
  1. rustfft

    High-performance FFT library written in pure Rust

    v6.2.0 178K #fft #discrete-fourier #transform #fourier #discrete #dft
  2. realfft

    Real-to-complex forward FFT and complex-to-real inverse FFT for Rust

    v3.4.0 114K #fft #discrete-fourier #transform #fourier #discrete #dft
  3. turbojpeg

    Fast and easy JPEG encoding, decoding and lossless transforms with TurboJPEG

    v1.1.1 4.5K #jpeg #image-compression #image #encoder #codec #transform #decoder
  4. shellharden

    The corrective bash syntax highlighter

    v4.3.1 750 #syntax-highlighting #bash #script #highlighter #quoting #shell-check #transform
  5. bevy_transform_gizmo

    A 3D transform gizmo for Bevy

    v0.12.1 900 #bevy #3d #gizmo #transform #interaction #camera #mouse
  6. swc_ecma_compat_common

    Commons for compat transforms

    v6.0.0 17K #typescript #swc #javascript-compiler #typescript-compiler #transform #web #javascript-parser
  7. chewdata

    Extract Transform and Load data

    v2.11.0 #json #etl #json-format #csv #transform #json-configuration #connector
  8. concrete-fft

    pure Rust high performance fast Fourier transform library

    v0.5.1 5.1K #fft #order #transform #pure #performance #module #standard
  9. concrete-ntt

    pure Rust high performance number theoretic transform library

    v0.2.0 5.8K #transform #numbers #prime #ntt #prime-field #polynomial #arithmetic-operations
  10. swc_emotion

    AST Transforms for emotion

    v0.74.0 2.3K #emotion #plugin #ast #swc-plugin #transform
  11. styled_components

    AST Transforms for styled-components

    v0.98.0 1.7K #ast #plugin #swc-plugin #transform
  12. anyerror

    A type of any error for transport

    v0.1.12 22K #error #error-context #transport #any #serializable #transmission #transform
  13. styled_jsx

    AST transforms visitor for styled-jsx

    v0.75.0 1.7K #ast #swc-plugin #visitor #transform
  14. bevy_transform

    transform functionality for Bevy Engine

    v0.15.0 59K #bevy #transform #game-engine #component #gamedev #data-driven
  15. tortank

    Turtle/N3 parser

    v0.24.2 700 #rdf #string-parser #turtle #node #blank #collection #transform
  16. swc_ecma_loader

    General ecmascript loader used for transforms

    v5.0.0 105K #typescript #javascript-compiler #loader #typescript-parser #transform #swc #web
  17. smooth-bevy-cameras

    Bevy camera controllers with buttery, exponential smoothing

    v0.13.0 390 #camera #bevy #smoothing #scene-graph #transform #exponential #component
  18. rustdct

    Compute Discrete Cosine Transforms (DCT) of any size in O(nlogn) time, in pure Rust

    v0.7.1 28K #signal-processing #dct #transform #discrete #cosine #mdct #encoding
  19. csv_converter

    A vault GUI for your offline passwords

    v1.0.1 #csv #convert #transform #export #cli #config-file #cli-applications
  20. swc_relay

    AST Transforms for realy

    v0.46.0 1.7K #ast #plugin #swc-plugin #transform #import #realy #package
  21. react_remove_properties

    AST Transforms for import modularizer

    v0.26.0 1.7K #swc #import #plugin #ast #transform #modularizer
  22. remove_console

    AST Transforms for import modularizer

    v0.27.0 1.7K #swc-plugin #ast #import #transform #modularizer
  23. shotover

    API for building custom transforms

    v0.6.0 170 #transform #transformation #cassandra #connection #build #redis #kafka
  24. swc_ecma_compat_es2015

    ES2015 compatibility transforms

    v6.0.0 18K #typescript #javascript-compiler #compatibility #transform #es2015 #web #javascript-parser
  25. transforms

