
  1. axum

    Web framework that focuses on ergonomics and modularity

    v0.8.1 6.9M #web-framework #web-apps #http-router #web #framework #http
  2. handlebars

    templating implemented in Rust

    v6.3.1 1.8M #template-engine #templating #html-templating #render-template #web #web-framework #helper
  3. axum-core

    Core types and traits for axum

    v0.5.0 6.9M #web-framework #web #http #framework
  4. actix-web

    Actix Web is a powerful, pragmatic, and extremely fast web framework for Rust

    v4.9.0 1.3M #web-framework #async-http #websocket #async #web
  5. actix-cors

    Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) controls for Actix Web

    v0.7.0 410K #security #actix-web #cross-origin #cors #web #web-server #web-framework
  6. leptos

    full-stack, isomorphic Rust web framework leveraging fine-grained reactivity to build declarative user interfaces

    v0.7.7 61K #web-framework #user-interface #declarative-ui #full-stack #isomorphic #web-ui #web-apps
  7. rocket

    Web framework with a focus on usability, security, extensibility, and speed

    v0.5.1 183K #web-framework #rocket-web #web-server #web #build-web #server
  8. salvo

    powerful web framework that can make your work easier

    v0.76.2 220K #web-framework #async-http #web-server #async #http-server #openapi #web-services
  9. dioxus

    Build fullstack web, desktop, and mobile apps with a single codebase

    v0.6.3 28K #ui-framework #cross-platform-ui #ui-component #gui #desktop #mobile #web-framework
  10. actix-session

    Session management for Actix Web

    v0.10.1 64K #session-management #web-apps #session #web-framework #web #session-cookies #http
  11. actix-ws

    WebSockets for Actix Web, without actors

    v0.3.0 93K #actix-web #websocket #websockets #streaming #actix-actor #actix #web-framework
  12. axum-extra

    Extra utilities for axum

    v0.10.0 789K #web-framework #web #http #framework
  13. actix-web-httpauth

    HTTP authentication schemes for Actix Web

    v0.8.2 128K #security #web-framework #web #http #authentication #actix-web-middleware #authorization-header
  14. salvo-serde-util

    serde util for salvo

    v0.76.2 204K #web-framework #async #openapi #swagger #http
  15. okapi

    Structs for OpenAPI (AKA Swagger) documents

    v0.7.0 50K #swagger-ui #openapi #swagger #documentation-generator #web-api #web-framework #rocket-web
  16. poem

    full-featured and easy-to-use web framework with the Rust programming language

    v3.1.7 79K #web-framework #poem-web #async #web-server #async-http #web #tower-layer
  17. axum-valid

    validation extractors for your Axum application, allowing you to validate data using validator, garde, validify or all of them

    v0.23.0 7.4K #axum #validation #web-framework #web-apps #validator #extractor #garde
  18. rouille

    High-level idiomatic web framework

    v3.6.2 157K #web-framework #http-request #rest #http-server #web #framework #http
  19. webauthn-rs

    Webauthn Framework for Rust Web Servers

    v0.5.1 27K #webauthn #web-server #authentication #passkeys #web-framework
  20. leptos_router

    Router for the Leptos web framework

    v0.7.7 50K #leptos #web-framework #isomorphic #web-apps #reactive #full-stack #declarative-ui
  21. actix-web-lab

    In-progress extractors and middleware for Actix Web

    v0.23.0 101K #actix-web #actix-web-middleware #web-framework #http-middleware #async #async-http #actix-middleware
  22. axum-streams

    HTTP body streaming support for Axum: json/csv/protobuf/arrow/txt

    v0.20.0 8.9K #http-response #web-framework #http-body #json-stream #web #stream #http
  23. yew-hooks

    Hooks for the Yew web framework, inspired by react hook libs like streamich/react-use and alibaba/hooks

    v0.3.3 8.8K #yew-prelude #hook #yew #yew-web #web-framework #react #wasm
  24. utoipa-swagger-ui

    Swagger UI for utoipa

    v9.0.0 265K #swagger-ui #web-framework #documentation #web-ui #openapi #web-server #ui-framework
  25. roadster

    A "Batteries Included" web framework for rust designed to get you moving fast

    v0.7.0-beta 1.5K #web-framework #grpc #grpc-api #web #http-api #sea-orm #web-server
  26. server_fn

    RPC for any web framework

    v0.7.7 81K #web-framework #leptos #rpc #web-apps #declarative-ui #isomorphic #full-stack
  27. sauron

    A versatile web framework and library for building client-side and/or server-side web applications

    v0.70.0 5.8K #web-apps #web-framework #server-side-rendering #web #html #dom #web-components
  28. leptosfmt

    view macro formatter CLI for the Leptos web framework

    v0.1.33 3.3K #web-framework #view #formatter #macro #format-file #directory #file-format
  29. ohkami

    Build web app in intuitive and declarative code

    v0.23.2 500 #web-framework #web-server #server-framework #async-http #async #server #web-api
  30. trillium

    a modular toolkit for building async web apps

    v0.2.20 4.3K #web-apps #async #web-framework #toolkit #modular #applications #framework
  31. noapi

    fullstack web framework [Axum + React], with the concept of Rust server actions, utilizes the type safety of Rust and TypeScript to make calls to server without APIs

    v0.1.43 650 #full-stack #react #axum #web-dev #server-api #web-framework #action
  32. actix-multipart

