
  1. log

    A lightweight logging facade for Rust

    v0.4.22 12.6M #logging #facade #structured #info #trace #warn #consumer
  2. tracexec

    Tracer for execve{,at} and pre-exec behavior, launcher for debuggers

    v0.8.0 400 #ptrace #exec #execve #trace #utility #tui #build-system
  3. tracing-tracy

    Inspect tracing-enabled Rust applications with Tracy

    v0.11.3 28K #profiling #tracing #tracy #observability #applications #profiler #trace
  4. cargo-instruments

    Profile binary targets on macOS using Xcode Instruments

    v0.4.10 150 #macos #profiling #cargo-subcommand #xcode #trace
  5. aws-sdk-xray

    AWS SDK for AWS X-Ray

    v1.51.0 500 #amazon-web-services #web-services #aws-sdk #service #x-ray #trace #operation
  6. gix-trace

    provide minimal tracing support that can be turned off to zero cost

    v0.1.11 532K #tracing #git #version-control #gix #operations #level #trace
  7. lurk-cli

    lurk is a pretty (simple) alternative to strace

    v0.3.9 340 #syscalls #strace #trace #call #output #process #command-line-tool
  8. tracing-opentelemetry-instrumentation-sdk

    A set of helpers to build OpenTelemetry instrumentation based on tracing crate

    v0.24.0 176K #open-telemetry #tracing #instrumentation #spans #logging-tracing #helper #trace
  9. dlt_parse

    parsing the "Diagnostic Log and Trace" network protocol (currently without payload interpretation)

    v0.10.0 100 #network-protocol #packet-parser #dlt #diagnostics #header-parser #log #trace
  10. itf

    consuming Apalache ITF traces

    v0.2.4 1.1K #trace #apalache #serialization #debugging
  11. tracelogging

    TraceLogging for Rust

    v1.2.2 280 #event-logging #logging #etw #trace #compile-time #api-bindings #winapi
  12. prima-tracing

    Prima.it opentelemetry standard library

    v0.14.1 4.0K #tracing-subscriber #logging-tracing #open-telemetry #datadog #trace #json #standard
  13. si_trace_print

    stack indented trace printing; a rust library to print messages indented to stack depth optionally preceded by the function name

    v0.3.12 280 #stack-trace #trace #debugging #print #debugger #computer-science
  14. nom-tracable

    Extension of nom to trace parser

    v0.9.1 7.7K #nom #tracing #parser #call #count #trace #histogram
  15. libipt

    The Intel Processor Trace (Intel PT) Decoder Library is Intel's reference implementation for decoding Intel PT

    v0.2.1-beta.1 2.1K #intel #decoder #decoding #processor #trace #reference #pt
  16. nom-tracer

    Extension of nom to trace parser execution

    v1.0.1 400 #nom #trace #parser-combinator #parser #debug #debugging
  17. opentelemetry-stackdriver

    opentelemetry exporter that uploads traces to Google Stackdriver trace

    v0.24.0 1.1K #open-telemetry #spans #google #trace #exporter #tracing #grpc
  18. netem-trace

    generating network emulation trace

    v0.3.6 #trace #emulation #model #networking #utility
  19. sk-driver

    SimKube simulation runner job

    v2.0.0 #kubernetes #simulation #runner #events #sim-kube #trace #component
  20. qlog

    qlog data model for QUIC and HTTP/3

    v0.13.0 23K #quic #http-3 #data-model #events #logging #protocols #trace
  21. sk-ctrl

    Kubernetes controller for replaying traces in a simulated cluster

    v2.0.0 #kubernetes-cluster #simulation #trace #simulated #environment #controller #events
  22. swc_typescript

    Proc macro for performance trace of swc

    v5.0.0 9.9K #typescript-compiler #swc #performance #javascript-compiler #trace #proc-macro #web
  23. venator-app

    A log and trace viewer for Rust tracing

    v0.2.2 460 #tracing #log-viewer #logging-tracing #trace #spans #venator #applications
  24. dlt-core

    Parser and writer for autosar DLT Diagnostic Log and Trace

    v0.17.0 410 #dlt #diagnostics #log-parser #trace #log-messages #binary-parser #serialization
  25. sk-tracer

    SimKube trace collection agent

    v2.0.0 #kubernetes #trace #simulation #agent #collection #component #sim-kube
  26. tracy-client-sys