    A transform library to track reference frames and provide transforms between them

    v0.2.0 800 #transform #transformation #frame #robotics #coordinate #computer-vision #timestamp
  26. swc_ecma_transforms_classes

    Helper for transforms for the swc project

    v6.0.0 109K #javascript-compiler #typescript-compiler #javascript-parser #swc #transform #helper
  27. transformfs

    A read-only FUSE filesystem to transform the content of files with Lua

    v0.4.0 380 #file-content #filesystem #lua #fuse #transform #fs #file
  28. swc_transform_common

    Common utilities for swc transforms for any language

    v1.0.0 11K #swc #compiler #transform #typescript #javascript-compiler #web #babel
  29. rantz_spatial2d

    A set of 2D spatial utilities for Bevy, including handling transform propagation

    v3.1.2 1.2K #bevy #transform #propagation #spatial #2d #gamedev #game-engine
  30. p3-dft

    Discrete Fourier transforms

    v0.2.0 12K #fft #discrete-fourier #transform #dft
  31. sqltk

    Enhanced Visitor implementation for sqlparser

    v0.2.2 140 #ast-node #visitor #transform #cipher-stash #sql #analyze #cipherstash
  32. waffle

    Wasm Analysis Framework For Lightweight Experiments

    v0.1.1 140 #wasm-bytecode #wasm-framework #ir #analysis #ssa #transform #experiment
  33. swc_formatjs_transform

    formatjs custom transform visitor for SWC

    v3.0.0 350 #swc #formatjs #plugin #transform #visitor
  34. swc_ecma_compat_es2022

    ES2022 compatibility transforms

    v7.0.0 18K #typescript #javascript-compiler #es2022 #compatibility #swc #web #transform
  35. geomorph

    conversion between different coordinate systems

    v2.0.2 #geospatial #transformation #coordinates #transform #geo #wrapper
  36. modularize_imports

    AST Transforms for import modularizer

    v0.70.0 1.7K #swc-plugin #import #ast #transform #modularizer
  37. egui-gizmo

    3d transform gizmo for the egui library

    v0.16.2 1.5K #egui #gizmo #3d #rotation #transformation #transform #translation
  38. hallomai

    converter USFM<->USJ<->USX

    v0.1.5 450 #file-format #transform #json #marker #content #object #usfm
  39. tfhe-fft

    pure Rust high performance fast Fourier transform library

    v0.6.0 #fft #plan #transform #pure #ordered #performance #high
  40. swc_ecma_compat_es2017

    ES3 compatibility transforms

    v6.0.0 18K #javascript #typescript #javascript-compiler #swc #transform #compatibility #web
  41. tfhe-ntt

    pure Rust high performance number theoretic transform library

    v0.3.0 #ntt #arithmetic #transform #prime #pure #numbers #polynomial
  42. swc_ecma_compat_es2018

    ES2018 compatibility transforms

    v6.0.0 18K #javascript-compiler #swc #compatibility #es2018 #transform #web #javascript-parser
  43. fastcwt

    Rust-lang Continuous Wavelet Transform(CWT) library inspired by fCWT

    v0.1.9 600 #signal-processing #wavelet #transform #cwt #math
  44. swc-coverage-instrument

    Istanbul compatible coverage instrumentation visitor for SWC

    v0.0.24 #coverage #swc #instrumentation #compiler-plugin #swc-plugin #compatible #transform
  45. timberio/vector

    A lightweight and ultra-fast tool for building observability pipelines

    GitHub 0.43.0 #metrics #events #docs #transform #source #logs #observability
  46. icu_provider_source

    A data provider based on CLDR and ICU data

    v2.0.0-beta1 #icu #data-provider #source #cldr #marker #transform #icu4x
  47. fast-boolean-anf-transform

    Fast implementation of the boolean Algebraic Normal Form (ANF) transform

    v0.0.3 160 #boolean #transform #algebraic #forms #normal #form #unsigned-integer
  48. swc_ecma_compat_es2021

