
  1. taffy

    A flexible UI layout library

    v0.7.0 96K #flexbox #cross-platform-ui #layout #grid #cross-platform #ui-framework #bevy-ui
  2. dioxus

    Build fullstack web, desktop, and mobile apps with a single codebase

    v0.6.0 13K #ui-framework #cross-platform-ui #ui-component #gui #desktop #mobile #web-framework
  3. utoipa-swagger-ui

    Swagger UI for utoipa

    v8.0.3 221K #swagger-ui #web-framework #documentation #web-ui #openapi #web-server #ui-framework
  4. tachys

    Tools for building reactivity-agnostic, renderer-generic, statically-typed view trees for user interface libraries

    v0.1.0 4.8K #declarative-ui #view #leptos #ui-framework #reactivity #tree #web-ui
  5. crux_core

    Cross-platform app development in Rust

    v0.10.0 2.9K #web-apps #cross-platform-ui #wasm-framework #ui-framework #declarative-ui #wasm #crux
  6. webui

    early development Website UI framework and component library for quickly building websites with native support for Material UI standardization

    v0.10.5 6.2K #ui-component #web-apps #ui #wasm #website #ui-framework #wasm-framework
  7. egui_graphs

    Interactive graph visualization widget for rust powered by egui

    v0.22.0 350 #graph #egui #graph-node #ui #ui-framework #node-graph
  8. dioxus-logger

    A logging utility to provide a standard interface whether you're targetting web desktop, fullstack, and more

    v0.6.0 7.0K #logging #dioxus #logging-tracing #log #ui-framework
  9. actuate

    A reactive user-interface framework

    v0.20.1 4.9K #state #ui-framework #declarative-ui #ui-component #compose #reactive-programming #data
  10. bevy_lunex

    Blazingly fast path based retained layout engine for Bevy entities, built around vanilla Bevy ECS

    v0.2.4 130 #bevy-ui #bevy-ecs #layout #ui-component #ui #ui-framework #bevy
  11. applin

    Backend library for the Applin™ Server-Driven UI framework

    v0.2.9 180 #ui-framework #ui #mobile #flutter #reactnative
  12. bevy_ui

    A custom ECS-driven UI framework built specifically for Bevy Engine

    v0.15.0 51K #ui-framework #bevy #node #ui-elements #game-engine #text-node #layout
  13. makepad-objc-sys

    Makepad fork of SSheldon/rust-objc without libc dep

    v0.4.0 #macos-ios #ios #objective-c #ui-framework #cocoa #ui-kit #macos
  14. dioxus-html

    HTML Element pack for Dioxus - a concurrent renderer-agnostic Virtual DOM for interactive user experiences

    v0.6.0 12K #ui #html-macro #dom #ui-elements #ui-framework #web-ui #react
  15. bevy_bsml

    A UI library to compose UI elements using simple markup language, inspired by svelte and tailwindcss

    v0.14.10 #markup-language #ui-elements #bevy-ui #ui-framework #ui-component #class #bsml
  16. dioxus-router

    Cross-platform router for Dioxus apps

    v0.6.0 8.7K #ui #cross-platform-ui #react #ui-framework #dom #gui #wasm
  17. create-gpui-app

    A CLI tool to create a new gpui app

    v0.1.3 #ui-framework #gpui #command-line-tool #zed #create #apps #productive
  18. dioxus-rsx

    Core functionality for Dioxus - a concurrent renderer-agnostic Virtual DOM for interactive user experiences

    v0.6.0 13K #ui-component #ui #dom #ui-framework #web-ui #react #gui
  19. dioxus-signals

    Reactivie signals for Dioxus: Build fullstack web, desktop, and mobile apps with a single codebase

    v0.6.0 11K #ui #gui #react #dom #ui-framework #wasm #subscription
  20. dioxus-hooks

    Basic useful hooks for Dioxus

    v0.6.0 13K #ui #ui-framework #dom #react #gui
  21. bevy_cobweb_ui

    UI tools and widgets built on bevy_cobweb

    v0.6.0 500 #bevy-ui #ui #ui-elements #gamedev #reactive #ui-framework #game-engine
  22. dioxus-lib