    Multipart form support for Actix Web

    v0.7.2 203K #web-framework #web-server #http-request #future #async-http #async #web
  33. picoserve

    An async no_std HTTP server suitable for bare-metal environments

    v0.15.0 1.9K #http-server #async-http #raspberry-pi-pico #server-sent-events #web-framework #websockets #json-response
  34. leptos_integration_utils

    help build server integrations for the Leptos web framework

    v0.7.7 34K #web-framework #web-server #web-apps #integration #isomorphic #ssr #applications
  35. yew-bootstrap

    Bootstrap 5 Components for Yew

    v0.11.1 1.3K #yew #yew-component #yew-web #bootstrap #web-components #web-apps #web-framework
  36. shuttle-runtime

    Runtime to run a service on the Shuttle platform (https://www.shuttle.dev)

    v0.52.0 22K #cloud #shuttle-service #deployment #run-time #platform #web-apps #web-framework
  37. via

    An async multi-threaded web framework for people who appreciate simplicity

    v2.0.0-rc.20 1.7K #web-framework #web-server #async #routing #parameters #response #minimalist
  38. poem-openapi

    OpenAPI support for Poem

    v5.1.8 59K #poem-web #openapi #swagger #proc-macro #async-api #web-framework #async-http
  39. salvo-cli

    Cli for the Salvo web framework, creates clean, easy-to-read code, saving you time for the more enjoyable aspects of life

    v0.2.0 210 #web-framework #salvo #template #cli-tool
  40. actix-web-flash-messages

    Flash messages for actix-web applications

    v0.5.0 6.2K #actix-web #web-apps #messages #web-framework #flash #notifications #error-message
  41. actix-analytics

    Monitoring and analytics for Actix web applications

    v1.2.0 900 #web-apps #actix-web #analytics #web-framework #dashboard #middleware #web-api
  42. rocket_okapi

    OpenAPI (AKA Swagger) document generation for Rocket applications

    v0.9.0 35K #rocket-web #documentation-generator #rocket #openapi #swagger #web-api #web-framework
  43. formulate

    standalone server that listens for web form data submissions

    v1.1.1 650 #send-email #rocket-web #env-vars #web-apps #web-framework #web-server #web-dev
  44. server_fn_macro

    RPC for any web framework

    v0.7.7 80K #web-framework #leptos #rpc #web-apps #isomorphic #rpc-framework #reactive
  45. actix-identity

    Identity management for Actix Web

    v0.8.0 20K #actix-web #identity-management #session-management #security #user-identity #web-framework #user-management
  46. axum-otel-metrics

    axum OpenTelemetry metrics middleware with prometheus exporter

    v0.10.0 4.0K #metrics-exporter #prometheus-exporter #open-telemetry #prometheus-metrics #axum #web-framework #http
  47. teo

    Schema-driven web server framework

    v0.3.9 11K #web-server #web-framework #server-framework #web-api #nodejs #orm #python
  48. tower-livereload

    A LiveReload middleware built on top of tower

    v0.9.6 6.5K #live-reload #web #tower #tower-middleware #web-framework #axum #tower-http
  49. oasgen

    Generates OpenAPI 3.0 spec based on Rust code. Works with axum, actix-web, or independent of a web framework.

    v0.25.0 900 #web-framework #open-api #actix-web #spec #openapi-generator #axum #generate
  50. leptos_hot_reload

    types used for dev mode and hot-reloading for the Leptos web framework

    v0.7.7 61K #web-framework #hot-reloading #web-apps #web-dev #reactivity #isomorphic #mode
  51. torrust-tracker

    A feature rich BitTorrent tracker

    v3.0.0 #tracker #bittorrent #file-sharing #p2p #web-framework #torrent
  52. leptos_server

    RPC for the Leptos web framework

    v0.7.7 63K #web-framework #leptos #rpc #user-interface #web-apps #isomorphic #declarative
  53. pagetop

    Un entorno de desarrollo para crear soluciones web modulares, extensibles y configurables

    v0.0.61 #web-framework #ssr #front-end #frontend-framework #html-css #framework #web
  54. gotham

    A flexible web framework that promotes stability, safety, security and speed

    v0.7.4 4.2K #web-framework #web-apps #web-server #web #build-web #hyper-http #http
  55. gumbo

    Best of the best rust projects all mixed together into a website framework

    v0.1.14 300 #web-framework #web #actix-web #generator #tool #template-generator #website-generator
  56. encre-css

    A TailwindCSS-compatible utility-first CSS generation library written in Rust

    v0.14.1 #tailwind-css #tailwind #css #compiler #web-framework
  57. respo

    a tiny virtual DOM library migrated from ClojureScript

    v0.1.15 #virtual-dom #web-framework #clojurescript #tiny #hmr #wasm-framework #dynamic
  58. salvo_extra

    Salvo is a powerful web framework that can make your work easier

    v0.76.2 16K #web-framework #async-http #async #http-server #framework #web #openapi
  59. topgg