    Low level bindings to the client libraries for the Tracy profiler

    v0.24.2 84K #profiling #low-level #tracy #tracing #client #profiler #trace
  27. opentelemetry-user-events-logs

    OpenTelemetry-Rust exporter to userevents

    v0.8.0 #user-events #open-telemetry #trace #log #linux-kernel #event-logging #userspace
  28. tracelite

    An alternative to the tracing crate which is specialized for OpenTelemetry traces

    v0.1.15 1.6K #trace #specialized #open-telemetry #tracing
  29. tracing-tape-recorder

    Tracing subscriber layer for the tracing-tape format

    v0.1.1 270 #recorder #tracing #tracing-subscriber #tape #trace #format #layer
  30. init-tracing-opentelemetry

    A set of helpers to initialize (and more) tracing + opentelemetry (compose your own or use opinionated preset)

    v0.25.0 15K #open-telemetry #tracing #initialization #instrumentation #logging #trace #tracing-subscriber
  31. pai-strace

    A strace-like tool created using pai

    v0.1.8 440 #syscalls #strace #trace
  32. xentrace-parser

    A XenTrace files parser with a study purpose

    v2.1.0 1.4K #parser #binary-parser #xen #trace #analyzer #binary-file #events
  33. jaegercat

    A handy command line tool showing traces emitted by Jaeger clients

    v0.2.1 210 #jaeger #command-line-tool #trace #clients #emitted #handy #debugging
  34. errore

    error handling and tracing

    v0.4.1 440 #error #derive-error #trace #tracing #error-handling #derive
  35. nauty-pet

    Canonical graph labelling using nauty/Traces and petgraph

    v0.12.1 1.0K #graph #graph-algorithms #petgraph #nauty #trace #canonical #forms
  36. nauty-Traces-sys

    Low-level bindings for nauty and Traces

    v0.8.0 600 #nauty-traces-sys #graph-algorithms #trace #nauty #low-level #automorphisms #group #computing
  37. opentelemetry-etw-logs

    OpenTelemetry logs exporter to ETW (Event Tracing for Windows)

    v0.6.0 #open-telemetry #etw #trace #log #event-logging #windows-event #package
  38. sigma-trace

    Monitor Linux executables with an interface easier than strace(1)

    v0.0.3 280 #strace #linux #executable #trace #monitor #interface #command
  39. sk-api

    SimKube API definitions

    v2.0.0 #kubernetes #api #simulation #definition #sim-kube #trace #environment
  40. Htrace

    tracing system

    v1.0.2 240 #htrace #trace #tracing #logging #log #write-file
  41. stm32mp25-rgmii-gtx-clock-delay

    calibrate RGMII GTX clock delay on STM32MP2

    v0.6.3 190 #clock #delay #gtx #rgmii #benchmark #stm32mp2 #trace
  42. tracelogging_dynamic

    TraceLoggingDynamic for Rust

    v1.2.2 160 #trace-logging #event-logging #logging #api-bindings #etw #trace #windows-event
  43. chuchi

    Http async library based on hyper and tokio

    v0.1.3 #http-server #async-http #websocket #hyper-server #http2 #hyper-http #trace
  44. functiontrace-server

    The server component that FunctionTrace (functiontrace.com) clients will spawn and connect to

    v0.8.0 #python-module #process #trace #component #com #hook #information
  45. alloc-track

    Track memory allocations by backtrace or originating thread

    v0.3.1 140 #memory-leaks #memory #alloc #leak #segmentation #trace #memory-management
  46. sk-store

    SimKube trace store library

    v2.0.0 #kubernetes #trace #simulation #events #component #resources #pod
  47. zipkin

    collecting timing information about distributed computations

    v0.4.2 140 #distributed-tracing #tracing #spans #trace #distributed-systems #timing #trace-logging
  48. eventheader

    Rust API for eventheader-encoded Linux Tracepoints via user_events

    v0.4.0 340 #linux-kernel #user-events #trace-points #linux #trace-logging #trace #logging
  49. app-tracer

    Monitoring / benchmarking of long running applications ie: server processes, streaming apps. Both CLI and TUI. (Use app-benchmark for benchmarking one-time run apps).

