
  1. selectors

    CSS Selectors matching for Rust

    v0.26.0 732K #css-selectors #css-parser #css #css-selector #tree-structure #data-structures
  2. xmltree

    Parse an XML file into a simple tree-like structure

    v0.11.0 390K #xml-parser #xml #tree-structure #parse #file-tree #parser #parse-tree
  3. ego-tree

    Vec-backed ID-tree

    v0.10.0 381K #tree-node #tree-structure #node-tree #tree #tree-traversal #id #data-structures
  4. trie-db

    Merkle-Patricia Trie generic over key hasher and node encoding

    v0.29.1 262K #trie #merkle-tree #hash-tree #root-hash #key #value #tree-structure
  5. treediff

    Find the difference between arbitrary data structures

    v5.0.0 381K #data-structures #tree-structure #diff #structure #tree #general #arbitrary
  6. patricia_tree

    Memory-efficient data structures based on patricia tree

    v0.9.0 22K #radix-tree #trie #data-structures #patricia #tree-structure #radix #key-set
  7. ptree

    Pretty-print tree-like structures

    v0.5.2 41K #tree-structure #tree #config-file #data-structures #env-vars #terminal #cli
  8. concurrent-map

    a lock-free linearizable B+ tree

    v5.0.37 39K #lock-free #node-tree #tree #data-structures #tree-structure #performance #multi-threaded
  9. grovedb

    Fully featured database using balanced hierarchical authenticated data structures

    v2.2.1 470 #merkle-tree #data-structures #path-query #tree-structure #authenticated #secondary #index
  10. syntree

    A memory efficient syntax tree for language developers

    v0.18.0 1.2K #syntax-tree #tree-structure #memory
  11. tree_iterators_rs

    built to provide you with the iterators to easily work with tree data structures in Rust

    v2.0.0 #tree-traversal #binary-tree #node-tree #tree-search #tree #traversal #tree-structure
  12. morphorm

    A UI layout engine

    v0.6.5 850 #layout #ui-elements #ui #gui #tree-structure #node-tree #tree-node
  13. vers-vecs

    A collection of succinct data structures supported by fast implementations of rank and select queries

    v1.6.0 120 #bit-vector #data-structures #elias-fano #rank #succinct #wavelet-matrix #tree-structure
  14. crop

    A pretty fast text rope

    v0.4.2 5.5K #rope #data-structures #buffer #edit #tree #line-break #tree-structure
  15. astree

    A command line tool for drawing tree structures with ascii characters

    v0.2.9 700 #tree-structure #command-line #ascii #tree #command-line-tool #file-tree #input-file
  16. tui-tree-widget

    Tree Widget for ratatui

    v0.23.0 10K #tui #tree #widgets #terminal #data-structures #tree-structure
  17. bridgetree

    A space-efficient Merkle tree designed for linear appends with witnessing of marked leaves, checkpointing & state restoration

    v0.6.0 8.7K #merkle-tree #tree-structure #state #data-structures #append #linear #leave
  18. trees

    General purpose tree data structures

    v0.4.2 86K #tree-node #tree-structure #tree #node #df #bfs #forest
  19. tui-realm-treeview

    Treeview component for tui-realm

    v2.0.0 230 #tui #tree #tree-view #tree-structure #component #file-explorer #directory-tree
  20. bonsai-bt

    Behavior tree

    v0.9.0 800 #behavior-tree #tree #ai #behavior #robotics #tree-structure #game-ai
  21. tree_gen

    CLI tool to generate folder structure in ASCII, JSON and visualize folder structure with nice and easy way without leaving your terminal

    v0.1.3 110 #directory-structure #ascii #generate #tool #command-line-tool #tree-structure #directory-tree
  22. vm-fdt

    writing Flattened Devicetree blobs

    v0.3.0 22K #virtual-machine #fdt #device-tree #tree-structure #node #flattened #node-tree
  23. light_phylogeny

    Methods and functions for phylogeny

    v2.8.1 #phylogenetic #bioinformatics #evolution #phylogeny #recphyloxml #tree-structure #phylogenetics
  24. debug_tree

    Build a tree one element at a time and output it as a pretty string

    v0.4.0 24K #tree #tree-structure #debugging #branch #output #recursion #leaf
  25. id_tree

    creating and modifying Tree structures

    v1.8.0 7.9K #tree-structure #tree-node #node-tree #tree #node-id #data-structures #hierarchical
  26. shardtree