    Build fullstack web, desktop, and mobile apps with a single codebase

    v0.6.0 9.3K #ui-framework #ui #gui #react #dom #wasm #web-apps
  23. theframework

    A cross platform application UI framework

    v0.1.30 450 #ui-framework #cross-platform-ui #framework #user-interface #applications #ui #graphics
  24. tuifw

    Text User Interface Framework

    v0.26.0 750 #user-interface #tui #ui-framework #console #text #abstract
  25. wonopui

    parameterized YEW UI framework for building flexible and customizable web applications

    v0.0.5 #ui-framework #tailwind-css #tailwind #yew #web-ui #web-apps #ui
  26. makepad-math

    Makepad math functions

    v0.4.0 100 #makepad #cargo-makepad #ui-framework #applications #math #build #functions
  27. makepad-micro-serde

    Makepad micro replacement for serde

    v0.4.0 120 #makepad #ui-framework #cargo-makepad #applications #micro #studio #serde
  28. dioxus-hot-reload

    Hot reloading utilities for Dioxus

    v0.6.0-alpha.2 9.5K #hot-reloading #ui-framework #ui #gui #dom #react
  29. makepad-micro-proc-macro

    Makepad micro proc macro util lib

    v0.4.0 170 #cargo-makepad #proc-macro #ui-framework #applications #studio #ide
  30. nuit

    Declarative, cross-platform UI framework for Rust that uses native controls

    v0.2.0 430 #ui-framework #declarative-ui #cross-platform-ui #control #native #back-end #button
  31. masonry

    Data-oriented Rust UI design toolkit

    v0.2.0 100 #ui-framework #ui-toolkit #ui #gui #toolkit
  32. ribir_gpu

    A non-intrusive declarative GUI framework, to build modern native/wasm cross-platform applications

    v0.4.0-alpha.18 430 #declarative-ui #ui-framework #cross-platform-gui #ui #declarative #gui #gui-applications
  33. bevy_quill

    A reactive UI framework for Bevy

    v0.1.7 #ui-framework #bevy-ui #bevy-ecs #ui #bevy #reactive #game-engine
  34. dioxus-interpreter-js

    JS Interpreter for Dioxus - a concurrent renderer-agnostic Virtual DOM for interactive user experiences

    v0.6.0 11K #dom #wasm-bindings #ui #wasm-interpreter #ui-framework #gui #react
  35. basalt

    A window/ui framework built upon vulkan

    v0.21.0 #desktop-applications #ui-framework #vulkan #graphics #framework #window-creation
  36. generational-box

    A box backed by a generational runtime

    v0.6.0 11K #memory-allocator #generational #memory #allocator #box #ui-framework
  37. bloom-core

    A react-like framework for descriptive UIs. Renderer Agnostic but built with HTML in mind.

    v0.1.2 #ui-framework #ui-component #state #react #renderer #html #bloom
  38. haalka

    ergonomic reactive Bevy UI library powered by FRP signals

    v0.2.1 #bevy-ui #ui #ui-framework #reactive #bevy #signals #gamedev
  39. sigmut

    a state management framework designed to be used as a foundation for UI frameworks

    v0.0.2 #state-management #ui-framework #reactive #signals #signal #early-stage
  40. bevy_submerge_ui

    A ui plugin with tailwind like capabilities for bevy

    v0.1.1 #bevy-ui #ui-component #tailwind #bevy #bevy-ecs #submerge-ui #ui-framework
  41. lunex_engine

    not inteded to be used standalone. It is a dependency of Bevy_Lunex

    v0.2.4 #bevy-ui #bevy-lunex #layout #bevy #ui #ui-component #ui-framework
  42. dioxus-ssr

    Dioxus render-to-string

    v0.6.0 2.6K #server-side-rendering #ssr #ui #ui-framework #gui #react #dom
  43. fui_core

    Core library of FUI MVVM UI Framework

    v0.14.1 #ui-framework #ui #widgets #framework #gui #mvvm
  44. makepad-live-id

    Makepad live id symbol interning

    v0.4.0 130 #makepad #ui-framework #cargo-makepad #symbol #live #interning #applications
  45. yew-cosmo