    v0.7.2 #long-running #cpu-memory #monitoring #trace #monitor #benchmark #observability
  50. tracing-tape-parser

    Parser for the tracing-tape format

    v0.1.1 100 #tracing #parser #tape #trace #format #tracing-tape #recorder
  51. ptrace-do

    Featureful library for interacting with unix processes through ptrace, supports x86_64, i686, arm, aarch64 remote function calls

    v0.1.2 #ptrace #hacking #android #trace #linux
  52. sk-core

    SimKube core libraries

    v2.0.0 200 #kubernetes #simulation #trace #events #sim-kube #pod #format
  53. eventheader_dynamic

    Rust API for runtime-specified eventheader-encoded Linux Tracepoints via user_events

    v0.4.0 180 #user-events #trace-points #trace-logging #logging #trace #eventheader #scripting-language
  54. tracing-perfetto-sdk-layer

    A provider of tracing layers for tracing-subscriber using the native C++ Perfetto SDK

    v0.11.0 2.6K #tracing-layer #tracing-subscriber #sdk #trace #perfetto #native #write
  55. spftrace

    tracing SPF queries

    v0.3.0 #spf #dns #ip-address #dns-query #domain #email #trace
  56. mick-jaeger

    Rust client for sending traces to a Jaeger server

    v0.1.8 22K #jaeger #trace #spans #client #sending #server-client #request
  57. mantra-rust-macros

    macros to create requirement traces and coverage logs for the mantra framework

    v0.6.1 #requirements #proc-macro #mantra #coverage #logging-framework #req #trace
  58. tracing-print

    println format for tracing-subscriber

    v0.0.3 490 #tracing-subscriber #format #info #print #message #warn #trace
  59. sparkles-parser

    Parser for sparkles tracing library

    v0.0.4 350 #sparkles #tracing #byte-stream #parser #perfetto #convert #trace
  60. async-log

    Async tracing capabilities for the log crate

    v2.0.0 1.2K #log-messages #logging-tracing #log #logging #spans #async #trace
  61. adlt

    tools to handle automotive DLT- (diagnostic log and trace) files

    v0.33.2 #dlt #automotive #trace #log #analysis #logging #file-sorting
  62. onesignal-tracing-tail-sample

    Tail sampling support for tracing with OpenTelemetry

    v0.2.2 #open-telemetry #tracing #sampling #tail #spans #trace #data
  63. tracing-modality

    tracing Layer (and Subscriber) for emitting trace data to Auxon Modality

    v0.3.0 250 #tracing-layer #logging-tracing #modality #trace #auxon #events #subscriber
  64. swc_trace_macro

    Proc macro for performance trace of swc

    v2.0.0 138K #typescript-compiler #javascript-compiler #proc-macro #swc #performance #trace #web
  65. mantra-lang-tracing

    Contains functionality needed to collect requirement traces from code or plain text files for the mantra framework

    v0.6.1 120 #plain-text #requirements #trace #ast #collect #framework #link
  66. trace

    A procedural macro for tracing the execution of functions

    v0.1.7 1.8K #tracing #proc-macro #debugging #statement #execution #functions #procedural
  67. trace-err

    A small extension to the tracing crate, which provides a single method 'trace_expect()' for Result<T, E> and Option<T>

    v0.1.1 190 #tracing #logging #logging-tracing #error-logging #extension #single #trace
  68. socc-pair

    compares local minidump-stackwalk output to socorro (crash-stats.mozilla.org)

    v0.2.1 #crash-reporting #testing-debugging #crash-reports #trace #firefox #stack-trace #local
  69. dmacro

    define C-like debug trace macro: enter!() and leave!()

    v0.1.9 #trace #macro #debugging #log-debug #log #debugging-logging #function-macro
  70. rs_tracing

    trace events in the trace event format

    v1.1.0 1.8K #trace #chrome #profiler #events #profiling #format #trace-event
  71. loggers


    v0.1.1 120 #log-level #logger #info #debugging #hello-world #set #trace
  72. tracing-perfetto-sdk-sys

    Native C++ bindings for the Perfetto SDK used by tracing-perfetto-sdk

    v0.11.0 2.0K #sdk #trace #bindings #tracing #perfetto #native #safe
  73. mantra-rust-trace