    ES2021 compatibility transforms

    v6.0.0 17K #typescript #javascript-compiler #swc #compatibility #javascript-parser #transform #es2021
  49. signal-transforms

    A comprehensive Rust library for discrete and wavelet transforms, including DCT, Dct_2d, DWT2, and more

    v0.1.4 170 #dct #transform #dct2 #discrete #signal #wavelet #cosine
  50. swc_magic

    AST transforms visitor for swc-magic

    v0.21.0 240 #swc-plugin #ast #transform #visitor
  51. codepack

    A *lightning-fast* tool that transforms a directory into a single, LLM-friendly text file, perfect for easy processing and analysis

    v0.8.1 #text-file #file-processing #directory #single #transform #txt-file #convert
  52. swc_ecma_compat_es2016

    ES3 compatibility transforms

    v6.0.0 18K #typescript-compiler #swc #compatibility #javascript-compiler #web #es3 #transform
  53. edt

    2D EDT (Euclidian distance transform) with Saito's algorithm in pure Rust

    v0.2.2 #image-processing #computer-vision #distance #transform #euclidean #2d #pure
  54. swc_ecma_compat_es2020

    ES2020 compatibility transforms

    v7.0.0 18K #typescript #es2020 #javascript #javascript-compiler #compatibility #transform #swc
  55. swc_ecma_compat_es3

    ES3 compatibility transforms

    v6.0.0 18K #typescript #javascript-compiler #typescript-compiler #swc #compatibility #es3 #transform
  56. swc_ecma_compat_es2019

    ES2019 compatibility transforms

    v6.0.0 17K #javascript-compiler #swc #typescript #es2019 #transform #web #compatibility
  57. sdfer

    SDF (Signed Distance Field) generation algorithms

    v0.2.1 470 #distance-field #sdf #transform #brute-force #signed #euclidean #generation
  58. kbo

    Spectral Burrows-Wheeler transform accelerated local alignment search

    v0.4.0 #query #sequence-alignment #local #reference #accelerated #spectral #transform
  59. bevy_easy_portals

    Bevy plugin for easy-to-use portals

    v0.3.0 #bevy #bevy-plugin #gamedev #portal #gizmo #camera #transform
  60. cubecl-opt

    Compiler optimizations for CubeCL

    v0.3.0 150 #compiler-optimization #gpu #compiler #control-flow #cubecl #transform #variables
  61. vegafusion-runtime

    VegaFusion Runtime

    v2.0.1 230 #data-fusion #expression #graph #run-time #task #vega #transform
  62. phastft

    A high-performance, quantum-inspired, implementation of FFT in pure Rust

    v0.2.1 260 #fft #discrete-fourier #transform #fourier #discrete #quantum
  63. cgats

    Parse, transform, and write CGATS color files

    v0.2.0 #color #write #ascii #xml-format #parser #transform #binary
  64. fftw

    safe wrapper of FFTW3

    v0.8.0 800 #fft #discrete-fourier #transform #bindings
  65. tf_rosrust

    port of the ROS tf library. It is intended for being used in robots to help keep track of multiple coordinate frames and is part of a larger suite of rust…

    v0.1.0 140 #ros #tf #robotics #transform
  66. datamorph-rs

    Data transformation library using declarative specifications

    v0.1.2 #transformation #data-transformation #transform #data #json #json-format #format
  67. bytes-inverse

    that provides order-inverting mapping for bytes where for any bytes a < b, we have map(a) > map(b)

    v0.1.2 #byte #map #mapping #order-inverting #transform #input
  68. operational-transform

    Operational Transformation

    v0.6.1 1.4K #collaborative #operational #transform #editing #cursor-position
  69. rettle

    A multithreaded ETL with inspiration drawn from Keras

    v2.0.0 #data-transformation #etl #multi-threading #data-source #brew #ingredient #transform
  70. bevy_mod_transform2d

