
  1. gix

    Interact with git repositories just like git would

    v0.68.0 430K #git-repository #git-configuration #version-control
  2. gix-features

    integrate various capabilities using compile-time feature flags

    v0.39.1 570K #compile-time #version-control #git #flags #features #capabilities #applications
  3. gix-date

    gitoxide project parsing dates the way git does

    v0.9.2 618K #date-parser #version-control #git #date-time #time-parser #gitoxide
  4. gix-path

    gitoxide project dealing paths and their conversions

    v0.10.13 565K #version-control #path #git #conversion #gitoxide #byte-string #directory
  5. gix-config-value

    gitoxide project providing git-config value parsing

    v0.14.10 559K #git-config #parser #version-control #value #gitoxide
  6. diffy

    Tools for finding and manipulating differences between files

    v0.4.0 196K #diff #patch #merge #version-control #system
  7. emplace

    Command-line tool to mirror installed software on multiple machines

    v1.6.0 #version-control #package-manager #config-file #sync #command-line-tool #mirror #shell
  8. gix-protocol

    gitoxide project for implementing git protocols

    v0.46.1 365K #version-control #git #protocols #gitoxide #client #fetch
  9. gix-discover

    Discover git repositories and check if a directory is a git repository

    v0.37.0 495K #git-repository #version-control #directory #check #detection #discover
  10. gix-worktree

    gitoxide project for shared worktree related types and utilities

    v0.38.0 414K #version-control #git #worktree #utilities #shared #gitoxide #operations
  11. gix-attributes

    gitoxide project dealing .gitattributes files

    v0.23.1 369K #version-control #git #gitattributes #gitoxide #utilities #dealing #parser
  12. gix-filter

    gitoxide project implementing git filters

    v0.15.0 402K #git #filter #version-control #gitoxide #pipeline #transformation #logic
  13. git-next

    trunk-based development manager

    v0.14.0-rc1 110 #git-branch #version-control #git #server #git-workflow #tool #command-line-tool
  14. gix-command

    gitoxide project handling internal git command execution

    v0.3.11 375K #version-control #execute-command #gitoxide #execution #internal
  15. liboxen

    Oxen is a fast, unstructured data version control, to help version datasets, written in Rust

    v0.23.2 1.0K #version-control #machine-learning #ai #artificial-intelligence #command-line-tool #computer-vision
  16. gix-ref

    handle git references

    v0.49.0 557K #git-repository #version-control #reference #file #symbolic #object #stored
  17. git-absorb

    git commit --fixup, but automatic

    v0.6.16 350 #git-commit #version-control #git-workflow #git-rebase #absorb #uncommitted #automatic
  18. gix-object

    Immutable and mutable git objects with decoding and encoding support

    v0.46.0 556K #git #version-control #codec #object #immutability #mutable #decoding
  19. glues

    Vim-inspired TUI note-taking app with Git, MongoDB, CSV, and JSON support - privacy-focused and sync-enabled

    v0.5.3 500 #note-taking #tui #version-control #git-version #local-git #vim #data-privacy
  20. gix-odb

    Implements various git object databases

    v0.65.0 489K #version-control #object-store #git #hash #database #offers
  21. silver-platter

    Large scale VCS change management

    v0.5.44 2.3K #version-control #pull-request #control-system #debian-package #branch #repository #merge
  22. gix-transport

    gitoxide project dedicated to implementing the git transport layer

    v0.43.1 365K #transport-layer #git-repository #version-control #gitoxide #http #dedicated #path
  23. gix-index

    A work-in-progress crate of the gitoxide project dedicated implementing the git index file

    v0.37.0 449K #index-file #version-control #git #gitoxide #git-index #state #dedicated
  24. gix-prompt

    gitoxide project for handling prompts in the terminal

    v0.8.9 377K #version-control #git #prompt #gitoxide #prompting #configuration #terminal
  25. gix-credentials

    gitoxide project to interact with git credentials helpers

    v0.25.1 374K #git #credentials #helper #version-control #gitoxide #interact #programs
  26. gix-trace

    provide minimal tracing support that can be turned off to zero cost

    v0.1.11 532K #tracing #git #version-control #gix #operations #level #trace
  27. gix-actor