    The official Rust wrapper for the Top.gg API

    v1.4.2 #discord-bot #bot-api #bot #discord #api-bindings #discord-api #web-framework
  60. leptos_icons

    Component library providing a variety of icons for the leptos web framework

    v0.5.0 3.7K #icons #leptos #web-framework #svg-icons #component
  61. rustyroad

    Road is a framework written in Rust that is based on Ruby on Rails. It is designed to provide the familiar conventions and ease of use of Ruby on Rails, while also taking advantage…

    v1.0.17-alpha 160 #web-framework #web-apps #web #rails #build-web #ruby #framework
  62. leptos-fluent

    Fluent framework for internationalization of Leptos applications

    v0.2.3 1.5K #leptos #fluent #web-framework #internationalization #localization #web-apps #actix-web
  63. sqlpage

    Build data user interfaces entirely in SQL. A web server that takes .sql files and formats the query result using pre-made configurable professional-looking components.

    v0.33.1 180 #web-framework #sql-query #sql #web #web-server #sql-database #build-web
  64. utoipa-rapidoc

    RapiDoc for utoipa

    v6.0.0 68K #documentation #openapi #web-framework #specification #rapidoc #resources
  65. nervemq-actix-session

    Session management for Actix Web

    v0.10.2 #session #session-management #session-cookies #web #web-framework #framework #http
  66. problem_details

    RFC 9457 / RFC 7807 problem details for HTTP APIs

    v0.8.0 4.1K #http-api #api-error #error-response #json-error #http #web-framework #poem-web
  67. cot

    web framework for lazy developers

    v0.1.4 370 #web-framework #framework #back-end #database-migrations #web #server
  68. rustgram

    A fast server framework for hyper with app builder from yml file

    v0.2.1 550 #http-server #yaml #middleware #routes #hyper #hyper-http #web-framework
  69. capacitor_bindings

    Capactior bindings to help you build android and ios apps with rust

    v0.12.2 #mobile #capacitor #web-apps #bindings #web #web-framework #app
  70. actix-http

    HTTP types and services for the Actix ecosystem

    v3.9.0 1.3M #web-framework #framework #async-http #http-server #async #future #http-header
  71. mendes

    Rust web toolkit for impatient perfectionists

    v0.9.4 #http-server #web-framework #async-http #web #http #async
  72. workflow-rs

    Rust application development framework for native and web applications

    v0.18.0 1.9K #wasm-framework #rpc-framework #websocket #rpc #web-apps #html #web-framework
  73. nidrs

    web framework based on axum and tokio

    v0.4.0 130 #web-framework #axum #http-server #web #framework #web-apps #functional-reactive-programming
  74. utoipa-redoc

    Redoc for utoipa

    v6.0.0 64K #documentation #web-framework #redoc #openapi #rocket-web #rocket-framework
  75. encre-css-cli

    A TailwindCSS-compatible utility-first CSS generation library written in Rust

    v0.14.1 440 #tailwind #css #css-class #command-line #compiler #command-line-interface #web-framework
  76. pavex

    A framework for building API services and web applications in Rust

    v0.1.78 1.0K #web-apps #web-framework #web #api-service #web-services #http #web-api
  77. actix-router

    Resource path matching and router

    v0.5.3 1.3M #routing #web-framework #router #actix
  78. rocket_http

    Types, traits, and parsers for HTTP requests, responses, and headers

    v0.5.1 174K #http-request #rocket-web #http-response #http #response-headers #web-framework #http-parser
  79. nanoservices-utils

    A collection of utilities for nanoservices

    v0.2.1 5.9K #web-server #web-framework #actix-web #nanoservices #utilities #rocket #axum
  80. sledgehammer_bindgen

    Fast batched js bindings

    v0.6.0 22K #dom #web #wasm #web-framework #wasm-bindings #api-bindings
  81. spring

    Rust microservice framework like spring boot in java

    v0.3.1 #spring-boot #microservices #applications #plugin #component #web-framework #java
  82. salvo-craft

    Salvo Handler modular craft

    v0.76.2 57K #web-server #web-framework #http-server #web #async #server #http
  83. ohkami_openapi

    OpenAPI types for Ohkami - intuitive and declarative web framework

    v0.23.2 370 #async #server #server-framework #web-framework #async-http #web-server #web
  84. leptos_config

    Configuration for the Leptos web framework

    v0.7.7 63K #leptos #web-framework #isomorphic #declarative-ui #reactive #build #reactivity
  85. gotham_restful

    RESTful additions for the gotham web framework

    v0.9.0 140 #restful #web-framework #gotham #rest #web #jwt #http
  86. rohanasan

    An extremely fast backend framework for rust! Built from scratch using tokio, easy to use and asynchronous. Available for multiple programming languages and cross-platform.

    v0.5.47 2.8K #http-server #backend #asynchronous-programming #web-framework #backend-web #framework #server
  87. viz

    Fast, robust, flexible, lightweight web framework for Rust

    v0.10.0 410 #web-framework #async #http-service #service #tower-service #web-services #async-http
  88. shuttle-service

    The core traits for running services on Shuttle (shuttle.dev)

    v0.52.0 23K #deployment #web-framework #shuttle #devops #service #paas #infrastructure
  89. kvarn