    Yew Cosmo is an opinionated component library for yew based on the cosmopolitan design principles

    v1.0.10 #ui-component #yew-component #design #ui-framework #modern #cosmopolitan #opinionated
  46. ribir_geom

    A non-intrusive declarative GUI framework, to build modern native/wasm cross-platform applications

    v0.4.0-alpha.18 550 #declarative-ui #ui-framework #ui #cross-platform-ui #declarative #gui #compose-ui
  47. nuri

    nuri ui-framework

    v0.1.0 150 #ui-framework #graphics #ui #framework
  48. zng-wgt-settings

    Part of the zng project

    v0.2.0 490 #user-interface #zng #cross-platform-gui #ui #ui-framework #gui
  49. makepad-code-editor

    Makepad studio

    v0.6.0 #makepad #web-apps #cargo-makepad #applications #ui #ui-framework #studio
  50. fui_controls

    Standard controls for FUI UI Framework

    v0.14.0 #ui-framework #ui #framework #gui #widgets #mvvm
  51. makepad-error-log

    Makepad error logging

    v0.4.0 130 #cargo-makepad #error-logging #ui-framework #applications #build #run-time
  52. dioxus-native-core

    Build natively rendered apps with Dioxus

    v0.5.0-alpha.0 #ui-framework #rendering-engine #ui #dom #gui #react #web-ui
  53. bevy_mod_stylebuilder

    A set of fluent builder utilities for Bevy UI styles

    v0.1.3 #bevy-ui #ui #ui-framework #ui-component #bevy #reactive
  54. superconsole

    but powerful Text-based User Interface (TUI) framework

    v0.2.0 22K #user-interface #tui #ui-framework #component #ui-component #line #text-rendering
  55. lookbook

    Component preview framework for Dioxus

    v0.2.0-alpha.1 #ui-component #preview #ui-framework #dioxus #task #label #content
  56. wurbo

    A timy framework for WebAssembly Component model front-ends

    v0.5.0 900 #wasm-component #wasm-framework #component-model #ui-component #ui-framework #wasm #web-assembly
  57. zng-ext-svg

    Part of the zng project

    v0.2.0 480 #zng #user-interface #ui #svg #cross-platform-gui #gui #ui-framework
  58. dioxus-liveview

    Build server-side apps with Dioxus

    v0.6.0 2.7K #ui #gui #ui-framework #react #dom #liveview #back-end
  59. cob_sickle_ui_scaffold

    Scaffolding framework for sickle_ui

    v0.6.0 460 #framework #ui #sickle-ui #scaffolding #bevy #ui-framework
  60. makepad-widgets

    Makepad widgets

    v0.6.0 #ui-framework #makepad #applications #widgets #design #live #next-generation
  61. dces

    DCES entity component system

    v0.3.1 #ui-framework #ecs #ui #game-engine #gamedev #zero
  62. rsx-rosetta

    Autofomatter for Dioxus RSX

    v0.6.0-alpha.2 1.9K #ui #ui-framework #template-engine #react #dom #formatting #gui
  63. thalia_ui


    v0.1.0 #ui-framework #ui #framework #graphics
  64. dioxus-web

    Web-sys renderer for Dioxus: Build fullstack web, desktop, and mobile apps with a single codebase

    v0.6.0 7.9K #ui #ui-framework #dom #wasm #gui #wasm-framework #web-apps
  65. ribir_text

    A non-intrusive declarative GUI framework, to build modern native/wasm cross-platform applications

    v0.4.0-alpha.11 #declarative-ui #ui-framework #cross-platform-gui #ui #declarative #gui #compose-ui
  66. dioxus-autofmt

    Autofomatter for Dioxus RSX

    v0.6.0 2.6K #syntax-tree #ui-framework #desktop #mobile #pretty-printing #gui #wasm
  67. zng-wgt-scroll

    Part of the zng project

    v0.5.0 750 #user-interface #zng #cross-platform-gui #ui #ui-framework #gui
  68. fui_system

    System controls (dialogs, tray etc.) for FUI UI Framework

    v0.13.0 #ui-framework #desktop-applications #dialog #tray #windowing #framework #cross-platform-gui
  69. fui_app