    A way to identify git actors

    v0.33.1 559K #git-repository #version-control #actor #identify #identifying
  28. gix-url

    gitoxide project implementing parsing and serialization of gix-url

    v0.28.1 488K #parse-url #git #version-control #gitoxide #serialization #parser
  29. gix-negotiate

    gitoxide project implementing negotiation algorithms

    v0.17.0 376K #version-control #git #negotiation #algorithm #server #gitoxide #dont
  30. git-ar

    Git all remotes. Git cli tool that targets both Github and Gitlab. Brings common development operations such as opening a pull request down to the shell. This is an alternative to both Github https://github…

    v1.1.2 350 #pull-request #github #gitlab #git-repository #git #command-line #version-control
  31. cargo-vcs

    Cargo workspace helper for Version Control System project management

    v0.2.1 #version-control #cargo-workspace #workspace #cargo #git #versioning #cargo-version
  32. gix-commitgraph

    Read-only access to the git commitgraph file format

    v0.25.1 442K #git-commit #git-history #version-control #graph #file-format #access #commitgraph
  33. git-nomad

    Synchronize work-in-progress git branches in a light weight fashion

    v0.7.1 #git-branch #local-git #git-repository #git-workflow #git-clone #git-remote #version-control
  34. gix-traverse

    gitoxide project

    v0.43.0 432K #git #version-control #graph-traversal #git-commit #tree-traversal #gitoxide
  35. gitoxide

    A command-line application for interacting with git repositories

    v0.39.0 650 #git-repository #version-control #git-clone #command-line #gix #control-api #command-line-utilities
  36. gix-pack

    Implements git packs and related data structures

    v0.55.0 428K #index-file #version-control #pack #git #object #data-structures #packs
  37. gix-quote

    gitoxide project dealing with various quotations used by git

    v0.4.14 490K #git #quote #version-control #gitoxide #string #quotations #different
  38. gix-revision

    gitoxide project dealing with finding names for revisions and parsing specifications

    v0.31.0 492K #version-control #git #revision #specification #parser #gitoxide #name
  39. gix-hash

    Borrowed and owned git hash digests used to identify git objects

    v0.15.1 556K #version-control #git #digest #git-version #object #owned #borrowed
  40. gix-diff

    Calculate differences between various git objects

    v0.48.0 450K #version-control #git #difference #object #diffing #calculate #algorithm
  41. gix-lock

    A git-style lock-file implementation

    v15.0.1 540K #version-control #lock-files #git #resources #atomic #writable #marker
  42. gix-pathspec

    gitoxide project dealing magical pathspecs

    v0.8.1 338K #git #version-control #path #fuzzing #parser #gitoxide #pathspecs
  43. gix-refspec

    gitoxide project for parsing and representing refspecs

    v0.27.0 485K #git #version-control #parser #refspecs #gitoxide #fuzz #cargo
  44. gix-fs

    providing file system specific utilities to gitoxide

    v0.12.0 527K #version-control #filesystem #git #system #utilities #gitoxide #file
  45. stgit

    Stack-based patch management for Git

    v2.4.12 #git-commit #git-workflow #git #version-control #git-history #utility #git-repository
  46. gix-revwalk

    providing utilities for walking the revision graph

    v0.17.0 486K #version-control #graph-traversal #git #revision #utilities
  47. u-siem

    A framework for building custom SIEMs

    v0.7.0 #siem #security #logs #regex #version-control #logging-framework #logging
  48. gix-glob

    gitoxide project dealing with pattern matching

    v0.17.1 489K #pattern-matching #glob-pattern #git #version-control #gitoxide #path #dealing
  49. facebookexperimental/hgmain

    A Scalable, User-Friendly Source Control System

    GitHub 0.1.0 #version-control #control-system #source #user-friendly #scalable #cross-platform #sapling
  50. gix-validate

    Validation functions for various kinds of names in git

    v0.9.2 491K #version-control #git #validation #name #kinds #functions
  51. git_vault

    A simplified version control system built in Rust for local files, quite similar to how git functions

    v0.0.9 130 #git #git-branch #version-control #control-system #cryptography #development-tools #object
  52. gix-worktree-state

    gitoxide project implementing setting the worktree to a particular state

    v0.15.0 113K #git #version-control #state #worktree #gitoxide #setting #particular
  53. gix-dir

    gitoxide project dealing with directory walks

    v0.10.0 150K #git-directory #version-control #gitoxide #walk
  54. gix-sec

    gitoxide project providing a shared trust model

    v0.10.10 489K #git #version-control #trust #shared #model #gitoxide
  55. gix-status

    gitoxide project dealing with 'git status'-like functionality

    v0.15.0 17K #git-repository #version-control #git-diff #gitoxide #index #check #state
  56. gix-packetline

    gitoxide project implementing the pkt-line serialization format

    v0.18.1 302K #git #version-control #line #pkt-line #gitoxide #packet #write
  57. dotslash