    A forward-thinking fast web server designed to fit your needs, efficiently

    v0.6.3 #web-server #web-apps #web-framework #web-application #web #server-framework #search-engine
  90. actix-cloud

    Actix Cloud is an all-in-one web framework based on Actix Web

    v0.4.12 300 #web-framework #async-http #actix-web #async #web-apps #framework #web
  91. input_yew

    A feature-rich, accessible, highly customizable, functional, reusable input component for the Yew framework

    v0.2.0 #yew #input #yew-web #web-ui #ui-component #yew-component #web-framework
  92. racoon

    fast, fully customizable web framework for Rust focusing on simplicity

    v0.1.9 410 #web-framework #framework #web #http #websocket
  93. syn-args

    parsing function arguments

    v0.4.1 #string-parser #string-pattern #syn #parameters #pattern-matching #def #web-framework
  94. actix-files

    Static file serving for Actix Web

    v0.6.6 228K #file-serving #static-file #async-http #http-file #async #web-framework #future
  95. silent

    Web Framework

    v2.2.1 140 #web-framework #websocket #web #grpc
  96. shuttle-common

    Common library for the Shuttle platform (shuttle.dev)

    v0.52.0 25K #deployment #platform #shuttle #paas #web-framework #devops #back-end
  97. ruts

    A middleware for tower sessions

    v0.5.6 750 #session-management #tower-sessions #session-store #web-framework #session #session-middleware #cookie
  98. actix-test

    Integration testing tools for Actix Web applications

    v0.1.5 27K #integration-tests #web-apps #web-framework #framework #async #future #web-server
  99. axum-serde

    multiple serde-based extractors / responses for the Axum web framework, also offers a macro to easily customize extractors / responses

    v0.8.1 600 #axum #response #web-framework #extractor #serde #customization
  100. workflow-core

    curated re-exports for async rust native and browser development

    v0.18.0 2.3K #browser #channel #bounded-channel #nodejs #wasm #macro-derive #web-framework
  101. ngyn

    Modular backend framework for web applications

    v0.5.4 150 #web-apps #web-server #web-framework #back-end #applications #hyper-server
  102. leptos_reactive

    Reactive system for the Leptos web framework

    v0.7.0-preview2 41K #reactive #signal #web-framework #run-time #value #effect #web-apps
  103. rocket-governor

    Governor rate limiter for Rocket

    v0.2.0-rc.4 450 #rocket-web #rate-limiting #rocket #rate-limit #web-apps #web-framework #web-request
  104. volga

    Easy & Fast Web Framework for Rust

    v0.5.4 900 #web-framework #server #web-server #web #framework #request-handler #http
  105. leptos_i18n

    Translations integration helper for the Leptos web framework

    v0.5.8 1.6K #web-framework #internationalization #translation #locale #web-apps #component #applications
  106. hypers

    web framework based on hyper 1.0

    v0.14.1 3.5K #web-framework #hyper #spring-boot #framework #web #openapi #gin
  107. penguin-app

    Dev server with auto-reload, static file server, proxy support, and more. Language and framework agnostic. This is the CLI app, but Penguin exists as a library, too.

    v0.2.6 #static-file #file-server #dev-server #proxy-server #web-dev #web-framework #web-apps
  108. apexcharts-rs

    Rust WASM bindings and chart components for ApexCharts

    v0.1.10 270 #visualization #apexcharts #leptos-charts #wasm-charts #web-framework #yew-charts
  109. askama_web

    A compatibility add-on for Askama to support many different web frameworks

    v0.0.1-pre.0 #template #web-framework #markup #jinja2 #html
  110. rust-xfinal

    A safe and simplely used web server framework

    v0.8.37 1.5K #web-server #web-framework #server-framework #performance #safe #web-performance #data
  111. argan

    A web framework for Rust

    v0.1.2 #web-framework #server-sent-events #http-server #server #websocket #http-middleware #http-request
  112. gprs

    A set of filtered and optimized Rust libraries creates a foundation for building modern web frameworks

    v1.1.0 1.1K #task #async-await #run-time #await #template #web-framework #async
  113. zino

    Next-generation framework for composable applications in Rust

    v0.33.0 340 #web-apps #web-framework #cron-job #web #http #framework #jwt
  114. leptos_meta

    Tools to set HTML metadata in the Leptos web framework

    v0.7.7 46K #web-framework #metadata #html #web-apps #meta #server-side-rendering #tags
  115. silkenweb

    building web apps

    v0.9.0 120 #web-apps #server-side-rendering #web-framework #dom #reactive #html #browser
  116. perseus

    A lightning-fast frontend web dev platform with full support for SSR and SSG

    v0.4.2 260 #web-frontend #web-framework #front-end #ssr #web-dev #ssg #frontend-framework
  117. afire

    🔥 A blazing fast web framework for Rust

    v3.0.0-alpha.3 370 #web-framework #web-server #micro-framework #http
  118. tardis

    Elegant, clean Rust development framework

    v0.1.0-rc.17 #web-services #database-client #database #web-framework #redis #object-storage #mq
  119. ntex-identity