    Application backend of FUI UI Framework

    v0.14.0 #ui-framework #gui-applications #framework #ui #back-end #gui #widgets
  70. zng-wgt-text

    Part of the zng project

    v0.5.0 750 #user-interface #zng #ui #cross-platform-gui #gui #ui-framework
  71. makepad-audio-graph

    Makepad audio graph

    v0.6.0 #makepad #ui-framework #audio #cargo-makepad #applications #graph #web-apps
  72. cob_sickle_math

    Math dependencies for sickle_ui

    v0.6.0 470 #math #sickle-ui #ui-framework #bevy #asset-oriented
  73. makepad/makepad-web-server

    Makepad web server

    GitHub 0.3.0 #makepad #web-server #ui-framework #web-apps #cargo-makepad #applications #web-framework
  74. dioxus-check

    Checks Dioxus RSX files for issues

    v0.6.0 2.6K #desktop #mobile #ui-framework #wasm #gui #web #report
  75. bloom-html

    HtmlNode type for bloom-client and bloom-server

    v0.1.3 #ui-framework #bloom #html-node #spans #comment #tags #central
  76. zng-wgt-layer

    Part of the zng project

    v0.4.0 800 #ui-framework #user-interface #zng #cross-platform-gui #ui #gui
  77. tuifw-window

    Text User Interface Framework. Overlappable hierachical windows.

    v0.26.0 1.9K #user-interface #tui #ui-framework #hierarchical #text #console
  78. finestra

    Cross Platform Native UI Framework

    v0.3.0 #ui-framework #desktop-applications #cross-platform-ui #native #window #ui-component #label
  79. all-is-cubes-ui

    User interface subsystem for the all-is-cubes engine

    v0.8.0 #interactive-applications #widgets #ui-framework #voxel-game #cubes #game-engine #recursion
  80. zng-wgt-toggle

    Part of the zng project

    v0.4.0 650 #user-interface #zng #cross-platform-gui #ui-framework #ui #gui
  81. gtk-rust-app

    Framework for writing flatpak apps with GTK in Rust

    v0.12.0 #gtk #flatpak #ui #ui-framework
  82. makepad-live-compiler

    Makepad platform live DSL compiler

    v0.5.0 100 #makepad #ui-framework #cargo-makepad #platform #live #dsl #compiler
  83. xilem

    A next-generation cross-platform Rust UI framework

    v0.1.0 #ui-framework #cross-platform-ui #ui-toolkit #ui #gpu #performance #native
  84. makepad-shader-compiler

    Makepad platform shader compiler

    v0.5.0 #shader-compiler #makepad #ui-framework #cargo-makepad #platform #applications #native
  85. cuicui_dsl

    An easily-extensible macro to spawn things in bevy

    v0.12.0 #bevy-ui #bevy #ui-framework #ui #layout #helper #build
  86. biji-ui

    Effortless headless UI components for your Leptos projects

    v0.1.3 #ui-component #leptos #headless #projects #headless-ui #ui-framework #styling
  87. leptos-cosmo

    Leptos Cosmo is an opinionated component library for leptos based on the cosmopolitan design principles

    v1.0.7 180 #ui-framework #component #ui-component #design #cosmopolitan #modern #cosmo
  88. zng-wgt-material-icons

    Part of the zng project

    v0.4.0 500 #material-icons #user-interface #zng #material-design #ui #cross-platform-gui #ui-framework
  89. easy-imgui-renderer

    Default renderer for the easy-imgui crate, using OpenGl via glow

    v0.12.0 #imgui #graphics #ui #gui-applications #ui-framework #bindings
  90. bevy_quill_obsidian

    An opinionated set of editor-focused widgets built on Bevy and Quill

    v0.1.3 #ui #bevy-ui #widgets #reactive #ui-framework #bevy
  91. makepad-live-tokenizer

    Makepad platform live DSL tokenizer

    v0.4.0 #makepad #cargo-makepad #ui-framework #live #tokenizer #platform #dsl
  92. gxi

    Zero-Cost Cross-Platform Native Widget based Component System in Rust

    v0.6.1 #gui-framework #ui-framework #wasm-framework #gtk #framework #cross-platform-gui #gui
  93. concoct