    Command-line tool to facilitate fetching an executable, caching it, and then running it

    v0.4.3 #executable #version-control #build #command-line-tool #deployment #nodejs #tar
  58. gix-packetline-blocking

    A duplicate of gix-packetline with the blocking-io feature pre-selected

    v0.18.1 336K #version-control #git #line #packet #blocking-io #write #gix-packetline
  59. gix-chunk

    Interact with the git chunk file format used in multi-pack index and commit-graph files

    v0.4.10 422K #git #file-format #version-control #chunk #index #commit-graph #interact
  60. gix-ignore

    gitoxide project dealing .gitignore files

    v0.12.1 346K #gitignore #version-control #git #gitoxide #parser #dealing
  61. openpgp-card-tool-git

    Git signing and verification with a focus on OpenPGP cards

    v0.1.5 470 #openpgp-card #git-tool #signature #verification #signature-verification #git-version #version-control
  62. git-slides

    Navigate through Git commits like presentation slides

    v0.4.0 300 #git-commit #git #version-control #presentation #git-workflow #command-line
  63. pijul

    A distributed version control system

    v1.0.0-beta.9 240 #version-control #control-system #git-version #git-branch #git-repository #distributed #channel
  64. gix-bitmap

    gitoxide project dedicated implementing the standard git bitmap format

    v0.2.13 416K #version-control #git #bitmap #format #gitoxide #standard #testing
  65. rojo

    Enables professional-grade development tools for Roblox developers

    v7.4.4 250 #roblox #visual-studio #version-control #engineering #instance #git #lua
  66. gix-mailmap

    gitoxide project for parsing mailmap files

    v0.25.1 17K #version-control #git #gitoxide #mailmap #parser
  67. jj-cli

    Jujutsu - an experimental version control system

    v0.24.0 1.4K #version-control #control-system #git #mercurial #scm #dvcs #vcs
  68. gix-worktree-stream

    generate a byte-stream from a git-tree

    v0.17.0 12K #byte-stream #git #version-control #tree #generate #archive
  69. tribles

    knowledge base implementation for rust

    v0.4.0-alpha.10 1.0K #knowledge-graph #knowledge-base #metadata #canonicalization #graph-database #distributed #version-control
  70. gix-archive

    archive generation from of a worktree stream

    v0.17.0 12K #version-control #archive #git #stream #tar #worktree #generation
  71. pcu

    A CI tool to update change log in a PR

    v0.4.19 1.8K #changelog #pull-request #ci #github #version-control #control-system
  72. hunktool

    finding strings in git patches/history

    v0.4.1 220 #version-control #git #git-commit #git-diff #string #filtering #finding
  73. facebookexperimental/eden_mononoke

    A Scalable, User-Friendly Source Control System

    GitHub 0.1.0 #version-control #commit #control-system #data-storage #source #key #repository
  74. jj-lib

    Jujutsu - an experimental version control system

    v0.24.0 800 #version-control #control-system #git-repository #git-commit #git-version #jujutsu #experimental
  75. git-automater

    Git Automater: Your Shortcut to Seamless Version Control!

    v1.0.4 #version-control #git-version #git-repository #git #git-commit #git-branch #command-line-tool
  76. gix-hashtable

    that provides hashtable based data structures optimized to utilize ObjectId keys

    v0.6.0 475K #version-control #object-id #git #hash-map #data-structures #optimized #key
  77. xtest-data

    Fetch auxiliary test data when testing published crates

    v1.0.0-beta.5 210 #integration-tests #cargo-toml #cargo-test #auxiliary #archive #version-control #modification
  78. intelligit

    finding insight in git history

    v0.2.11 1.2K #git-repository #git-history #version-control #pattern #symbols #insight #tracking
  79. rusted-yadm

    Rusted - Yet Another Dotfiles Manager

    v0.1.1 #dotfiles-manager #dotfiles #version-control #git-version #home-directory #file-manager #synchronization
  80. scm-record