    Identity service for ntex web framework

    v2.0.0 #web-framework #web #async-http #async #http
  120. pavexc_cli

    A CLI interface for the Pavex compiler

    v0.1.78 650 #pavex #web-framework #compiler #cli #back-end #api #cli-interface
  121. actix-casbin-auth

    Casbin actix-web access control middleware

    v1.1.0 #access-control #actix-web #casbin #web-framework #middleware #rbac #permissions
  122. firebase-auth

    Firebase authentication extractor for Actix Web and Axum

    v0.4.3 1.4K #actix-web #firebase #web-framework #authentication #web #jwt #auth-token
  123. activitypub_federation

    High-level Activitypub framework

    v0.6.2 1.1K #activity-pub #web-framework #federation #web-server #activity-stream #fediverse #data-exchange
  124. hypersynthetic

    An HTML template engine that chose composition over inheritance

    v0.8.0 850 #template-engine #html #template #web-apps #web-framework #hypermedia #html-macro
  125. cargo-pgml-components

    bundling SCSS and JavaScript Stimulus components like Rails does

    v0.1.25 #web-apps #web-framework #javascript #component #rocket-web #bundle #scss
  126. leptos_actix

    Actix integrations for the Leptos web framework

    v0.7.7 21K #web-framework #actix-web #web-apps #integration #isomorphic #applications #wasm
  127. moella

    Kvarn web server framework with a convenient config format

    v0.2.0 140 #web-server #kvarn #server-framework #web-framework #config-format #ron #website
  128. patternfly-yew

    PatternFly 5 components for Yew

    v0.6.3 480 #yew-component #yew #html #patternfly #web-apps #web-framework #web
  129. krustie

    backend framework

    v0.2.1 1.3K #web #web-server #http #web-framework #json-parser #server-framework #framework
  130. utoipa-scalar

    Scalar for utoipa

    v0.3.0 58K #scalar #documentation #openapi #web-framework #rocket-framework
  131. submillisecond

    A lunatic web framework for Rust

    v0.4.1 190 #web-framework #backend-web #wasm-framework #web #web-server #websocket #framework
  132. salvo-cors

    CORS support for salvo web server framework

    v0.76.2 128K #web-server #web-framework #server-framework #http-server #async-http #web #framework
  133. boluo


    v0.6.1 #web-framework #async-http #async #web #framework #http
  134. axum-macros

    Macros for axum

    v0.5.0 2.4M #axum #web-framework #macro #information
  135. salvo-jwt-auth

    Jwt auth support for salvo web server framework

    v0.76.2 153K #web-server #web-framework #web #server-framework #http-server #authentication #server
  136. spring-sea-orm

    Integration of spring-rs framework and sea-orm

    v0.3.0 1.6K #spring #orm #sql-database #web-framework #sqlite
  137. sessions

    General sessions module for web services

    v0.7.0 140 #web-services #web #http-service #web-framework #http #service #async
  138. dyer-cli

    great tool created to guide you use dyer fast and at ease, helps you build a robust crawler, data processor, netwrok program fast and correctly

    v0.6.0 4.2K #data-processing #web-crawling #web-crawler #request-response #web-framework #spider
  139. rwf-cli

    Rust Web Framework CLI

    v0.1.14 340 #web-framework #migration #web-apps #rwf #applications #command-line #tool
  140. ntex-multipart

    Multipart support for ntex web framework

    v2.0.0 280 #ntex #web-framework #web #http #async
  141. dioxus-class

    Dioxus class

    v0.8.0 #css-class #dioxus #values #macro #check #hover #web-framework
  142. actix-multipart-derive

    Multipart form derive macro for Actix Web

    v0.7.0 180K #multipart-forms #macro-derive #web-framework #async #future #async-http #web
  143. robotxt

    Robots.txt (or URL exclusion) protocol with the support of crawl-delay, sitemap and universal match extensions

    v0.6.1 120 #web-crawler #web-scraping #crawler #web #web-framework #scraper #framework
  144. xitca-web

    an async web framework

    v0.6.2 900 #web-framework #xitca #async #middleware #composable #safe #run-time
  145. yew-i18n

    🌐 Internationalization (i18n) component for the Yew framework

    v0.1.3 #yew-web #yew-component #yew #internationalization #web-framework #rust #wasm-framework
  146. summer-boot

    summer boot

    v1.4.2 #web-framework #web #http #tcp #summer
  147. ntex-session

    Session for ntex web framework

    v2.0.0 #web-framework #async-http #web #future #async #http
  148. serwus

    Helpers for building actix-web/diesel based services

    v0.2.1 160 #actix-web #web-services #diesel #http-server #error-reporting #web-framework #web
  149. rspc

    A blazing fast and easy to use TRPC server for Rust

    v1.0.0-rc.5 1.5K #type-safe #typescript #async #specta #rust-to-ts #web-framework
  150. noapi-functions

    Functions for the noapi framework

    v0.1.41 370 #axum #react #full-stack #web-dev #web-framework #server-api #back-end
  151. ianaio

    backend frontend written in Rust Web Assembly RustWasm TS website

    v0.1.7 300 #web-apps #web-frontend #wasm-framework #web-api #web-framework #frontend #assembly
  152. terracotta

    Boilerplate webserver application based on Axum

    v0.4.1 #web-apps #web-server #boilerplate #authentication #web-framework #tera-templates #example
  153. salvo-serve-static