    A 2D Transform component for The Bevy game-engine

    v0.7.0 #bevy #gamedev #transform #2d #game-engine #component #mod
  71. ac-power

    Reference frames and transforms for ac power analysis

    v0.1.0 #signal-processing #power #frame #transform #reference #ac #analysis
  72. plugin-request-interfaces

    Common description for plugin creation

    v0.11.1 1.1K #plugin #request-url #interface #transform #creation
  73. fffft

    Number theoretic transform for PrimeField types (from ff crate)

    v0.4.2 #fft #prime-field #transform #theoretic #ff #computation #parallel
  74. swc_prefresh

    AST Transforms for prefresh plugin

    v0.3.0 240 #swc #plugin #transform #ast #prefresh
  75. deno-bindgen2-common

    Common library used by the deno-bindgen2 project. Contains mainly implmenentations for parsing and transforming Rust source code.

    v1.0.1 200 #source #parser #transforming #transform #input #user #mainly
  76. sbwt

    Indexing sets of DNA k-mers with the spectral Burrow-Wheeler transform

    v0.3.7 350 #k-mer #dna #indexing #transform #structure #subset #sequence
  77. swc_sdk

    AST transforms visitor for swc-sdk

    v0.1.1 #transform #swc #visitor #ast
  78. ecoord

    transforming between 3D coordinate frames

    v0.0.1-alpha.4 140 #frame #coordinate #3d #transform #object #space #rotation
  79. swc_confidential

    AST transforms visitor for swc-confidential

    v0.21.0 240 #swc-plugin #ast #transform #visitor
  80. irox-carto

    Cartographic & Geospatial Library

    v0.6.2 #projection #coordinate #irox #country-code #coordinates #transform #epsg
  81. tf_r2r

    port of the ROS tf library. It is intended for being used in robots to help keep track of multiple coordinate frames and is part of a larger suite of rust libraries that provide support for…

    v0.2.0 #robotics #ros #tf #transform
  82. fftw-sys

    unsafe wrapper of FFTW3

    v0.8.0 1.0K #fft #unsafe #fftw #transform #computing #binding #fftw3
  83. coord_transforms

    performing coordinate transformations

    v1.4.0 120 #transformation #coordinates #geospatial #transform #linear-algebra
  84. vec-utils

    vector utilities

    v0.3.0 #vec #utilities #map #allocation #transform #reuse #experimental
  85. riker-patterns

    A collection of common actor patterns for Riker

    v0.4.2 #actor-system #actor-framework #actor-model #pattern #riker #transform #ask
  86. sheepit

    releasing projects 🚀

    v0.3.1 #version #config-file #projects #releasing #toml #transform #git
  87. riimut

    Transform latin letters to runes & vice versa

    v1.2.1 #futhark #runes #latin #alphabet #letter #transform #runic
  88. bitshifter/mathbench

    Comparing performance of Rust math libraries for common 3D game and graphics tasks

    GitHub 0.4.2 #benchmark #linear-algebra #transform #matrix #performance #different #game
  89. fcwt

    Fast Continuous Wavelet Transforms

    v0.1.3 130 #signal-processing #fft #wavelet #transform #continuous #analysis #scale
  90. ruby-math

    3D math library for games and graphics

    v0.2.2 #math #color #geometry #sampling #transform #vec2f #vec4f
  91. iltcme

    Inverse Laplace transform with concentrated matrix-exponential functions

    v0.2.2 #transform #inverse #laplace #math #concentrated #functions #inverse-laplace-transform
  92. transform-stream

    Lightweight async stream wrapper

    v0.3.0 7.5K #async-stream #async #transform
  93. sleekfft_rs

    A high performance FFT library for power of 2 signal sizes

    v0.0.2 #fft #transform #signal #power #performance #size #high
  94. harlaw

    Transform DSL files to JSON. Formatting options available for custom output.

    v1.1.1 #dsl #json #dictionary #transform #json-file #json-format
  95. transformer