    UI component to interactively select changes to include in a commit

    v0.4.0 13K #version-control #ui-component #commit #control-system #source #interactively #change
  81. mlvm

    easy to use multiple language version manager

    v0.1.2 170 #version-manager #version-control #developer-utility #mvm #development-tools #cli-command #command-line-tool
  82. lorevault

    program to create a directory from a recipe

    v1.4.0 130 #directory #config-file #git-repository #version-control #reproducible #path #hash
  83. garden-tools

    Garden grows and cultivates collections of Git trees Garden lets you define and run commands over collections of configuration-defined multi-worktree Git environments

    v1.9.1 190 #git-repository #git-configuration #git #version-control #git-workflow #command-runner #run-command
  84. facebookexperimental/blobrepo

    A Scalable, User-Friendly Source Control System

    GitHub 0.1.0 #version-control #control-system #repository #source #scalable #user-friendly #commit
  85. fontship

    A font development toolkit and collaborative work flow

    v0.10.0 #font #collaborative #workflow #version-control #toolkit #collaboration #glyph
  86. verco

    Git/Mercurial/PlasticSCM tui client based on keyboard shortcuts

    v6.7.0 #version-control #keyboard-shortcuts #git-version #git #mercurial #hg #tui
  87. souko

    command line utility that provides an easy way to organize clones of remote git repositories

    v0.2.1 230 #git-repository #git-clone #command-line-tool #version-control #git #utility #root-directory
  88. vault_vcs

    A simplified version control system built in Rust for local files, quite similar to how git functions

    v1.2.2 #version-control #control-system #local-git #git #git-version #developer-utility #command-line-tool
  89. sapling-dag

    DAG used for source control

    v0.1.0 #dag #graph #control #source #version-control #commit #block
  90. gix-utils

    gitoxide utilities that don’t need feature toggles

    v0.1.13 476K #git #version-control #utilities #gitoxide #toggles #dont #features
  91. git-quickprune

    A CLI tool to quickly prune squash-merged branches

    v0.1.2 #git-branch #git-tool #version-control #prune #command-line-tool #quickly #squash-merged
  92. octussy

    executable git status for your shell prompt

    v1.0.2 #git-status #shell-prompt #git-directory #commit #display #version-control
  93. nbwipers

    Wipe clean your Jupyter Notebooks!

    v0.5.1 #notebook #jupyter #version-control #pre-commit #command-line #command-line-tool #ci
  94. gix-fsck

    Verifies the connectivity and validity of objects in the database

    v0.8.0 600 #git #version-control #object #integrity #check #connectivity #database
  95. archbelt

    work with Archean blueprints and XenonCode modules

    v0.3.0 #version-control #blueprint #shell-completion #control-systems #module #ci-cd #yank
  96. gix-testtools

    Shared code for gitoxide crates to facilitate testing

    v0.15.0 1.3K #git #testing #gitoxide #version-control #shared #facilitate
  97. memflow-registry

    docker-like registry server for memflow plugins

    v0.1.0 #memflow #memory-access #version-control #memory #introspection #dma
  98. radicle

    standard library

    v0.14.0 250 #git-repository #version-control #radicle #standard
  99. facebookexperimental/mononoke_api

    A Scalable, User-Friendly Source Control System

    GitHub 0.1.0 #version-control #control-system #repository #scalable #source #sapling #user-friendly
  100. facebookexperimental/bonsai_git_mapping

    A Scalable, User-Friendly Source Control System

    GitHub 0.1.0 #version-control #control-system #repository #user-friendly #source #scalable #sapling
  101. cargo-clone-crate

    Cargo subcommand to clone a repo from the registry

    v0.1.9 #version-control #cargo #cargo-subcommand #clone #package #registry #io
  102. libpijul

    Core library of Pijul, a distributed version control system based on a sound theory of collaborative work

    v1.0.0-beta.10 230 #version-control #control-system #distributed #collaborative #pijul #theory #sound
  103. subg

    Command line interface for managing IPv4 and IPv6 subnets

    v0.3.0 #subnet #text-file #cidr #version-control #command-line #networking #command-line-interface
  104. facebookexperimental/hgproto

    A Scalable, User-Friendly Source Control System

    GitHub 0.1.0 #control-system #version-control #source #scalable #user-friendly #cross-platform #protocols
  105. gnostr

    git+nostr workflow utility

    v0.0.48 100 #nostr #git #git-workflow #version-control
  106. hashstash

    It's like git but for your Rust data structures

    v0.2.0 270 #serialization #hashing #version-control #data-structures
  107. facebookexperimental/async_limiter