    Serve static assets for salvo web server framework

    v0.76.2 108K #web-framework #web-server #server-framework #http-server #serve-static #framework #server
  154. leptos-routes

    Fluent route declarations for the Leptos web framework

    v0.3.0 100 #routes #leptos #router #routing #web-framework
  155. shuttle-api-client

    interacting with the Shuttle platform API (https://www.shuttle.dev)

    v0.52.0 15K #shuttle #deployment #devops #platform #infrastructure #paas #web-framework
  156. lambda-web

    Run Rust web frameworks on AWS Lambda

    v0.2.1 1.5K #aws-lambda #web-framework #actix-web #lambda #warp #rocket #axum
  157. athene

    lightweight rust web framework based on hyper

    v2.0.4 280 #web-framework #http-server #async-http #hyper #async #framework #hyper-http
  158. kanagawa

    Web framework based on Tide with Proactive IO

    v0.1.3 #web-framework #http-server #async-http #web #http #async #framework
  159. ohkami_lib

    internal library for Ohkami - intuitive and declarative web framework

    v0.23.2 500 #web-framework #http-server #async #async-http #server #server-framework #web
  160. axeon

    A modern and flexible backend server framework for Rust

    v0.2.0 #web-framework #server-framework #framework #server #async #http #web
  161. axum-csrf-sync-pattern

    An axum layer and middleware, providing Cross Site Request Forgery protection by implementing the CSRF Synchronizer Token Pattern for same-site and cross-site API requests, as described by OWASP

    v0.3.2 460 #csrf #security #axum #api-request #middleware #web-framework #web-api
  162. cronframe

    A Macro Annotation Cron Job Framework with Web Server and CLI Tool

    v0.1.3 #cron #web-framework #job-scheduling #cli-tool #cronjobmacro
  163. salvo-oapi

    OpenApi support for Salvo web framework

    v0.76.2 64K #swagger-ui #web-framework #salvo #openapi #web-server #http #async
  164. zero4rs

    powerful, pragmatic, and extremely fast web framework for Rust

    v1.3.0 #web-framework #actix-web #web-apps #restful #web-server #ffmpeg #rust
  165. gluer

    A wrapper for Rust frameworks that eliminates redundant type and function definitions between the frontend and backend

    v0.8.3 1.7K #web-apps #web-framework #generate-typescript #macro #api #front-end #macro-expansion
  166. warp-rate-limit

    Rate-limiting middleware for the Warp web framework

    v0.3.0 #rate-limiting #rate-limit #warp #middleware #web #async #web-framework
  167. leptos_axum

    Axum integrations for the Leptos web framework

    v0.7.7 17K #web-framework #axum #web-apps #applications #integration #isomorphic #wasm
  168. toni

    Fast and modular web framework for scalable applications

    v0.1.1 200 #web-framework #framework #http #web #http-server
  169. rwf

    Framework for building web applications in the Rust programming language

    v0.2.1 1.2K #framework #model-view-controller #orm #web-framework #web-apps #web #http
  170. leptos-tiptap

    Tiptap integration for leptos projects

    v0.8.0 200 #text-editors #leptos #editor #component #tiptap #wysiwyg #web-framework
  171. axum-resp-result

    Help Struct For Axum Response

    v0.7.1 340 #web-framework #error-response #axum #error-message #flags #control #resp
  172. restify


    v0.0.6 360 #web-server #web-framework #rocket-web #open-api #build-web #documentation-generator #axum
  173. pagetop-admin

    PageTop package that provides a unified settings interface to other packages

    v0.0.21 1.0K #server-side-rendering #web-framework #settings #admin #pagetop #packages #config
  174. corolla

    "your liteweight backend"

    v0.3.2 700 #web-server #sqlite #web-framework #database-schema #backend-web #back-end #queries
  175. starberry

    A framework for building web applocation in Rust. THIS IS STILL IN DEVELOPMENTAL STAGE

    v0.1.4 180 #web-framework #url #stage #building #developmental #applocation #version
  176. cyaxon_okapi

    Structs for OpenAPI (AKA Swagger) documents

    v0.9.2 #openapi #swagger #web-framework #rocket-web #documentation-generator #generate-documentation #web-api
  177. cyaxon_rocket_okapi

    OpenAPI (AKA Swagger) document generation for Rocket applications

    v0.9.2 #rocket-web #rocket #openapi #swagger #documentation-generator #web-framework #web-api
  178. rocal-cli

    CLI tool for local-first-development driven web application framework

    v0.1.1 #local-first #web-apps #web #web-framework #wasm
  179. nidrs-extern

    Nidrs external library

    v0.2.1 130 #web-framework #nidrs #axum #web-apps #http-server #framework #web
  180. maomi

    Strict and Performant Web Application Programming

    v0.5.0 190 #web-apps #web-framework #applications #template #strict #component #browser
  181. rspc-axum

    Axum adapter for rspc

    v0.3.0 850 #typescript #specta #type-safe #async #rust-to-ts #web-framework
  182. leptos_workers