    Cross-platform UI framework

    v0.19.0-alpha.2 #ui-framework #cross-platform-ui #system #management #virtual-dom #events #state
  94. flo_draw

    Hassle-free windowed 2D graphics rendering

    v0.3.1 #2d-graphics #2d-rendering #graphics-api #graphics #ui-framework #platform-independent #drawing
  95. vgtk

    A declarative UI framework for GTK

    v0.3.0 #desktop-applications #ui-framework #declarative-ui #gtk #ui-component #component-model #cross-platform
  96. ribir_dev_helper

    A non-intrusive declarative GUI framework, to build modern native/wasm cross-platform applications

    v0.4.0-alpha.18 380 #declarative-ui #ui-framework #cross-platform-gui #declarative #ui #gui #compose-ui
  97. bevy_quill_overlays

    Reactive, translucent overlays

    v0.1.2 #bevy-ui #reactive #overlays #gizmo #ui #bevy #ui-framework
  98. dioxus-mobile

    Mobile-compatible renderer for Dioxus

    v0.6.0 350 #ui-framework #ui #gui #react #dom
  99. cuicui_layout

    A layout algorithm for bevy and made to be understood by humans

    v0.12.0 #bevy-ui #bevy #layout #ui #ui-framework
  100. viewbuilder

    Cross-platform UI framework

    v0.10.0-alpha.5 240 #cross-platform-ui #ui-framework #modular #view #web-ui #model #control-flow
  101. makepad-example-fractal-zoom

    Makepad fractal zoom example

    v0.6.0 #cargo-makepad #zoom #web-apps #fractal #ui-framework #applications #build
  102. dioxus-desktop

    WebView renderer for Dioxus

    v0.6.0 3.4K #ui #dom #gui #react #ui-framework #web-framework
  103. async_ui_web

    Async UI for the Browser

    v0.2.1 #ui-framework #web-ui #async #web-framework #asynchronous #wasm #gui
  104. makepad-wasm-bridge

    Makepad wasm bridge

    v0.4.0 #cargo-makepad #wasm-bridge #ui-framework #wasm-framework #web-apps #wasm-build #web-native
  105. textyle

    A text-based declarative UI library inspired by SwiftUI

    v0.2.0 #declarative-ui #ui-framework #layout #terminal-graphics #tui #dsl #graphics
  106. dioxus-core

    Build fullstack web, desktop, and mobile apps with a single codebase

    v0.6.0 14K #ui-component #desktop #mobile #ui-framework #gui #wasm #web
  107. makepad-synth-ironfish

    Makepad ironfish example

    v0.6.0 #makepad #cargo-makepad #ui-framework #applications #design #ironfish #native
  108. fermi

    Global state management for Dioxus

    v0.4.3 220 #state-management #ui-framework #ui #gui #react #dom
  109. tuifw-xaml

    Text User Interface Framework. XAML preprocesser.

    v0.26.0 340 #tui #user-interface #parser #ui-framework #text #xaml #console
  110. nuit-bridge-swiftui

    SwiftUI backend for Nuit

    v0.2.0 500 #cross-platform-ui #ui-framework #declarative-ui #swift #swift-ui #nuit #back-end
  111. conformal_ui

    Implements a wry-based UI for audio processors. Part of the conformal audio plug-in framework.

    v0.3.2 150 #plugin #web-ui #conformal #ui-framework #audio #processors #web-framework
  112. klaptik

    Experimental UI rendering framework for LCD/OLED displays

    v0.2.1 #display #ui-framework #experimental #rendering #lcd-oled #embedded
  113. appy

    Declarative UI framework with native rendering

    v0.1.6 #ui-framework #declarative-ui #cross-platform-ui #native #applications #rendering
  114. e172

    UI framework for Rust

    v0.1.0 #ui-framework #declarative-gui #gui
  115. dioxus-tui

    TUI-based renderer for Dioxus

    v0.5.0-alpha.0 #tui #ui #ui-component #terminal #gui #react #ui-framework
  116. consecuit

    A functional web UI framework that uses the type system for hooks and more

    v0.2.0 #ui-framework #functional #web-ui #ui-component #web-framework #wasm #gui
  117. wand