    A Scalable, User-Friendly Source Control System

    GitHub 0.1.0 #control-system #version-control #source #repository #scalability #scalable #sapling
  108. version-control-clean-check

    Checks if the version control is clean. Based on code from Cargo.

    v0.1.3 240 #version-control #cargo-version #cargo-check #control-system #clean #error #safety
  109. beautytips

    code prettifier

    v0.1.5 #tool #prettifier #version-control #code #linter #github-actions #control-system
  110. scm-diff-editor

    UI component to interactively select changes to include in a commit

    v0.4.0 370 #ui-component #commit #interactively #version-control #difftool
  111. easy-git

    Uma ferramenta interativa para gerenciar usuários Git em repositórios locais e globais

    v0.2.0 #git-config #git #version-control #tool #config #cli-config #command-line-tool
  112. kifi

    A minimal Version Control System

    v0.4.10-alpha #version-control #control-system #command-line #repository #command-line-interface #track #preview
  113. vimg

    CLI for video images. Generates animated video contact sheets fast.

    v0.1.3 #video #version-control #ffmpeg #animated #image #sheet #contact
  114. esl01-indexedlog

    Append-only on-disk storage with integrity checks and indexing support

    v0.3.0 470 #integrity #check #log #indexing #index #append-only #version-control
  115. private-crate-hub

    A private Rust crate registry that securely stores your crate data in a GitHub repository, simplifying management and distribution while ensuring version control, backups, and access only for authorized users

    v0.1.0 #github #version-control #private #registry #repository #management #access-control
  116. svp-client

    Client for the silver-platter protocol

    v0.2.0 #protocols #version-control #silver-platter #client #svp #package #debian
  117. rource

    help you generate a Gource log for all your repositories

    v0.3.1 #git-repository #log-file #git #log #version-control #gource #generator
  118. gmg

    git repo command-line manager

    v0.1.2 #git-repository #version-control #git #version-control-systems
  119. radicle-node

    The Radicle Node

    v0.10.0 #version-control #radicle #git #node
  120. gawain

    A package to gather data from software repositories, quickly

    v0.1.1 #git-repository #data #version-control #git-commit #quickly #gather #contributors
  121. mathematica-notebook-filter

    mathematica-notebook-filter parses Mathematica notebook files and strips them of superfluous information so that they can be committed into version control systems more easily

    v0.2.2 #version-control #control-system #mathematica #parser #cli-parser
  122. wsvc

    WebSocket Simple Version Control tool

    v0.1.9 #version-control #websocket #challenge #ctf #management #tool #deployment
  123. vcs2git

    Import VCS .repos as Git submodules

    v0.3.0 210 #git-repository #version-control #submodule #yaml #repos #import #convert
  124. esl01-dag

    DAG used for source control

    v0.3.0 330 #version-control #dag #graph #control-system #source #commit #scalable
  125. subnet-garden-core

    managing IPv4 and IPv6 subnets

    v0.3.0 #subnet #cidr #version-control #networking #cidr-blocks #text-file #git-repository
  126. vcsgraph

    perform various computation of a version control graph

    v0.2.0 1.6K #version-control #graph #revision #functions #computation #repository #perform
  127. fossil-delta

    functions for calculating differences between strings and applying calculated deltas

    v0.2.0 #version-control #delta #text #diff #fossil #version-control-systems #encoded-string
  128. leo-ver-serv

    A web server which accepts snapshots from Leo, and serves web application for browsing history of known Leo files

    v0.1.10 #web-apps #version-control #web-server #leo #delta #web #fossil
  129. scud

    The all-in-one tool for streamlining the many version control processes of your development workflow. WIP

    v0.13.0 #version-control #git-workflow #github #git #gitlab #command-line #vcs
  130. precious-exec

    A command running library for precious - not for external use

    v0.3.0 #config-file #run-command #directory #precious #projects #version-control #ignore
  131. confit

    Making sure your work is properly preserved

    v1.3.2 #git #version-control #ci #git-status #tool #control-system #continuous-integration
  132. git-repository

    now named 'gix' and not available under this name anymore

    v0.35.0 300 #git #repository #version-control #performance #object #cache #name
  133. jujube