    A space-efficient Merkle tree with witnessing of marked leaves, checkpointing & state restoration

    v0.6.1 13K #merkle-tree #node-tree #tree-structure #leave #data-structures #state #checkpoint
  27. syntree_layout

    visualize trees from the 'syntree' crate

    v0.4.0 460 #tree-structure #syntax-tree #visualization #embedding #layout #syntree #data-structures
  28. squill-cli

    Command-line tool for PostgreSQL database migrations

    v0.9.4 290 #postgresql #database-migrations #sql-database #migration #command-line-tool #tree-structure #squill
  29. rpds-pathtree

    Immutable, path-addressable tree data structure

    v0.13.2 320 #tree-structure #tree #immutability #data-structures #path #thread-safe
  30. kifmm

    Kernel-independent fast multipole method

    v2.0.0 460 #tree #tree-structure #points #level #expansion #translation #source
  31. qwt

    Quad Wavelet Tree

    v0.2.0 #tree #wavelet #computational-geometry #tree-structure #data-structures #quad-tree #binary-tree
  32. project-structure-creator

    A CLI tool to create directory structure using ASCII tree

    v0.2.0 #ascii #directory-structure #directory #cli #tree-structure #command-line-tool
  33. is-tree

    Everything is a tree

    v0.9.7 #tree-structure #path-segment #branch #module #visitor #everything #convert
  34. phylo

    An extensible Phylogenetics library written in rust

    v1.2.2 270 #phylogenetic #tree-traversal #bioinformatics #data-structures #tree-structure #phylogenetics
  35. im_ternary_tree

    Structural sharing ternary tree, i.e. immutable data structure

    v0.0.18 #tree #tree-structure #immutability #ternary #data-structures #structual-sharing
  36. seedling

    hierarchical seeded pseudo-random number generators

    v1.1.0 750 #random #random-seed #rng #tree #seed #tree-structure
  37. nanodb

    embedded, JSON-based database

    v0.4.5 #json #async-io #tree-structure #embedded-database #database #serde-json #thread-safe
  38. slab_tree

    A vec-backed tree structure with tree-specific generational indexes

    v0.3.2 1.5K #tree-node #tree-structure #node-tree #tree #index #slab #node-id
  39. hextree

    Location to value mapping

    v0.3.2 150 #gis #geospatial #geo #geography #tree-structure #h3
  40. iter-tree

    Convert between iterators and tree structures in both directions

    v0.1.10 480 #tree-structure #iterator #data-structures #parser #node-tree #nested #convert
  41. mdxtree

    generate file tree structure in MDX format for Astro's Starlight components

    v0.1.2 #file-tree #tree-structure #astro #directory-structure #starlight #mdx #command-line-tool
  42. shiftnanigans

    contains different iteration data structures for either iterating or for shifting iteratively forward and backward

    v0.3.5 550 #tree-traversal #algorithm #iterator #data-structures #graph-traversal #tree-structure #graph-algorithms
  43. starling

    This tree structure is a binary merkle tree with branch compression via split indexes

    v4.0.0 #merkle-tree #binary-tree #tree-structure #tree #merkle #binary #data-structures
  44. forest-ds

    secure tree structure

    v1.1.7 #tree-structure #tree #tree-node #data-structures #secure #arena #iteration
  45. configuration

    The package provides a means of configuration

    v0.9.0 120 #tree #tree-structure #malleable
  46. flat-tree

    Series of functions to map a binary tree to a list

    v6.0.0 270 #binary-tree #tree #binary #tree-structure #flat
  47. tree-iter

    iterating over tree structures

    v0.5.0 #tree-node #tree-structure #tree #iterator #iterating #traversal #mutable
  48. atree

    An arena based tree structure with removal support

    v0.5.2 582K #tree-structure #node-tree #tree-traversal #removal #arena #iterator #immutability
  49. trees-rs

    tree-rs is a drop-in replacement for the tree utility (ASCII tree view of folder directory), but written in Rust. The primary goal of this project is to provide a non-bloated and more…

    v0.1.1 #directory-structure #tree #file-tree #command-line #ascii #command-line-tool #tree-structure
  50. disjoint-sets

    Three union-find implementations

    v0.4.2 3.7K #disjoint-set #union-find #data-structures #algorithm #tarjan #tree-node #tree-structure
  51. usvgr

    An SVG simplification library

    v0.43.4 #svg-parser #svg #tree-structure #xml-parser #image #attributes #path
  52. prollytree

    A prolly (probabilistic) tree for efficient storage, retrieval, and modification of ordered data

    v0.1.0-beta.1 130 #tree-structure #merkle-tree #tree #distributed-systems #probabilistic #distributed-database #hash
  53. pji

    pji provide a tree structure to manage your git projects

    v0.1.2 160 #git-repository #git #repo #manager #project #tree-structure #root-directory
  54. dirt-r-ee