    Web application UI framework powerered by wasm and canvas 2d

    v0.1.3 #web-ui #web-apps #canvas #ui #wasm #wasm-framework #ui-framework
  118. makepad-futures-legacy

    Makepad futures legacy

    v0.6.0 #cargo-makepad #ui-framework #future #legacy #applications #web-ui #run-time
  119. makepad-vector

    Makepad vector api

    v0.4.0 110 #makepad #ui-framework #cargo-makepad #applications #web-apps #vector #command
  120. makepad-image-formats

    Makepad image formats

    v0.3.0 #makepad #ui-framework #cargo-makepad #studio #consists #multiple #ios
  121. makepad-audio-widgets

    Makepad audio widgets

    v0.6.0 #makepad #ui-framework #cargo-makepad #audio #applications #build #widgets
  122. chargrid

    Text UI component framework

    v0.12.0 #ui-component #ui-framework #tui #text #applications
  123. dip

    Write cross-platform application with React-like declarative UI framework and scalable ECS architecture all in Rust

    v0.2.1 #declarative-ui #bevy-ecs #cross-platform #ecs-architecture #dioxus #ui-framework #bevy
  124. bevy-compose

    Reactive UI framework for Bevy

    v0.2.0-alpha.4 #bevy-ui #ui-framework #reactive #compose #plugin #template-plugin
  125. lemna

    A Reactive UI framework for Rust

    v0.4.0 #ui-framework #ui #cross-platform-ui #gui #wgpu #configurable #button
  126. makepad-futures

    Makepad futures

    v0.4.0 130 #cargo-makepad #ui-framework #future #platform #applications #run-time #ios
  127. tuifw-screen-winapi

    Text User Interface Framework. Basic text screen implementation for Win platform.

    v0.26.0 #tui #user-interface #winapi #screen #ui-framework
  128. ribir_core

    A non-intrusive declarative GUI framework, to build modern native/wasm cross-platform applications

    v0.4.0-alpha.18 450 #declarative-ui #ui-framework #declarative #cross-platform-gui #ui #gui #compose-ui
  129. cargo-finestra

    Cross Platform Native UI Framework

    v0.3.0 #ui-framework #native #cross-platform-ui
  130. makepad-shell

    Makepad shell functions

    v0.4.0 #cargo-makepad #ui-framework #web-apps #shell #applications #studio #ide
  131. kiss-ui/kiss-ui

    UI framework for Rust built on top of IUP (http://webserver2.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/iup/)

    GitHub 0.1.0 #ui-framework #kiss #iup #tecgraf #top #gui #puc-rio
  132. tundra

    A framework for building interactive applications for the terminal using Ratatui

    v0.3.0 130 #ratatui #terminal #command-line-interface #tui #terminal-interface #interactive-applications #ui-framework
  133. tuifw-screen-dos

    Text User Interface Framework. Basic text screen implementation for DOS platform.

    v0.26.0 #tui #user-interface #dos #screen #ui-framework #dpmi #b800h
  134. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  135. makepad-base64

    Makepad base64

    v0.3.0 #cargo-makepad #ui-framework #base64 #applications #build #studio #consists
  136. gemgui

    GUI application library

    v0.4.6 #gui-applications #applications #ui-framework #ui #graphics #gui #html-css
  137. ez_term

    A cross-platform terminal UI framework focussed on simplicity. Build your TUI using YAML(ish) config files.

    v0.1.1 #widgets #tui #layout #callback #terminal #ui-framework #properties
  138. tuifw-screen-base

    Text User Interface Framework. Basic platform-independent text screen interface.

    v0.26.0 #tui #screen #ncurses #user-interface #ui-framework #notcurses
  139. makepad-media

    Makepad platform media extensions

    v0.3.0 #makepad #ui-framework #cargo-makepad #applications #media #platform #studio
  140. rustycan

    Powerful UI framework for games and apps

    v0.1.3 #cross-platform #ui-framework #ui #graphics #hot-reload #antialiased #gamedev
  141. bevy_dioxus