    (an experimental VCS)

    v0.1.1 #git #version-control #git-commit #mercurial #git-repository #scm #dvcs
  134. breezy

    Friendly distributed version control system

    v3.3.4 #version-control #control-system #distributed #bazaar #git #revision #user
  135. deplorable

    & small daemon to deploy static website and other code from GitHub webhooks

    v0.2.0 #github-webhook #version-control #repository #deployment #nix #static-website #daemon
  136. shackle-shell

    A shell for restricting access on a version control server

    v0.3.0 #git-repository #git #shell #version-control #git-version #control-system #cli
  137. gitmgt

    An easy way to create your git repository without leaving your project

    v0.1.2 #git-repository #git #management #version-control #command-line #cli #command-line-tool
  138. rhq

    A repository management tool

    v0.3.0 #repository #version-control #management #local #manage #git #tool
  139. dot-trove

    Dotfile management system

    v0.2.3 #dotfiles #management #version-control #directory #system #store #trove
  140. libfossil-rs-ffi

    Bindgen-generated FFI bindings to libfossil

    v0.1.0 #ffi #version-control #libfossil #fossil
  141. cargolifter


    v0.5.3 #cargo #access-token #registy #version-control #authentication #cli
  142. git-series

    Track patch series in git

    v0.9.1 #series #git #patch #git-commit #git-rebase #version-control #track
  143. tittle

    Dotfile manager

    v0.2.0 #track #version-control #configuration #info #i3 #push #clone
  144. weave

    delta file storage. Inspired by the storage format of SCCS, this crate allows multiple revisions of a file to be stored efficiently in a single file.

    v0.3.1 #file-storage #version-control #single-file #data-file #backup-file #delta #control-system
  145. precious-command

    A command running library for precious - not for external use

    v0.2.3 #run-command #precious #path #directory #quality #version-control #config
  146. sssync

    A version control system for large files backed by online blob storage

    v0.1.1 #version-control #file #storage #commit #remote #control-system #online
  147. gnostr-lib-proc-macros

    Proc macros for the gnostr-lib crate

    v0.0.25 #content #index #git-commit #git-repository #version-control #proc #generate
  148. git-testtools

    Shared code for gitoxide crates to facilitate testing

    v0.10.0 #git #testing #version-control #shared #gitoxide #facilitate
  149. projroot

    Small tool to guess the root directory of the project containing the current working directory

    v0.1.0 #root-directory #root-finding #version-control #determine #alias #up #first
  150. git-record

    UI component to interactively select changes to include in a commit

    v0.3.0 370 #git-commit #ui-component #git #version-control #user #interactively #source
  151. ojo

    An experimental and educational version control system

    v0.1.1 #single-file #version-control #patch #patch-file #control-system #educational #experimental
  152. jujube-lib

    Jujube (an experimental VCS)

    v0.1.1 #commit #git-commit #operation #git-repository #version-control #repo #tree
  153. fixed-index-vec

    A vector-like data structure whose indices do not change when elements are removed

    v0.1.0 #indices #version-control #structure #index #data-structures #immutability #order
  154. gib

    A .gitignore bootstrapper for projects that use git

    v0.2.4 #gitignore #git #version-control #cli #vcs
  155. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  156. libfossil-rs

    FFI bindings to libfossil

    v0.1.0 #version-control #libfossil #ffi #fossil
  157. gitlab_tagger

    create tag using gitlab api

    v0.1.3 #gitlab #gitlab-api #tags #tagging #version-control #commit-message #automate
  158. track_rs

    A version control and incremental data storage tool based on Rust,

    v0.1.0 #version-control #incremental #track #delta #version #block-index
  159. slumber_core

    Core library for Slumber. Not intended for external use.

    v2.3.0 280 #tui #http #rest #http-request #terminal #version-control
  160. libpijul-compat

    A patch-based distributed version control system, easy to use and fast

    v0.10.2 #patch #repository #version-control #directory #branch #information #line
  161. gitoxide-core

    implementing all capabilities of the gitoxide CLI

    v0.43.0 360 #git #gitoxide #interface #gix #capabilities #version-control #validate
  162. quilt

    An experimental and educational version control system

    v0.1.0 #experimental #file-line #single-file #version-control #patch #control-system #command-line
  163. abstract-registry

    Abstract Registry Contract

    v0.24.2 800 #registry #abstract #version #version-control #contract #cosmwasm #ultimate
  164. sbvc_lib