    Collects requirement traces from rust code for the mantra framework

    v0.6.1 400 #requirements #trace #mantra #framework #req #collect #set
  74. android_trace_log

    handling Android trace logs created with Debug.startMethodTracing

    v0.3.0 550 #android #trace #parser #log-parser #debugging
  75. http-zipkin

    HTTP header propagation for Zipkin trace information

    v0.4.0 170 #http-header #distributed-tracing #zipkin #tracing #http-request #trace #distributed-systems
  76. backtrace-sys

    Bindings to the libbacktrace gcc library

    v0.1.37 26K #backtrace #gcc #bindings #libbacktrace #trace #run-time #interface
  77. pai

    Process Analyzer and Instrumenter

    v0.1.11 #debugging #syscalls #instrumentation #strace #trace
  78. opentelemetry-nats

    Convenience functions for propagating OpenTelemetry traces on NATS messages

    v0.2.0 1.8K #nats #open-telemetry #trace #distributed #message #platform
  79. hawktracer-converter

    Converts HawkTracer output format to human-readable/well-known trace event viewers format

    v0.2.0 #output-format #flame-graph #tracing #trace #events #converter #binary-format
  80. trace-tools

    Tracing and diagnostic tools for tasks

    v0.3.0 #tracing-subscriber #task #trace #tokio-task #async-task #iota #tangle
  81. ts_opentelemetry_api

    fork of opentelemetry-rust

    v0.20.0-beta.1 #open-telemetry #trace #observability #trace-logging #metrics #instrument #logging-tracing
  82. embedded-trace

    A Future tracing utility for embedded systems

    v0.2.2 #async-task #future #tracing #async #trace #execution-time #futures
  83. cannonball

    QEMU tracing framework

    v0.2.6 #qemu #tracing #unix-socket #emulation #framework #trace #sockets
  84. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  85. log-instrument

    Offers an attribute procedural macro that adds log::trace! events at the start and end of attributed functions

    v0.3.0 1.7K #trace #log #events #proc-macro #attributes #debugging #instrument
  86. ftrace

    trace files and paths

    v0.2.1 #strace #syscalls #trace #fs #file #sockets
  87. sp-tracing

    Instrumentation primitives and macros for Substrate

    v17.0.1 297K #substrate #tracing #spans #trace #identifier #primitive #fields
  88. tide-trace

    Minimum overhead USDT middleware to dynamically trace tide with BPF or DTrace

    v0.5.0 #tide #usdt #dtrace #middleware #trace #bpf #dynamically
  89. eztrace

    Zero-fuss debug tracing macro

    v0.2.0 #debugging #trace #dev #tracing #macro #zero-fuss
  90. calltrace

    A service to structure your call traces (call stacks)

    v0.1.12 #call-stack #trace #context #service #structure #programs #line
  91. tracing-browser-subscriber

    A tracing subscriber for the browser and webassembly

    v0.2.0 #tracing-subscriber #browser #timing #spans #trace #record #wasm
  92. gpu-trace-perf

    Plays a collection of GPU traces under different environments to evaluate driver changes on performance

    v1.3.1 #trace #driver #performance #gpu #different #graphics #tooling
  93. alloy-rpc-types-trace

    Types for the trace Ethereum JSON-RPC namespace

    v0.8.0 77K #trace #ethereum #json-rpc #namespaces #alloy #blockchain
  94. libtracecmd

    Rust wrapper of libtracecmd

    v0.2.1 #linux #trace #events #syscalls #ftrace #analyze #data
  95. ya-packet-trace

    tracking VPN packets in yagna

    v0.1.0 310 #vpn #packets #tracing #trace #ts #target #hash
  96. uptrace

    OpenTelemetry Rust distribution for Uptrace

    v0.19.0 #open-telemetry #distribution #trace #metrics #system #dsn #token
  97. chuchi-ssr

    Run javascript ssr in rust

    v0.1.1 #chuchi #ssr #request #server #root #trace #javascript
  98. ultimate

    Rust libraries

    v0.1.0 #error #web #config #pwd #trace #db #token
  99. app-benchmark

    Benchmarking for one-shot applicaitions - running on top of GNU Time app. (Use app-tracer for long running processes like servers, streaming).

    v0.3.0 #benchmark #trace #tracing #monitor #observability #long-running
  100. rahat3062_pool

    efficient thread pool for Rust.❤️

    v0.1.0 #thread-pool #worker #worker-thread #jobs #execute #trace #send
  101. basic_log