    Write cross-platform application with React-like declarative UI framework and scalable ECS architecture all in Rust

    v0.1.1 #declarative-ui #dioxus #cross-platform #ecs #bevy #ecs-architecture #ui-framework
  142. b3-framework

    A cross-platform UI framework

    v0.1.0 #ui-framework #cross-platform-ui #b3
  143. fui_controls_media

    Media controls for FUI UI Framework

    v0.12.0 #ui-framework #framework #ui #widgets #mvvm #gui
  144. nuit-bridge-adwaita

    Adwaita backend for Nuit

    v0.2.0 190 #ui-framework #cross-platform-ui #declarative-ui #nuit #back-end #adwaita #bridge
  145. gelatin

    A basic UI framework

    v0.9.0 #ui-framework #emulsion #was #basic #image
  146. ori

    A declarative ui framework for Rust

    v0.1.0-alpha.1 #reactive #native #graphics #gui #ui-framework #declarative-ui
  147. b3-gui

    Backend-independent GUI framework

    v0.1.0 #b3 #ui-framework #backend-independent
  148. douglas

    A tiny TUI framework built on the Elm architecture

    v0.1.1 #tui #elm #ui #terminal #ui-framework #send-message
  149. fui_examples

    Examples for FUI UI Framework

    v0.12.0 #ui-framework #ui #framework #widgets #mvvm #gui
  150. icee

    A CSS-like style system for the iced ui framework

    v0.1.0-alpha0.2 #ui-framework #iced #style-sheet #css #css-like #system
  151. webui_procs

    early development Macros for WebUI - Website UI framework and component library for quickly building websites with native support for Material UI standardization

    v0.10.5 #ui #wasm #ui-framework #webassembly
  152. elm-ui

    Elm architecture framework for UIs

    v0.0.1-dev #elm #architecture #ui-framework
  153. fui_macros

    Macros for FUI UI Framework

    v0.4.0 #ui-framework #framework #ui #widgets #mvvm #gui
  154. concoct-web

    Web backend for concoct

    v0.1.0-alpha.1 #back-end #framework #ui #ui-framework #gui #web #concoct
  155. cob_sickle_macros

    Macros for sickle_ui

    v0.6.0 470 #macro #ui #sickle-ui #ui-framework #bevy #asset-oriented
  156. dip_task

    Write cross-platform application with React-like declarative UI framework and scalable ECS architecture all in Rust

    v0.2.0 #declarative-ui #dioxus #ecs #ecs-architecture #cross-platform #bevy #ui-framework
  157. termo

    terminal ui framework

    v0.16.0 100 #tui #ui-framework #terminal
  158. uxui

    A cross-platform UI framework

    v0.1.0-alpha.0 #cross-platform-ui #ui-framework #dispatch
  159. bevy_dioxus_desktop

    Write cross-platform application with React-like declarative UI framework and scalable ECS architecture all in Rust

    v0.1.1 #declarative-ui #cross-platform #desktop-applications #ecs-architecture #ui-framework #dioxus #bevy
  160. sigmut-macros

    a state management framework designed to be used as a foundation for UI frameworks

    v0.0.2 #ui-framework #sigmut #foundation #state #state-management #calculations
  161. consecuit_html

    HTML components for the Consecuit web UI framework

    v0.2.0 #functional #wasm #gui #ui-framework #web-ui
  162. bevy_quill_core

    A reactive UI framework for Bevy

    v0.1.3 #bevy-ui #reactive #ui #bevy #ui-framework
  163. lemna-wx-rs

    wx-rs windowing backend support for lemna

    v0.4.0 #back-end #ui-framework #lemna #windowing #reactive #wx-rs
  164. nuit-core

    Core structures and traits for Nuit

    v0.2.0 #nuit #structures #traits #ui #ui-framework
  165. narui_core

    unwrapped core crate of the narui gui framework

    v0.1.2 #narui #framework #ui-framework #vulkan #unwrapped
  166. vgtk-macros

    Proc macros for vgtk

    v0.3.0 #gtk #vgtk #declarative #built #ui-framework #component #desktop
  167. milk-tea

    A minimal library for creating TUI apps

    v0.3.0 170 #tui #terminal #tea #apps #ui-framework #functional #applications