #yaml #front-matter #markdown #composer #generate
  226. cargo-remark

    Cargo subcommand for displaying LLVM optimization remarks from compiling Rust programs

    v0.1.2 #optimization #llvm #cargo #remarks #cargo-subcommand #remark #yaml
  227. yaml-patcher

    A cli tool to apply patches to YAML files

    v0.1.1 #yaml #patch #patch-file #value #change #patcher #apply
  228. bookkeep

    A janky YAML based accounting application

    v0.2.0 #accounting #yaml #applications #ed #syntax-highlighting #janky #editor
  229. curlz

    curl wrapper with placeholder, bookmark and environment powers just like postman

    v0.1.0-alpha.12 #curl #bookmark #environment #header #yaml #jwt #http
  230. yaml-navigator

    writing and running queries against YAML

    v0.2.1 650 #yaml #serde-yaml #data #syntax #query #jq #extracting
  231. docker-compose-runner

    A small helper for running docker-compose.yaml files

    v0.3.1 180 #docker-compose #yaml #helper
  232. gendoc

    document generator from yaml template

    v0.4.1 #yaml #template #document #generator #file #filename #body
  233. tera-cli

    Tera CLI for one-off template interpolation from context file / env vars

    v0.5.0 #tera-templates #template #toml #context #yaml #interpolation #variables
  234. libslug

    Cryptography Intended For Slug20 That Supports X59 Certificate Format and Post-Quantum Cryptography

    v0.2.0 120 #encryption #signature #digest #cryptography #post-quantum-cryptography #crypto #yaml
  235. iso8583_rs

    define/parse/assemble and send/receive (via TCP) an ISO8583 message

    v0.1.10 #iso8583 #mac #pin #crypto #parser #yaml #message-format
  236. yquery

    yaml-query command-line utility based on the idea of jquery

    v0.1.1 #search-query #yaml #query #command-line-tool #tool #file-search #find
  237. playbook

    YAML driven Docker DevOps

    v0.4.2 #yaml #container #language #devops #driven #step #docker
  238. substrait-expr-funcgen

    automatically generating code from Substrait YAML files

    v0.2.3 800 #substrait #yaml #generate #automatic
  239. rustack-launcher

    developing application launchers. It uses a single TOML configuration file to automatically transform it into .env and YAML files. This library also allows you to easily switch between Docker Compose and Podman Compose.

    v0.1.0 #toml-config #launcher #config-file #yaml #connfig-generator #personal-project #app-launcher
  240. nacha

    parse NACHA files

    v1.5.0 240 #cli #parse #file #yaml #json
  241. onlang

    A programming language running on json or yaml

    v0.6.0 #yaml #json5 #programming-language #interpreter #json
  242. terender

    Render tera templates from data files

    v0.1.3 #tera-templates #json-toml #template #data #data-file #yaml #render
  243. aq-cli

    Extend jq for any data format

    v0.3.0 #json-toml #yaml #toml #json #query #format-json #cli
  244. tomlyre-cli

    This CLI utility facilitates effortless manipulation and exploration of TOML, YAML, JSON and RON files

    v0.0.1-beta.1 #themes #yaml #toml #ron #configuration #config-file #json-toml
  245. yamine

    CLI for combining json and yaml files

    v0.4.2 #yaml #json #json-file #json-format #combine #kubernetes #combining