
  1. wnfs-wasm

    WebNative Filesystem API (WebAssembly)

    v0.2.2 500 #wnfs #ipfs #decentralization #web-native #webnative #wasm-file #distributed-systems
  2. warpgate

    Download, resolve, and manage Extism WASM plugins

    v0.20.1 1.4K #wasm-plugin #run-time #download #extism #wasm-file #loading #resolving
  3. wasm-shrink

    A WebAssembly test case shrinker

    v0.221.2 1.8K #wasm-file #bug #reduce #crash #reducer #testing #run-wasm
  4. dora-ssr

    The lib for building Dora SSR game as wasm32-wasi that runs on multi-platform Dora SSR engine

    v0.4.14 170 #node #game-engine #lua-bindings #2d-game #tree-node #gamedev #wasm-file
  5. wasi-cap-std-sync

    WASI implementation in Rust

    v17.0.3 11K #cap-std #wasi #wasm #wasm-module #web-assembly #wasm-file #wasmtime
  6. web-fs

    An async file system for browser wasm

    v0.2.1 360 #filesystem #wasm-file #system-api #fs-file #web #browser #async
  7. wasm_hex_dump

    A CLI tool to convert Wasm files to hexadecimal dumps for libSQL UDFs

    v0.1.0 #hex-dump #hex #dump #libsql #wasm #wasm-file #command-line-tool
  8. wasmer-object

    Wasmer Native Object generator

    v5.0.1 11K #object-file #wasm-file #wasmer #wasm-module #native #compilation #platform
  9. wasm-wnfs

    WebNative Filesystem API (WebAssembly)

    v0.1.9 #wnfs #ipfs #webnative #decentralization #web-native #file-tree #wasm-file
  10. samply-api

    JSON API for querying symbol information, uses samply-symbols

    v0.23.2 600 #json-api #symbolication #profiler #symbol #wasm-file #samply #information
  11. nucleide

    manipulate custom sections of a WebAssembly module to view/edit application metadata

    v0.1.0 #wasm-module #metadata #desktop-environment #daku #wasm-file #nucleic #app
  12. wasm_to_png

    convert a wasm file to png

    v0.2.0 #png #wasm-file #convert #uri #data #base64-encoded
  13. l1x-wasm-llvmir

    WASM to LLVMIR translator for the L1X project

    v0.2.2 #l1x #wasm-file #ebpf #run-wasm #translator #object-file #llvm
  14. ardaku

    WASM Environment

    v0.1.0 #engine #environment #wasm-file #daku #target
  15. enarx-exec-wasmtime

    Enarx WebAssembly Loader

    v0.6.3 #wasm-module #enarx #run-wasm #loader #execute #wasm-file #environment
  16. ink_e2e

    [ink!] End-to-end testing framework for smart contracts

    v5.1.1 2.1K #edsl #blockchain #ink #wasm #web-assembly #wasm-file #file-upload
  17. wasmer-engine-object-file

    Wasmer Object File Engine

    v1.0.2 #object-file #wasm-engine #wasm-module #wasm #wasm-file #wasmer #web-assembly
  18. wasmcloud-fs

    Blob store capability provider (local file system) for the wasmCloud runtime

    v0.4.1 #wasmcloud #wasm #wasm-file #blob-storage #file #api-bindings #web-assembly
  19. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  20. wasmrs-request

    request to a wasmRS .wasm file

    v0.15.0 #wasm #request #wasm-rs #wasm-file
  21. wascc-fs

    Blob store capability provider (local file system) for the waSCC runtime

    v0.1.2 #capability-provider #wascc #wasm #wasm-file #file #api-bindings #web-assembly
  22. wasmrs-ops

    Print wasmRS operations from a .wasm file

    v0.15.0 #wasm-file #operations #wasm-rs
  23. strip-exports

    Strip all exports except the functions call and deploy from a wasm file

    v0.1.0 #strip #exports #deployment #call #file #wasm-file
  24. wasm-nm

    Print the symbols that are imported in and exported from a wasm file

    v0.2.1 #wasm-file #symbol #symbols #wasm #nm
  25. wave-insight-web

    Web Front-End for Wave-Insight

    v0.1.0 #lib #web-front-end #waveform-viewer #broswer-based #wasm-file
  26. wasmrs-replay

    request to a wasmRS .wasm file

    v0.13.0 #wasm-file #request #wasm-rs
  27. cargo-watt

    generate watt versions of procedural macro crates

    v0.2.3 #proc-macro #cargo #wasm-file #watt #cargo-subcommand #procedural #generate
  28. domcom

    Dominator Component Library

    v0.0.1 #component #dominator #build #static-file #file-server #wasm-file #cd
  29. wasabi-generator

    that generates bindings and wrappers for wasabi-generated wasm files

    v0.0.1 #cpp #emscripten #abi #c #wasm #wasm-file #generate