    A CLI tool for printing the structure of a given directory in a tree

    v0.2.2 #directory-tree #directory-structure #tree-structure #gitignore #hidden #search #command-line
  55. win_tree

    Tree command to generate file system tree structure snapshot in JSON

    v0.1.3 #tree-structure #filesystem #file #directory-tree #snapshot #pattern-matching #directory-structure
  56. thread-tree

    A tree-structured thread pool for splitting jobs hierarchically on worker threads. The tree structure means that there is no contention between workers when delivering jobs

    v0.3.3 47K #thread-pool #worker-thread #thread #pool #tree-structure #parallelism #tree
  57. nb-tree

    Very simple tree structure with generic node and branch data

    v0.2.0-alpha01 #tree #node #tree-structure #branch #data #generic #documentation
  58. generational-indextree

    Arena based tree structure by using indices instead of reference counted pointers

    v1.1.4 #tree-structure #tree-traversal #tree #generational-arena #generational #tree-node #arena
  59. beet

    Tools for developing reactive structures

    v0.0.5-rc.1 120 #behavior-tree #game-ai #robotics #behavior #bevyhub #machine-learning #tree-structure
  60. nary_tree

    A vec-backed tree structure with tree-specific generational indexes

    v0.4.3 290 #tree-structure #tree-node #node-tree #tree #slab #data-structures #n-ary
  61. lignin

    A virtual DOM structure, primarily for web use

    v0.1.0 #virtual-dom #vdom #tree #tree-structure
  62. sliding_tree

    A tree that grows from the leaves and recedes from the root

    v0.2.0 #tree #arena #leave #tree-structure #sliding #root #buffer
  63. tree_traversal

    Find best leaf node in a tree

    v0.3.0 170 #leaf-node #node-tree #tree-structure #optimization #tree #search-algorithms #combinatorial
  64. text_trees

    textual output for tree-like structures

    v0.1.2 5.5K #tree-node #tree-structure #output #textual #text-formatting #formatter #child
  65. id_tree_layout

    visualize trees from the 'id_tree' crate

    v2.0.4 480 #parse-tree #tree-structure #tree-node #visualization #embedding #id-tree #layout
  66. godzie44-tui-realm-treeview

    Treeview component for tui-realm (WARN, this is a temporart fork)

    v1.0.0 100 #tui #tree #tree-structure #file-explorer #terminal #tree-view #component
  67. trie-db-fun

    Merkle-Patricia Trie generic over key hasher and node encoding

    v100.28.0 #trie #root-hash #tree-structure #merkle-tree #key-value #hasher #hash-values
  68. tree_by_path

    A tree data structure featuring nodes addressable using a &Vec<usize> path and avoiding recursion and run-time borrow checking

    v1.0.3 #tree-structure #node-tree #tree #tree-node #data-structures #recursion #path
  69. dendron

    Generic tree data structure

    v0.1.5 #root-node #node-tree #tree #tree-structure #data-structures #multi-threading #generics
  70. sapling-tree-pattern-match

    Pattern match for tree structures

    v0.1.0 #tree #match #pattern-match #structures #tree-structure #source #user-friendly
  71. treeflection

    that provides reflection for tree structures

    v0.1.35 #tree-structure #tree #reflection #node-tree #structs #traits-structs #command
  72. tref

    Tree in Rows Elemental Format (TREF). Crate to parse, store and serialize trees.

    v0.4.0 #file-format #tree-node #tree #file-tree #format #tree-structure #parse-tree
  73. wnfs-hamt

    IPLD HAMT implementation for Webnative Filesystem

    v0.2.0 #webnative #ipfs #wnfs #decentralization #web-native #data-structures #tree-structure
  74. treez

    A collection of useful data structures

    v1.6.0 #data-structures #tree #utility #tree-structure #segment #queue #collection
  75. libreda-splay

    Splay map and splay set data structures

    v0.1.1 #map #set #splay #data-structures #tree-structure
  76. rose_tree

    An indexable tree data structure with a variable and unbounded number of branches per node. It is Implemented on top of petgraph's Graph data structure and attempts to follow similar conventions where suitable.

    v0.3.0 2.2K #tree-structure #tree #data-structures #graph #tree-node #rose
  77. mind-tree

    Organize your thoughts in a tree-like structure

    v0.1.1 #tree-structure #node-tree #tree-node #mind #organization #system #organize
  78. the-media-organizer

    Organizes media files from a given directory into defined destinations using a directory tree structure by dates

    v1.1.0 #media-file #directory-tree #directory-structure #tree-structure #date #config-file #file-sorting
  79. gedcom