    Backend for Single Binary file Version Control system

    v0.5.3 #binary-file #version-control #control-system #single-file #back-end
  165. jj-lib-proc-macros

    Proc macros for the jj-lib crate

    v0.24.0 700 #git #version-control #jujutsu #jj #mercurial #macro #content
  166. esl01-nonblocking

    Call non-blocking async Rust from non-async Rust

    v0.3.0 420 #non-blocking #async #scalable #source #control #version-control #non-async
  167. vfs-clgit

    Virtual FileSystem abstractions via Command Line GIT

    v0.1.0 #virtual-filesystem #vfs #git #virtual #version-control #filesystem #command-line
  168. vcs_version

    Helper functions to get version information from VCS

    v0.1.0 #version #version-control #tags #git #mercurial #numbers #helper
  169. esl01-atomicfile

    Atomically write a file with retries

    v0.3.0 370 #write-file #atomically #control-system #source #scalable #version-control #retries
  170. vcs-classic-hid

    Custom drivers for the Atari VCS classic joystick

    v0.1.0 #joystick #version-control #controller #atari #gamepad #vcs #led-controller
  171. gor

    version control system written in Rust

    v0.1.0 #version-control #control-system #control
  172. installation-testing

    A testing installation library

    v0.0.4 #testing #version-control #git #process #command
  173. gitdag

    Git DAG used for source control

    v0.1.2 #git #dag #source #control #version-control #scalable
  174. esvc-core

    Core of ESVC (event sourcing version control)

    v0.1.0 #version-control #event-sourcing #events #esvc
  175. git-branch-history

    navigating through a history of branch checkouts

    v0.1.0 #git-branch #git #history #version-control #navigating #checkouts #command
  176. rvc

    A Git-compatible Version Control System based on The Rust Programming Language

    v0.1.0-alpha #control #version #version-control #control-system #git-compatible
  177. runwrap

    Text wrapping for Markdown

    v0.2.0 #version-control #text #markdown #vcs
  178. derpy

    language & vcs agnostic dependency manager

    v0.1.0 #version-control #control-system #language #intrinsics #internet #manager
  179. abstract-account-factory

    Abstract Factory Contract

    v0.23.0 300 #factory #manager #proxy #version #treasury #contracts #version-control
  180. pmt

    ██▓███ ███▄ ▄███▓▄▄▄█████▓ ▓██░ ██▒▓██▒▀█▀ ██▒▓ ██▒ ▓▒ ▓██░…

    v0.1.0 #git-workflow #version-control #features #abstraction #tool #opinionated #better
  181. nit-rs

    Nit, a lightweight and blazing fast version control system made in Rust (WIP)

    v0.1.0 #control-system #blazing #version #nit #version-control
  182. rvcs

    version control system

    v0.1.0 #version-control #control-system #command-line-tool #vcs #command-line-tools
  183. rhq-core

    Core library for rhq

    v0.3.0 #repository #rhq #local #git #version-control #manage #darcs
  184. modm

    A git like cli tool for machine learning version control

    v0.1.1 #model #ml #ml-model #version-control #machine-learning #cli #command-line-tool
  185. deversion

    Always-active, character-for-character version control system

    v0.1.0 #version #version-control #control-system #character-for-character #always-active
  186. jujutsu

    has been replaced by the jj-cli crate. Please upgrade to jj-cli version 0.8+, or specify jujutsu of version "=0.7.0" if you need to compile an obsolete version

    v0.7.1 #git-commit #git #version-control #mercurial #scm #dvcs #vcs
  187. cargo-fix

    Automatically apply the suggestions made by rustc

    v0.4.1 #cargo #automatic #fix #rustc #suggestions #apply #version-control
  188. vcstatus

    Prints VCS and current branch to standard output

    v0.1.1 #version-control #shell #bash #status #integration #vcs #command-line-tool
  189. ojo_wasm

    A minimal wasm interface to ojo (an educational version control system)

    v0.1.0 #wasm-interface #control-system #ojo #version #educational #version-control #dont
  190. pippin

    A database for small objects sorted only via classification

    v0.1.0 #version-control #distributed #database
  191. qop

    version control

    v0.0.0 #control #version #version-control
  192. keep

    Preserve file during content regeneration using VCS instead of guard clauses inside the document

    v0.1.0 #preserve #version-control #guard #file-content #document #clauses #regeneration