    WebWorker library for the Leptos web framework

    v0.3.0 160 #leptos #web-worker #web-framework #web-workers #wasm
  183. dipper

    An out-of-the-box modular dependency injection web application framework

    v0.5.3 600 #web-apps #web-framework #async-http #http-server #server #async #web
  184. peace_rt_model_web

    Web support for the peace automation framework

    v0.0.14 180 #automation #peace #web #web-framework #error-reporting #json #task-execution
  185. rumage

    framework for making simple markdown sites

    v0.5.9 #markdown-html #static-site #web-framework #markdown #website #blog
  186. teo-result

    Result library for Teo

    v0.3.5 #web-framework #teo #conversion
  187. actix-http-test

    Various helpers for Actix applications to use during testing

    v3.2.0 34K #async-http #web-framework #testing-http #async #future #helper #web-apps
  188. torrust/torrust-index

    A BitTorrent Index

    GitHub 3.0.0-alpha.3-develop #index #bittorrent #file-sharing #p2p #client-connect #torrent #web-framework
  189. leptos_dom

    DOM operations for the Leptos web framework

    v0.7.7 64K #web-framework #dom #isomorphic #reactive #web-apps #operations #wasm
  190. actix-settings

    Easily manage Actix Web's settings from a TOML file and environment variables

    v0.8.0 160 #actix-web #env-vars #settings #web-framework #toml #variables #environment
  191. salvo-session

    Session support for salvo web server framework

    v0.76.2 44K #session-management #session #web-framework #web-server #http-server #server-framework #server
  192. salvo-csrf

    CSRF support for salvo web server framework

    v0.76.2 76K #web-framework #web-server #server-framework #web #framework #http-server #server
  193. salvo-cache

    Cache middleware for Salvo web server framework

    v0.76.2 66K #web-server #server-framework #web-framework #http-server #web #cache #async-http
  194. sauron-html-parser

    parsing dynamically parsing html at runtime

    v0.70.0 120 #html-parser #web-apps #web-framework #html #web #server-side-rendering #html-rendering
  195. tailwag

    main crate for the Tailwag suite, an experimental framework for building batteries-included application prototypes

    v0.3.0 110 #applications #postgresql #rapid #web-apps #prototype #web-services #web-framework
  196. pulsar_web

    fast and reliable web framework

    v0.1.2 #web-framework #pulsar #reliable #pulse #port #server
  197. autortr_rocket

    autortr_rocket is a lightweight Rust library designed for automatic route mapping in web applications for the Rocket framework. It simplifies the process of defining and managing HTTP routes by automatically…

    v0.2.2 #rocket-web #web-apps #rocket #rocket-framework #web-framework #web #router
  198. aws-smithy-http-server-python

    Python server runtime for Smithy Rust Server Framework

    v0.63.2 #aws-smithy #server-framework #smithy #web-api #aws #web-framework #framework
  199. templr

    template library

    v0.2.4 #web-framework #template-engine #template #compile-time #html-templating #html #rsx
  200. ngyn_shared

    Modular backend framework for web applications

    v0.5.3 180 #web-apps #web-framework #ngyn #web-server #backend-web #platform #shared
  201. askama_axum

    Axum integration for Askama templates

    v0.4.0 24K #html-templating #axum #web-framework #template-engine #html #template #jinja2
  202. lib-humus

    creating configurable frontends for humans and computers using axum, Tera and toml

    v0.3.0 120 #axum #tera #tera-templates #web #web-framework #http #web-interface
  203. tide-disco

    Discoverability for Tide

    v0.9.3 3.5K #tide #routes #error-message #web-api #web-framework #parameters #discoverability
  204. mco-http

    A modern HTTP library

    v0.1.32 110 #http-header #request-response #http-server #web-framework #async-http #http-client #coroutine
  205. salvo-proxy

    TBD: Proxy support for salvo web server framework

    v0.76.2 76K #proxy-server #web-server #server-framework #web-framework #server #async #http-proxy
  206. poem-sea-orm-middleware

    Sea ORM middleware for Poem web framework

    v0.7.1 550 #sea-orm #poem-web #web-framework #poem #web #middleware
  207. authifier

    Opinionated Rust authentication library

    v1.0.11 330 #rocket-web #web-framework #authentication #rocket-framework #opinionated #information #first-party
  208. vial

    a micro micro-framework

    v0.1.9 #web-framework #web #web-apps #http-request #http #http-server #single-file
  209. via-router

    A fast and flexible http router

    v3.0.0-beta.18 950 #http-router #web-framework #async-http #flexible #who #people #multi-threaded
  210. salvo-compression

    Compression support for salvo web server framework

    v0.76.2 800 #web-server #web-framework #server-framework #web #async-http #framework #http-server
  211. salvo-flash

    Flash message support for salvo web server framework

    v0.76.2 41K #web-server #web-framework #web #session #server #http #server-framework
  212. rocal

    Local-first-development driven web application framework

    v0.1.1 #local-first #web-apps #web #web-framework #macro #wasm
  213. tide

    A minimal and pragmatic Rust web application framework built for rapid development

    v0.17.0-beta.1 58K #web-apps #web-framework #async-http #web #http-request #http-server #async-std
  214. realm

    Rust / Elm base full stack web framework

    v0.1.23 #web-framework #full-stack #elm #base #authentication #package #publish
  215. salvo-rate-limiter