    Easily transform your structs

    v0.1.0 #structs #transform #struct
  96. nnf

    Negation Normal Form manipulation library

    v0.1.0 #forms #normal #expression-tree #cnf #conversion #negation #transform
  97. struct_derive

    automatically apply function on certain type of struct

    v0.2.1 #struct #automatic #apply #derive #generate #transform
  98. casey

    Case transforming macros for ident tokens

    v0.4.0 13K #lower-case #snake-case #upper-case #macro #pascal #ident #transform
  99. reactor_spatial

    A set of 2D spatial utilities for Bevy, including handling transform propagation

    v1.0.0 #transform #bevy #spatial #propagation #gamedev #2d #game-engine
  100. wasm-edit

    Edit and instrument already compiled Wasm binaries

    v0.1.7 270 #wasm #instrument #edit #transform #call
  101. kq

    A jq-like cli tool that can query and transform kdl right in the command line

    v1.0.6 #kdl #transform #document #query #command-line #cli-tool #config
  102. floretta

    Automatic differentiation for WebAssembly

    v0.2.0 430 #automatic-differentiation #wasm #export #local #transform #square #backward
  103. muslib

    music synthesis and processing, inspired by Essentia

    v0.1.1 #fft #music #processing #transform #harmonic #synthesis #class
  104. markdown_to_docs

    Transforms github flavored markdown to markdown suitable for docs.rs

    v1.0.0 #markdown #transform #docs #github
  105. muter

    converting data between various formats and encodings

    v0.7.0 #data #encoding #hex #format #byte #converting #transform
  106. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  107. snitch-transform

    JSON data transformation lib used by snitch components

    v0.0.6 #json #obfuscate #transform #replace #snitch #data-transformation #data-manipulation
  108. jellyschema

    Configuration DSL

    v0.11.10 #json-schema #validate-json #ui #dsl #jelly #transform #parse
  109. affine_transforms

    (Pre Release Package) Does linear transformations in R3

    v0.3.0 #transformation #linear #transform #affine #matrix #linear-algebra #vector
  110. asciiforger

    transforming images in an ascii string

    v0.3.0 #ascii #jpeg #image #png #transform #jpg #encoding
  111. image-watcher

    CLI tool

    v0.0.23 #image #config-file #compile #transform #cli #tool #source
  112. json_errors

    Transforms popular crates' errors into JSON errors. Aimed to be used with Rocket.

    v0.5.5 #json-error #rocket #transform #popular #aimed #reqwest #diesel
  113. dft

    The package provides an algorithm to compute the discrete Fourier transform

    v0.5.5 440 #fft #discrete-fourier #transform #fourier #compute #data #science
  114. specs_transform

    transform 2d and 3d component for specs

    v0.5.0 #2d-3d #specs #transform #3d #2d
  115. bevy_mod_2d_hierarchy

    Bevy plugin for more ergonomic 2d

    v0.3.1 #transform #2d #bevy #render #game #graphics
  116. trans-case

    Transform case

    v0.1.0 #text #case #transform
  117. swc_constify

    AST Transforms for swc constify plugin

    v0.36.0 270 #swc #plugin #ast #constify #transform
  118. wd2sql

    Transform a Wikidata JSON dump into an SQLite database

    v0.1.0 #sqlite #wikidata #dump #json #transform #id #queries
  119. jsonto

    json string to frequently used programming languages type, it's lightweight and fast

    v0.1.1 #json #transform #type #programming-language
  120. deno_node_transform

    Deno to Node/canonical TypeScript transform

    v0.6.0 #deno #npm-package #typescript #transform #build #build-tool #node-canonical
  121. svgr-rs

    transform SVG into React components

    v0.2.0 190 #svg #component #react #transform #svgr #swc #rewritten
  122. xfft

    Fast Fourier Transforms

    v0.2.1 #fft #transform #fourier
  123. csv-sanity

    Sanitize and transform large CSVs with millions of records quickly and efficiently

    v0.1.0 #csv #records #transform #sanity #ruleset #quickly #sanitize
  124. kyte

    Extensible mechanics for operational transformation in Rust that are generic with respect to their value (not constrained to text), wire-compatible with Quill and fully fuzzed

    v0.1.0 #transformation #value #mechanics #generic #extensible #transform #constrained
  125. phantun