    A parser for GEDCOM files

    v0.2.2 #parser #genealogy #gedcom-parser #tree-structure #family-trees #file-format
  80. espalier

    Very simple flattened tree structure

    v0.4.1 #tree-structure #tree #vec #flat
  81. branchout

    Quick and easy ASCII tree of a directory

    v0.1.2 #directory-structure #directory-tree #ascii #tree-structure #representation #visualize #generate
  82. ruut

    Make easy-to-type and easy-to-grab folder structures easy to read

    v0.8.0 #directory-structure #folder #tree #directory-tree #representation #output #tree-structure
  83. bulloak-foundry

    A Solidity test generator based on the Branching Tree Technique

    v0.8.0 #solidity #testing #tree #syntax-tree #tree-structure #ast #cli
  84. advancedresearch-max_tree

    maximizer library based on a maximum tree structure

    v0.1.0 #maximum #utility #tree #tree-structure #max #advanced-research #programming
  85. mind-tree-term

    Organize your thoughts in a tree-like structure

    v0.2.1 #tree-structure #tree-node #node-tree #task-management #mind #workflow #organization
  86. dep-tree

    Dependency tree structure for building dependency requirements

    v0.1.0 #tree-structure #requirements #building #dep
  87. bstree-file-readonly

    Query read-only binary-search tree file, supporting billions of entries in files of tens of GB

    v0.1.1 #binary-search-tree #tree-structure #binary-search #bstree #index-file #input-file #indexation
  88. calcit_fingertrees

    (Calcit fork of )Immutable persisten fingertrees

    v0.0.3 #persistent #immutability #data-structures #priority-queue #calcit #tree-structure #constant-time
  89. fancy_slice

    that provides reflection for tree structures

    v0.1.2 #slice #binary-format #binary-data #fancy #reflection #tree-structure #binary-parser
  90. ptree2

    Pretty-print tree-like structures

    v1.0.0 #tree #terminal #tree-structure #cli #env-vars
  91. hedel-rs

    A Hierarchical Doubly Linked List

    v0.1.3 #linked-list #linked #list #tree #data-structures #dom #tree-structure
  92. eventree

    creating lossless syntax trees

    v0.7.0 120 #syntax-tree #lossless #derive-debug #tree-structure #enums #node #root
  93. gret

    command line tool to search for patterns and show matches in a tree structure

    v0.1.2 #search-pattern #command-line-tool #pattern #tree-structure #grep #file-search #ripgrep
  94. starsector

    Org mode structural parser/emitter with an emphasis on modularity and avoiding edits unrelated to changes

    v1.0.1 #org-mode #parser #tree-structure #emacs #file-tree #parse-tree
  95. behavior-tree-lite

    A minimal behavior tree implementation

    v0.3.2 #behavior-tree #tree-structure #finite-state-machine
  96. untree

    inverts the action of tree. It allows you to create directory trees from a textual representation of the tree.

    v0.10.0 #directory-tree #directory-structure #tree-structure #input #representation #error #input-file
  97. space-partitioning

    Space partitioning data structures

    v0.5.0 #tree #graphics #computer-vision #tree-structure #trees #data-structures
  98. willowtree

    Lazily evaluated trees

    v0.2.0 #tree-traversal #tree #lazy-evaluation #data-structures #tree-structure #collection #search-algorithms
  99. bubbletree


    v0.1.2 #compression #tree #tree-structure #data #bubble #dynamic #factor
  100. json-node

    A way to work with JSON as a node tree

    v0.2.1 #json #node-tree #node #tree-structure #data-structures #tree #data
  101. pi_slotmap_tree

    A tree structure implemented by dense memory linked list

    v0.4.0 #tree #tree-structure #pi #linked-list #slotmap-tree
  102. bulloak-syntax

    A Solidity test generator based on the Branching Tree Technique

    v0.8.0 #solidity #tree #syntax-tree #ast #tree-structure #parse-tree #ast-parser
  103. ax_banyan

    Persistent indexable tree data structure

    v0.18.0 #tree #tree-structure #persistent #immutability #data-structures #database
  104. prefix_dictionary

    Data structure similar to a dictionary, but enabling search for prefixes

    v0.0.2 #data-structures #prefix #dictionary #search #tree-search #tree-structure #character
  105. ilex_xml

    XML as a tree: Read and write

    v0.4.2 #xml-parser #xml #parser-writer #tree-structure #parser #tree #writer
  106. treesome

    tree creation, manipulation, traversal and visualization

    v0.7.0 350 #binary-tree #tree-traversal #tree #tree-structure #b-tree #trees #btree
  107. tree-graphviz