    A basic logging crate for Rust

    v0.2.0 #log #basic #logging #settings #trace #debugging #logger-settings
  102. aver

    A dead simple logging library for rust

    v0.1.5 #logging #log-level #colors #dead #error #syntax #trace
  103. honeycomb-tracing

    please use https://crates.io/crates/tracing-honeycomb instead

    v0.2.1 #honeycomb #tracing #trace #conventions #naming #updated #align
  104. opentelemetry_api

    OpenTelemetry is a metrics collection and distributed tracing framework

    v0.20.0 1.1M #distributed-tracing #open-telemetry #metrics-collection #observability #logging-tracing #prometheus-metrics #trace
  105. cs-trace

    Tracing utilities

    v0.14.0 #trace #tracing #utilities #utils #logs #logging
  106. trace2

    A proc macro for tracing the execution of functions, similar to trace crate, but thread safe and use log

    v0.1.0 #thread-safe #proc-macro #trace #execution #tracing #log #functions
  107. dzl

    logging. It is simple and easy to use :)

    v0.2.1 #logging #log #debugging #logging-library #trace #info
  108. scoped-trace

    Collect scoped backtraces

    v0.1.0 #trace #backtrace #scoped #tree #bounds #define #execution
  109. zipkin-types

    Type definitions for Zipkin distributed trace information

    v0.1.0 4.8K #zipkin #tracing #trace #distributed #information #distributed-tracing #types
  110. qwsak

    quakeworld swiss army knife, a collection of usefull functionalities

    v0.2.0 #quake-world #quake #army #knife #swiss #trace #command
  111. track

    struct data modifications

    v0.1.0 #modification #change #monitor #trace
  112. riftrace

    interacting with Ftrace Linux kernel internal tracer

    v0.1.1 #ftrace #tracer #linux-kernel #function-tracer #internal #trace #tracing
  113. ezcrash

    Zero-fuss debug tracing macro

    v0.1.0 #debug #trace #dev
  114. processortrace

    set-up Intel processor trace for getting raw trace data

    v0.0.3 #trace #processor #x86-64 #hardware #x86
  115. mdbook-trace

    A traceable document preprocessor for mdbook

    v0.1.1 #mdbook #preprocessor #trace #document #target #traceable #footnotes
  116. cargo-ngrok

    Use ngrok traces to drive your development process

    v0.1.2 #trace #ngrok #drive #process #cargo #concepts #github
  117. fullerror

    Error type that shows the full source tree

    v1.0.0 #error #trace #error-handling
  118. tracing_facade

    facade for tracing

    v0.1.0 500 #tracing #facade #events #trace
  119. cargo-rtic-scope

    RTIC Scope backend

    v0.1.0-alpha.1 #rtic #target #trace #applications #cargo #cortex-m #back-end
  120. nom-tracable-macros

    Helper crate of nom-tracable

    v0.9.1 7.8K #nom #parser #trace #nom-tracable #extension #tracable-parser #helper
  121. anyhow_trace

    Macro which adds source location as context to anyhow errors

    v0.1.3 190 #anyhow #context #trace #source #location #macro #stack
  122. jtracing

    Tracing utilites

    v0.1.7 #tracing #trace #jtracing #utilites
  123. tracelog

    trace and log

    v0.1.0 #backtrace #logging #trace #programmatically
  124. gh-action-trace

    CLI to create traces for GitHub Action runs by retrieving Action runs metadata from the GitHub API

    v0.2.0 #trace #github-action #jaeger #ci #github-api #github-actions
  125. path

    IP based connection identification and tracing

    v0.8.2 #connection #tracking #identification #trace
  126. thread_profiler

    A thread profiling library that outputs profiles in the chromium trace format

    v0.3.0 1.5K #profiler #trace #thread #format #profile #info #chromium
  127. futures-poll-log

    trace poll calls on futures

    v1.0.1 #log #log-debug #debugging #trace #logging
  128. linera-alloy-rpc-types-trace

    Ethereum RPC trace types

    v0.1.0 900 #trace #ethereum #types #alloy
  129. tralloc

    trace allocations and deallocations

    v0.1.1 #allocator #debugging #allocations #trace #deallocation #activate #global-allocator