    Transforms UDP stream into (fake) TCP streams that can go through Layer 3 & Layer 4 (NAPT) firewalls/NATs

    v0.6.0 #tcp-udp #tcp-stream #layer #transform #fake #go #napt
  126. yfft

    fast Fourier transform library optimized for small, power-of-two, single precision transforms and x86 systems

    v0.1.0 #fft #transform #fourier #dsp #dft
  127. swc_plugin_transform_imports

    SWC plugin for https://www.npmjs.com/package/babel-plugin-transform-imports

    v0.13.2 #transform #package #com #plugin #babel-plugin-transform-imports #npmjs #swc-plugin
  128. czt

    The package provides an algorithm to compute the chirp Z-transform

    v0.3.7 #transform #compute #chirp #z-transform #algorithm
  129. hilbert_transform

    Hilbert Transformation like Matlab/Octave hilbert function

    v0.1.1 800 #hilbert #transform #signals #demodulation
  130. hilbert_curve_generator

    A WIP Hilbert Space-Filling Curve Coordinate Generator

    v0.1.2 #hilbert-curve #coordinates #generator #space-filling #transform #skilling #brgc
  131. kombi

    A Parser Combinator Library

    v0.2.2 #parser-combinator #batteries #iterator #transform #iterator-based #together #value
  132. rustros_tf

    port of the ROS tf library. It is intended for being used in robots to help keep track of multiple coordinate frames and is part of a larger suite of rust…

    v0.1.0 #ros #robotics #tf #transform
  133. inline_newtype

    newtype macro inspired by kotlin's inline class

    v0.1.1 #newtype #inline #kotlin #class #macro #field #transform
  134. kind-checker

    Type checker for the kind compiler

    v0.1.3 #compiler #kind #checker #language #report #transform #version
  135. macro-rules-rt

    Transforms text or TokenStream using Rust's macro_rules syntax

    v0.1.1 #macro-rules #transform #syntax #token-stream #text
  136. every-range

    Iterator for interleaving included and excluded ranges

    v0.1.0 #range #replace #transform
  137. recycle

    Transform Box, Vec and HashMap while recycling the backing memory if possible

    v0.1.0 #memory #backing #hash-map #vec #box #transform #chat
  138. no_error

    an error library for no_std

    v0.0.2 #error #no-alloc #string #no-std #string-literal #transform #text
  139. fftw-src

    Source of FFTW

    v0.8.0 550 #fft #fftw #transform #download #computing #compiling #pre-compiled
  140. conform

    Macro to transform struct string fields in place

    v0.0.2 #string #api #fields #transform #place #struct #macro
  141. blinkstick-rs

    interacting with any BlinkStick device

    v0.3.2 #devices #color #blink-stick #blinkstick #led #pulse #transform
  142. webelements

    A macro that transforms html to rust code

    v0.1.1 #web #transform #html #macro #web-element #wasm-bindgen #elem
  143. signed_distance_fields

    SDFs (signed distance fields) and some operators to play with these SDFs

    v1.0.6 #sdf #distance-field #signed #operator #primitive #circle #transform
  144. svtc

    convert SCSS variables into CSS variables

    v0.1.1 #variables #sass #css #transform #convert
  145. libribzip2

    a bzip2 library written in pure rust

    v0.5.0 #bzip2 #algorithm #table #pure #transform #multi-threading #stream
  146. paxcii

    Transform images and videos to ascii

    v0.5.1 #video #image #ascii #transform #webcam #default #nokhwa
  147. pseudolocalize