    Generate GraphViz DOT directed trees, based on an arbitrary tree structure

    v0.2.0 #tree-structure #node-tree #graphviz #directed-graph #future #generate #async
  108. tree-mapper

    generating a hierarchical mapping of files and directories represented as a HashMap. The mapping reflects the directory structure and file levels, allowing for efficient retrieval and…

    v0.1.0 #directory-structure #filesystem #data-structures #directory #file #tree-structure #hash-map
  109. vlsm-tree

    Versioned Log Stream Merkle Tree

    v0.1.0 #merkle-tree #key-value-store #tree-structure #versioned #log #stream #authenticated
  110. tree-rizzen-yazston

    Tree Library using the Any trait for data

    v0.4.0 #tree-node #node-tree #tree-structure #tree #data #data-structures #traits
  111. btree_graph

    A generic graph data structure

    v0.2.2 #graph #binary-tree #generic #b-tree #data-structures #tree-structure #btree-set
  112. dot_tree

    Create, query and store binary trees

    v1.0.1 #tree #binary-tree #file-header #bits #byte #store #tree-structure
  113. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  114. domain-lookup-tree

    A tree structure in Rust optimized for looking up domain names, with wildcard support

    v0.1.1 110 #domain-name #wildcard #tree-structure #lookup #node #up #entries
  115. xtree

    general purpose tree data structure

    v0.1.8 #tree #adt #cursor #tree-structure #data-structures
  116. tree_decorator

    lib to render pleasing tree structures at terminal programs

    v0.1.2 #tree #string #tree-structure #term #aesthetic #decorate
  117. read-tree

    A read-only tree structure

    v0.2.0 #node-tree #tree-node #sapling #tree-structure #vertex #navigating #querying
  118. woodland

    Easy to use implementations of popular tree data structures such as Binary, Binary Search, AVL, Red-Black, and more

    v0.0.4 #tree #binary-search #data-structures #indextree #tree-structure #memory-arena
  119. tree-struc

    makes a structure of a tree

    v0.1.2 #tree-structure #tree #structure #binary
  120. indextree-ng

    Arena based tree structure by using indices instead of reference counted pointers. Fork of indextree by Sascha Grunert which allows to remove nodes

    v1.0.5 #arena #tree-structure #tree #index #trie #indextree #reference-counting
  121. tagged-tree

    A tree-like data structure where the values are tagged

    v0.4.0 #tree #tagged #tree-structure #data-structures #values #tree-like #depth
  122. simple-binary-tree

    binary tree view representation

    v0.1.0 #binary-tree #tree #binary #tree-structure #binary-tree-view
  123. xmltree-parse_with_config

    Parse an XML file into a simple tree-like structure

    v0.10.3 #xml #parse #xmltree #parser #tree-structure #file-tree
  124. louds

    LOUDS implementation for Rust

    v0.1.1 #tree #trie #succinct #tree-structure
  125. orbtk-tree

    Tree structure based on DCES

    v0.3.1-alpha3 #ecs #tree #tree-structure #cross-platform #container #orb-tk #ui-toolkit
  126. ax_banyan_utils

    work with banyan trees

    v0.11.1 #tree #immutability #persistent #tree-structure #database
  127. database-tree

    Database tree structure

    v0.1.0-alpha.5 #tree #database #tui #terminal #sql #structure #tree-structure
  128. proctree

    Show running processes in a tree structure

    v0.1.2 #tree-structure #processes #running #show
  129. basic_tree

    basic tree for rust, for now including only trie

    v0.2.5 170 #trie #tree #basic #now #tree-structure #node #word
  130. mktree

    An egui tree to display entities of tree structure, e.g. CG assets, staffs, etc.

    v0.6.1 #egui #tech-art #tree-structure #asset-tree
  131. log-tree

    used for printing tree structure in command line

    v0.1.0 #tree #tree-structure #command-line #printing #log #string #childs
  132. is-tree-macro

    Everything is a tree

    v0.9.7 #tree #everything #branch #tree-structure #path-segment #fields #derive-debug
  133. syntax-tree

    Tree structure managing syntax/format information for text

    v0.3.2 #tree-structure #information #text #syntax #syntax-format #node #range
  134. pi_tree

    A tree structure implemented by dense memory linked list

    v0.1.0 #tree #tree-structure #pi #linked-list #implemented #dense #memory
  135. rustree

    notepad that stores text (in HTML format) in a hierarchical structure

    v0.1.0 #tree-structure #text #html #node #document #hierarchical #stores
  136. simple-tree

    Create, edit and iterate over tree structures

    v0.1.2 #tree #tree-structure #iterating #data #edit #iterate