    Rate limiter middleware for salvo web server framework

    v0.76.2 57K #rate-limiting #web-server #web-framework #server-framework #http-server #web #server
  216. salvo-otel

    OpenTelemetry support for salvo web server framework

    v0.76.2 55K #open-telemetry #web-server #server #server-framework #web-framework #http-server #web
  217. lambda_web_adapter

    Run web applications on AWS Lambda

    v0.8.0 #aws-lambda #web-apps #lambda #api-gateway #web-framework #aws #http-api
  218. scout-worker

    A worker framework for ScoutLang

    v0.7.2 #web-scraping #web-crawling #programming-language #web-crawler #scraping #web-framework
  219. taitan

    The Next Generation of Web Framework

    v0.2.8 1.5K #web-framework #generation #axum
  220. ruskit

    A modern web framework for Rust inspired by Laravel

    v0.1.5 160 #web-framework #laravel #framework #web #model-view-controller #http #query-builder
  221. desirable

    A minimal Rust web application framework

    v0.1.1 110 #web-apps #web-framework #async-http #web #async #http #tracing-subscriber
  222. leptos-resize

    user-resizable split view for Leptos

    v0.2.0 160 #split #leptos #view #resize #user-resizable #div #web-framework
  223. viz-router

    The router for Viz

    v0.10.0 500 #web-framework #http-router #async-http #web #router #http #async
  224. leptos_async_signal

    Async signal for leptos Rust web framework

    v0.4.0 #leptos #ssr #reactive #async #web #web-framework
  225. rapid-web

    server for the Rapid framework

    v0.4.9 180 #web-framework #web-apps #web-server #rapid #server-framework #server
  226. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  227. snx

    an experimental batteries-included web framework for Rust

    v0.0.4 130 #web-framework #experimental #batteries-included #amount
  228. workflow-dom

    DOM injection utilities for run-time injection of JavaScript and CSS

    v0.18.0 1.8K #dom #css #wasm #inject #script #web-apps #web-framework
  229. octoapp

    building GitHub Apps

    v0.2.4 140 #github-webhook #github #github-api #webhook #app #rocket-web #web-framework
  230. pavex_miette

    A custom Miette theme for Pavex CLI errors

    v0.1.78 700 #pavex #error #miette #theme #web-framework #api-error #display
  231. rocket-recaptcha-v3

    can help you use reCAPTCHA v3 (v2 is backward compatible) in your Rocket web application

    v0.3.6 110 #rocket-web #web-apps #recaptcha #rocket #web-framework #captcha #rocket-framework
  232. handlebars-iron

    Handlebars templating middleware for Iron

    v0.29.0 400 #iron-web #web-framework #handlebars #iron #template-engine #web #templating
  233. yew-more-hooks

    More hooks for Yew

    v0.3.3 700 #yew #hook #yew-web #web-apps #web-framework #applications
  234. poem-grpc-build

    Codegen module of poem-grpc

    v0.5.2 6.7K #poem-web #grpc #async-http #web-framework #http #async #grpc-client
  235. livid

    lightweight frontend Rust crate for creating web apps via webassembly

    v0.2.13 #web-frontend #web-apps #wasm #frontend #wasm-framework #frontend-framework #web-framework
  236. zino-storage

    Files and storage services for zino

    v0.5.0 410 #web #http #framework #web-framework
  237. ngyn-hyper

    Hyper Platform for ngyn web framework

    v0.2.3 280 #web-framework #hyper #web-apps #ngyn #platform #run-time #framework
  238. shuttle-axum

    Service implementation to run an axum webserver on shuttle

    v0.52.0 16K #axum #web-server #shuttle #shuttle-service #web-framework #deployment #run-time
  239. leptos_wasi

    WASI integrations for the Leptos web framework

    v0.1.3 #leptos #wasi #integration #server #web-framework #server-side #static
  240. gotham_formdata

    Form data parsing for the gotham web framework

    v0.0.8 180 #web-framework #forms #gotham #multipart-form #request-body #urlencoded #form
  241. graphul

    Optimize, speed, scale your microservices and save money 💵

    v1.0.1 #web-framework #web #http-server #framework #server-framework #http
  242. cookiebox

    A type safe cookie management crate

    v0.2.2 #cookies #actix-web #management #web-framework #serialization #define #data
  243. tree-sitter-rstml

    Rust + html grammar for the tree-sitter parser library

    v2.0.0 #tree-sitter #syntax-highlighting #web-framework #rstml #html-parser #incremental #html-templating
  244. stylers

    Scoped CSS for Rust web frameworks like leptos

    v1.0.0-alpha 410 #web-framework #css #web #leptos
  245. csrf_guard

    Thread safe, generic, enterprise level csrf guard for all frameworks and runtimes

    v0.4.0 #csrf #security #web #http #thread-safe #web-framework #cross-site-request
  246. rweb

    web server framework for rust

    v0.15.0 2.5K #web-server #server-framework #hyper #server #web-framework #http #derive-debug
  247. standard-error

    simplifies returning meaningful errors for axum services

    v0.1.7 330 #error-message #web-framework #web-apps #axum #yaml #locale #structured