    Pseudolocalization crate for Rust

    v0.3.1 #pseudolocalization #letter #transform #tool #ascii #string #characters
  148. ohnomore-utils

    Transformation utilities for TüBa-D/Z lemmas

    v0.5.0 #pipeline #transformation #ohnomore #utilities #lemmas #transform #processing
  149. evobox

    A pointer type which allows for safe transformations of its content without reallocation

    v0.1.1 #heap #box #transform #map
  150. dw-transform

    deskwatch data transform

    v0.1.0 #transform #data #deskwatch
  151. mulberry

    Coordinate transformation tree with a focus on efficiency

    v0.1.0 #transform #robotics #tree #focus #transformation #coordinate
  152. rijksdriehoek

    Convert coordinates between rijksdriehoek and wgs84

    v0.1.0 #wgs84 #coordinates #transform #rd
  153. ducc0

    Wrapping ducc, the Distinctly Useful Code Collection

    v0.30.1 #fft #transform #fourier #performance #fast
  154. planar

    Strongly typed planar geometry

    v0.1.2 #geometry #typed #position #transform #points #width #scale
  155. rbt3

    Rigid body transform

    v0.1.1 #rigid-body #rigid #body #transform
  156. betareduction

    Beta reduction of Aleph Syntax Tree to AST

    v0.1.0 #beta #reduction #transform #ast #aleph #syntax #tree
  157. hough_circle_transform_for_cme

    Search for circles in the image using houghs transform and output either the parameters of the circles or an image with the circles drawn. Meant to be used for TIRF-SIM microscoped CME cell processes.

    v0.1.3 #circle #transform #image #output #search #parameters #cell
  158. swc-formatjs-visitor

    formatjs custom transform visitor for SWC

    v0.0.2 #swc #visitor #transform #formatjs
  159. struct-map

    struct transform map or map transform struct

    v0.1.1 #map #transform #struct
  160. rft

    FFT handling library

    v0.1.0 #fft #audio #transform #size #input #algorithm #shitty
  161. coord-transform


    v0.1.0 #transform #coord #coord-transform #基于rust实现的百度、高德、wgs84的互转转换 #基于rust的高德、百度、wgs84互相转换算法
  162. fisher-rs

    Fisher Transform In Rust

    v0.1.0 #transform #fisher #signal
  163. tgo

    Heterogeneous data type transtion, it's safe, lightweight and fast

    v0.1.0 #schema #transform #type #low-code #tool
  164. image_ascii

    transform images into ASCII art. Both into text and images consisting of letters.

    v0.1.1 #ascii-art #image #text-image #font #image-generator #letter #transform
  165. mona

    Transform nested container types

    v0.1.0 #type #nested #container #transform
  166. risc0-zkp-core

    RISC Zero zero-knowledge proof system core crate

    v0.10.0 #finite-fields #zero-knowledge-proofs #numbers #zk-stark #risc #virtual-machine #transform
  167. ot-rs

    OT (Operational Transform) 算法 Rust 实现

    v0.1.0 #transform #ot #operational #算法 #实现
  168. oatie

    Operational transform library

    v0.3.0 #transform #text #editor #collaborative #documentation #operational #wasm
  169. vecn

    A procedural macro that transforms user-defined structs into general vector types

    v0.2.1 #vector #macro #transform #user-defined #structs #type #proc-macro
  170. flipfile

    Flip the bytes in multiple files

    v0.7.2 #byte #data #cli #flip #multiple #transform #default
  171. discrete_transforms

    Discrete Transforms

    v0.1.3 #transform #discrete #1d #dct #2d #haar #object
  172. dt

    distance transform

    v1.0.6 #distance #ndarray #transform #euclidean #computing #compute #distance-transform
  173. tnodetree

    transform-based node tree with relative and absolute transforms, generic over type of transform and item contained

    v0.1.0 #transform #node #node-tree #relative #absolute #generic #contained